749 resultados para Patient dropout
Background: Leprosy is a chronic infectious disease endemic in some undeveloped areas, and still represents a public health problem in Brazil. Therefore, the control of this endemic disease depends necessarily on the institution of correct treatment and containment of treatment dropout. This study aims to conduct a systematic review of published studies on treatment dropout of leprosy. Methods. We conducted a systematic review of articles on treatment dropout of leprosy, published between january 2005 and april 2013, on MEDLINE and SciELO databases. The search was performed using the MeSH terms: leprosy; patients dropouts and the keywords: leprosy, treatment and noncompliance, leprosy in association, beside the equivalents in Portuguese. Results: There were originally 196 references. After analyzing the titles and abstracts of articles, 20 articles were obtained and included in the final sample. Discussion. Leprosy is a notifiable disease known as its disfiguring capability and the high rate of non-compliance to treatment. The low adhesion is responsible for the remaining potential sources of infection, irreversible complications, incomplete cure and, additionally, may lead to resistance to multiple drugs. Many factors are responsible for the interruption or dropout treatment: socioeconomic factors, education level, knowledge about the disease, lack of efficiency of health services, demographics, side effects of drugs, alcoholism, among others. Conclusion: The recent scientific literature about the subject diverge regarding the factors that most affect the dropout problem in treating leprosy patients. However, better integration between professionals and users, and greater commitment of the patient, are common points among the authors of the studies. © 2013 Girão et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
A tuberculose (TB) é uma doença que foi declarada pela Organização Mundial de Saúde como emergência mundial em 1993. As ferramentas disponíveis hoje para controle da TB são: o diagnóstico precoce e o tratamento eficiente. Porém, o abandono do tratamento de TB é um problema enfrentado mundialmente em proporções que podem variar entre 3% a 80%. Por isso, a identificação dos fatores que são preditores do abandono do tratamento de TB pode ajudar a desenvolver melhores estratégias para o seu controle. O objetivo deste trabalho é, através de uma metanálise, fazer uma estimativa sumária da medida de associação entre cada um dos fatores (a) relacionados ao serviço de saúde, (b) relacionado ao quadro clínico e à terapia da TB e (c) relacionados aos indivíduos e o abandono do tratamento de TB. A estratégia de busca eletrônica remota para a recuperação de publicações relevantes foi desenvolvida de forma específica para as diferentes bases consideradas relevantes (MEDLINE [Pubmed] e LILCS). Buscas por referências cruzadas, além da consulta à base de revisões sistemáticas COCHRANE, também foram realizadas. Investigações foram incluídas se fossem trabalhos observacionais ou experimentais que estudem fatores de risco ou preditores do desfecho de interesse (abandono do tratamento de tuberculose) através de comparações de dois ou mais grupos e se seus dados pudessem ser extraídos. Dois revisores classificaram os trabalhos e extraíram dados de forma mascarada e as discordâncias resolvidas. Mais de 190 textos completos foram aptos à combinação de dados. Destes, foi possível extrair dados para combinação de 40 exposições. Destas, 19 foram demonstradas nesta investigação. Das 19 demonstradas, 13 exposições estudadas apresentaram associação e poderiam ser considerados preditores (sexo masculino, alcoolismo, infecção pelo HIV/SIDA, uso de drogas ilícitas, nacionalidade estrangeira, analfabetismo, retratamento, baciloscopia positiva, abandono prévio, tratamento de curta duração, acesso fácil à unidade de saúde, treinamento para adesão, tuberculose extrapulmonar) e seis não apresentaram associação (desemprego, efeitos adversos, tuberculose resistente, necessidade de hospitalização, demora para o início do tratamento, espera longa para a consulta). Porém, essas associações devem ser consideradas de forma conservadora devido à elevada heterogeneidade encontrada em todas as exposições. Apenas cinco exposições apresentaram explicação parcial e uma apresentou explicação total para a heterogeneidade. O viés de publicação foi detectado em apenas duas das 19 exposições.
