927 resultados para Pelamis wave energy converter model
In the development of wave energy converters, the mooring system is a key component for a safe station-keeping and an important factor in the cost of the wave energy production. Generally, when designing a mooring system for a wave energy converter, two important conditions must be considered: (i) that the mooring system must be strong enough to limit the drifting motions, even in extreme waves, tidal and wind conditions and (ii) it must be compliant enough so that the impact on wave energy production can be minimised. It is frequently found that these two conditions are contradictory. The existing solutions mainly include the use of heavy chains, which create a catenary shaped mooring configuration, allowing limited flexibility within the mooring system, and hence very large forces may still be present on mooring lines and thus on anchors. This solution is normally quite expensive if the costs of the materials and installation are included. This paper presents a new solution to the mooring system for wave energy converters within the FP7 project, ‘GeoWAVE’, which is a project aiming to develop a new generation of the moorings system for minimising the loads on mooring lines and anchors, the impact on the device motions for power conversion, and the footprint if it is applicable, and meanwhile the new types of anchors are also addressed within the project. However this paper will focus on the new mooring system by presenting the wave tank test results of the Pelamis wave energy converter model and the new developed mooring system. It can be seen that the new generation of mooring system can significantly reduce the loads on mooring lines and anchors, and reduce the device excursions as a result of the new mooring system when compare to the conventional catenary mooring.
A linear hydrodynamic model is used to assess the sensitivity of the performance of a wave energy converter (WEC) array to control parameters. It is found that WEC arrays have a much smaller tolerance to imprecision of the control parameters than isolated WECs and that the increase in power capture of WEC arrays is only achieved with larger amplitudes of motion of the individual WECs. The WEC array radiation pattern is found to provide useful insight into the array hydrodynamics. The linear hydrodynamic model is used, together with the wave climate at the European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC), to assess the maximum annual average power capture of a WEC array. It is found that the maximum annual average power capture is significantly reduced compared to the maximum power capture for regular waves and that the optimum array configuration is also significantly modified. It is concluded that the optimum configuration of a WEC array will be as much influenced by factors such as mooring layout, device access and power smoothing as it is by the theoretical optimum hydrodynamic configuration. © 2009 Elsevier Ltd.
The power output from a wave energy converter is typically predicted using experimental and/or numerical modelling techniques. In order to yield meaningful results the relevant characteristics of the device, together with those of the wave climate must be modelled with sufficient accuracy.
The wave climate is commonly described using a scatter table of sea states defined according to parameters related to wave height and period. These sea states are traditionally modelled with the spectral distribution of energy defined according to some empirical formulation. Since the response of most wave energy converters vary at different frequencies of excitation, their performance in a particular sea state may be expected to depend on the choice of spectral shape employed rather than simply the spectral parameters. Estimates of energy production may therefore be affected if the spectral distribution of wave energy at the deployment site is not well modelled. Furthermore, validation of the model may be affected by differences between the observed full scale spectral energy distribution and the spectrum used to model it.
This paper investigates the sensitivity of the performance of a bottom hinged flap type wave energy converter to the spectral energy distribution of the incident waves. This is investigated experimentally using a 1:20 scale model of Aquamarine Power’s Oyster wave energy converter, a bottom hinged flap type device situated at the European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC) in approximately 13m water depth. The performance of the model is tested in sea states defined according to the same wave height and period parameters but adhering to different spectral energy distributions.
The results of these tests show that power capture is reduced with increasing spectral bandwidth. This result is explored with consideration of the spectral response of the device in irregular wave conditions. The implications of this result are discussed in the context of validation of the model against particular prototype data sets and estimation of annual energy production.
In the early 1970 the community has started to realize that have as a main principle the industry one, with the oblivion of the people and health conditions and of the world in general, it could not be a guideline principle. The sea, as an energy source, has the characteristic of offering different types of exploitation, in this project the focus is on the wave energy. Over the last 15 years the Countries interested in the renewable energies grew. Therefore many devices have came out, first in the world of research, then in the commercial one; these converters are able to achieve an energy transformation into electrical energy. The purpose of this work is to analyze the efficiency of a new wave energy converter, called WavePiston, with the aim of determine the feasibility of its actual application in different wave conditions: from the energy sea state of the North Sea, to the more quiet of the Mediterranean Sea. The evaluation of the WavePiston is based on the experimental investigation conducted at the University of Aalborg, in Denmark; and on a numerical modelling of the device in question, to ascertain its efficiency regardless the laboratory results. The numerical model is able to predict the laboratory condition, but it is not yet a model which can be used for any installation, in fact no mooring or economical aspect are included yet. È dai primi anni del 1970 che si è iniziato a capire che il solo principio dell’industria con l’incuranza delle condizioni salutari delle persone e del mondo in generale non poteva essere un principio guida. Il mare, come fonte energetica, ha la caratteristica di offrire diverse tipologie di sfruttamento, in questo progetto è stata analizzata l’energia da onda. Negli ultimi 15 anni sono stati sempre più in aumento i Paesi interessati in questo ambito e di conseguenza, si sono affacciati, prima nel mondo della ricerca, poi in quello commerciale, sempre più dispositivi atti a realizzare questa trasformazione energetica. Di tali convertitori di energia ondosa ne esistono diverse classificazioni. Scopo di tale lavoro è analizzare l’efficienza di un nuovo convertitore di energia ondosa, chiamato WavePiston, al fine si stabilire la fattibilità di una sua reale applicazione in diverse condizioni ondose: dalle più energetiche del Mare del Nord, alle più quiete del Mar Mediterraneo. La valutazione sul WavePiston è basata sullo studio sperimentale condotto nell’Università di Aalborg, in Danimarca; e su di una modellazione numerica del dispositivo stesso, al fine di conoscerne l’efficienza a prescindere dalla possibilità di avere risultati di laboratorio. Il modello numerico è in grado di predirre le condizioni di laboratorio, ma non considera ancora elementi come gli ancoraggi o valutazione dei costi.
This paper analyses the performance of particular wave-energy converter that uses the gyroscopic effects of a large rotating fly-wheel in combination with a controlled power-take-off device. Controlled gyroscopic forces have been used successfully in the past to reduce the motion of marine structures. With appropriately designed power-take-off elements, gyroscopic forces can be controlled to optimise the extracted energy from the motion of marine structures.
The effect of water depth on the performance of a small surging wave energy converter (WEC) is investigated analytically, numerically and experimentally. It is shown that although the average annual incident wave power is significantly reduced by water depth, a large proportion of this reduction is due to the dissipation of highly energetic, but largely unexploitable seas. It is also shown that the power capture is related more closely to incident wave force than incident wave power. Experimental results demonstrate that both the surge wave force and power capture of a flap-type WEC increase in shallow water.