9 resultados para Pastern


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Equine pastern vasculitis is clinically challenging and the underlying aetiopathogenesis is unclear. The aims of this retrospective study were to establish histopathological criteria for pastern vasculitis, to look for an underlying cause, to investigate whether the histopathological lesions are associated with a distinct clinical picture, to assess if and how the clinical picture varies, and to determine the treatment response. Skin biopsies and clinical data from 20 horses with a diagnosis of vasculitis of the distal extremities were investigated and histology was compared to biopsies from healthy horses. It was concluded that intramural inflammatory cells, leukocytoclasia with nuclear dust, thickening and oedema of the vessel walls, and microhaemorrhages are highly specific histological findings in equine pastern vasculitis. Based on the feedback from the clinicians, the lesions were mostly seen on the lateral and medial aspects of un-pigmented legs. Lesions in white skin were characterised by exudation and crusts, whereas those in pigmented skin were alopecic and characterised by scaling. The response to treatment was poor and the prognosis guarded. No association was found between any of the histopathological findings and a distinct clinical picture. An underlying cause of equine pastern vasculitis could not be identified. Considering the large number of confounding factors, the causative agents are difficult to identify, but may involve drugs or a hypersensitivity reactions to yet unknown antigens.


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Objetivou-se avaliar em equino a influência do exercício progressivo e intenso realizado em esteira de alta velocidade sobre a temperatura de regiões da pele, incluindo face, pescoço e quartela, e do casco, incluindo coroa, parede e sola. Utilizaram-se cinco equinos Puro Sangue Árabes, desferrados, com idade média de 8±0,7 anos, sendo duas fêmeas e três machos, com peso corpóreo médio de 420±10kg. A intensidade de esforço foi determinada por meio da quantificação do lactato sanguíneo. As temperaturas foram determinadas com o auxílio de termógrafo, antes, durante e após o exercício. Realizou-se análise de variância seguida pelo teste de Tukey, sendo P≤0,05. A lactacidemia aumentou, principalmente nas velocidades intensas. Houve redução das temperaturas das regiões da face, pescoço e quartela após o exercício e diminuição das temperaturas da parede, coroa e sola do casco durante o exercício, enquanto a temperatura da manta de rolamento da esteira não se alterou em nenhum momento. Constatou-se indiretamente que a perfusão sanguínea do casco diminuiu durante o teste de esforço tanto em sua fase aeróbia como na anaeróbia. Nenhuma das intensidades de esforço foi capaz de alterar a temperatura da manta de rolamento da esteira. A temperatura do casco diminuída como decorrência fisiológica do esforço físico imposto, retornou aos valores normais após o término do exercício.


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To investigate morphological and genomic differences between cutting and racing lines of Quarter Horses, 120 racing and 68 cutting animals of both sexes, registered at the Brazilian Association of Quarter Horse Breeders, were used. Blood samples were collected, and the following physical traits were measured: weight; height at withers; body length; length of the shank, pastern, rump, head, and neck; and chest, shank, and hoof circumference. For analysis of genomic differences, 54,602 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were genotyped using the Equine SNP50 BeadChip, and the quality of individual and SNP genotype data were evaluated. The fixation index, FST, was used to identify genome regions that were altered in the lines by selection. The results showed significant differences between the lines in all physical traits. Quality control led to the exclusion of four cutting animals with a call rate of <0.95. After filtering, 12,544, 13,815, and 13,370 SNPs were excluded for the whole population (n = 184), the 120 racing animals, and the 64 cutting animals, respectively. The number of informative polymorphisms detected in each line and in the whole population indicated that the Equine SNP50 BeadChip can be used in genetic studies of Quarter Horses. The fixation index, FST, identified 2,558 genome regions that may have been modified by divergent selection. © 2013 Elsevier Inc.


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Subluxation of the proximal interphalangeal joint is a rare and little studied condition in horses. We describe the case of a 12-year-old mare with bilateral dorsal subluxation of the proximal interphalangeal joint of the hind feet. Tenectomy of the medial digital flexor was performed in both limbs, and the patient showed signs of recovery within 14 days. Goniometry of the proximal interphalangeal joints 10 months after surgery showed diminution of 5° for the proximal interphalangeal axis of the left hind limb. However, no change was found for the joint angle of the right limb. Even so, the patient's gait and radiographic results were normal, and clinical abnormalities such as joint clicking and swelling were no longer observed. © 2013 Elsevier Inc.


