959 resultados para Pathological Gamblers


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Objective: Wives of pathological gamblers tend to endure long marriages despite financial and emotional burden. Difficulties in social adjustment, personality psychopathology, and comorbidity with psychiatric disorders are pointed as reasons for remaining on such overwhelming relationships. The goal was to examine the social adjustment, personality and negative emotionality of wives of pathological gamblers. Method: The sample consisted of 25 wives of pathological gamblers, mean age 40.6, SD = 9.1 from a Gambling Outpatient Unit and at GAM-ANON, and 25 wives of non-gamblers, mean age 40.8, SD = 9.1, who answered advertisements placed at the Universidade de São Paulo hospital and medical school complex. They were selected in order to approximately match demographic characteristics of the wives of pathological gamblers. Subjects were assessed by the Social Adjustment Scale, Temperament and Character Inventory, Beck Depression Inventory and State-Trait Anxiety Inventory. Results: Three variables remained in the final Multiple Logistic Regression model, wives of pathological gamblers presented greater dissatisfaction with their marital bond, and higher scores on Reward Dependence and Persistence temperament factors. Both, Wives of pathological gamblers and wives of non-gamblers presented well-structured character factors excluding personality disorders. Conclusion: This personality profile may explain wives of pathological gamblers emotional resilience and their marriage longevity. Co-dependence and other labels previously used to describe them may work as a double edged sword, legitimating wives of pathological gamblers problems, while stigmatizing them as inapt and needy.


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Pathological gambling was only recently recognized as a psychiatric disorder (DSM-III, APA, 1980). Most studies of pathological gambling include only male subjects. Despite the paucity of information, it is likely that at least one-third of pathological gamblers are women. The objective of this article is to review clinical and epidemiological characteristics of female gamblers as compared to their male counterparts. MEDLINE and PsycINFO were searched for investigational studies and reviews of the past 10 years on clinical (sociodemographic, course and progression, psychiatric comorbidities, genetics, and personality) and epidemiological aspects of female gamblers. Other relevant articles were also selected from reference lists. It is concluded that the current literature indicates some common characteristics in female and male gamblers, but it also indicates the possibility that each gender may carry etiopathogenic differences that when better understood should lead to improved treatment and prevention strategies.


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Background and Aims: Gender differences have been reported among pathological gamblers populations. These differences concern variables such as type of gambling (men are more likely engaged in ''strategic gambling'' whereas women prefer ''non-strategic'' gambling), evolution of the gambling problem (faster progression for women) and suicidal behaviours (more attempted suicide by women). The aim of the present study is to investigate the relationship between gender and clinical status in a Swiss sample of treatment seeking pathological gamblers. Method: Prospective descriptive study of 260 new outpatients entering treatment between October 1999 and October 2007 at the Center for Excessive Gambling Studies, Lausanne, Switzerland. Data are issued from standardised medical records. Gender differences were examined (Chi-squares and ANOVAs) on interval between first gambling behaviours and first specialized treatment, interval between pathological gambling onset and first specialized treatment, purpose of consulting, type of gambling (« strategic gambling » vs « nonstrategic gambling ») and suicidality. Results and Discussion: In line with international findings, gender differences were observed on type of gambling, suicidality and interval between pathological gambling onset and first specialized treatment. A tendency emerged on interval between first gambling behaviours and first specialized treatment. As a new finding, we observed a difference on the purpose of consulting, with emotional crisis more reported by women whereas men are more likely to report familial crisis. Gender seems to be relevant in the context of pathological gambling and should be integrated in prevention and clinical strategies.


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It has been suggested that pathological gamblers develop illusory perceptions of control regarding the outcome of the games and should express higher Internal and Chance locus of control. A sample of 48 outpatients diagnosed with pathological gambling disorder who participated in this ex post facto study, completed the Internality, Powerful Others, and Chance scale, the South Oaks Gambling Screen questionnaire, and the Beck Depression Inventory. Results for the locus of control measure were compared with a reference group. Pathological gamblers scored higher than the reference group on the Chance locus of control, which increased with the severity of cases. Moreover, Internal locus of control did show a curvilinear relationship with the severity of cases. Pathological gamblers have specific locus of control scores that vary in function of the severity, in a linear fashion or a non-linear fashion according to the scale. This effect might be caused by competition between "illusion of control" and the tendency to attribute adverse consequence of gambling to external causes.


