969 resultados para Peak expiratory flow
Purpose: Peak expiratory flow (PEF) was measured in healthy children aged five to ten years in order to provide baseline values and to determine correlations between PEF and factors such as gender, age and type of school. Methods: After the Ethical Committee of Research in Human of the School of Medicine of ABC - FMABC approval, PEF and height were measured in 1942 children between five and ten years old from nine public schools and nine private schools throughout Sao Bernardo do Campo City. PEF was measured using the Mini-Wright Peak Flow Meter (Clement Clarke International Ltd.) and. height was measured using a Sanny professional stadiometer. Results: Significant differences were found in values for PEF: higher values were seen in older students in comparison with younger students, in males in comparison with females and in students from private schools in comparison with public schools, with average values ranging from 206 L/min to 248 L/min,. Linear correlations were seen for PEF values with both height and age (Spearman Coefficient). Conclusions: Differences were seen for PEF between genders and between types of school, and a linear correlation was seen for PEF with both age and height in healthy children from five to ten years old.
This study evaluated the spirometry and respiratory static pressures in 17 young women, twice a week for three successive ovulatory menstrual cycles to determine if such variables changed across the menstrual, follicular, periovulatory, early-tomid luteal and late luteal phases. The factors phases of menstrual cycle and individual cycles had no significant effect on the spirometry variables except for peak expiratory flow (PEF) and respiratory static pressures. Significant weak positive correlations were found between the progesterone:estradiol ratio and PEF and between estrogen and tidal volume (r = 0.37), inspiratory time (r = 0.22), expiratory time (r = 0.19), maximal inspiratory pressure (r = 0.25) and maximal expiratory pressure (r = 0.20) and for progesterone and maximal inspiratory pressure (r = 0.32) during the early-to-mid luteal phase. Although most parameters of the spirometry results did not change during the menstrual cycle, the correlations observed between sexual hormones and respiratory control variables suggest a positive influence of sexual female hormones controlling the thoracic pump muscles in the luteal phase
Background In the last 20 years, there has been an increase in the incidence of allergic respiratory diseases worldwide and exposure to air pollution has been discussed as one of the factors associated with this increase. The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of air pollution on peak expiratory flow (PEF) and FEV1 in children with and without allergic sensitization. Methods Ninety-six children were followed from April to July, 2004 with spirometry measurements. They were tested for allergic sensitization (IgE, skin prick test, eosinophilia) and asked about allergic symptoms. Air pollution, temperature, and relative humidity data were available. Results Decrements in PEF were observed with previous 24-hr average exposure to air pollution, as well as with 310-day average exposure and were associated mainly with PM10, NO2, and O3 in all three categories of allergic sensitization. Even though allergic sensitized children tended to present larger decrements in the PEF measurements they were not statistically different from the non-allergic sensitized. Decrements in FEV1 were observed mainly with previous 24-hr average exposure and 3-day moving average. Conclusions Decrements in PEF associated with air pollution were observed in children independent from their allergic sensitization status. Their daily exposure to air pollution can be responsible for a chronic inflammatory process that might impair their lung growth and later their lung function in adulthood. Am. J. Ind. Med. 55:10871098, 2012. (c) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Including positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) in the manual resuscitation bag (MRB) may render manual hyperinflation (MHI) ineffective as a secretion maneuver technique in mechanically ventilated patients. In this study we aimed to determine the effect of increased PEEP or decreased compliance on peak expiratory flow rate (PEF) during MHI. A blinded, randomized study was performed on a lung simulator by 10 physiotherapists experienced in MHI and intensive care practice. PEEP levels of 0-15 cm H2O, compliance levels of 0.05 and 0.02 L/cm H2O, and MRB type were randomized. The Mapleson-C MRB generated significantly higher PEF (P < 0.01, d = 2.72) when compared with the Laerdal MRB for all levels of PEEP. In normal compliance (0.05 L/cm H2O) there was a significant decrease in PEF (P < 0.01, d = 1.45) for a PEEP more than 10 cm H2O in the Mapleson-C circuit. The Laerdal MRB at PEEP levels of more than 10 cm H2O did not generate a PEF that is theoretically capable of producing two-phase gas-liquid flow and, consequently, mobilizing pulmonary secretions. If MHI is indicated as a result of mucous plugging, the Mapleson-C MRB may be the most effective method of secretion mobilization.
