980 resultados para Pedra do Reino. Tragédia. Romance
The present work seeks to investigate and discuss about the Greek Tragedy s elements at Ariano Suassuna s romance called τ Romance d A Pedra do Reino e o Principe do Sangue do Vai e Volta, connecting it directly to mythic, epic, poetic, and romances aspects at his work. The romance has as the protagonist the backcountry Pedro Dinis Quaderna. Quaderna is a character which is simultaneously popular, elitist, enigmatic, naive, and an intellectual man that has a great erudition. Quaderna is a character that seeks, by using the Literature, to reestablish a Brazilian backcountry kingdom which he s supposedly the king, always trying to empathizes the Brazilian northeast region like if it was a nation apart. By impressing a national personality to the Brazilian northeast , Quaderna tries to become an epic poet just like Homer, denoting a strong influence of the Epopee. Quaderna, just like many characters of Greek Tragedy, has at his family past time a lot of tragic circumstances. These facts that ocurred to his relativos like the your uncle Pedro Sebastião Garcia Barreto s death, the disappearement of his cousin Sinésio, and the contest between the brothers Arésio and Sinésio, and others aspects, remind us remarkable influences, beyond the Epopee, of the Greek Tragedy. By reading the romance we may notice many similarities between Quaderna s trajectory and Greek Tragedy heroes. To make an analysis about the tragic aspects at Suassuna s work, we need to dialogue with many theoreticals that have written about the tragic and comparate with many parts of Suassuna s with classics character s texts of Greek Tragedy. At the following chapters we seek to provide romance s elementaries notions, as well as tragic notions, the dialogue with mythics aspects and the tragic and epic aplicability at Suassuna s work
The present work seeks to investigate and discuss about the Greek Tragedy s elements at Ariano Suassuna s romance called τ Romance d A Pedra do Reino e o Principe do Sangue do Vai e Volta, connecting it directly to mythic, epic, poetic, and romances aspects at his work. The romance has as the protagonist the backcountry Pedro Dinis Quaderna. Quaderna is a character which is simultaneously popular, elitist, enigmatic, naive, and an intellectual man that has a great erudition. Quaderna is a character that seeks, by using the Literature, to reestablish a Brazilian backcountry kingdom which he s supposedly the king, always trying to empathizes the Brazilian northeast region like if it was a nation apart. By impressing a national personality to the Brazilian northeast , Quaderna tries to become an epic poet just like Homer, denoting a strong influence of the Epopee. Quaderna, just like many characters of Greek Tragedy, has at his family past time a lot of tragic circumstances. These facts that ocurred to his relativos like the your uncle Pedro Sebastião Garcia Barreto s death, the disappearement of his cousin Sinésio, and the contest between the brothers Arésio and Sinésio, and others aspects, remind us remarkable influences, beyond the Epopee, of the Greek Tragedy. By reading the romance we may notice many similarities between Quaderna s trajectory and Greek Tragedy heroes. To make an analysis about the tragic aspects at Suassuna s work, we need to dialogue with many theoreticals that have written about the tragic and comparate with many parts of Suassuna s with classics character s texts of Greek Tragedy. At the following chapters we seek to provide romance s elementaries notions, as well as tragic notions, the dialogue with mythics aspects and the tragic and epic aplicability at Suassuna s work
The present work seeks to investigate and discuss about the Greek Tragedy s elements at Ariano Suassuna s romance called τ Romance d A Pedra do Reino e o Principe do Sangue do Vai e Volta, connecting it directly to mythic, epic, poetic, and romances aspects at his work. The romance has as the protagonist the backcountry Pedro Dinis Quaderna. Quaderna is a character which is simultaneously popular, elitist, enigmatic, naive, and an intellectual man that has a great erudition. Quaderna is a character that seeks, by using the Literature, to reestablish a Brazilian backcountry kingdom which he s supposedly the king, always trying to empathizes the Brazilian northeast region like if it was a nation apart. By impressing a national personality to the Brazilian northeast , Quaderna tries to become an epic poet just like Homer, denoting a strong influence of the Epopee. Quaderna, just like many characters of Greek Tragedy, has at his family