203 resultados para Peix zebra
Report for the scientific sojourn at the University of Maryland Biotechnology Institute from February to August 2007. Myogenesis of skeletal muscles in vertebrates is controlled by extracellular signalling molecules together with intracellular transcription factors. Among the transcriptional factors, the members of the myogenic regulatory family play important roles regulating skeletal muscle development and growth. To characterize the gene structure and expression of fish myogenin, we have isolated the myogenin genomic gene and cDNA from gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) and analyzed the genomic structure, pattern of expression and the regulation of musclespecific expression. Sequence analysis revealed that the seabream myogenin shares a similar gene structure with other fish myogenins, with three exons, two introns and the highly conserved bHLH domain. Expression studies demonstrated that myogenin is expressed in both slow and fast muscles as well as in muscle cells in primary culture. In situ hybridization showed that myogenin was specifically expressed in developing somites of seabream embryos. Promoter activity analysis demonstrated that the myogenin promoter could drive green fluorescence protein expression in muscle cells of zebrafish embryos, as well as in myofibers of adult zebrafish and juvenile seabream.
The human CERKL gene is responsible for common and severe forms of retinal dystrophies. Despite intense in vitro studies at the molecular and cellular level and in vivo analyses of the retina of murine knockout models, CERKL function remains unknown. In this study, we aimed to approach the developmental and functional features of cerkl in Danio rerio within an Evo-Devo framework. We show that gene expression increases from early developmental stages until the formation of the retina in the optic cup. Unlike the high mRNA-CERKL isoform multiplicity shown in mammals, the moderate transcriptional complexity in fish facilitates phenotypic studies derived from gene silencing. Moreover, of relevance to pathogenicity, teleost CERKL shares the two main human protein isoforms. Morpholino injection has been used to generate a cerkl knockdown zebrafish model. The morphant phenotype results in abnormal eye development with lamination defects, failure to develop photoreceptor outer segments, increased apoptosis of retinal cells and small eyes. Our data support that zebrafish Cerkl does not interfere with proliferation and neural differentiation during early developmental stages but is relevant for survival and protection of the retinal tissue. Overall, we propose that this zebrafish model is a powerful tool to unveil CERKL contribution to human retinal degeneration
The molecular genetic mechanisms of sex determination are not known for most vertebrates, including zebrafish. We identified a mutation in the zebrafish fancl gene that causes homozygous mutants to develop as fertile males due to female-to-male sex reversal. Fancl is a member of the Fanconi Anemia/BRCA DNA repair pathway. Experiments showed that zebrafish fancl was expressed in developing germ cells in bipotential gonads at the critical time of sexual fate determination. Caspase-3 immunoassays revealed increased germ cell apoptosis in fancl mutants that compromised oocyte survival. In the absence of oocytes surviving through meiosis, somatic cells of mutant gonads did not maintain expression of the ovary gene cyp19a1a and did not down-regulate expression of the early testis gene amh; consequently, gonads masculinized and became testes. Remarkably, results showed that the introduction of a tp53 (p53) mutation into fancl mutants rescued the sex-reversal phenotype by reducing germ cell apoptosis and, thus, allowed fancl mutants to become fertile females. Our results show that Fancl function is not essential for spermatogonia and oogonia to become sperm or mature oocytes, but instead suggest that Fancl function is involved in the survival of developing oocytes through meiosis. This work reveals that Tp53-mediated germ cell apoptosis induces sex reversal after the mutation of a DNA-repair pathway gene by compromising the survival of oocytes and suggests the existence of an oocyte-derived signal that biases gonad fate towards the female developmental pathway and thereby controls zebrafish sex determination.
Zebrafish has been largely accepted as a vertebrate multidisciplinary model but its usefulness as a model for exercise physiology has been hampered by the scarce knowledge on its swimming economy, optimal swimming speeds and cost of transport. Therefore, we have performed individual and group-wise swimming experiments to quantify swimming economy and to demonstrate the exercise effects on growth in adult zebrafish.
Glucose transporter 2 (GLUT2; gene name SLC2A2) has a key role in the regulation of glucose dynamics in organs central to metabolism. Although GLUT2 has been studied in the context of its participation in peripheral and central glucose sensing, its role in the brain is not well understood. To decipher the role of GLUT2 in brain development, we knocked down slc2a2 (glut2), the functional ortholog of human GLUT2, in zebrafish. Abrogation of glut2 led to defective brain organogenesis, reduced glucose uptake and increased programmed cell death in the brain. Coinciding with the observed localization of glut2 expression in the zebrafish hindbrain, glut2 deficiency affected the development of neural progenitor cells expressing the proneural genes atoh1b and ptf1a but not those expressing neurod. Specificity of the morphant phenotype was demonstrated by the restoration of brain organogenesis, whole-embryo glucose uptake, brain apoptosis, and expression of proneural markers in rescue experiments. These results indicate that glut2 has an essential role during brain development by facilitating the uptake and availability of glucose and support the involvement of glut2 in brain glucose sensing.
