977 resultados para Pavement recycling
This demonstration project consisted of three adjacent highway resurfacing projects using asphalt cement concrete removed from an Interstate highway which had become severely rutted. The salvaged asphaltic concrete was later crushed and hauled to a plant site where it was combined with virgin materials to resurface the three projects. Only two of the projects were used for performance evaluation as the third project was in an interchange area including ramps and was otherwise too short. It was concluded that recycling was cost effective and a high quality surface can be constructed using recycled asphalt cement concrete.
This report discusses the asphalt pavement recycling project designated Project HR-188 in Kossuth County, Iowa. Specific objectives were: (a) to determine the effectiveness of drum mixing plant modifications designed to control air pollution within limits specified by the Iowa Department of Environmental Quality; (b) to assess the impact of varying the proportions of recycled and virgin aggregates, (c) to assess the impact of varying the production rate of the plant, and (d) to assess the impact of varying the mixing temperature. The discussion includes information on the proposed use of research funds, project location and description, the project planning conference, plan development, bid letting, asphalt plant configuration, actual plant operation, why this method is successful, probable process limitations, pollution results, recycled pavement test results, and the cost of virgin vs. recycled asphalt pavements.
April 1978.
This demonstration project consisted of three adjacent highway resurfacing projects using asphalt cement concrete removed from an Interstate highway which had become severely rutted.
The objective of the research project was to seek acceptable solutions to the air pollution problem created in the asphalt recycling process using modified conventional equipment.
In 1975, Kossuth County had 492 miles of asphalt pavements, sixty percent of which were between l5 and 20 years old. Many of these roadways were in need of rehabilitation. Normally, asphaltic resurfacing would be the procedure for correcting the pavement deterioration. There are areas within the state of Iowa which do not have Class I aggregate readily available for asphalt cement concrete paving. Kossuth County is one of those areas. The problem is typified by this project. Limestone aggregate to be incorporated into the asphalt resurfacing had to be hauled 53 miles from the quarry to the plant site. The cost of hauling good quality aggregate coupled with the increasing cost of asphalt cement encouraged Kossuth County to investigate the possibility of asphaltic pavement recycling. Another problem, possibly unique to Kossuth County, was the way the original roadways had been constructed. A good clay soil was present under 3 to 4 feet of poorer soil. In order to obtain this good clay soil for subbase construction, the roadway ditches were excavated 1 to 3 feet into the clay soil layer. The resultant roadway tops were several feet above the surrounding farm land and generally less than 26 feet wide. To bring the existing roadway up to current minimum design width, there were two choices: One was to widen the roadway by truck hauling soil and constructing new 4 to 6 foot shoulders. The cost of widening by this method averaged $36,000 per mile in 1975. The other choice was to remove the old pavement and widen the roadway by lowering the grade line. The desire to provide wider paved roadways gave Kossuth County the additional incentive needed to proceed with a pavement recycling project.
The wide production of construction and demolition waste and its illegal deposition are serious current problems in Brazil. This research proposes to evaluate the feasibility of using aggregate from recycled construction and demolition waste (RCDW) in pavement applications. A laboratory program was conducted by geotechnical characterization, bearing capacity and repeated load triaxial tests. The results show that the composition and the compactive effort influence on the physical characteristics of the RCDW aggregate. The compaction process has promoted a partial crushing and breakage of RCDW particles, changing the grain-size distribution and increasing the percentage of cubic grains. This physical change contributes to a better densification of the RCDW aggregate and consequently an improvement in bearing capacity, resilient modulus and resistance to permanent deformation. The results have shown that the RCDW aggregate may be utilized as coarse base and sub-base layer for low-volume roads. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The use of sustainable solutions in construction is not just an option, but is increasingly becoming a need of the Society. Thus, nowadays the recycling of waste materials is a growing technology that needs to be continuously improved, namely by researching new solutions for waste valorisation and by increasing the amount of wastes reused. In the paving industry, the reuse of reclaimed asphalt (RA) is becoming common practice, but needs further research work. Thus, this study aims to increase the incorporation of RA and other waste materials in the production of recycled asphalt mixtures in order to improve their mechanical, environmental and economic performance. Recycled mixtures with 50% RA were analysed in this study, including: i) RA selection, preparation and characterization; ii) incorporation of other waste materials as binder additives or modifiers, like used motor oil (UMO) and waste high density polyethylene (HDPE); iii) production of different mixtures (without additives; with UMO; with UMO and HDPE) and comparison of their performance in order to assess the main advantages of each solution. With this study it was concluded that up to 7.5 % of UMO and 4.0 % of HDPE can be used in a new modified binder for asphalt mixtures with 50 % of RA, which have excellent properties concerning the rutting with WTS = 0.02 mm/103 cycles, the fatigue resistance with ε6 = 160.4, and water sensitivity with an ITSR of 81.9 %.
