999 resultados para Patient handling
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RESUMO - A morbilidade associada às lesões músculo-esqueléticas da coluna lombar é estimada em 0,8 milhões de DALYS em todo o mundo, constituindo-se a maior causa de absentismo ao trabalho, o que induz uma enorme perda económica. Os profissionais de saúde são um grupo vulnerável a ocorrência de lesões-músculo-esqueléticas ligadas ao trabalho (LMELT), nomeadamente aqueles que mobilizam os doentes no seu dia-a-dia. Perante a frequente perspetiva da imutabilidade da situação de trabalho, a pressão organizacional na prestação de cuidados e o reduzido número de recursos humanos, subsiste a implementação de programas centrados na formação dos profissionais de saúde sobre técnicas e mobilização de doentes, com o intuito de prevenir as LMELT inerentes a esta atividade. O objetivo do estudo é analisar as principais intervenções descritas na bibliografia no que respeita ao impacto da formação dos profissionais de saúde sobre mobilização de doentes, nomeadamente enfermeiros, de modo a contribuir para a prevenção de LMELT ao nível da coluna vertebral. Realizou-se uma revisão sistemática segundo a metodologia do Prisma Statement® nas bases de dados PubMed, Web of Science, B-On, JSTOR, Science, Nature, Scielo e IndeX, no período de 1998-2011, em Português, Inglês e Francês. Foram identificados 79 artigos. Após triagem e avaliação da qualidade dos estudos foram selecionados 11. Verificou-se que não existe evidência científica que suporte o investimento em programas centrados na formação/informação dos profissionais de saúde acerca das técnicas de mobilização de doentes com o intuito de prevenir as lesões músculo-esqueléticas da coluna lombar. Constatou-se que os programas de intervenção multifatorial, apoiados na componente sistémica e integrada, permitem compreender as relações entre o trabalhador, o trabalho e os efeitos sobre a saúde, de forma a implementar medidas eficazes para a prevenção de LMELT.
Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli analysoida vanhusten ympärivuorokautisen hoidon yksiköissä työskentelevien työntekijöiden työn fyysistä ja psyykkistä kuormittavuutta ja työhön liittyviä fyysisiä riskejä. Lisäksi haluttiin selvittää, millaisia vaikutuksia fyysisen kuormittavuuden vähentämistä tavoitelleella ergonomisella kehittämisinterventiolla saadaan aikaan. Tutkimuksessa hyödynnettiin Turun kaupungin vanhuspalveluissa vuosina 2010–2012 toteutuneessa ergonomisessa kehittämisinterventiossa (47 työyksikköä) kertynyttä ja vuosien 2010 ja 2012 Kunta10-kyselyn (120 työyksikköä) tuottamaa tietoa. Intervention ydin oli Työterveyslaitoksen Fyysisten riskien hallintamalli hoitoalalla -mallin käyttööotto. Käytetyt mittarit olivat seuraavat: Työn kuormitus- ja työtyytyväisyyskysely työntekijöille, asiakkaiden toimintakykyä mittaava RAVATM -indeksi, fyysistä kuormitusta ja työn riskejä mittava Care ThermometerTM-menetelmä, potilassiirtojen turvallisuusjohtamisen (PHOQS) arviointi sekä esimies- ja ergonomiavastaavien kysely. Lisäksi käytössä olivat Kunta10-kyselyn tulokset valittujen muuttujien osalta kaikista tutkimukseen osallistuvista kaupungeista sekä ympärivuorokautisen hoidon asiakkaita ja hoitohenkilöstöä kuvaavia tilastoja. Työ vanhusten ympärivuorokautisessa hoidossa on fyysisesti ja psyykkisesti kuormittavaa. Interventiotoimenpiteistä huolimatta koettu fyysinen ja psyykkinen kuormittavuus kasvoivat, tosin fyysinen psyykkistä vähemmän. Kuormittavuus vaihteli toimintamuodoittain ja ammattiryhmittäin. Fyysisesti kuormittavimmaksi työ koettiin pitkäaikaissairaanhoidossa, psyykkinen kuormitus kasvoi eniten tehostetussa palveluasumisessa. Vanhainkodit sijoittuivat näiden väliin. Lähihoitajat kokivat työnsä fyysisesti kuormittavimmaksi, kun taas sairaanhoitajien työ oli psyykkisesti lähihoitajien työtä kuormittavampaa. Ergonomiakoulutus vähensi eniten koettua fyysistä kuormittavuutta. Kehityskeskustelut ja aiempaa paremmaksi arvioitu työkyky vähensivät mutta tyytymättömyys työhön lisäsi koettua fyysistä ja psyykkistä kuormittavuutta. Työntekijöiden ikä, RAVATM -indeksi, Care ThermometerTM -mittaukset ja PHOQS-pisteet eivät olleet tilastollisesti merkitsevästi yhteydessä kuormittavuuden muutoksiin. Työn kuormittavuuden vähentäminen ja turvallisen työskentelyn edistäminen vaativat pitkäkestoista toimintaa ja hyvää johtamista erityisesti lähiesimiehiltä. Fyysisten riskien hallintamallin käyttöönotto ja ergonomiavastaavien toiminnan vakiinnuttaminen tukevat tavoitteiden saavuttamista.