Hemorrhage in regions remote from the site of initial intracranial operations is rare, but may be fatal. Postoperative cerebellar hemorrhage as a complication of supratentorial surgery, with a radiological appearance known as zebra sign, is an increasingly recognized clinical entity and is associated mainly with vascular neurosurgery or temporal lobe resection. The pathophysiology remains unclear. Three cases of remote cerebellar hematoma occurred after neck clipping of anterior communicating artery aneurysms. All patients had similar clinical findings and underwent pterional craniotomy with the head in accentuated extension. One patient died and the two were discharged without symptoms. Cerebellar hemorrhage probably has a multifactorial origin involving positioning associated with abundant cerebrospinal fluid drainage causing cerebellar sag with resultant vein stretching and bleeding, and use of aspirin or other antiplatelet agents.
Pholeohedra overstreeti n. g., n. sp. (Digenea: Haploporidae) is described from Girella zebra (Kyphosidae) in South Australia. The new genus is compared with all genera of Haploporidae sensu late (including Atractotrematidae, Megasolenidae and Waretrematidae) and has a unique bell-shaped concavity at its posterior end. The genus otherwise resembles Hapladena in the arrangement of the testis, vitellarium and gut but also resembles Megasolena, Metamegasolena and Vitellibaculum except in having a single testis. This is the first haploporid reported from kyphosid fishes in Australia.
O peixe-zebra é utilizado como modelo vertebrado para estudos in vivo de diversas patologias de origem genética. Neste trabalho pretendeu-se estudar a discinesia ciliar primária através do estudo in vivo do organizador da esquerda-direita destes peixes, conhecido por vesícula de Kupffer. Em particular, após análise de sequências de imagens captadas a alta velocidade, avaliou-se o com-portamento dinâmico de cílios normais e comparou-se com o de cílios com alte-rações genéticas com o objectivo de melhor compreender os processos que in-fluenciam a localização assimétrica dos órgãos internos, associados a esta doen-ça. De vídeos obtidos por microscopia de alta velocidade do interior da vesí-cula de Kupffer foram analisados 32 cílios, sendo 8 normais e os restantes cílios pertencentes a três alterações genéticas diferentes: subexpressão de Pkd2, so-brexpressão de Arl13b e mutação no gene deltaD. Para cada cílio calculou-se a frequência de batimento e caracterizou-se quantitativamente o movimento. Esta última análise teve como base a segmentação manual do cílio em quatro pontos definindo a base, o meio e a ponta. De seguida, estudou-se a dinâmica de cada uma das rectas constituídas por estas três estruturas ao longo do tempo. Com recurso à análise estatística ANOVA podemos comprovar diferenças no movi-mento entre os cílios alterados quando comparados com os normais. A análise da frequência demonstrou que todos os cílios estudados possu-em uma frequência média 34,9 Hz. Demonstrou-se ainda que, quando compa-rados com cílios normais, os cílios Pkd2 possuem um movimento 60% mais rí-gido, os Alr13b são caracterizados por amplitudes angulares 26% superiores no seu movimento e, por fim, a relação entre as amplitudes base/meio é 23% supe-rior nos cílios Delta D. Para implementar estes estudos, desenvolveu-se uma ferramenta baseada num plugin para ImageJ conjuntamente com códigos em R, que poderá vir a ser utilizada em investigações da discinesia ciliar primária em peixes-zebra.