The pavement recycling allows to reuse reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) or other waste materials in new asphalt mixtures for road construction or rehabilitation, thus re-ducing the use of virgin materials (aggregates and bitumen). Thus, the main aim of this study is to minimize the use of natural resources through the reuse of three waste materials: HDPE, mo-tor oil and RAP. Different amounts of waste motor oil and HDPE were added to an asphalt binder with 50% aged bitumen. The best solutions to produce the modified binders (4.5 to 5.0% HDPE and 10 % waste motor oil) performed as well as a conventional bitumen although they only used 35 % of virgin bitumen. Asphalt mixtures with 50 % RAP were produced with the selected modified binders, improving some characteristics in comparison with conventional asphalt mixtures. In conclusion, these wastes can revive in new asphalt mixtures.
Validation of the New Mix Design Process for Cold In-Place Rehabilitation Using Foamed Asphalt, 2007
Asphalt pavement recycling has grown dramatically over the last few years as a viable technology to rehabilitate existing asphalt pavements. Iowa's current Cold In-place Recycling (CIR) practice utilizes a generic recipe specification to define the characteristics of the CIR mixture. As CIR continues to evolve, the desire to place CIR mixture with specific engineering properties requires the use of a mix design process. A new mix design procedure was developed for Cold In-place Recycling using foamed asphalt (CIR-foam) in consideration of its predicted field performance. The new laboratory mix design process was validated against various Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) materials to determine its consistency over a wide range of RAP materials available throughout Iowa. The performance tests, which include dynamic modulus test, dynamic creep test and raveling test, were conducted to evaluate the consistency of a new CIR-foam mix design process to ensure reliable mixture performance over a wide range of traffic and climatic conditions. The “lab designed” CIR will allow the pavement designer to take the properties of the CIR into account when determining the overlay thickness.
After some success with a small asphalt pavement recycling project in 1975, Kossuth County, Iowa programmed a much larger undertaking during the 1976 construction season. The work performed in 1975 indicated that a quality product could be produced with some modifications to conventional equipment. As anticipated , the major problem encountered was the excessive air pollution created during the heating and mixing process. As part of its 1976 road program, Kossuth County developed plans for recycling sixteen miles of existing asphalt pavements using the "hot mix" recycling process. One project, ten miles in length, was selected by the Federal Highway Authority as part of "Demonstration Project No. 39, Recycling Asphalt Pavements." The FHWA provided a $29,500 grant t o the project to be used for project testing and evaluation. Cooperation and input into the work proposed for 1976 was received from many sources. The people and organizations contributing were the Federal Highway Authority, the Iowa Department of Environmental Quality, the Federal Environmental Protection Agency, several contractors, and personnel from the Kossuth County Engineer's Office.
