998 resultados para Pedigree analysis


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The study of population structure by pedigree analysis is useful to identify important circumstances that affect the genetic history of populations. The intensive use of a small number of superior individuals may reduce the genetic diversity of populations. This situation is very common for the beef cattle breeds. Therefore, the objectives of the present study were to analyze the pedigree and possible inbreeding depression on traits of economic interest in the Marchigiana and Bonsmara breeds and to test the inclusion of the individual inbreeding coefficient (F-i) or individual increases in inbreeding coefficient (Delta F-i) in the genetic evaluation model for the quantification of inbreeding depression. The complete pedigree file of the Marchigiana breed included 29,411 animals born between 1950 and 2003. For the Bonsmara breed, the pedigree file included 18,695 animals born between 1988 and 2006. Only animals with at least 2 equivalent generations of known pedigree were kept in the analyses of inbreeding effect on birth weight, weaning weight measured at about 205 d, and BW at 14 mo in the Marchigiana breed, and on birth weight, weaning weight, and scro-tal circumference measured at 12 mo in the Bonsmara breed. The degree of pedigree knowledge was greater for Marchigiana than for Bonsmara animals. The average generation interval was 7.02 and 3.19 for the Marchigiana and Bonsmara breed, respectively. The average inbreeding coefficient was 1.33% for Marchigiana and 0.26% for Bonsmara. The number of ancestors explaining 50% of the gene pool and effective population size computed via individual increase in coancestry were 13 and 97.79 for Marchigiana and 41 and 54.57 for Bonsmara, respectively. These estimates indicate reduction in genetic variability in both breeds. Inbreeding depression was observed for most of the growth traits. The model including Delta F-i can be considered more adequate to quantify inbreeding depression. The inclusion of F-i or Delta F-i in the genetic evaluation model may not result in better fit to the data. A genetic evaluation with simultaneous estimation of inbreeding depression can be performed in Marchigiana and Bonsmara breeds, providing additional information to producers and breeders.


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A recent cross-sectional study has demonstrated a significant association of the R1 RsaI restriction fragment length polymorphism of the insulin receptor gene (INSR) with human essential hypertension. In the present study, an alternative approach, involving linkage analysis, was carried out using 8 hypertensive families with 5 or more affected members. Five of the families were found to be informative and in one of these pedigrees a conclusion of non-linkage of INSR and hypertension could be made on the basis of an obligate recombinant in one generation which yielded a Lod score of - ∞ at a recombination fraction (θ) of zero. In another family, the largest studied, a positive Lod score was obtained at θ = 0, but this was below the level required for a conclusion of linkage. Lod score at θ = 0 for a marker at the insulin locus in this family was negative. The present study has thus demonstrated one pedigree in which hypertension is not linked to the insulin receptor locus.


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Purpose: Waardenburg syndrome (WS) is characterized by sensorineural hearing loss and pigmentation defects of the eye, skin, and hair. It is caused by mutations in one of the following genes: PAX3 (paired box 3), MITF (microphthalmia-associated transcription factor), EDNRB (endothelin receptor type B), EDN3 (endothelin 3), SNAI2 (snail homolog 2, Drosophila) and SOX10 (SRY-box containing gene 10). Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is an X-linked recessive disorder caused by mutations in the DMD gene. The purpose of this study was to identify the genetic causes of WS and DMD in an Indian family with two patients: one affected with WS and DMD, and another one affected with only WS. Methods: Blood samples were collected from individuals for genomic DNA isolation. To determine the linkage of this family to the eight known WS loci, microsatellite markers were selected from the candidate regions and used to genotype the family. Exon-specific intronic primers for EDN3 were used to amplify and sequence DNA samples from affected individuals to detect mutations. A mutation in DMD was identified by multiplex PCR and multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification method using exon-specific probes. Results: Pedigree analysis suggested segregation of WS as an autosomal recessive trait in the family. Haplotype analysis suggested linkage of the family to the WS4B (EDN3) locus. DNA sequencing identified a novel missense mutation p.T98M in EDN3. A deletion mutation was identified in DMD. Conclusions: This study reports a novel missense mutation in EDN3 and a deletion mutation in DMD in the same Indian family. The present study will be helpful in genetic diagnosis of this family and increases the mutation spectrum of EDN3.