This study evaluated the spirometry and respiratory static pressures in 17 young women, twice a week for three successive ovulatory menstrual cycles to determine if such variables changed across the menstrual, follicular, periovulatory, early-tomid luteal and late luteal phases. The factors phases of menstrual cycle and individual cycles had no significant effect on the spirometry variables except for peak expiratory flow (PEF) and respiratory static pressures. Significant weak positive correlations were found between the progesterone:estradiol ratio and PEF and between estrogen and tidal volume (r = 0.37), inspiratory time (r = 0.22), expiratory time (r = 0.19), maximal inspiratory pressure (r = 0.25) and maximal expiratory pressure (r = 0.20) and for progesterone and maximal inspiratory pressure (r = 0.32) during the early-to-mid luteal phase. Although most parameters of the spirometry results did not change during the menstrual cycle, the correlations observed between sexual hormones and respiratory control variables suggest a positive influence of sexual female hormones controlling the thoracic pump muscles in the luteal phase
This study evaluated the spirometry and respiratory static pressures in 17 young women, twice a week for three successive ovulatory menstrual cycles to determine if such variables changed across the menstrual, follicular, periovulatory, early-tomid luteal and late luteal phases. The factors phases of menstrual cycle and individual cycles had no significant effect on the spirometry variables except for peak expiratory flow (PEF) and respiratory static pressures. Significant weak positive correlations were found between the progesterone:estradiol ratio and PEF and between estrogen and tidal volume (r = 0.37), inspiratory time (r = 0.22), expiratory time (r = 0.19), maximal inspiratory pressure (r = 0.25) and maximal expiratory pressure (r = 0.20) and for progesterone and maximal inspiratory pressure (r = 0.32) during the early-to-mid luteal phase. Although most parameters of the spirometry results did not change during the menstrual cycle, the correlations observed between sexual hormones and respiratory control variables suggest a positive influence of sexual female hormones controlling the thoracic pump muscles in the luteal phase
Introduction. In this study we aimed to evaluate the peak cough flow (PCF) in healthy Brazilian subjects. Methods. We evaluated 484 healthy subjects between 18 and 40 years old. Subjects were seated and oriented were asked to perform a maximal inspiration followed by a quick, short and explosive expiration on the peak flow meter. Three measures were carried out and recorded the average of the three results for each individual. Results: The PCF values ranged between 240 and 500 L/min. The PCF values were lower in females than in males. The PCF was inversely proportional to age. Conclusion: The values for Brazilian adult healthy subjects regarding PCF were between 240 and 500 L/min. © 2012 Cardoso et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
Abstract Introduction In this study we aimed to evaluate the peak cough flow (PCF) in healthy Brazilian subjects. Methods We evaluated 484 healthy subjects between 18 and 40 years old. Subjects were seated and oriented were asked to perform a maximal inspiration followed by a quick, short and explosive expiration on the peak flow meter. Three measures were carried out and recorded the average of the three results for each individual. Results The PCF values ranged between 240 and 500 L/min. The PCF values were lower in females than in males. The PCF was inversely proportional to age. Conclusion The values for Brazilian adult healthy subjects regarding PCF were between 240 and 500 L/min.