PURPOSE: The mandibular implant overdenture is a popular treatment modality and is well documented in the literature. Follow-up studies with a long observation period are difficult to perform due to the increasing age of patients. The present data summarize a long-term clinical observation of patients with implant overdentures. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Between 1984 and 1997, edentulous patients were consecutively admitted for treatment with an implant overdenture. The dentures were connected to the implants by means of bars or ball anchors. Regular maintenance was provided with at least one or two scheduled visits per year. Recall attendance and reasons for dropout were analyzed based on the specific history of the patient. Denture maintenance service, relining, repair, and fabrication of new dentures were identified, and complications with the retention devices specified separately. RESULTS: In the time period from 1984 to 2008, 147 patients with a total of 314 implants had completed a follow-up period of >10 years. One hundred one patients were still available in 2008, while 46 patients were not reexamined for various reasons. Compliance was high, with a regular recall attendance of >90%. More than 80% of dentures remained in continuous service. Although major prosthetic maintenance was rather low in relation to the long observation period, visits to a dental hygienist and dentist resulted in an annual visit rate of 1.5 and 2.4, respectively. If new dentures became necessary, these were made in student courses, which increased the treatment time and number of appointments needed. Complications with the retention devices consisted mostly of the mounting of new female retainers, the repair of bars, and the changing of ball anchors. The average number of events and the rate of prosthetic service with ball anchors were significantly higher than those with bars. Twenty-two patients changed from ball anchors to bars; 9 patients switched from a clip bar to a rigid U-shaped bar. CONCLUSIONS: This long-term follow-up study demonstrates that implant overdentures are a favorable solution for edentulous patients with regular maintenance. In spite of specific circumstances in an aging population, it is possible to provide long-term care, resulting in a good prognosis and low risk for this treatment modality. For various reasons the dropout rate can be considerable in elderly patients and prosthetic service must be provided regularly.
A number of controlled trials have demonstrated the efficacy of Internet-based cognitive-behaviour therapy for treating social anxiety disorder (SAD). However, little is known about what makes those interventions work. The current trial focuses on patient expectations as one common mechanism of change. The study examines whether patients' expectancy predicts outcome, adherence, and dropout in an unguided Internet-based self-help programme for SAD. Data of 109 participants in a 10-week self-help programme for SAD were analysed. Social anxiety measures were administered prior to the intervention, at week 2, and after the intervention. Expectancy was assessed at week 2. Patient expectations were a significant predictor of change in social anxiety (β = - .35 to - .40, all p < .003). Patient expectations also predicted treatment adherence (β = .27, p = .02). Patients with higher expectations showed more adherence and better outcome. Dropout was not predicted by expectations. The effect of positive expectations on outcome was mediated by early symptom change (from week 0 to week 2). Results suggest that positive outcome expectations have a beneficial effect on outcome in Internet-based self-help for SAD. Furthermore, patient expectations as early process predictors could be used to inform therapeutic decisions such as stepping up patients to guided or face-to-face treatment options
Introduction: Mindfulness based cognitive therapy for depression (MBCT) has shown to be effective for the reduction of depressive relapse. However, additional information regarding baseline patient characteristics and process features related to positive response could be helpful both for the provision of MBCT in clinical practice, as well as for its further development. Method: Baseline characteristics, process data, and immediate outcome (symptom change, change in attitudes and trait mindfulness) of 108 patients receiving MBCT in routine care were recorded. A newly developed self-report measure (Daily Mindfulness Scale, DMS) was applied daily during the MBCT program. Additionally, patients filed daily reports on their mindfulness practice. There was no control group available. Results: Patients with more severe initial symptoms indicated greater amounts of symptom improvement, but did not show great rates of dropout from the MBCT intervention. Younger age was related to higher rates of dropout. Contradictory to some previous data, patients with lower levels of initial trait mindfulness showed greater improvement in symptoms, even after controlling for initial levels of symptoms. Adherence to daily mindfulness practice was high. Consistent with this result, the duration of daily mindfulness practice was not related to immediate outcome. Process studies using multivariate time series analysis revealed a specific role of daily mindfulness in reducing subsequent negative mood. Conclusions: Within the range of patient present in this study and the given study design, results support the use of MBCT in more heterogeneous groups. This demanding intervention was well tolerated by patients with higher levels of symptoms, and resulted in significant improvements regarding residual symptoms. Process-outcome analyses of initial trait mindfulness and daily mindfulness both support the crucial role of changes in mindfulness for the effects of MBCT.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the scored Patient-generated Subjective Global Assessment (PG-SGA) tool as an outcome measure in clinical nutrition practice and determine its association with quality of life (QoL). DESIGN: A prospective 4 week study assessing the nutritional status and QoL of ambulatory patients receiving radiation therapy to the head, neck, rectal or abdominal area. SETTING: Australian radiation oncology facilities. SUBJECTS: Sixty cancer patients aged 24-85 y. INTERVENTION: Scored PG-SGA questionnaire, subjective global assessment (SGA), QoL (EORTC QLQ-C30 version 3). RESULTS: According to SGA, 65.0% (39) of subjects were well-nourished, 28.3% (17) moderately or suspected of being malnourished and 6.7% (4) severely malnourished. PG-SGA score and global QoL were correlated (r=-0.66, P<0.001) at baseline. There was a decrease in nutritional status according to PG-SGA score (P<0.001) and SGA (P<0.001); and a decrease in global QoL (P<0.001) after 4 weeks of radiotherapy. There was a linear trend for change in PG-SGA score (P<0.001) and change in global QoL (P=0.003) between those patients who improved (5%) maintained (56.7%) or deteriorated (33.3%) in nutritional status according to SGA. There was a correlation between change in PG-SGA score and change in QoL after 4 weeks of radiotherapy (r=-0.55, P<0.001). Regression analysis determined that 26% of the variation of change in QoL was explained by change in PG-SGA (P=0.001). CONCLUSION: The scored PG-SGA is a nutrition assessment tool that identifies malnutrition in ambulatory oncology patients receiving radiotherapy and can be used to predict the magnitude of change in QoL.