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Pathological gambling, a form of behavioral addiction, refers to maladaptive, compulsive gambling behavior severely interfering with an individual’s normal life. The prevalence of pathological gambling has been estimated to be 1–2% in western societies. The reward deficiency hypothesis of addiction assumes that individuals that have, or are prone, to addictions have blunted mesolimbic dopamine reward signaling, which leads to compulsive reward seeking in an attempt to compensate for the malfunctioning brain reward network. In this research project, the effects of gambling were measured using brain [11C] raclopride PET during slot machine gambling and possible brain structural changes associated with pathological gambling using MRI. The subjects included pathological gamblers and healthy volunteers. In addition, impulse control disorders associated with Parkinson’s disease were investigated by using brain [18F]fluorodopa PET and conducting an epidemiological survey. The results demonstrate mesolimbic dopamine release during gambling in both pathological gamblers and healthy volunteers. Striatal dopamine was released irrespective of the gambling outcome, whether the subjects won or not. There was no difference in gambling induced dopamine release between pathological gamblers and control subjects, although the magnitude of the dopamine release correlated with gambling related symptom severity in pathological gamblers. The results also show that pathological gambling is associated with extensive abnormality of brain white matter integrity, as measured with diffusion tensor imaging, similar to substance-addictions. In Parkinson’s disease patients with impulse control disorders, enhanced brain [18F] fluorodopa uptake in the medial orbitofrontal cortex was observed, indicating increased presynaptic monoamine function in this region, which is known to influence signaling in the mesolimbic system and reward processing. Finally, a large epidemiological survey in Finnish Parkinson’s disease patients showed that compulsive behaviors are very common in Parkinson disease and they are strongly associated with depression. These findings demonstrate the role of dopamine in pathological gambling, without support for the concept of reward deficiency syndrome.


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O artigo teve por objetivo caracterizar o jogo patológico, apresentando as principais conseqüências desse transtorno. Foi realizado levantamento bibliográfico sobre o tema, na literatura nacional e internacional. Foram selecionadas as publicações cujos principais achados enfatizavam prevalência, custos sociais e econômicos associados, legalização de jogos de azar e conseqüente impacto na saúde pública. Alto índice de suicídio, comorbidade com outros transtornos psiquiátricos, problemas familiares e no trabalho, e prática de atos ilícitos foram conseqüências relatadas. A prevalência desse transtorno é maior em países que legalizaram jogos de azar e no Brasil, há evidências do crescimento do número de jogadores patológicos. O desenvolvimento de pesquisas nacionais é imprescindível para a definição de políticas públicas adequadas à realidade brasileira.


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Gambling has experienced world-wide growth The current study is the first national survey into household gambling conducted in a developing country The sample was a three-stage probabilistic one designed to cover individuals 14 years old or older of both genders and from all regions of the national territory 325 census sectors were visited including rural areas DSM-IV-based instruments were used to assess problem and pathological gambling individuals were asked to estimate their monthly gambling expenditure The lifetime prevalences were pathological gambling 1 0% and problem gambling 1 3% Maximum gambling expenditure corresponded to 5 4% of the household income for social gamblers 16 9% for problem gamblers and 20 0% for pathological gamblers The male female ratio among adults for pathological gambling was 3 2 1 The data suggest the existence of two subgroups of pathological gamblers one younger (33 9 +/- 4 19) and severe (7 or more DSM-IV criteria) another older (47 8 +/- 6 01) and less severe (5-6 criteria) In a multinomial logistic regression problematic gambling was associated with gender age education employment region of origin and living in metropolitan areas The data suggest that feeling active and socially inserted protects against problematic gambling Individuals who are young male unemployed or not currently pursuing further education may be at special risk for severe pathological gambling (C) 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd All rights reserved