Introducción: Los dolores y las lesiones musculo esqueléticas que sufren los trabajadores en toda la industria, se han convertido en un problema de preocupación a nivel nacional e internacional. Objetivos: Caracterizar la presencia de sintomatología osteomuscular en el personal asistencial de una IPS Materno Infantil de tercer nivel de atención en la ciudad de Bogotá, mediante la aplicación de la encuesta Nórdica, identificando su relación con el área de trabajo en el cual se desempeñan. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal mediante la aplicación de la encuesta Nórdica a todo el personal asistencial diurno de una IPS Materno Infantil de III nivel de la ciudad de Bogotá que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión y exclusión. Resultados: Del 100% de la población estudiada (n: 49), el 65,3% correspondían al género femenino y el 34.7% al masculino, la mayoría de la población laboraba menos de 12 horas. El área del cuerpo en la que manifestaron tener más sintomatología en los últimos 12 meses fue en espalda alta con una prevalencia de 46,9%. El área del cuerpo que más manifestaron les impedía trabajar en los últimos 12 meses fue en mano y muñeca derecha con una prevalencia del 6,1% y el área que manifestaron les impedía trabajar en los últimos 7 días fue en espalda alta con una prevalencia de 16,3%.
In this article we review and critique the current body of scientific knowledge regarding the use of team lifting including: (a) psychophysical studies of team lifting capacity, and (b) studies of manual handling, patient handling, and stretcher carriage performed by lifting teams. The consensus of the research literature is that team-lifting capacity is greater than the lifting capacity of an individual, but that the capacity of lifting teams is less than the summed capacity of individual team members. Further, biomechanical, psychophysical, and physiological stress tends to be reduced compared to the equivalent lifts and transfers performed by individuals. However, the stress associated with team lifting depends on a broad range of individual team member, load, task and environmental factors, which can interact in unexpected ways. Caution is therefore recommended against making broad assumptions regarding the use of team lifting. Future studies are needed to examine how effort and load are distributed among lifting team members, with emphasis on identifying factors that may increase the risk of injury.
Background: During last decade the use of ECG recordings in biometric recognition studies has increased. ECG characteristics made it suitable for subject identification: it is unique, present in all living individuals, and hard to forge. However, in spite of the great number of approaches found in literature, no agreement exists on the most appropriate methodology. This study aimed at providing a survey of the techniques used so far in ECG-based human identification. Specifically, a pattern recognition perspective is here proposed providing a unifying framework to appreciate previous studies and, hopefully, guide future research. Methods: We searched for papers on the subject from the earliest available date using relevant electronic databases (Medline, IEEEXplore, Scopus, and Web of Knowledge). The following terms were used in different combinations: electrocardiogram, ECG, human identification, biometric, authentication and individual variability. The electronic sources were last searched on 1st March 2015. In our selection we included published research on peer-reviewed journals, books chapters and conferences proceedings. The search was performed for English language documents. Results: 100 pertinent papers were found. Number of subjects involved in the journal studies ranges from 10 to 502, age from 16 to 86, male and female subjects are generally present. Number of analysed leads varies as well as the recording conditions. Identification performance differs widely as well as verification rate. Many studies refer to publicly available databases (Physionet ECG databases repository) while others rely on proprietary recordings making difficult them to compare. As a measure of overall accuracy we computed a weighted average of the identification rate and equal error rate in authentication scenarios. Identification rate resulted equal to 94.95 % while the equal error rate equal to 0.92 %. Conclusions: Biometric recognition is a mature field of research. Nevertheless, the use of physiological signals features, such as the ECG traits, needs further improvements. ECG features have the potential to be used in daily activities such as access control and patient handling as well as in wearable electronics applications. However, some barriers still limit its growth. Further analysis should be addressed on the use of single lead recordings and the study of features which are not dependent on the recording sites (e.g. fingers, hand palms). Moreover, it is expected that new techniques will be developed using fiducials and non-fiducial based features in order to catch the best of both approaches. ECG recognition in pathological subjects is also worth of additional investigations.