Abstract: Birds harbor a variety of bacteria on their plumage, some of which can degrade feathers in vitro. Whether these keratinolytic bacteria are active on live birds and can effect feather degradation on birds is debatable. The effect of such bacteria on the body condition and behavior of birds, is unknown. Using a community of feather-degrading bacteria (EB), we investigate the interaction between the activity and load of such bacteria, on the morphology, body condition, and behavior of zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata). In Chapter 2, we find that the elevated loads of such microbes lead to a reduction in the expression of morphological traits, such as male bill color (a sexually selected trait) and uropygial gland volume, without reducing body mass, or evoking a cellular immune response. We also suggest the presence of a carotenoid based defense response in hosts, to such elevated loads of microbes and document a sex-based difference in the source of carotenoids used for such a response. In Chapter 3, we investigated the effect of EB loads on male mate choice of zebra finches, wherein male choice of females with elevated and un-altered bacterial loads, varied with male size. We found that larger males preferred females with higher bacterial load and smaller males preferred females with lower bacterial load. Chapter 4 demonstrates that the presence of melanin in feathers reduces the growth and activity of the community of feather-degrading bacteria (EB) and that the EB community can effect feather degradation in humid conditions, without broth. Additional results also demonstrate that the EB community consists of bacteria that can attach themselves to feathers on live birds and those that can live freely on avian plumage. Finally, chapter 5 demonstrates that the self-maintenance, social and sexual behaviors of birds are implicated in the infection and horizontal transmission of bacteria. It also suggests a linked oral - faecal - genital mode of transmission of pathogens in birds. These results demonstrate that differential loads of normal flora of vertebrate hosts can effect changes in their morphology and behavior. They also shed light on the role of feather-degrading bacteria in the evolution of melanin polymorphism in birds and suggest that bacteria can be active on live birds. This thesis also highlights the importance of social and, sexual behaviors of birds, in epidemiology. Résumé: Les Oiseaux ont dans leur plumage diverses bactéries dont certaines dégradent les plumes in vitro, néanmoins. Il n'est pas clair, au vu de précédentes études, si ces bactéries kératinolytiques sont actives sur des oiseaux vivants, et si celles-ci dégradent effectivement le plumage de leur hôte, L'effet de ces bactéries sur la condition corporelle ainsi que le comportement des oiseaux n'est pas connu. A l'aide d'une communauté de bactéries dégradant les plumes (EB), non pathogènes, nous examinons les interactions entre l'activité et la charge bactérienne sur la morphologie, la condition corporelle et le comportement du diamant mandarins (Taeniopygia guttata). Dans le chapitre 2, nous montrons qu'une charge élevée de ces microbes mène à une réduction de l'expression de certains traits morphologiques, tels que la couleur du bec chez le mâle (un trait soumis à sélection sexuelle), ainsi que le volume de la glande uropygienne, sans qu'il y ait une réduction de la masse corporelle, ni déclenchement d'une réponse immune cellulaire. Nos données suggèrent la présence d'une défense chez l'hôte à des charges élevées de bactéries basée sur la présence de caroténoïdes. Nous montrons, de plus une différence liée au sexe dans la source des caroténoïdes utilisé pour cette réponse. Dans le chapitre 3 nous examinons l'influence de la charge bactérienne EB sur le choix des mâles chez le diamant mandarins. Des femelles avec une charge bactérienne normale et augmentée sont choisies par les mâles et ce choix varie avec la taille des mâles. Nous avons mis en évidence que les grands mâles préfèrent les femelles avec une charge bactérienne plus élevée. Les petits mâles préfèrent les femelles avec une charge bactérienne réduite. Le chapitre 4 démontre que la présence de mélanine dans les plumes réduit la croissance et l'activité de la communauté de bactéries dégradant le plumage (EB), et que cette communauté EB peut dégrader les plumes dans des conditions humides, sans milieu de culture liquide. De plus nous montrons que cette communauté consiste en des bactéries qui peuvent s'attacher sur les plumes d'oiseaux vivants ainsi que des bactéries libres. Pour finir nous montrons dans le chapitre 5 que la maintenance corporelle, l'interaction sociale et le comportement sexuel de ces oiseaux sont impliqués dans l'infection et la transmission horizontale de ces bactéries. Nos données suggèrent une transmission orale-fécale-génitale des pathogènes chez les oiseaux. Ces résultats montrent que des charges différentes de la flore bactérienne habituelle et non pathogène de vertébrés peuvent affecter leur morphologie et leur comportement. Ils éclaircissent également le rôle des bactéries dégradant les plumes dans l'évolution du polymorphisme mélanique chez les oiseaux et suggèrent que ces bactéries peuvent être actives sur des oiseaux vivants. Cette thèse souligne également l'importance du comportement social et sexuel des oiseaux dans l'épidémiologie.