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Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia Animal - FEIS


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Platelet count is a highly heritable trait with genetic factors responsible for around 80% of the phenotypic variance. We measured platelet count longitudinally in 327 monozygotic and 418 dizygotic twin pairs at 12, 14 and 16 years of age. We also performed a genome-wide linkage scan of these twins and their families in an attempt to localize QTLs that influenced variation in platelet concentrations. Suggestive linkage was observed on chromosome 19q13.13-19q13.31 at 12 (LOD=2.12, P=0.0009), 14 (LOD=2.23, P=0.0007) and 16 (LOD=1.01, P=0.016) years of age and multivariate analysis of counts at all three ages increased the LOD to 2.59 (P=0.0003). A possible candidate in this region is the gene for glycoprotein VI, a receptor involved in platelet aggregation. Smaller linkage peaks were also seen at 2p, 5p, 5q, 10p and 15q. There was little evidence for linkage to the chromosomal regions containing the genes for thrombopoietin (3q27) and the thrombopoietin receptor (1q34), suggesting that polymorphisms in these genes do not contribute substantially to variation in platelet count between healthy individuals.


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Motivation: Unravelling the genetic architecture of complex traits requires large amounts of data, sophisticated models and large computational resources. The lack of user-friendly software incorporating all these requisites is delaying progress in the analysis of complex traits. Methods: Linkage disequilibrium and linkage analysis (LDLA) is a high-resolution gene mapping approach based on sophisticated mixed linear models, applicable to any population structure. LDLA can use population history information in addition to pedigree and molecular markers to decompose traits into genetic components. Analyses are distributed in parallel over a large public grid of computers in the UK. Results: We have proven the performance of LDLA with analyses of simulated data. There are real gains in statistical power to detect quantitative trait loci when using historical information compared with traditional linkage analysis. Moreover, the use of a grid of computers significantly increases computational speed, hence allowing analyses that would have been prohibitive on a single computer. © The Author 2009. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved.


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Differences in genetic control of BMD by skeletal sites and genders were examined by complex segregation analysis in 816 members of 147 families with probands with extreme low BMD. Spine BMD correlated more strongly in male-male comparisons and hip BMD in female-female comparisons, consistent with gender- and site-specificity of BMD heritability. Introduction: Evidence from studies in animals and humans suggests that the genetic control of bone mineral density (BMD) may differ at different skeletal sites and between genders. This question has important implications for the design and interpretation of genetic studies of osteoporosis. Methods: We examined the genetic profile of 147 families with 816 individuals recruited through probands with extreme low BMD (T-score < −2.5, Z-score < −2.0). Complex segregation analysis was performed using the Pedigree Analysis Package. BMD was measured by DXA at both lumbar spine (L1-L4) and femoral neck. Results: Complex segregation analysis excluded purely monogenic and environmental models of segregation of lumbar spine and femoral neck BMD in these families. Pure polygenic models were excluded at the lumbar spine when menopausal status was considered as a covariate, but not at the femoral neck. Mendelian models with a residual polygenic component were not excluded. These models were consistent with the presence of a rare Mendelian genotype of prevalence 3–19 %, causing high BMD at the hip and spine in these families, with additional polygenic effects. Total heritability range at the lumbar spine was 61–67 % and at the femoral neck was 44–67 %. Significant differences in correlation of femoral neck and lumbar spine BMD were observed between male and female relative pairs, with male-male comparisons exhibiting stronger lumbar spine BMD correlation than femoral neck, and female-female comparisons having greater femoral neck BMD correlation than lumbar spine. These findings remained true for parent-offspring correlations when menopausal status was taken into account. The recurrence risk ratio for siblings of probands of a Z-score < −2.0 was 5.4 at the lumbar spine and 5.9 at the femoral neck. Conclusions: These findings support gender- and site-specificity of the inheritance of BMD. These results should be considered in the design and interpretation of genetic studies of osteoporosis.


