930 resultados para Per capita income


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Corruption is a phenomenon that plagues many countries and, mostly, walks hand in hand with inefficient institutional structures, which reduce the effectiveness of public and private investment. In countries with widespread corruption, for each monetary unit invested, a sizable share is wasted, implying less investment. Corruption can also be a burden on a nation’s wealth and economic growth, by driving away new investment and creating uncertainties regarding private and social rights. Thus, corruption can affect not only factors productivity, but also their accumulation, with detrimental consequences on a society’s social development. This article aims to analyze and measure the influence of corruption on a country’s wealth. It is implicitly admitted that the degree of institutional development has an adverse effect on the productivity of production factors, which implies in reduced per capita income. It is assumed that the level of wealth and economic growth depends on domestic savings, foster technological progress and a proper educational system. Corruption, within this framework, is not unlike an additional cost, which stifles the “effectiveness” of the investment. This article first discusses the key theories evaluating corruption’s economic consequences. Later, it analyzes the relation between institutional development, factor productivity and per capita income, based on the neoclassical approach to economic growth. Finally, it brings some empirical evidence regarding the effects of corruption on factor productivity, in a sample of 81 countries studied in 1998. The chief conclusion is that corruption negatively affects the wealth of a nation by reducing capital productivity, or its effectiveness.


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The paper proposes a technique to jointly test for groupings of unknown size in the cross sectional dimension of a panel and estimates the parameters of each group, and applies it to identifying convergence clubs in income per-capita. The approach uses the predictive density of the data, conditional on the parameters of the model. The steady state distribution of European regional data clusters around four poles of attraction with different economic features. The distribution of incomeper-capita of OECD countries has two poles of attraction and each grouphas clearly identifiable economic characteristics.


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This study aims to estimate an adult-equivalent scale for calorie requirements and to determine the differences between adult-equivalent and per capita measurements of calorie availability in the Brazilian population. The study used data from the 2002-2003 Brazilian Household Budget Survey. The calorie requirement for a reference adult individual was based on the mean requirements for adult males and females (2,550kcal/day). The conversion factors were defined as the ratios between the calorie requirements for each age group and gender and that of the reference adult. The adult-equivalent calorie availability levels were higher than the per capita levels, with the largest differences in rural and low-income households. Differences in household calorie availability varied from 22kcal/day (households with adults and an adolescent) to 428kcal/day (households with elderly individuals), thus showing that per capital measurements can underestimate the real calorie availability, since they overlook differences in household composition.


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OBJETIVO: Os inseticidas são poluentes largamente utilizados em muitos países, no entanto são poucos os estudos existentes sobre o uso desses produtos em ambiente doméstico. Assim, realizou-se estudo com o objetivo de caracterizar o padrão de uso de inseticidas domésticos e sua relação com a renda per capita. MÉTODOS: Entre outubro de 1999 e janeiro de 2000, foram aplicados questionários sobre o uso de inseticidas domésticos em 2.039 domicílios da área urbana de Pelotas, RS. Coletaram-se informações sobre o uso de inseticidas no último ano, forma de apresentação e grupo químico dos produtos disponíveis no momento da entrevista, proteção mecânica utilizada para o controle de insetos e nível socioeconômico. Utilizou-se o teste Qui-quadrado de tendência linear para verificar as associações, bem como a razão de prevalências e os intervalos de confiança. RESULTADOS: Em 89% dos domicílios visitados foram utilizados inseticidas domésticos, pelo menos uma vez, nos 12 meses que antecederam a entrevista e em 79% dos domicílios havia um ou mais produtos disponíveis no momento da entrevista. As formas de apresentação mais prevalentes foram os aerossóis e as pastilhas para aparelho elétrico do grupo químico piretróide. A proteção mecânica contra os insetos foi pouco utilizada. CONCLUSÕES: As famílias de melhor nível de renda dispunham com maior freqüência de inseticidas em aerossol do grupo químico piretróide, enquanto que as soluções pulverizadoras compostas por organofosforados estiveram mais presentes em domicílios de menor renda.


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To estimate the mid-point of an open-ended income category and to assess the impact of two equivalence scales on income-health associations. Data were obtained from the 2010 Brazilian Oral Health Survey ( Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde Bucal – SBBrasil 2010). Income was converted from categorical to two continuous variables ( per capita and equivalized) for each mid-point. The median mid-point was R$ 14,523.50 and the mean, R$ 24,507.10. When per capita income was applied, 53% of the population were below the poverty line, compared with 15% with equivalized income. The magnitude of income-health associations was similar for continuous income, but categorized equivalized income tended to decrease the strength of association.


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Foram estudadas a anemia e suas relações com a renda per capita em 1178 pessoas na cidade de Cáceres, Maio Grosso, Brasil nas faixas etárias de 6 a 14 anos (ambos os sexos), 15 a 45 anos do sexo feminino e 15 a 45 anos do sexo masculino. Encontrou-se maior prevalência de pessoas anêmicas nas faixas de renda < 1/4 do salário mínimo e 1/4 - 1/2 do salário mínimo nas três faixas etárias estudadas. Observou-se associação estatística entre a renda per capita e as médias de hemoglobina para as três faixas etárias.