past time a lot of tragic circumstances. These facts that ocurred to his relativos like the your uncle Pedro Sebastião Garcia Barreto s death, the disappearement of his cousin Sinésio, and the contest between the brothers Arésio and Sinésio, and others aspects, remind us remarkable influences, beyond the Epopee, of the Greek Tragedy. By reading the romance we may notice many similarities between Quaderna s trajectory and Greek Tragedy heroes. To make an analysis about the tragic aspects at Suassuna s work, we need to dialogue with many theoreticals that have written about the tragic and comparate with many parts of Suassuna s with classics character s texts of Greek Tragedy. At the following chapters we seek to provide romance s elementaries notions, as well as tragic notions, the dialogue with mythics aspects and the tragic and epic aplicability at Suassuna s work
Pós-graduação em Estudos Literários - FCLAR
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
A presente tese está calcada na análise da obra de Ariano Suassuna, o Romance dA Pedra do Reino e o príncipe do sangue do vai-e-volta, considerado pelo autor como a sua obra maior e, a princípio, o primeiro volume da trilogia A maravilhosa desaventura de Quaderna, o decifrador, e no primeiro volume da segunda parte da trilogia, O rei degolado ao Sol da Onça Caetana. O trabalho consiste, fundamentalmente, em examinar o diálogo estabelecido entre a obra de Suassuna com textos representativos da tradição literária ocidental, mais propriamente com os que remontam ao medievo. Para isso, fez-se um recorte nas relações que o romance trava com a matéria cavaleiresca, principalmente com a Demanda do Santo Graal, na sua estrutura e no desenho psicológico e moral dos personagens, notadamente de Sinésio, que encarna o mito do herói prometido, cujos paradigmas se assentam na figura lendária do Rei Artur, além de Galaaz, e na histórica de D. Sebastião, o rei desaparecido de Portugal. Sabe-se que esses reis e heróis míticos, considerados salvadores, uma vez que retornariam para restituir ao povo a dignidade e a liberdade perdidas, povoaram o imaginário ibérico e chegaram ao Brasil trazidos pelos colonizadores europeus. Dessa forma, a cultura popular do Nordeste brasileiro é povoada de histórias e lendas eternizadas e recriadas no folclore da região e na literatura de Cordel. Mas, ao lado do messianismo, outro aspecto faz-se notório nos personagens de Suassuna: a crueldade. E este tema, bem como o nome do personagem D. Pedro Dinis Quaderna, remete-nos para a história de alguns reis ibéricos da Idade Média: Pedro de Portugal e Pedro de Castela, que serão revisitados à luz da Crônica de D. Pedro de Fernão Lopes, no intuito de observar-se o diálogo com esta estabelecido por Suassuna, direta ou indiretamente
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Based on the relation history, literature and space, this work examines the production and the closing of the representation of the hinterland in the Romance d A Pedra do Reino of the paraiban writer Ariano Suassuna. Inspired by method proposed by deconstructionist by Jacques Derrida, our reflection decomposes the writing scene of Suassuna by means of it s tracks to interpret the operation of the representation of the space-hinterland for the speech of the writer. Being thus, we present the elements chosen for Suassuna to weave an identification it s with this space-hinterland, taking a priori as a sentimental place and of familiar origin . The construction of this relation of belonging in great is measured grounded for a familiar memory entangled in the context politician who culminated in the Revolution of 1930 and that he resulted for the writer in the death of father. Suassuna launches a look on the identity and the Brazilian culture that guided in the tradition concept it searchs to deny the gift grounding its speech in the return to the past, a past order . Specifically in it s romance we notice to exist the fusing of these tracks in the production of a representation of the hinterland that it intends to close a concept of this space and its culture. Soon, the idea of kingdom sends to the space of the enchantments manufactured in infancy and retaken by the intellectual radical who in the anxiety of honor the father figure, does not save efforts in constructing a space representation that, over all, either faithful the representation that it searchs to trace of proper itself. Under one it marks of universality , the hinterland-kingdom of Suassuna if discloses eurocentric in the measure where it perpetuates discurse the filiation of the European cultural traditions.
