10 resultados para Penitential


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Le Corrector sive Medicus est un pénitentiel rédigé par Burchard, évêque de Worms (1000-1025). Il s’agit d’un manuel destiné à guider les confesseurs lors de l’administration du sacrement de pénitence. Intégré dans le Decretum, l’œuvre majeure de Burchard, il compte parmis les pénitentiels les plus illustres. Il contient notamment un questionnaire très élaboré sur les péchés commis par les fidèles. Les 194 questions du Corrector sive Medicus constituent l’objet d’étude de ce mémoire. Entre le VIIe et le XIIe siècle, les pénitentiels forment une longue tradition littéraire où les textes se répètent constamment. Le questionnaire du Corrector sive Medicus se distingue du fait qu’il est rédigé en grande partie par Burchard lui-même. Les détails précis sur les survivances païennes et la religion populaire que l’évêque introduit dans son pénitentiel permettent, comme aucune autre source de la période, une analyse ethno-historique de la culture germanique. La première partie du mémoire est consacrée à la présentation du Corrector sive Medicus : j’y décris d’abord le contexte historique et biographique de l’œuvre, puis discute d’une herméneutique littéraire, pour enfin proposer une synthèse diachronique des traditions germaniques. La deuxième partie offre, pour la première fois en français, la traduction intégrale du questionnaire de Burchard, accompagnée de commentaires sur différents sujets ou problèmes soulevés par le texte, notamment ceux qui concernent la culture germanique. Finalement sont placés en annexe quelques documents qui témoignent, tout comme le Corrector sive Medicus, d’un syncrétisme religieux profondément enraciné dans les mœurs des Germains.


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Since some years ago, the penitentiany systen of Rio de Janeiro is going through the nuest sendus administrative crisis,leading more and more to chaotic situations, over imagined before by homan being. Nowadays all the factors and components of the existing models are still medievaIs, and even distant fron the human needs. The daily life ofthe condemned is a sway betuen lack of hygiene, disrespect to homan rigts, lack of modem corrective practices and also, lack of psychological support. How, then can me demand from the state ( Govemment) the rehabilitation of the imprisoned and their preparation to face society if they are treated manny times as victins of this same society? This society impose a life style enjoyed only by a privileged social class which forget about then when sent to the darkness. Many of then, join the penitentary systen because of minor crimes, and when they serve their tem, um for funately they go back to prison accused for move violent crimes. The penitentian models haven't developed the same way the society where they worked at has. There, the present brazilian penitentiary model has showed obsolete and inefficient alone its principal mission ofrehabilitation and re - education ofthe imprisoned. Our main objetive will be the construction and analysis of the penitential administrative model, as being able to fullfill the necesity of the penitentiary administrator (Manager). Analy zing on a specific reasoning which focus showld not be that of the theories and isolated projects of the topic, we will develop a progran far form religions, judiciary on political technics by building na administrtive penitentiary model strictly professional where we coul a have a deep analysis of the topic. We will try to approach the aspects of organization existing to day inorder to understand them and criate, a model wich will adjust betten to the necesitives of this thesis.


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El trabajo a continuación tiene como objetivo presentar una traducción del Ordo ad dandam poenitentiam de Regino de Prüm (ca. 840-915). Este cuestionario confesional formaba parte de la colección canónica Libri duo de synodalibus causis et disciplinis ecclesiasticis y sirvió de base para el conocido penitencial del obispo Burchard de Worms, el Corrector sive medicus, redactado casi un siglo después. La obra de Regino no ha sido aún traducida a lenguas modernas, con excepción de una traducción parcial en lengua alemana


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El trabajo a continuación tiene como objetivo presentar una traducción del Ordo ad dandam poenitentiam de Regino de Prüm (ca. 840-915). Este cuestionario confesional formaba parte de la colección canónica Libri duo de synodalibus causis et disciplinis ecclesiasticis y sirvió de base para el conocido penitencial del obispo Burchard de Worms, el Corrector sive medicus, redactado casi un siglo después. La obra de Regino no ha sido aún traducida a lenguas modernas, con excepción de una traducción parcial en lengua alemana


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El trabajo a continuación tiene como objetivo presentar una traducción del Ordo ad dandam poenitentiam de Regino de Prüm (ca. 840-915). Este cuestionario confesional formaba parte de la colección canónica Libri duo de synodalibus causis et disciplinis ecclesiasticis y sirvió de base para el conocido penitencial del obispo Burchard de Worms, el Corrector sive medicus, redactado casi un siglo después. La obra de Regino no ha sido aún traducida a lenguas modernas, con excepción de una traducción parcial en lengua alemana


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Fifteenth century manuscript named in honor of Dr. H.B. Wheatley.


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A temática proposta como objeto de estudo na presente tese, é o resultado de uma investigação dedicada ao fenómeno de utilização da imaginária processional nos cortejos de penitência de pendor franciscano, nos séculos XVII a XX na ilha de S. Miguel, Açores. Este tipo de manifestações religiosas, particularmente característico no espaço Iberoamericano, evidencia-se pela originalidade cenográfica, na qual são utilizados vestuário e adereços cénicos como complementos dos respetivos conjuntos escultóricos, as denominadas imagens de vestir. No arquipélago dos Açores, a Venerável Ordem Terceira da Penitência teve um papel de grande importância na organização destes eventos processionais, sendo que as ilhas de S. Miguel e da Terceira representam atualmente um dos últimos redutos na organização de procissões penitenciais, com recurso à utilização de imagens de vestir. No caso especifíco de S. Miguel, este tipo de imaginária pode ser ainda observada nos acervos de algumas das antigas igrejas conventuais da Ordem dos Frades Menores existentes nesta ilha, bem como na única procissão oriunda do espírito penitencial da Ordem Terceira, que se realiza anualmente na cidade da Ribeira Grande. O estudo agora apresentado pretende compreender as diversas componentes da utilização deste tipo de imaginária, bem como o registo do legado patrimonial que os seculares franciscanos perpetuaram até à atualidade, materializado num processo de patrimonialização das suas imagens de vestir, expresso na dicotomia entre os objetos, enquanto matéria, e as suas realidades biográficas, ligadas às comunidades de Terceiros que estiveram por detrás do uso destas imagens processionais; ABSTRACT: Religious sculptures for dressing of the Third Procession: history, concepts, typologies and traditions - A Franciscan heritage legacy in the island of S. Miguel, Azores, between the 17th and 19th centuries. The theme proposed as object of study in this thesis is the result of a research dedicated to the custom of adorning religious sculptures and displaying them in Franciscan penitential processions between the seventeenth and twentieth centuries, in the island of S. Miguel, Azores. This type of religious expression, particularly characteristic in the Ibero-American space, featuring up by scenic originality, in which clothing and scenic props are used to complement the respective sculptural groups, called religious sculptures for dressing. In the Azores, the Venerable Third Order of Penance had a major role in organizing these processional events, and the islands of S. Miguel and Terceira currently represents one of the last holdouts in organizing penitential processions, with the use of religious sculptures for dressing. In the case of S. Miguel, this type of imaginary can still be seen in the collections of some of the ancient Order of the convent churches of the Friars Minor existing on this island, and the only procession coming from the penitential spirit of the Third Order, which is held annually in the city of Ribeira Grande. The study now being presented aims to understand the various components of the use of such imaginary, and the recording of heritage legacy that the Franciscan secular perpetuated to the present day, materialized in a patrimonialization process of their dress images, expressed in the dichotomy between objects, as matter, and their biographical realities, linked to third-party communities that were behind the use of these processional images.