Realització per primera vegada de la cartografia de l’escull de Posidònia oceànica per tal d’observar la seva evolució, i estudi de s’Estany des Peix, concretament de les fortes pressions antròpiques que rep i posterior elaboració d’una proposta el més sostenible possible. S’estudia també la relació entre aquests dos espais
Mitochondria have a fundamental role in the transduction of energy from food into ATP. The coupling between food oxidation and ATP production is never perfect, but may nevertheless be of evolutionary significance. The 'uncoupling to survive' hypothesis suggests that 'mild' mitochondrial uncoupling evolved as a protective mechanism against the excessive production of damaging reactive oxygen species (ROS). Because resource allocation and ROS production are thought to shape animal life histories, alternative life-history trajectories might be driven by individual variation in the degree of mitochondrial uncoupling. We tested this hypothesis in a small bird species, the zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata), by treating adults with the artificial mitochondrial uncoupler 2,4-dinitrophenol (DNP) over a 32-month period. In agreement with our expectations, the uncoupling treatment increased metabolic rate. However, we found no evidence that treated birds enjoyed lower oxidative stress levels or greater survival rates, in contrast to previous results in other taxa. In vitro experiments revealed lower sensitivity of ROS production to DNP in mitochondria isolated from skeletal muscles of zebra finch than mouse. In addition, we found significant reductions in the number of eggs laid and in the inflammatory immune response in treated birds. Altogether, our data suggest that the 'uncoupling to survive' hypothesis may not be applicable for zebra finches, presumably because of lower effects of mitochondrial uncoupling on mitochondrial ROS production in birds than in mammals. Nevertheless, mitochondrial uncoupling appeared to be a potential life-history regulator of traits such as fecundity and immunity at adulthood, even with food supplied ad libitum.
The dolomite veins making up rhythmites common in burial dolomites are not cement infillings of supposed cavities, as in the prevailing view, but are instead displacive veins, veins that pushed aside the host dolostone as they grew. Evidence that the veins are displacive includes a) small transform-fault-like displacements that could not have taken place if the veins were passive cements, and b) stylolites in host rock that formed as the veins grew in order to compensate for the volume added by the veins. Each zebra vein consists of crystals that grow inward from both sides, and displaces its walls via the local induced stress generated by the crystal growth itself. The petrographic criterion used in recent literature to interpret zebra veins in dolomites as cements - namely, that euhedral crystals can grow only in a prior void - disregards evidence to the contrary. The idea that flat voids did form in dolostones is incompatible with the observed optical continuity between the saddle dolomite euhedra of a vein and the replacive dolomite crystals of the host. The induced stress is also the key to the self-organization of zebra veins: In a set of many incipient, randomly-spaced, parallel veins just starting to grow in a host dolostone, each vein¿s induced stress prevents too-close neighbor veins from nucleating, or redissolves them by pressure-solution. The veins that survive this triage are those just outside their neighbors¿s induced stress haloes, now forming a set of equidistant veins, as observed.
Un estudi sobre el comportament sexual d'un peix que viu en aigües tropicals mostra la gran varietat d'estratègies en el món animal per aconseguir copular
La realització d’aquest estudi té per objectiu principal analitzar l’activitat promocional de la Costa Brava, com ho és la campanya gastronòmica del Peix Blau Ganxó. Es tracta d’analitzar quina ha estat la seva evolució des de què va néixer la campanya fins a l’actualitat. S’estudien diferents aspectes com, per exemple, l’èxit que ha anat obtenint, les maneres de promoció que s’han anat utilitzant per difondre la campanya, les empreses col•laboradores, a quins diaris s’hi han publicat notes de premsa i alguns aspectes d’imatge gràfica. Un segon objectiu és realitzar un treball de recerca basat en l’organització de la campanya gastronòmica en la seva setzena edició. Això permet desenvolupar un projecte ben documentat i en el qual s’ha pogut extreure la informació necessària de primera mà. Un tercer objectiu és donar a conèixer una de les activitats gastronòmiques amb més ressò del Baix Empordà. Són moltes campanyes de gastronomia que es celebren als diferents municipis de la comarca. Algunes d’elles tenen una trajectòria exitosa de més de 15 anys. La idea és estudiar-ne una en concret per a valorar com es desenvolupa una activitat d’aquesta mena que no té altre objectiu primordial que el d’atraure el turisme i desestacionalitzar la temporada de la Costa Brava
Aquest document conté el text EMP3, una "subhasta de peix" que forma part del Corpus Oral de Registres (COR). El COR és un component del Corpus de Català Contemporani de la Universitat de Barcelona (CCCUB), un arxiu de corpus de llengua catalana oral contemporània que ha estat confegit pel grup de recerca Grup d'Estudi de la Variació (GEV) amb la finalitat de contribuir a l'estudi de la variació dialectal, social i funcional en la llengua catalana. Aquest i altres materials del CCCUB són accessibles directament al Dipòsit Digital de la UB (http://diposit.ub.edu) o a través del web del CCCUB (http://www.ub.edu/cccub).