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En una muestra de 34 adictos al juego en tratamiento, se examinan las características deconsumo de tabaco de los sujetos fumadores y la influencia de las consecuencias percibidas dela conducta de fumar en función de las etapas de cambio (Prochaska, DiClemente y Norcross,1992). Los resultados muestran que, aunque los porcentajes de fumadores doblan a los existentesen la población general, las personas fumadoras adictas al juego están representadas en lasdiferentes etapas de cambio con porcentajes parecidos a los de dicha población. Por otra parte,no se ha encontrado relación entre el nivel de dependencia medido con el Test de Fagerström yla etapa de cambio. En cuanto a la influencia de las consecuencias percibidas del consumo detabaco, en general los sujetos tienden a conceder mayor importancia a los perjuicios que a losbeneficios de fumar. En los análisis en función de las etapas de cambio, se encuentran diferenciassignificativas entre el grupo de los que piensan dejar de fumar en los próximos seis meses,(contempladores y preparados) y el grupo de los que no fuman (exfumadores y no fumadores) enel beneficio “fumar ayuda a relajarse” que es más valorado por los primeros. También seencuentran dichas diferencias entre los precontempladores y los que no fuman en dos perjuicios:“fumar produce a veces dolor de cabeza” y “fumar a veces provoca taquicardia” que son másvalorados por los segundos. Estos resultados sugieren la conveniencia de realizar las intervencionesmás adecuadas para cada etapa de cambio, a fin de que las personas adictas al juegopuedan también tener éxito en el abandono de la adicción al tabaco


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The Feedback-Related Negativity (FRN) is thought to reflect the dopaminergic prediction error signal from the subcortical areas to the ACC (i.e., a bottom-up signal). Two studies were conducted in order to test a new model of FRN generation, which includes direct modulating influences of medial PFC (i.e., top-down signals) on the ACC at the time of the FRN. Study 1 examined the effects of one’s sense of control (top-down) and of informative cues (bottom-up) on the FRN measures. In Study 2, sense of control and instruction-based (top-down) and probability-based expectations (bottom-up) were manipulated to test the proposed model. The results suggest that any influences of medial PFC on the activity of the ACC that occur in the context of incentive tasks are not direct. The FRN was shown to be sensitive to salient stimulus characteristics. The results of this dissertation partially support the reinforcement learning theory, in that the FRN is a marker for prediction error signal from subcortical areas. However, the pattern of results outlined here suggests that prediction errors are based on salient stimulus characteristics and are not reward specific. A second goal of this dissertation was to examine whether ACC activity, measured through the FRN, is altered in individuals at-risk for problem-gambling behaviour (PG). Individuals in this group were more sensitive to the valence of the outcome in a gambling task compared to not at-risk individuals, suggesting that gambling contexts increase the sensitivity of the reward system to valence of the outcome in individuals at risk for PG. Furthermore, at-risk participants showed an increased sensitivity to reward characteristics and a decreased response to loss outcomes. This contrasts with those not at risk whose FRNs were sensitive to losses. As the results did not replicate previous research showing attenuated FRNs in pathological gamblers, it is likely that the size and time of the FRN does not change gradually with increasing risk of maladaptive behaviour. Instead, changes in ACC activity reflected by the FRN in general can be observed only after behaviour becomes clinically maladaptive or through comparison between different types of gain/loss outcomes.