Resumo Objectivos: Avaliação da Tosse em doentes com Doença Pulmonar Obstrutiva Crónica (DPOC). Identificar e determinar a relação dos factores preditivos que contribuem para a deterioração da capacidade de tosse nestes indivíduos. Tipo de estudo: Estudo observacional descritivo de natureza transversal. Definição dos casos: Os critérios de diagnóstico da DPOC são o quadro clínico e o Gold standard para diagnóstico da DPOC – a espirometria. População-alvo: Todos os utentes com patologia primária de DPOC diagnosticada que se desloquem ao serviço de função respiratória do Hospital de Viseu, para realizar provas. Método de Amostragem: Foi utilizada uma amostra aleatória constituída por todos os indivíduos, que cumpriram os critérios de inclusão, conscientes e colaborantes, que aceitaram participar neste estudo. Dimensão da amostra: Uma amostra de 55 indivíduos que se deslocaram ao serviço de função respiratória, entre Janeiro e Junho de 2009, para realizar provas de função respiratória. Condução do estudo: Os utentes que aceitaram participar neste estudo foram sujeitos a um questionário de dados clínicos e realizaram 5 testes: índice de massa corporal (IMC), estudo funcional respiratório e gasometria arterial, avaliação da força dos músculos respiratórios (PImax e PEmax) e avaliação do débito máximo da tosse (Peak Cough Flow). Análise estatística: Foram obtidos dados caracterizadores da amostra em estudo, sendo posteriormente correlacionado o valor de débito máximo da tosse (Peak Cough Flow) com os resultados obtidos para as avaliações do IMC, estudo funcional respiratório, PImax e PEmax, gasometria, avaliação da capacidade de Tosse e número de internamentos no último ano por agudização da DPOC. Tendo sido encontrados os valores de correlação entre o Peak Cough Flow e os restantes parâmetros. Resultados: Após análise dos resultados, foram obtidos os valores de Peak Cough Flow para a população com DPOC e verificou-se valores diminuídos em comparação com os valores normais da população, tendo-se verificado maiores valores de PCF em indivíduos do sexo masculino, em comparação aos valores do sexo feminino. Foi analisada a relação entre o PCF e a idade, peso, altura e IMC, não tendo sido encontrada relação, dado que a tosse não apresenta uma variação segundo os valores antropométricos, tal como a relação com os valores espirométricos. Quanto aos parâmetros funcionais respiratórios foram analisadas as relações com o PCF. Verificou-se relações significativas entre o PCF e o FEV1, a FVC, o PEF, apresentando uma relação positiva, onde maiores valores destes parâmetros estão correlacionados com maiores picos de tosse. Quanto a RAW e RV, o PCF apresenta uma relação negativa, onde uma maior resistência da via aérea ou doentes mais hiperinsuflados leva a menores valores de PCF. Por outro lado não foi encontrada relação entre o PCF e a FRC e o TLC. Quanto à força dos músculos respiratórios, verificou-se relação significativa com o PImax e a PEmax em que a fraqueza ao nível dos músculos respiratórios contribuem para um menor valor de PCF. Relativamente aos valores da gasometria arterial, verificou-se relação entre o PCF e a PaO2 de forma positiva, em que doentes hipoxémicos apresentam menores valores de tosse, e a PaCO2, de forma negativa, em que os doentes hipercápnicos apresentam menores valores de PCF tendo sido verificada relação entre o PCF e o pH e sO2. Quanto à relação entre o número de internamentos por agudização da DPOC no último ano e o PCF verificou-se uma relação significativa, onde um menor valor de PCF contribui para uma maior taxa de internamento por agudização da DPOC. Conclusão: Este conjunto de conclusões corrobora a hipótese inicialmente formulada, de que o Peak Cough Flow se encontra diminuído nos indivíduos com Doença Pulmonar Obstrutiva Crónica onde a variação do PCF se encontra directamente relacionada com os parâmetros funcionais respiratórios, com a força dos músculos respiratórios e com os valores de gasometria arterial. ABSTRACT: Aims: Cough evaluation in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) patients. Identify and determine the relation of the predictive factors that contribute to the cough capacity degradation in this type of patients. Type of study: Descriptive observational study of transversal nature. Case definition: The COPD diagnosis criteria are the clinical presentation and the gold standard to the COPD diagnosis- the Spirometry. Target Population: Every patients, with primary pathology of COPD diagnosed, who went to the respiratory function service of Viseu hospital to perform tests. Sampling Method: It was used a random sample constituted by all the, conscious and cooperating individuals, who complied with the inclusion criteria and who accepted to make part of this study. Sample size: A sample of 55 