Les progrès continus des connaissances réalisés dans le domaine de l'oncohématologie depuis quelques décennies ont permis une amélioration considérable du pronostic de la plupart des formes de cancer. Toutefois, la morbidité et la mortalité attribuables aux infections apparaissent actuellement comme les principaux facteurs limitant l'agressivité des traitements de la maladie cancéreuse, et un meilleur contrôle de ces dernières est devenu l'un des éléments essentiels de la prise en charge de ce type de patients. Une recherche clinique intense a permis d'en identifier les grands principes qui sont exposés dans cet article. Un algorithme thérapeutique susceptible de guider le clinicien face au développement d'un état fébrile, toujours suspect d'infection chez le patient cancéreux neutropénique, est ensuite proposé.
Development and standardization of reliable methods for detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in clinical samples is an important goal in laboratories throughout the world. In this work, lung and spleen fragments from a patient who died with the diagnosis of miliary tuberculosis were used to evaluate the influence of the type of fixative as well as the fixation and paraffin inclusion protocols on PCR performance in paraffin embedded specimens. Tissue fragments were fixed for four h to 48 h, using either 10% non-buffered or 10% buffered formalin, and embedded in pure paraffin or paraffin mixed with bee wax. Specimens were submitted to PCR for amplification of the human beta-actin gene and separately for amplification of the insertion sequence IS6110, specific from the M. tuberculosis complex. Amplification of the beta-actin gene was positive in all samples. No amplicons were generated by PCR-IS6110 when lung tissue fragments were fixed using 10% non-buffered formalin and were embedded in paraffin containing bee wax. In conclusion, combined inhibitory factors interfere in the detection of M. tuberculosis in stored material. It is important to control these inhibitory factors in order to implement molecular diagnosis in pathology laboratories.
In high-burden countries, Mycobacterium bovis Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccine is administered in newborn to prevent severe Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection. Because life-threatening disseminated BCG disease may occur in children with primary immunodeficiency, vaccination strategy against tuberculosis should be redefined in non-high-burden countries. We report the case of a patient with X-linked severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) who developed disseminated BCG disease, highlighting the specific strategies adopted.
OBJECTIVE - This study compared the early and late results of the use of one single stent with those of the use of multiple stents in patients with lesions longer than 20mm. METHODS - Prospective assessment of patients electively treated with stents, with optimal stent deployment and followed-up for more than 3 months. From February '94 to January '98, 215 patients with lesions >20mm were treated. These patients were divided into 2 groups as follows: Group A - 105 patients (49%) with one stent implanted; Group B - 110 patients (51%) with multiple stents implanted. RESULTS - The mean length of the lesions was 26mm in group A (21-48mm) versus 29mm in group B (21-52mm) (p=0.01). Major complications occurred in one patient (0.9%) in group A (subacute thrombosis, myocardial infarctionand death) and in 2 patients (1.8%) in group B (one emergency surgery and one myocardial infarction) (p=NS). The results of the late follow-up period (>6 months) were similar for both groups (group A = 82% vs group B = 76%; p=NS), and we observed an event-free survical in 89% of the patients in group A and in 91% of the patients in group B (p=NS). Angina (group A = 11% vs group B = 7%) and lesion revascularization (group A = 5% vs group B = 6%; p=NS) also occurred in a similar percentage. No infarction or death was observed in the late follow-up period; restenosis was identified in 33% and 29% of the patients in groups A and B, respectively (p=NS). CONCLUSION - The results obtained using one stent and using multiple stents were similar; the greater cost-effectiveness of one stent implantation, however, seems to make this strategy the first choice.
BACKGROUND: Sodium wasting during the night has been postulated as a potential pathophysiological mechanism in patients suffering from orthostatic hypotension due to severe autonomic deficiency. METHODS: In this study, the diurnal variations in creatinine clearance, sodium excretion and segmental renal tubular handling of sodium were evaluated in 18 healthy subjects and 20 young patients with orthostatic hypotension (OH). In addition, 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure and the neuro-hormonal response to changes in posture were determined. The patients and their controls were studied on a free sodium intake. In a second protocol, 10 controls and 10 patients were similarly investigated after one week of a high salt diet (regular diet + 6 g NaCl/day). RESULTS: Our results demonstrate that, in contrast to normal subjects in whom no significant changes in glomerular filtration, sodium excretion and segmental sodium reabsorption were observed throughout the day, patients with OH were characterized by a significant increase in glomerular filtration rate during the nighttime (P = 0.03) and significant increases in urinary lithium excretion (P < 0.05) and lithium clearance (P = 0.05) during the night, suggesting a decreased proximal reabsorption of sodium. On a high sodium diet, the symptoms of orthostatic hypotension and the circadian variations in sodium reabsorption were significantly blunted. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that, while the patient is in a supine position the effective blood volume of those with OH becomes excessive due to the increased venous return. Hence, the kidney responds with an increase in glomerular filtration and a relative escape of sodium from the proximal tubular segments. These circadian variations in renal sodium handling may contribute to the maintenance of the orthostatic syndrome.