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À la base, les jeux de hasard et d’argent (JHA) se révèlent pour la grande majorité des gens une activité ludique agréable. On les associe effectivement aux loisirs, puisqu’ils répondent pratiquement aux mêmes besoins, dont la curiosité, le divertissement, la détente, la socialisation et la reconnaissance (Chevalier, 2003; Chevalier & Papineau, 2007; Paradis & Courteau, 2003). En contrepartie, ils constituent tout de même un risque d’excès. Bien que personne ne soit vraiment à l’abri de la dépendance, les écrits scientifiques montrent que certains groupes se révèlent particulièrement à risque. Avec les personnes qui souffrent de troubles mentaux et toxicomaniaques (Walters, 1997), la population correctionnelle se trouve parmi les individus les plus susceptibles de présenter des problèmes liés au jeu pathologique (Abbott, McKenna, & Giles, 2005; Ashcroft, Daniels, & Hart, 2004; Lahn, 2005). Or, si plusieurs études informent sur les habitudes de jeu précarcérales des hommes condamnés à l’emprisonnement, peu renseignent sur ce qu’il advient de cette pratique à l’intérieur des établissements de détention. Malgré une interdiction formelle des services correctionnels, on reconnaît pourtant la présence des JHA en prison (Abbott et al., 2005; Lahn & Grabosky, 2003; Nixon, Leigh, & Grabosky, 2006; Williams, Royston, & Hagen, 2005; Lahn, 2005). Cependant, la plupart des études se contentent trop souvent de dresser un portrait purement descriptif des types de jeux et des formes de mises. Une meilleure compréhension de cette pratique intra-muros se révèle essentielle, ne serait-ce que si l’on tient compte de la proportion non négligeable de détenus aux prises avec une telle dépendance. Cette thèse entend donc améliorer la compréhension de cette pratique dans les établissements de détention fédéraux du Québec, en se basant sur l’opinion et l’expérience de 51 hommes qui y sont incarcérés. Des entrevues qualitatives en français ont été effectuées avec des détenus québécois de plus de 18 ans, purgeant une peine d’emprisonnement minimale de vingt-quatre mois. Les résultats obtenus suite à des analyses thématiques sont répartis dans trois articles scientifiques. Le premier article décrit le déroulement des JHA intra-muros et analyse l’influence du milieu carcéral sur l’accès à ces activités et leur signification. Contrairement à nos attentes, le règlement interdisant les paris ne s’avère pas un obstacle central à leur pratique. Des éléments liés au contexte correctionnel et à la sentence en restreignent davantage la participation. La disponibilité et les bienfaits habituellement retirés des JHA, comme le plaisir et l’excitation, s’avèrent beaucoup plus limités que ce que ces activités offrent habituellement dans la société libre. Le second article étudie les conséquences potentielles des JHA, de même que la façon dont les détenus y réagissent. À la base, le seul fait que ces activités impliquent obligatoirement un échange d’argent, de biens de valeur ou de services rendus engendre pour tous les joueurs un risque de contracter des dettes. Une analyse dynamique montre que certaines frictions se développent autour des JHA, qui s’expliquent toutefois mieux par les caractéristiques du milieu carcéral. Le dernier article aborde les motifs qui justifient la participation ou non de la population correctionnelle à des JHA durant leur incarcération. Il tient compte des habitudes de jeu au cours des douze mois qui ont précédé la détention, soit des non-joueurs, des joueurs récréatifs et des joueurs problématiques. Pour la plupart des détenus, les JHA servent d’alternative ludique à l’ennui, mais certains les utilisent également dans le but de s’intégrer, voire indirectement de se protéger. Fait encore plus intéressant, malgré la présence de joueurs dépendants parmi les hommes interviewés, aucune des motivations généralement associées au jeu pathologique n’a été rapportée pour justifier la pratique des JHA en prison. En somme, les JHA demeurent généralement sans conséquence dans les établissements de détention québécois, puisque très peu de détenus semblent dépasser leurs limites et s’endetter. Les conflits entourant ces activités apparaissent surtout sous forme de querelles, suite à des doutes sur l’intégrité d’un joueur ou une défaite non assumée. Les événements violents, comme des règlements de compte, faisant suite à des dettes impayées se révèlent exceptionnels. Les résultats de cette thèse montrent également que certains joueurs pathologiques, malgré l’opportunité de s’adonner à des JHA, s’abstiennent ou cessent de miser au cours de leur incarcération. Ces dernières données permettent de réfléchir sur le concept de dépendance et sur les éléments prometteurs pour le traitement des joueurs problématiques incarcérés.