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229 SSRs (simple sequence repeats) were identified among 10,443 ESTs (expressed sequence tags) of Chinese shrimp (Fenneropenaeus chinensis). The average density of SSRs was one SSR per 19.1 kb of EST sequence screened. The dinucleotide repeats appeared to be the most abundant SSRs detected. Nine EST-SSR markers were detected polymorphisms of the thirty SSR primer pairs derived from F chinensis ESTs. The number of alleles per locus ranged from 5 to 15, with an average of 9.1 alleles per locus. The observed heterozygosity of nine loci ranged from 0.47 to 0.87. These loci were used successfully for pedigree analysis in three families of Fenneropenaeus chinensis. Two of the nine microsatellite loci showed the existence of null alleles. Assuming the existence of null alleles at Fc07 and Fc14 loci, the allelic inheritance mode of the EST-SSR DNA markers (Fc04, Fc06, Fc07, Fc10, Fc14, Fc18, Fc22, Fc24, and Fc27) was consistent with Mendelian segregation. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Although single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are important resources for population genetics, pedigree analysis and genomic mapping, such loci have not been reported in Pacific abalone so far. In this study, a bioinformatics strategy was adopted to discover SNPs within the expressed sequences (ESTs) of Pacific abalone, Haliotis discus hannai, and furthermore, polymerase chain reaction direct sequencing (PCR-DS) and allele-specific PCR (AS-PCR) were used for SNPs detection and genotype scoring respectively. A total of 5893 ESTs were assembled and 302 putative SNPs were identified. The average density of SNPs in ESTs was 1%. Fifty-two sets of sequencing primers were designed from SNPs flanking ESTs to amplify the genomic DNA, and 13 could generate products of expected size. Polymerase chain reaction direct sequencing of the amplification products from pooled DNA samples revealed 40 polymorphic SNP loci. Using a modified tetra-primer AS-PCR, seven mitochondrial and six nuclear SNPs were typed and characterized among 37 wild abalones. In conclusion, it is feasible to discover SNPs from number limited ESTs and the AS-PCR as a simple, robust and reliable assay could be a primary method for small- and medium-scale SNPs detection in abalones as well as other non-model organisms.


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Many populations have recovered from severe bottlenecks either naturally or through intensive conservation management. In the past, however, few conservation programs have monitored the genetic health of recovering populations. We conducted a conservation genetic assessment of a small, reintroduced population of Mauritius Kestrel (Falco punctatus) to determine whether genetic deterioration has occurred since its reintroduction. We used pedigree analysis that partially accounted for individuals of unknown origin to document that (1) inbreeding occurred frequently (2.6% increase per generation; N-el = 18.9), (2) 25% of breeding pairs were composed of either closely or moderately related individuals, (3) genetic diversity has been lost from the population (1,6% loss per generation; N-ev = 32.1) less rapidly than the corresponding increase in inbreeding, and (4) ignoring the contribution of unknown individuals to a pedigree will bias the metrics derived from that pedigree, ultimately obscuring the prevailing genetic dynamics. The rates of inbreeding and loss of genetic variation in the subpopulation of Mauritius Kestrel we examined were extreme and among the highest yet documented in a wild vertebrate population. Thus, genetic deterioration may affect this population's long-term viability. Remedial conservation strategies are needed to reduce the impact of inbreeding and loss of genetic variation in this species, We suggest that schemes to monitor genetic variation after reintroduction should be an integral component of endangered species recovery programs


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The barley β-amylase I (Bmy1) locus encodes a starch breakdown enzyme whose kinetic properties and thermostability are critical during malt production. Studies of allelic variation at the Bmy1 locus have shown that the encoded enzyme can be commonly found in at least three distinct thermostability classes and demonstrated the nucleotide sequence variations responsible for such phenotypic differences. In order to explore the extent of sequence diversity at the Bmy1 locus in cultivated European barley, 464 varieties representing a cross-section of popular varieties grown in western Europe over the past 60 years, were genotyped for three single nucleotide polymorphisms chosen to tag the four common alleles found in the collection. One of these haplotypes, which has not been explicitly recognised in the literature as a distinct allele, was found in 95% of winter varieties in the sample. When release dates of the varieties were considered, the lowest thermostability allele (Bmy1-Sd2L) appeared to decrease in abundance over time, while the highest thermostability allele (Bmy1-Sd2H) was the rarest allele at 5.4% of the sample and was virtually confined to two-row spring varieties. Pedigree analysis was used to track transmission of particular alleles over time and highlighted issues of genetic stratification of the sample.


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Background: Oculocutaneous albinism (OCA) is an autosomal recessive hereditary pigmentation disorder affecting humans and several other animal species. Oculocutaneous albinism was studied in a herd of Murrah buffalo to determine the clinical presentation and genetic basis of albinism in this species.Results: Clinical examinations and pedigree analysis were performed in an affected herd, and wild-type and OCA tyrosinase mRNA sequences were obtained. The main clinical findings were photophobia and a lack of pigmentation of the hair, skin, horns, hooves, mucosa, and iris. The results of segregation analysis suggest that this disease is acquired through recessive inheritance. In the OCA buffalo, a single-base substitution was detected at nucleotide 1,431 (G to A), which leads to the conversion of tryptophan into a stop codon at residue 477.Conclusion: This premature stop codon produces an inactive protein, which is responsible for the OCA buffalo phenotype. These findings will be useful for future studies of albinism in buffalo and as a possible model to study diseases caused by a premature stop codon.