The 2009 International Society of Urological Pathology Consensus Conference in Boston made recommendations regarding the standardization of pathology reporting of radical prostatectomy specimens. Issues relating to the infiltration of tumor into the seminal vesicles and regional lymph nodes were coordinated by working group 4. There was a consensus that complete blocking of the seminal vesicles was not necessary, although sampling of the junction of the seminal vesicles and prostate was mandatory. There was consensus that sampling of the vas deferens margins was not obligatory. There was also consensus that muscular wall invasion of the extraprostatic seminal vesicle only should be regarded as seminal vesicle invasion. Categorization into types of seminal vesicle spread was agreed by consensus to be not necessary. For examination of lymph nodes, there was consensus that special techniques such as frozen sectioning were of use only in high-risk cases. There was no consensus on the optimal sampling method for pelvic lymph node dissection specimens, although there was consensus that all lymph nodes should be completely blocked as a minimum. There was also a consensus that a count of the number of lymph nodes harvested should be attempted. In view of recent evidence, there was consensus that the diameter of the largest lymph node metastasis should be measured. These consensus decisions will hopefully clarify the difficult areas of pathological assessment in radical prostatectomy evaluation and improve the concordance of research series to allow more accurate assessment of patient prognosis.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
All-in-one admixtures (AIO-admixtures) provide safe, effective and low-risk PN (parenteral nutrition) for practically all indications and applications. Water, energy (carbohydrates and lipids), amino acids, vitamins and trace elements are infused together with PN either as industrially-manufactured AIO admixtures provided as two- or three-chamber bags (shelf life usually more than 12 months) completed with electrolytes and micronutrients where appropriate or as individually compounded ready-to-use AIO admixtures (compounding, usually prepared by a pharmacy on either a daily or weekly basis and stored at 2-8 degrees C). Physico-chemical and microbial stability of an AIO admixture is essential for the safety and effectiveness of patient-specific PN, and its assurance requires specialist pharmaceutical knowledge. The stability should be documented for an application period of 24 (-48) hours. It is advisable to offer a limited selection of different PN regimes in each hospital. For reasons of drug and medication safety, PN admixtures prepared for individual patients must be correctly labelled and specifications for storage conditions must also be followed during transport. Monitoring is required where applicable. Micronutrients are usually administered separately to AIO admixtures. In case compatibility and stability have been well documented trace elements and/or combination preparations including water-soluble or water-soluble/fat soluble vitamin supplements can be added to PN admixtures under strict aseptic conditions. AIO admixtures are usually not used as vehicles for drugs (incompatibilities).
Introduction Since the quality of patient portrayal of standardized patients (SPs) during an Objective Structured Clinical Exam (OSCE) has a major impact on the reliability and validity of the exam, quality control should be initiated. Literature about quality control of SP’s performance focuses on feedback [1, 2] or completion of checklists [3, 4]. Since we did not find a published instrument meeting our needs for the assessment of patient portrayal, we developed such an instrument after being inspired by others [5] and used it in our high-stakes exam. Methods SP trainers from all five Swiss medical faculties collected and prioritized quality criteria for patient portrayal. Items were revised with the partners twice, based on experiences during OSCEs. The final instrument contains 14 criteria for acting (i.e. adequate verbal and non-verbal expression) and standardization (i.e. verbatim delivery of the first sentence). All partners used the instrument during a high-stakes OSCE. Both, SPs and trainers were introduced to the instrument. The tool was used in training (more than 100 observations) and during the exam (more than 250 observations). FAIR_OSCE The list of items to assess the quality of the simulation by SPs was primarily developed and used to provide formative feedback to the SPs in order to help them to improve their performance. It was therefore named “Feedbackstruckture for the Assessment of Interactive Role play in Objective Structured Clinical Exams (FAIR_OSCE). It was also used to assess the quality of patient portrayal during the exam. The results were calculated for each of the five faculties individually. Formative evaluation was given to the five faculties with individual feedback without revealing results of other faculties other than overall results. Results High quality of patient portrayal during the exam was documented. More than 90% of SP performances were rated to be completely correct or sufficient. An increase in quality of performance between training and exam was noted. In example the rate of completely correct reaction in medical tests increased from 88% to 95%. 95% completely correct reactions together with 4% sufficient reactions add up to 99% of the reactions meeting the requirements of the exam. SP educators using the instrument reported an augmentation of SPs performance induced by the use of the instrument. Disadvantages mentioned were high concentration needed to explicitly observe all criteria and cumbersome handling of the paper-based forms. Conclusion We were able to document a very high quality of SP performance in our exam. The data also indicate that our training is effective. We believe that the high concentration needed using the instrument is well invested, considering the observed augmentation of performance. The development of an iPad based application for the form is planned to address the cumbersome handling of the paper.