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Plusieurs études telles que le NESARC ont démontré la comorbidité chez les joueurs pathologiques dans la population générale et dans des échantillons cliniques. Le jeu pathologique se présente souvent avec des troubles comorbides tels que les toxicomanies, les troubles de l’humeur, les troubles anxieux et les troubles de la personnalité. Cette étude a été réalisée auprès de 40 joueurs pathologiques admis en traitement au Centre Dollard-Cormier, Institut universitaire sur les dépendances à Montréal. Les objectifs étaient d’évaluer : la consommation d’alcool et de drogues, la présence d’une détresse psychologique caractérisée par des symptômes et des syndromes cliniques ainsi que par des troubles de la personnalité et la prévalence du trouble de l’ÉSPT dans l’échantillon. L’ICJE a été utilisé pour évaluer la gravité du jeu. Les autres troubles ont été mesurés à travers l’IGT, l’AUDIT, le MCMI-III, le QÉT et l’ÉMST. Les résultats montrent que 65 % des participants présentent une consommation problématique d’alcool (25 % actuellement, 40 % dans le passé), 27,5 % une consommation problématique de drogues; 52,5 %, un diagnostic probable d’au moins un syndrome clinique (surtout anxiété et dépression), 55 %, un diagnostic probable d’au moins un trouble de la personnalité; 30 %, des symptômes du trouble d’ÉSPT et 17,5 %, un diagnostic probable du trouble. Alors, la comorbidité est présente chez les joueurs pathologiques de l’échantillon. Il est essentiel de l’identifier pour mieux répondre aux besoins particuliers de l’individu et l’aider avec les symptômes qui aggravent le problème de jeu et augmentent le risque de récidive.


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En una muestra de 34 adictos al juego en tratamiento, se examinan las características de consumo de tabaco de los sujetos fumadores y la influencia de las consecuencias percibidas de la conducta de fumar en función de las etapas de cambio (Prochaska, DiClemente y Norcross, 1992). Los resultados muestran que, aunque los porcentajes de fumadores doblan a los existentes en la población general, las personas fumadoras adictas al juego están representadas en las diferentes etapas de cambio con porcentajes parecidos a los de dicha población. Por otra parte, no se ha encontrado relación entre el nivel de dependencia medido con el Test de Fagerström y la etapa de cambio. En cuanto a la influencia de las consecuencias percibidas del consumo de tabaco, en general los sujetos tienden a conceder mayor importancia a los perjuicios que a los beneficios de fumar. En los análisis en función de las etapas de cambio, se encuentran diferencias significativas entre el grupo de los que piensan dejar de fumar en los próximos seis meses, (contempladores y preparados) y el grupo de los que no fuman (exfumadores y no fumadores) en el beneficio “fumar ayuda a relajarse” que es más valorado por los primeros. También se encuentran dichas diferencias entre los precontempladores y los que no fuman en dos perjuicios: “fumar produce a veces dolor de cabeza” y “fumar a veces provoca taquicardia” que son más valorados por los segundos. Estos resultados sugieren la conveniencia de realizar las intervenciones más adecuadas para cada etapa de cambio, a fin de que las personas adictas al juego puedan también tener éxito en el abandono de la adicción al tabaco


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Pós-graduação em Ciências da Motricidade - IBRC


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The purpose of this study was to examine the reliability, validity and classification accuracy of the South Oaks Gambling Screen (SOGS) in a sample of the Brazilian population. Participants in this study were drawn from three sources: 71 men and women from the general population interviewed at a metropolitan train station; 116 men and women encountered at a bingo venue; and 54 men and women undergoing treatment for gambling. The SOGS and a DSM-IV-based instrument were applied by trained researchers. The internal consistency of the SOGS was 0.75 according to the Cronbach`s alpha model, and construct validity was good. A significant difference among groups was demonstrated by ANOVA (F ((2.238)) = 221.3, P < 0.001). The SOGS items and DSM-IV symptoms were highly correlated (r = 0.854, P < 0.01). The SOGS also presented satisfactory psychometric properties: sensitivity (100), specificity (74.7), positive predictive rate (60.7), negative predictive rate (100) and misclassification rate (0.18). However, a cut-off score of eight improved classification accuracy and reduced the rate of false positives: sensitivity (95.4), specificity (89.8), positive predictive rate (78.5), negative predictive rate (98) and misclassification rate (0.09). Thus, the SOGS was found to be reliable and valid in the Brazilian population.