990 resultados para Peptide bond


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The pseudoproline residue (Psi Pro, L-2,2-dimethyl-1,3-thiazolidine-4-carboxylic acid) has been introduced into heterochiral diproline segments that have been previously shown to facilitate the formation of beta-hairpins, containing central two and three residue turns. NMR studies of the octapeptide Boc-Leu-Phe-Val-(D)Pro-Psi Pro-Leu-Phe-Val-OMe (1), Boc-Leu-Val-Val-(D)Pro-Psi Pro-Leu-Val-Val-OMe (2), and the nonapeptide sequence Boc-Leu-Phe-Val-(D)Pro-Psi Pro-(D)Ala-Leu-Phe-Val-OMe (3) established well-registered beta-hairpin structures in chloroform solution, with the almost exclusive population of the trans conformation for the peptide bond preceding the Psi Pro residue. The beta-hairpin conformation of 1 is confirmed by single crystal X-ray diffraction. Truncation of the strand length in Boc-Val-(D)Pro-Psi Pro-Leu-OMe (4) results in air increase in the population of the cis conformer, with a cis/trans ratio of 3.65. Replacement of Psi Pro in 4 by (L)Pro in 5, results in almost exclusive population of the trans form, resulting in an incipient beta-hairpin conformation, stabilized by two intramolecular hydrogen bonds. Further truncation of the sequence gives an appreciable rise in the population of cis conformers in the tripeptide piv-(D)Pro-Psi Pro-Leu-OMe (6). In the homochiral segment Piv-Pro Psi Pro-Leu-OMe (7) only the cis form is observed with the NMR evidence strongly supporting a type VIa beta-turn conformation, stabilized by a 4 -> 1 hydrogen bond between the Piv (CO) and Leu (3) NH groups. The crystal structure of the analog peptide 7a (Piv-Pro-Psi(H,CH3)Pro-Leu-NHMe) confirms the cis peptide bond geometry for the Pro-Psi(H,CH3)pro peptide bond, resulting in a type VIa beta-turn conformation.


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The stepwise synthesis of amino terminal pentapeptide of alamethicin, Z-Aib-Pro-Aib-Ala-Aib-OMe, by the dicyclohexylcarbodiimide mediated couplings leads to extensive racemization at the Ala and Pro residues. Racemization is largely suppressed by the use of additives like N-hydroxysuccinimide and 1-hydroxybenzotriazole. The presence of diastereomeric peptides may be detected by the observation of additional methyl ester and benzylic methylene signals in the 270 MHz 1H NMR spectra. Unambiguous spectral assignment of the signals to the diastereomers has been carried out by the synthesis and NMR studies of the D-Ala tetra and pentapeptides. The racemization at Pro is of particular relevance in view of the reported lack of inversion at C-terminal Pro on carboxyl activation.


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Fragmentation behavior of two classes of cyclodepsipeptides, isariins and isaridins, obtained from the fungus Isaria, was investigated in the presence of different metal ions using multistage tandem mass spectrometry (MS(n)) with collision induced dissociation (CID) and validated by NMR spectroscopy. During MS(n) process, both protonated and metal-cationized isariins generated product ions belonging to the identical `b-ion' series, exhibiting initial backbone cleavage explicitly at the beta-ester bond. Fragmentation behavior for the protonated and metal-cationized acyclic methyl ester derivative of isariins was very similar. On the contrary, isaridins during fragmentation produced ions belonging to the `b' or/and the `y' ion series depending on the nature of interacting metal ions, due to initial backbone cleavages at the beta-ester linkage or/and at a specific amide linkage. Interestingly, independent of the nature of the interacting metal ions, the product ions formed from the acyclic methyl ester derivative of isaridins belonged only to the `y-type'. Complementary NMR data showed that, while all metal ions were located around the beta-ester group of isariins, the metal ion interacting sites varied across the backbone for isaridins. Combined MS and NMR data suggest that the different behavior in sequence specific charge-driven fragmentation of isariins and isaridins is predetermined because of the constituent beta-hydroxy acid residue in isariins and the cis peptide bond in isaridins.