Objective: General practitioners (GPs) play an integral role in addressing the psychological needs of palliative care patients and their families. This qualitative study investigated psychosocial issues faced by GPs in the management of patients receiving palliative care and investigated the themes relevant to the psychosocial care of dying patients. Method: Fifteen general practitioners whose patient had been recently referred to the Mt. Olivet Palliative Home Care Services in Brisbane participated in an individual case review discussions guided by key questions within a semistructured format. These interviews focused on the psychosocial aspects of care and management of the referred patient, including aspects of the doctor/patient relationship, experience of delivering diagnosis and prognosis, addressing the psychological concerns of the patients' family, and the doctors' personal experiences, reactions, and responses. Qualitative analysis was conducted on the transcripts of these interviews. Results: The significant themes that emerged related to perceived barriers to exploration of emotional concerns, including spiritual issues, and the discussion of prognosis and dying, the perception of patients' responses/coping styles, and the GP's personal experience of the care (usually expressed in terms of identification with patient). Significance of results: The findings indicate the significant challenges facing clinicians in discussions with patients and families about death, to exploring the patient's emotional responses to terminal illness and spiritual concerns for the patient and family. These qualitative date indicate important tasks in the training and clinical support for doctors providing palliative care.
Objectives: To determine GPs' reported use of written education materials with older patients and older patients' reported receipt of these materials. To determine GPs' and older patients' perceptions of written materials.---------- Method: Using self-report questionnaires, two populations were surveyed; a randomised sample of 50 GPs (29 males and 21 females) practising in Brisbane's southern suburbs and a convenience sample of 188 older community-dwelling people (aged over 64 years).----------- Results: All GPs reported using written materials with patients, although 28% had not given any to the Last 10 patients. This increased to 46% when patients were older. Twenty percent of patients wanted more written information from their GP, while some GPs believed that older patients preferred verbal information and gave out written information only when they perceived patient interest. All GPs reported giving written materials at the time of consultation and over two thirds discussed the content with patients. Just over 50% of patients reported receiving written information from GPs in the Last six months and only hall of these again discussed it directly with their GP. Overall, patients were more positive than GPs about the value of written education materials.---------- Conclusions: Older patients' desire for written information may be better met if they are more assertive in requesting this of GPs and GPs may better serve their patients' needs if they make written information more readily available to them. Better access to materials and more financial incentives to give them out might also increase GPs' use of written materials.
This study aimed to determine the cellular aging of osteophyte-derived mesenchymal cells (oMSCs) in comparison to patient-matched bone marrow stromal cells (bMSCs). Extensive expansion of the cell cultures was performed and early and late passage cells (passages 4 and 9, respectively) were used to study signs of cellular aging, telomere length, telomerase activity, and cell-cycle-related gene expression. Our results showed that cellular aging was more prominent in bMSCs than in oMSCs, and that oMSCs had longer telomere length in late passages compared with bMSCs, although there was no significant difference in telomere lengths in the early passages in either cell type. Telomerase activity was detectable only in early passage oMSCs and not in bMSCs. In osteophyte tissues telomerase-positive cells were found to be located perivascularly and were Stro-1 positive. Fifteen cell-cycle regulator genes were investigated and only three genes (APC, CCND2, and BMP2) were differentially expressed between bMSC and oMSC. Our results indicate that oMSCs retain a level of telomerase activity in vitro, which may account for the relatively greater longevity of these cells, compared with bMSCs, by preventing replicative senescence. J. Cell. Biochem. 108: 839-850, 2009. (c) 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Hourly rounding in the acute hospital setting has been proposed as an intervention to increase patient satisfaction and safety, and improve the nursing practice environment, but the innovation has not been adequately tested. A quasiexperimental pretest post-test non-randomized parallel group trial design was used to test the effect of hourly patient comfort rounds on patient satisfaction and nursing perceptions of the practice environment, and to evaluate research processes and instruments for a proposed larger study. A Patient Satisfaction Survey instrument was developed and used in conjunction with the Practice Environment Scale of the Nursing Work Index. Results on patient satisfaction showed no significant changes. Significant changes were found for three of the five practice environment subscales. Consistent with the aim of a pilot study, this research has provided important information related to design, instruments and process that will inform a larger sufficiently powered study.