individuals that went to the respiratory function service between January and June 2009 to perform respiratory function tests. Study: The patients who accepted to make part of this study were submitted to a clinical data questionary and performed 5 tests: body mass index (BMI), respiratory functional study, arterial blood gas level, evaluation of respiratory muscles strength (maximal inspiratory pressure (MIP) and maximum expiratory pressure (MEP)), and Peak Cough Flow evaluation. Statistic Analysis: Were obtained characterizing data of the sample in study, and later correlated the value of the Peak Cough Flow with the results from the evaluation of the body mass index (BMI), the respiratory functional study the MIP and MEP, the arterial blood gas level and also with the ability to cough evaluation and the number of hospitalizations in the last year for COPD exacerbations. The values of correlation between the Peak Cough Flow and the other parameters were found. Results: After analyzing the results, were obtained the values of Peak Cough Flow for the population with COPD. There were decreased values compared with the population normal values, having been found higher values of PCF in males compared to female values. It was analyzed the relation between the PCF and the age, weight, height and BMI but no relation was found on account of the fact that the cough does not show a variation according to anthropometric parameters, such as the relation with spirometric values. As for the respiratory functional parameters were analyzed relations with the PCF. There were significant relations between the PCF and FEV1, the FVC, the PEF, presenting a positive relation, where higher values of these parameters are correlated with higher incidence of cough. Concerning the RAW and RV, the PCF has a negative relation, in which a higher airway resistance or in more hyperinflated patients, leads to lower values of PCF. On the other hand no correlation was found between the PCF and the FRC and TLC. Regarding the respiratory muscle strength, there was a significant relation with the MIP and MEP, in which the weakness at the level of respiratory muscles contribute to a lower value of PCF. For values of arterial blood gas level, there was no relation between the PCF and PaO2, in a positive way, in which patients with hypoxemia present lower values of cough, and PaCO2, in a negative way in which hypercapnic patients had lower values of PCF, having being founded a relation between the PCF and the pH and sO2. As for the relation between the number of hospitalizations for COPD exacerbation in the last year and the PCF was found a significant relation, in which a smaller value of PCF contributes to a higher rate of hospitalization for COPD exacerbation. Conclusion: This set of findings supports the hypothesis first formulated that Peak Cough Flow is decreased in individuals with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, in which the variation of the PCF is directly related to the respiratory function parameters, the strength of respiratory muscles and the values of arterial blood gases.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The impact of acute altitude exposure on pulmonary function is variable. A large inter-individual variability in the changes in forced expiratory flows (FEFs) is reported with acute exposure to altitude, which is suggested to represent an interaction between several factors influencing bronchial tone such as changes in gas density, catecholamine stimulation, and mild interstitial edema. This study examined the association between FEF variability, acute mountain sickness (AMS) and various blood markers affecting bronchial tone (endothelin-1, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), catecholamines, angiotensin II) in 102 individuals rapidly transported to the South Pole (2835 m). The mean FEF between 25 and 75% (FEF25-75) and blood markers were recorded at sea level and after the second night at altitude. AMS was assessed using Lake Louise questionnaires. FEF25-75 increased by an average of 12% with changes ranging from -26 to +59% from sea level to altitude. On the second day, AMS incidence was 36% and was higher in individuals with increases in FEF25-75 (41 vs. 22%, P = 0.05). Ascent to altitude induced an increase in endothelin-1 levels, with greater levels observed in individuals with decreased FEF25-75. Epinephrine levels increased with ascent to altitude and the response was six times larger in individuals with decreased FEF25-75. Greater levels of endothelin-1 in individuals with decreased FEF25-75 suggest a response consistent with pulmonary hypertension and/or mild interstitial edema, while epinephrine may be upregulated in these individuals to clear lung fluid through stimulation of beta2-adrenergic receptors.
