917 resultados para Perceived Environment
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Background: Identifying environmental factors that can influence physical activity is a public health priority. We examined associations of perceived environmental attributes with walking for four different purposes: general neighborhood walking, walking for exercise, walking for pleasure, and walking to get to and from places. Methods: Participants (n =399; 57% women) were surveyed by mail. They reported place of residence, walking behaviors, and perceptions of neighborhood environmental attributes. Results: Men with the most positive perceptions of neighborhood aesthetics were significantly more likely (odds ratio [OR] =7.4) to be in the highest category of neighborhood walking. Men who perceived the weather as not inhibiting their walking were much more likely (OR= 4.7) to be high exercise walkers. Women who perceived the weather as not inhibiting their walking were significantly more likely to be high neighborhood walkers (OR=3.8) and those with moderate perceptions of accessibility were much more likely to do more walking for pleasure (OR=3.5). Conclusions: Different environmental attributes were associated with different types of walking and these differed between men and women. Approaches to increasing physical activity might usefully focus on those attributes of the local environment that might influence particular subsets of walking behavior.
Compared to people with a high socioeconomic status, those with a lower socioeconomic status are more likely to perceive their neighbourhood as unattractive and unsafe, which is associated with their lower levels of physical activity. Agreement between objective and perceived environmental factors is often found to be moderate or low, so it is questionable to what extent ‘creating supportive neighbourhoods’ would change neighbourhood perceptions. This study among residents (N=814) of fourteen neighbourhoods in the city of Eindhoven (the Netherlands), investigated to what extent socioeconomic differences in perceived neighbourhood safety and perceived neighbourhood attractiveness can be explained by five domains of objective neighbourhood features (i.e. design, traffic safety, social safety, aesthetics, and destinations), and to what extent other factors may play a role. Unfavourable neighbourhood perceptions of low socioeconomic groups partly reflected their actual less aesthetic and less safe neighbourhoods, and partly their perceptions of low social neighbourhood cohesion and adverse psychosocial circumstances.
La moyenne pancanadienne des infirmières qui quittent leur emploi dans la première année d’embauche est de 19,9% (O’Brien-Pallas, 2010). Ce taux représente un coût important puisqu’on estime que l’embauche d’une nouvelle infirmière engendre des frais de formation de l’ordre de 30 000$ (Hayes, 2007). Le présent mémoire repose sur l’idée que le leadership des infirmières chefs et la nature de leurs interventions de gestion jouent un rôle important dans la rétention des infirmières sur les unités ce qui, à son tour, contribue à l’amélioration et au maintien d’un environnement de travail sain qui favorise l’adaptation aux changements organisationnels et opérationnels (Cummings, 2005). Selon une perspective environnementale d’analyse des systèmes organisationnels, cette situation implique que le bon fonctionnement de l’établissement de santé dépend de la capacité à « acquérir et maintenir les ressources », (Pfeffer, 2003 p.2) incluant les ressources humaines. L’objectif de ce mémoire est d’analyser l’influence de la culture organisationnelle et du type de leadership des infirmières chefs sur deux variables soit l’intention de quitter le poste actuel et la qualité perçue du milieu des infirmières soignantes. Cette étude quantitative s’appuie sur un devis corrélationnel. Afin d’assurer la représentativité, un échantillonnage probabiliste a été utilisé. Le biostatisticien de l’Ordre des Infirmières et Infirmiers du Québec (OIIQ) a fourni les noms et coordonnées de 1000 infirmières qui travaillent sur les unités de soins des quatre hôpitaux ciblés par l’étude. L’analyse des données a permis d’identifier quatre relations causales. Une relation a ainsi été établie entre la culture organisationnelle et le type de leadership utilisé. Ensuite une relation a été établie entre la culture organisationnelle et la qualité perçue du milieu. La relation suivante est entre le type de leadership utilisé et la qualité perçue du milieu par les infirmières soignantes. Finalement, l’effet médiateur du leadership résonnant entre la culture organisationnelle et la qualité perçue du milieu a été démontré. Des suggestions d’améliorations aux niveaux organisationnel et académiques ainsi que des recommandations au niveau de la gestion et de la pratique infirmière découlent de l’analyse des données.
O objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar a associação da prática de caminhada no domínio lazer e no domínio deslocamento com a percepção do ambiente em adultos residentes no município de Rio Claro - SP. Foi realizado um estudo transversal de base domiciliar com amostra composta por 470 adultos (45,7±17,8 anos). Os sujeitos responderam o Questionário Internacional de Atividades Físicas (versão longa) e uma versão adaptada da Escala de Mobilidade Ativa no Ambiente Comunitário, que foi utilizada para investigar a percepção do ambiente construído e social. Para análise dos dados foi realizada uma regressão logística, sendo considerado como desfecho, caminhar ≥10minutos/semana no domínio lazer e no deslocamento. A prevalência de sujeitos que realizavam caminhada no lazer foi de 20,6% e 58,9% para a caminhada no deslocamento. A prevalência de caminhada no deslocamento entre as mulheres foi maior quando comparado com os homens (66,3% e 50,0%, respectivamente) e menor no domínio lazer (19,8% e 21,7%, respectivamente). A caminhada como forma de deslocamento foi associada com sexo feminino, classe econômica mais baixas (C, D e E) e percepção da disponibilidade da presença de faixa de pedestre. Para a caminhada no domínio lazer as variáveis pessoais e do ambiente que se associaram foram: idade (60 anos ou mais), classe econômica (B2, C, D e E), convite de amigos e/ou vizinhos para a prática. Os resultados apresentados demonstram que há uma associação entre a percepção do ambiente e a prática de caminhada no lazer e no deslocamento.
Purpose: The physical environment plays an important role in influencing participation in physical activity, although the specific factors that are correlated with different patterns of walking remain to be determined We examined correlations between physical environmental factors and self-reported walking for recreation and transport near home. Methods: The local neighborhood environments (defined as a 400-m radius from the respondent's home) of 1678 adults were assessed for their suitability for walking. The environmental data were collected during 2000 using the Systematic Pedestrian and Cycling Environmental Scan (SPACES) instrument together with information from other sources. We used logistic regression modeling to examine the relationship between the attributes of the physical environment and the self-reported walking behavior undertaken near home. Results: Functional features were correlated with both walking for recreation (odds ratio (OR) 1.62; 95% confidence interval (Cl): 1.20-2.19) and for transport (OR 1.30; 95% Cl: 0.97-1.73). A well-maintained walking surface was the main functional factor associated with walking for recreation (OR 2.04; 95% Cl: 1.43-2.91) and for transport (OR 2.13; 95% Cl: 1.53-2.96). Destination factors, such as shops and public transport, were significantly correlated with walking for transport (OR 1.80; 95% Cl: 1.33-2.44), but not recreation. Conclusion: The findings suggest that neighborhoods with pedestrian facilities that are attractive and comfortable and where there are local destinations (such as shops and public transport) are associated with walking near home.
Background. Physical Activity (PA) is a central part in the fight to reduce obesity rates that are higher in Mexican Americans in the United States than any other ethnic groups. More than half of all Americans do not meet the daily PA recommendations and 48% of Mexican Americans do not exercise. The built environment is believed to affect participation in physical activity. The influence of the built environmental on physical activity levels in low-income Mexican Americans living along the Texas-Mexico border has not been investigated. ^ Purpose. The purpose of this secondary data analysis was trifold: (1) to determine the levels of self-reported PA in adults living in Brownsville, Texas; (2) to characterize the perceptions of this population regarding the built environment; and (3) to determine the association between self-reported PA and the built environment in Mexican Americans living in Brownsville, Texas. ^ Methods. 400 participants from the Tu Salud ¡Sí Cuenta! (TSSC) community-wide campaign were included in this secondary data analysis. Percentages for level of physical activity and the built environment were calculated using SPSS. Perceptions of the built environment were assessed by 14 items. Logistic regression analysis was used to assess the relationship between physical activity and built environment. All models were adjusted for age, gender, and level of education. ^ Results. The majority of men (41.97%) and women (59%), combined (56.7%)did not meet the 2008 PA Guidelines for Americans. We analyzed 14 built environment variables to characterize participants’ perceptions of the built environment. We conducted odds ratio (OR) to find if those who met PA levels associated the built environment such as neighborhood shops ([OR:1.806], CI:1.074,3.038 ]) bus stops ([OR:1.436], CI:.806,2.558) unattended stray dogs ([OR: 1.806], CI:1. 074,3.038), sidewalk access ([OR: .858],CI:.437,1.686), access to free parks ([OR:.549],CI:.335,.900) heavy traffic in neighborhood ([OR:.802], CI:.501,1.285), crime rate ([OR:.779], CI:.494,1.228) ranked the highest by mean score. The association between physical activity and the perceived built environment factors for Mexican Americans participating in the TSSCStudy were weakly associated. ^ Conclusions. This study provides evidence that PA levels are low in this Mexican American population. The built environment factors assessed in this study characterized the need for further studies of the variables that are seen as important to the Mexican American population. Lastly, the association of PA levels to the built environment was weak overall and further studies are recommended of the built environment.^
The purpose of this thesis was to investigate the association between parent acculturation and parental fruit and vegetable intake, child fruit and vegetable intake, and child access and availability to fruits and vegetables. Secondary data analysis was performed on a convenience sample of low-income Hispanic-identifying parents (n = 177) and children from a baseline survey from the Sprouting Healthy Kids intervention. T tests were used to examine the association between parent acculturation status (acculturated or non-acculturated) and fruit intake, vegetable intake and combined fruit and vegetable intake of both the parent and the child. T tests were also used to determine the relationship between parent acculturation and child access and availability to fruits, vegetables, and combined fruits and vegetables. Statistical significance was set at a p level of 0.05. The mean FVI for the parents and children were 3.41 servings and 2.96 servings, respectively. Statistical significance was found for the relationships between parent acculturation and parent fruit intake and parent acculturation and child fruit access. Lower acculturation of the parent was significantly related to higher fruit intake. Counter to the hypothesis, higher acculturation was found to be associated with greater access to fruits for the child. These findings suggest the necessity for not only culturally specific nutrition interventions, but the need for interventions to target behaviors for specific levels of acculturation within a culture. ^