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The cis/trans isomer ratios of the Xaa-Pyr (Pyr = pyrrolidine) 3 degrees amide bonds are significantly high (similar to 90% cis) in the novel peptidomimetics where Pyr contains 1,3-oxazine (Oxa) or 1,3-thiazine (Thi) at its 2 position. We find that an unusual n -> pi(i-1)* interaction, selectively stabilizes the cis conformer and the n X n repulsion destabilizes the trans conformer of these molecules. Both these electronic effects oppose the steric effects in the 3 degrees amide bond. The structural requirements for manifestation of these electronic effects are determined. (c) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Mainly based on various inhibitor studies previously performed, amidases came to be regarded as sulfhydryl enzymes. Not completely satisfied with this generally accepted interpretation, we performed a series of site-directed mutagenesis studies on one particular amidase of Rhodococcus rhodochrous J1 that was involved in its nitrile metabolism. For these experiments, the recombinant amidase was produced as the inclusion body in Escherichia coli to greatly facilitate its recovery and subsequent purification. With regard to the presumptive active site residue Cys203, a Cys203 → Ala mutant enzyme still retained 11.5% of the original specific activity. In sharp contrast, substitutions in certain other positions in the neighborhood of Cys203 had a far more dramatic effect on the amidase. Glutamic acid substitution of Asp191 reduced the specific activity of the mutant enzyme to 1.33% of the wild-type activity. Furthermore, Asp191 → Asn substitution as well as Ser195 → Ala substitution completely abolished the specific activity. It would thus appear that, among various conserved residues residing within the so-called signature sequence common to all amidases, the real active site residues are Asp191 and Ser195 rather than Cys203. Inasmuch as an amide bond (CO-NH2) in the amide substrate is not too far structurally removed from a peptide bond (CO-NH-), the signature sequences of various amidases were compared with the active site sequences of various types of proteases. It was found that aspartic acid and serine residues corresponding to Asp191 and Ser195 of the Rhodococcus amidase are present within the active site sequences of aspartic proteinases, thus suggesting the evolutionary relationship between the two.


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The crystal structure of beta-hydroxyacyl acyl carrier protein dehydratase of Plasmodium falciparum (PfFabZ) has been determined at a resolution of 2.4 angstrom. PfFabZ has been found to exist as a homodimer (d-PfFabZ) in the crystals of the present study in contrast to the reported hexameric form (h-PfFabZ) which is a trimer of dimers crystallized in a different condition. The catalytic sites of this enzyme are located in deep narrow tunnel-shaped pockets formed at the dimer interface. A histidine residue from one subunit of the dimer and a glutamate residue from the other subunit lining the tunnel form the catalytic dyad in the reported crystal structures. While the position of glutamate remains unaltered in the crystal structure of d-PffabZ compared to that in b-PfFabZ, the histidine residue takes up an entirely different conformation and moves away from the tunnel leading to a His-Phe cis-trans peptide flip at the histidine residue. In addition, a loop in the vicinity has been observed to undergo a similar flip at a Tyr-Pro peptide bond. These alterations not only prevent the formation of a hexamer but also distort the active site geometry resulting in a dimeric form of FabZ that is incapable of substrate binding. The dimeric state and an altered catalytic site architecture make d-PfFabZ distinctly different from the FabZ structures described so far. Dynamic light scattering and size exclusion chromatographic studies clearly indicate a pH-related switching of the dimers to active hexamers. (c) 2006 Federation of European Biochemical Societies. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserv.


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The presence of energetically less favourable cis peptides in protein structures has been observed to be strongly associated with its structural integrity and function. Inter-conversion between the cis and trans conformations also has an important role in the folding process. In this study, we analyse the extent of conservation of cis peptides among similar folds. We look at both the amino acid preferences and local structural changes associated with such variations. Nearly 34% of the Xaa-Proline cis bonds are not conserved in structural relatives; Proline also has a high tendency to get replaced by another amino acid in the trans conformer. At both positions bounding the peptide bond, Glycine has a higher tendency to lose the cis conformation. The cis conformation of more than 30% of beta turns of type VIb and IV are not found to be conserved in similar structures. A different view using Protein Block-based description of backbone conformation, suggests that many of the local conformational changes are highly different from the general local structural variations observed among structurally similar proteins. Changes between cis and trans conformations are found to be associated with the evolution of new functions facilitated by local structural changes. This is most frequent in enzymes where new catalytic activity emerges with local changes in the active site. Cis-trans changes are also seen to facilitate inter-domain and inter-protein interactions. As in the case of folding, cis-trans conversions have been used as an important driving factor in evolution.


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Longitudinal relaxation due to cross-correlation between dipolar ((HN-1H alpha)-H-1) and amide-proton chemical shift anisotropy (H-1(N) CSA) has been measured in a model tripeptide Piv-(L)Pro-(L)Pro-(L)Phe-OMe. The peptide bond across diproline segment is known to undergo cis/trans isomerization and only in the cis form does the lone Phe amide-proton become involved in intramolecular hydrogen bonding. The strength of the cross correlated relaxation interference is found to be significantly different between cis and trans forms, and this difference is shown as an influence of intramolecular hydrogen bonding on the amide-proton CSA. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A different approach to the synthesis of dipeptides is described based on the formation of the (NHCHRCONH)-C-1-(CHRCO)-C-2 bond by carbenoid N-H insertion, rather than the formation of the peptide bond itself. Thus decomposition of triethyl diazophosphonoacetate catalysed by rhodium(Ii) acetate in the presence of N-protected amino acid amides 8 gives the phosphonates 9, Subsequent Wadsworth-Emmons reaction of 9 with aldehydes in the presence of DBU gives dehydro dipeptides 10. The reaction has been extended to a simple two-step procedure, without the isolation of the intermediate phosphonate. for conversion of a range of amino acid amides 11 into dehydro dipepides 12 and to an N-methylamide 11h, and for conversion of a dipeptide: to tripeptide (13-14). Direct conversion, by using methyl diazophenylacetate, of amino acid amides to phenylglycine-containing dipeptides 19 proceeds in good chemical yield, but with poor diastereoselectivity.