This article presents the results of a study on the association between measured air pollutants and the respiratory health of resident women and children in Lao PDR, one of the least developed countries in Southeast Asia. The study, commissioned by the World Health Organisation, included PM10, CO and NO2 measurements made inside 181 dwellings in nine districts within two provinces in Lao PDR over a 5- month period (12/05–04/06), and respiratory health information (via questionnaires and peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR) measurements) for all residents in the same dwellings. Adjusted odds ratios were calculated separately for each health outcome using binary logistic regression. There was a strong and consistent positive association between NO2 and CO for almost all questionnaire-based health outcomes for both women and children. Women in dwellings with higher measured NO2 had more than triple of the odds of almost all of the health outcomes, and higher concentrations of NO2 and CO were significantly associated with lower PEFR. This study supports a growing literature confirming the role of indoor air pollution in the burden of respiratory disease in developing countries. The results will directly support changes in health and housing policy in Lao PDR.
SETTING National household survey of adults in South Africa, a middle income country. OBJECTIVE To determine the prevalence and predictors of chronic bronchitis. DESIGN A stratified national probability sample of households was selected. All adults in the selected households were interviewed. Chronic bronchitis was defined as chronic productive cough. Socio-demographic predictors were wealth, education, race, age and urban residence. Personal and exposure variables included history of tuberculosis, domestic exposure to smoky fuels, occupational exposures, smoking and body mass index. RESULTS The overall prevalence of chronic bronchitis was 2.3% in men and 2.8% in women. The strongest predictor of chronic bronchitis was a history of tuberculosis (men, odds ratio [OR] 4.9; 95% confidence interval [CI] 2.6-9.2; women, OR 6.6; 95% CI 3.7-11.9). Other risk factors were smoking, occupational exposure (in men), domestic exposure to smoky fuel (in women) and (in univariate analysis only) being underweight. Wealth and particularly education were protective. CONCLUSION The pattern of chronic bronchitis in South Africa suggests a combination of risk factors that includes not only smoking but also tuberculosis, occupational exposures in men and domestic fuel exposure in women. Control of these risk factors requires public health action across a broad front. The protective role of education requires elucidation.
Background As relatively little is known about adult wheeze and asthma in developing countries, this study aimed to determine the predictors of wheeze, asthma diagnosis, and current treatment in a national survey of South African adults. Methods A stratified national probability sample of households was drawn and all adults (>14 years) in the selected households were interviewed. Outcomes of interest were recent wheeze, asthma diagnosis, and current use of asthma medication. Predictors of interest were sex, age, household asset index, education, racial group, urban residence, medical insurance, domestic exposure to smoky fuels, occupational exposure, smoking, body mass index, and past tuberculosis. Results A total of 5671 men and 8155 women were studied. Although recent wheeze was reported by 14.4% of men and 17.6% of women and asthma diagnosis by 3.7% of men and 3.8% of women, women were less likely than men to be on current treatment (OR 0.6; 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.5 to 0.8). A history of tuberculosis was an independent predictor of both recent wheeze (OR 3.4; 95% CI 2.5 to 4.7) and asthma diagnosis (OR 2.2; 95% CI 1.5 to 3.2), as was occupational exposure (wheeze: OR 1.8; 95% CI 1.5 to 2.0; asthma diagnosis: OR 1.9; 95% CI 1.4 to 2.4). Smoking was associated with wheeze but not asthma diagnosis. Obesity showed an association with wheeze only in younger women. Both wheeze and asthma diagnosis were more prevalent in those with less education but had no association with the asset index. Independently, having medical insurance was associated with a higher prevalence of diagnosis. Conclusions Some of the findings may be to due to reporting bias and heterogeneity of the categories wheeze and asthma diagnosis, which may overlap with post tuberculous airways obstruction and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease due to smoking and occupational exposures. The results underline the importance of controlling tuberculosis and occupational exposures as well as smoking in reducing chronic respiratory morbidity. Validation of the asthma questionnaire in this setting and research into the pathophysiology of post tuberculous airways obstruction are also needed.