Il recupero dei materiali di scarto è un aspetto di grande attualità in campo stradale, così come negli altri ambiti dell’ingegneria civile. L’attenzione della ricerca e degli esperti del settore è rivolta all’affinamento di tecniche di riciclaggio che riducano l’impatto ambientale senza compromettere le prestazioni meccaniche finali. Tali indagini cercano di far corrispondere le necessità di smaltimento dei rifiuti con quelle dell’industria infrastrutturale, legate al reperimento di materiali da costruzione tecnicamente idonei ed economicamente vantaggiosi. Attualmente sono già diversi i tipi di prodotti rigenerati e riutilizzati nella realizzazione delle pavimentazioni stradali e numerosi sono anche quelli di nuova introduzione in fase di sperimentazione. In particolare, accanto ai materiali derivanti dalle operazioni di recupero della rete viaria, è opportuno considerare anche quelli provenienti dall’esercizio delle attività di trasporto, il quale comporta ogni anno il raggiungimento della fine della vita utile per centinaia di migliaia di tonnellate di pneumatici di gomma. L’obiettivo della presente analisi sperimentale è quello di fornire indicazioni e informazioni in merito alla tecnica di riciclaggio a freddo con emulsione bituminosa e cemento, valutando la possibilità di applicazione di tale metodologia in combinazione con il polverino di gomma, ottenuto dal recupero degli pneumatici fuori uso (PFU). La ricerca si distingue per una duplice valenza: la prima è quella di promuovere ulteriormente la tecnica di riciclaggio a freddo, che si sta imponendo per i suoi numerosi vantaggi economici ed ambientali, legati soprattutto alla temperatura d’esercizio; la seconda è quella di sperimentare l’utilizzo del polverino di gomma, nelle due forme di granulazione tradizionale e criogenica, additivato a miscele costituite interamente da materiale proveniente da scarifica di pavimentazioni esistenti e stabilizzate con diverse percentuali di emulsione di bitume e di legante cementizio.
En los procesos de mantenimiento y rehabilitación de pavimentos, se deben definir los objetivos, bien sea para realizar unas reparaciones superficiales sobre daños generados por el agua como consecuencia de fallas en los drenajes, o bien realizar una intervención sobre la estructura buscando recuperarla a sus condiciones de diseño originales, la cual se realiza con el proceso de reciclaje el cual tiene en cuenta las características físico-químicas de los materiales existentes los cuales se consideran sufrieron el adecuado proceso que les permitió hacer parte de la estructura. Existiendo cuatro tipos de reciclaje de los cuales se realiza una descripción general de cada proceso, el presente trabajo se concentra en el análisis técnico – económico del proceso ―In situ‖ en frio, método utilizado en la rehabilitación de la vía Sopetrán - Puente de Occidente, en el Departamento de Antioquia, en una longitud de 13 Km. El presente estudio se realiza verificando el cumplimiento de las especificaciones a nivel nacional que para estos procesos estableció el Instituto Nacional de Vías (INVIAS) y verificando el cumplimiento de las normas IDU ET-2005. El reciclaje ―in situ‖ en frio tiene ventajas ecológicas (no necesita afectar las eventuales fuentes de materiales de la zona), económico (bajos costos comparados con reconstrucción) y técnico (los equipos para este proceso han presentado importantes avances tecnológicos) lo cual permitió su aplicación en la vía mencionada, lo cual con la adición de un agente estabilizador (cemento para el presente estudio) permite recuperar las condiciones iniciales de diseño de la estructura intervenida. El árbol de decisiones es una herramienta utilizada para el análisis y selección de la mejor opción de estructura a realizar teniendo en cuenta calidad y costos. El presente trabajo termina con un análisis detallado de las condiciones existentes, revisión de las diferentes opciones de intervención y el estudio económico de las diferentes alternativas de estructura de pavimento para la rehabilitación de la vía referida.
This report provides details of IADOT's experience removing and crushing asphaltic concrete and portland cement concrete for recycling. The recycled material was used on interstate highways for the subbase and shoulders. The major problem IADOT encountered on this project was the removal of reinforcing steel from the broken concrete. The contractor used hydraulic powered shears to clip off all protruding steel during the removal and loading of the concrete on the grade. This project took place in 1977.
Performing organization : Civil Enginnering Laboratory. Naval Construction Battalion Center