The purpose of this study was to ascertain the perceptions of educators at one elementary school regarding the changes in the teaching and learning environment and their related effects following the implementation of Florida's A+ high-stakes accountability system. This study also assessed whether these changes were identified by participants as meaningful and enduring, in terms of the definition by Lieberman and Miller (1999). Twenty-one educators, including 17 teachers and four administrators, at Blue Ribbon Elementary school were interviewed. Data were inductively coded and categorized into four major themes: (a) teaching and learning environment consistency, (b) changes in the teaching and learning environment since the implementation of A+, (c) effects of the changes, and (d) significant and enduring change. Findings fell into three categories (a) identified changes since A+ implementation, (b) effects of changes, and (c) what participants believed was significant and long term change, which included those characteristics of the school that had been identified as consistent in the teaching and learning environment. Statements of the participants explained their perceptions about what instructional decisions where made in response to the A+ Plan including the modification of curriculum, the addition or omission of subject matter taught, and the positive or negative impact these decisions had on the teaching and learning environment. It was found that study participants felt all changes and their effects were a direct result of the A+ Plan and viewed many of the changes as being neither significant nor long term Analysis of the educators' perceptions of the changes they experienced revealed the overall feeling that the changes were not indicative of what was necessary to make a school successful. For the participants, the changes lacked the characteristics that they had described as vital in what constituted success. This led to the conclusion that, by Lieberman and Miller's definition, the majority of changes and effects that were implemented at the school as a result of the mandated A+ Plan, were not meaningful and enduring for effective school reform. ^
The purpose of this study was to ascertain the perceptions of educators at one elementary school regarding the changes in the teaching and learning environment and their related effects following the implementation of Florida's A+ high-stakes accountability system. This study also assessed whether these changes were identified by participants as meaningful and enduring, in terms of the definition by Lieberman and Miller (1999). Twenty-one educators, including 17 teachers and four administrators, at Blue Ribbon Elementary school were interviewed. Data were inductively coded and categorized into four major themes: (a) teaching and learning environment consistency, (b) changes in the teaching and learning environment since the implementation of A+, (c) effects of the changes, and (d) significant and enduring change. Findings fell into three categories (a) identified changes since A+ implementation, (b) effects of changes, and (c) what participants believed was significant and long term change, which included those characteristics of the school that had been identified as consistent in the teaching and learning environment. Statements of the participants explained their perceptions about what instructional decisions where made in response to the A+ Plan including the modification of curriculum, the addition or omission of subject matter taught, and the positive or negative impact these decisions had on the teaching and learning environment. It was found that study participants felt all changes and their effects were a direct result of the A+ Plan and viewed many of the changes as being neither significant nor long term Analysis of the educators' perceptions of the changes they experienced revealed the overall feeling that the changes were not indicative of what was necessary to make a school successful. For the participants, the changes lacked the characteristics that they had described as vital in what constituted success. This led to the conclusion that, by Lieberman and Miller's definition, the majority of changes and effects that were implemented at the school as a result of the mandated A+ Plan, were not meaningful and enduring for effective school reform.
A new approach was taken to delivering a challenging "stewarship of land" unit to over 350 predominantly first year built environment students stewardship. The new approach involved incorporating environmental and planning law into the syllabus, exposing students to a wide range of statutes, selecting legal cases according to a et of criteria and revisiting the material using different modes of delivery and teaching resources. To evaluate the effectiveness of the new approach, the students were surveyed to elicit their learning experience and preferences. The survey found that most students perceived learning about environmental and planning law, including legal cases, worthwhile.----- Areas identified by the surcey for improvement included the perception by some students that: environmenatl and planning law is irrelevant to their discipline and future caree; studying law is dull and sometimes daunting; and the prescribed reading could be omitted.----- To address student perceptions, it is proposed to reorder the topics commencing with local, charismatic topics, while explanding international content and cases, to enlarge and enhance the repertoire of video clips to include sites of legal cawses and development projects, and to reformat the online weekly quizzes to promote reading of primary material.----- Overall, the approach to teaching environmental and planning law to built environment students, including the criteria for selecting legal cases, described in this paper, was found to be effective.