Este projeto tem como objetivo analisar a adaptação da obra de Ariano Suassuna, Romance d A Pedra do Reino e o príncipe do sangue do vai-e-volta, para a minissérie, intitulada A Pedra do Reino, dirigida por Luiz Fernando Carvalho e exibida pela Rede Globo entre os dias 12 e 16 de junho de 2007. Esta análise será realizada a partir da cena da auto-coroação da personagem Quaderna, usando a metodologia proposta por Umberto Eco em Para uma investigação semiológica sobre a mensagem televisual , artigo integrante da obra Apocalípticos e integrados, com a qual pretendemos elucidar o uso de signos na adaptação e fidelidade desta com a obra original.(AU)
Este projeto tem como objetivo analisar a adaptação da obra de Ariano Suassuna, Romance d A Pedra do Reino e o príncipe do sangue do vai-e-volta, para a minissérie, intitulada A Pedra do Reino, dirigida por Luiz Fernando Carvalho e exibida pela Rede Globo entre os dias 12 e 16 de junho de 2007. Esta análise será realizada a partir da cena da auto-coroação da personagem Quaderna, usando a metodologia proposta por Umberto Eco em Para uma investigação semiológica sobre a mensagem televisual , artigo integrante da obra Apocalípticos e integrados, com a qual pretendemos elucidar o uso de signos na adaptação e fidelidade desta com a obra original.(AU)
Este projeto tem como objetivo analisar a adaptação da obra de Ariano Suassuna, Romance d A Pedra do Reino e o príncipe do sangue do vai-e-volta, para a minissérie, intitulada A Pedra do Reino, dirigida por Luiz Fernando Carvalho e exibida pela Rede Globo entre os dias 12 e 16 de junho de 2007. Esta análise será realizada a partir da cena da auto-coroação da personagem Quaderna, usando a metodologia proposta por Umberto Eco em Para uma investigação semiológica sobre a mensagem televisual , artigo integrante da obra Apocalípticos e integrados, com a qual pretendemos elucidar o uso de signos na adaptação e fidelidade desta com a obra original.(AU)
This study suggests sonorous ambiences from the propose of images configured according to the description in “A Visagem da Moça Caetana” by Ariano Suassuna in order to create individual sonorous possibilities that may help musicians to play the piece. The cycle, composed in 1996 (for voice, viola, cello, bass clarinet/clarinet), is formed by three untitled songs. Its text is an excerpt from the “Folheto XLIV”, from the Romance d’A Pedra do Reino e o príncipe do sangue do vai-e-volta, and describes a sentence of death illustrated by symbols of the Armorial imagery, with neologisms and the peculiar accent from the Sertão in northeast Brazil. In addition to the analysis of technical difficulties to play, this study informs interpreters of the sonorous timbre and texture used by Nelson Almeida to describe tradition through contemporary musical language. The metaphors and transgressions of reason in Suassuna’s book were explored to create three image compositions so that they may lead interpreters to the sonorous description of the inanimate objects and the affections to which the poetry refers, expanding any technical-interpretative indications limited by musical notation. This research used the Visagem scores, the literature on the theme, discussions with the musicians that played the piece, interviews with Almeida, and composers’ reports. To illustrate the theory, the three images are available, printed as woodcut in cordel literature.
Director Luiz Fernando Carvalho’s artistic performances, specially the miniseries Hoje é dia de Maria (2005), A Pedra do Reino (2007) and Capitu (2008), target a true setting of commitment, preoccupation and conciliation towards its spectator’s education. And the purpose of this text is to talk about such reeducation of senses explored by Carvalho’s artistic performances.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Objetiva-se apresentar uma possibilidade de leitura da obra juvenil Pedro Pedra, de Gustavo Bernardo, na qual se considera o papel do leitor e do narrador. Para a consecução desse objetivo, pretende-se refletir, a partir das contribuições da estética da recepção, acerca do que propicia o prazer na leitura e quais elementos determinam o papel do leitor implícito e as disposições do narrador. Constrói-se, neste texto, a hipótese de que a estratégia do escritor de apresentar sua narrativa sob a forma de um romance de formação permite ao jovem leitor, também em fase de definição de sua personalidade, identificação com a temática.