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A new approach to the synthesis of dipeptides is described based on the formation of the CONH-CHRCO bond by carbenoid N-H insertion, rather than the formation of the peptide bond itself. The key N-H insertion reaction was carried out by treating a mixt. of N-protected amino acid amide and tri-Et diazophosphonoacetate, EtO2CC(:N2)PO(OEt)2, with a catalytic amt. of Rh2(OAc)4 in toluene to form phosphonates, e.g. I (R1 = H, Me, iso-Pr, iso-Bu; R2 = PhCH2O2C, Me3CO2C) in good yield. Dehydro dipeptides, e.g. II (R1, R2 = same as above; R3 = Ph, iso-Pr, N-Boc-indol-3-yl) were prepd. by Wadsworth-Emmons reaction of the phosphonates I with R3CHO using DBU as base.


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The respiration of metal oxides by the bacterium Geobacter sulfurreducens requires the assembly of a small peptide (the GS pilin) into conductive filaments termed pili. We gained insights into the contribution of the GS pilin to the pilus conductivity by developing a homology model and performing molecular dynamics simulations of the pilin peptide in vacuo and in solution. The results were consistent with a predominantly helical peptide containing the conserved a-helix region required for pilin assembly but carrying a short carboxy-terminal random-coiled segment rather than the large globular head of other bacterial pilins. The electronic structure of the pain was also explored from first principles and revealed a biphasic charge distribution along the pilin and a low electronic HOMO-LUMO gap, even in a wet environment. The low electronic band gap was the result of strong electrostatic fields generated by the alignment of the peptide bond dipoles in the pilin's alpha-helix and by charges from ions in solution and amino acids in the protein. The electronic structure also revealed some level of orbital delocalization in regions of the pilin containing aromatic amino acids and in spatial regions of high resonance where the HOMO and LUMO states are, which could provide an optimal environment for the hopping of electrons under thermal fluctuations. Hence, the structural and electronic features of the pilin revealed in these studies support the notion of a pilin peptide environment optimized for electron conduction.


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For the efficient translocation of organic nitrogen, small peptides of two to three amino acids are posited as an important alternative to amino acids. A new transporter mediating the uptake of di- and tripeptides was isolated from Arabidopsis thaliana by heterologous complementation of a peptide transport-deficient Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutant. AtPTR1 mediated growth of S. cerevisiae cells on different di- and tripeptides and caused sensitivity to the phytotoxin phaseolotoxin. The spectrum of substrates recognized by AtPTR1 was determined in Xenopus laevis oocytes injected with AtPTR1 cRNA under voltage clamp conditions. AtPTR1 not only recognized a broad spectrum of di- and tripeptides, but also substrates lacking a peptide bond. However, amino acids, omega-amino fatty acids or peptides with more than three amino acid residues did not interact with AtPTR1. At pH 5.5 AtPTR1 had an apparent lower affinity (K-0.5 = 416 mum) for Ala-Asp compared with Ala-Ala (K-0.5 = 54 mum) and Ala-Lys (K-0.5 = 112 mum). Transient expression of AtPTR1/GFP fusion proteins in tobacco protoplasts showed that AtPTR1 is localized at the plasma membrane. In addition, transgenic plants expressing the beta-glucuronidase (uidA) gene under control of the AtPTR1 promoter demonstrated expression in the vascular tissue throughout the plant, indicative of a role in long-distance transport of di- and tripeptides.


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Peptide bond formation by the ribosome requires 23S rRNA and its interaction with the 3′-CCA end of tRNA. To investigate the possible evolutionary development of the peptidyl transfer reaction, we tried to obtain peptide bond formation without the ribosome or rRNA simply by using a piece of tRNA—an aminoacyl-minihelix—mixed with sequence-specific oligonucleotides that contained puromycin. Peptide bond formation was detected by gel electrophoresis, TLC analysis, and mass spectrometry. Peptide synthesis depended on sequence complementarity between the 3′-CCA sequence of the minihelix and the puromycin-bearing oligonucleotide. However, proximity of the reacting species was not by itself sufficient for peptide bond formation. In addition, imidazole as a catalyst was required. Its role may be similar to the recently proposed mechanism, wherein A2451 of 23S rRNA works as a general base. Thus, peptide bond formation can be achieved with a simple, minimized system that captures the essence of an interaction seen in the ribosome.


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We describe an approach to the synthesis of peptides from segments bearing no protecting groups through an orthogonal coupling method to capture the acyl segment as a thioester that then undergoes an intramolecular acyl transfer to the amine component with formation of a peptide bond. Two orthogonal coupling methods to give the covalent ester intermediate were achieved by either a thiol-thioester exchange mediated by a trialkylphosphine and an alkylthiol or a thioesterification by C alpha-thiocarboxylic acid reacting with a beta-bromo amino acid. With this approach, unprotected segments ranging from 4 to 37 residues were coupled to aqueous solution to give free peptides up to 54 residues long with high efficiency.