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The present study reports a snakebite in a horse in the state of Pará, Brazil. At initial evaluation the animal was reluctant to walk and had tachycardia, tachypnea, severe lameness, bleeding on the pastern and swelling around the left hind leg. Blood samples from the bleeding sites, took on the first day, showed leukocytosis and neutrophilia, whereas biochemical values of urea and creatinine were significantly increased. The chosen treatment was snake antivenom, fluid therapy, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory agents and diuretic drugs. On the fourth day of therapy, the hematological values were within normal parameters. There was improvement related to the clinical lameness and swelling of the limb. However, a decrease in water intake and oliguria were observed. On the seventh day the animal died. Necropsy revealed areas of hemorrhagic edema in the left hind limb and ventral abdomen; the kidneys presented equimosis in the capsule, and when cut they were wet. Moreover, the cortex was pale, slightly yellow and the medullary striae had the same aspect. Based on these data, we concluded that the snakebite in the present study was caused by Bothrops spp. and that renal failure contributed to death.


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Pós-graduação em Genética e Melhoramento Animal - FCAV


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The distal sesamoid bone, also known as navicular bone, is located inside the hoof, palmar (thoracic limbs) or plantar (pelvic limbs) to distal interphalangeal joint. Its extremities are fixed by collateral medial and lateral sesamoidean ligament and distal impar sesamoidean ligament. Navicular disease diagnostic is made through a thorough clinical exam, nerve blocks and imaging exams. Even though imaging exams are not conclusive, they are essential to evaluate the extension of soft tissue lesions. Radiographic projections used to evaluate navicular bone are lateromedial (LM); dorsoproximal-palmaro/plantarodistal oblíqua (D30Pr-PaDiO); dorsoproximal-palmaro/plantarodistal oblíqua (D60Pr-PaDiO) e a palmaro/plantaroproximal-palmaro/plantarodistal oblíqua (PaPr-PaDiO). This exam allows to identify number and shape alterations of synovial invaginations on the distal (foramem nutricio) in the distal margin of distal sesamoid, osteophytes, enthesophytes and periarticular lesions. There are four ultrasonographic accesses described in literature to evaluate podotroclear apparatus, they are: palmar or plantar distal do the pastern, through the heel bulbs, through coronary band and transcuneal. These images allow a beeter the evaluation of soft tissue next to the distal sesamoid, because it is more sensitive than radiographic exam to evaluate acute lesions in soft tissues and perioesteum


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Chorioptes bovis infestation is a common cause of pastern dermatitis in the horse, with a predilection in draft horses and other horses with thick hair 'feathers' on the distal limbs. The treatment of this superficial mite is challenging; treatment failure and relapse are common. Furthermore, C. bovis infestation may affect the progression of chronic pastern dermatitis (also known as chronic proliferative pastern dermatitis, chronic progressive lymphoedema and dermatitis verrucosa) in draft horses, manifesting with oedema, lichenification and excessive skin folds that can progress to verruciform lesions. An effective cure for C. bovis infestation would therefore be of great clinical value. In a prospective, double-blind, placebo-controlled study, the efficacy of oral moxidectin (0.4 mg/kg body weight) given twice with a 3 week interval in combination with environmental treatment with 4-chloro-3-methylphenol and propoxur was tested in 19 heavily feathered horses with clinical pastern dermatitis and C. bovis infestation. Follow-up examinations over a period of 180 days revealed significantly more skin crusting in the placebo group than in the treatment group. However, no other differences in clinical signs or the numbers of mites detected were found between the two groups. The results of this study suggest that moxidectin in combination with environmental insecticide treatment as used in this study is ineffective in the treatment of C. bovis in feathered horses.


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OBJECTIVE To elicit and evaluate the NWR (nociceptive withdrawal reflex) in 2 and 11 day old foals, to investigate if buprenorphine causes antinociception and determine if the NWR response changes with increasing age. The effect of buprenorphine on behaviour was also evaluated. STUDY DESIGN Prospective, experimental cross-over trial. ANIMALS Nine Norwegian Fjord research foals. METHODS Buprenorphine, 10 μg kg(-1) was administered intramuscularly (IM) to the same foal at 2 days and at 11 days of age. The NWR and the effect of buprenorphine were evaluated by electromyograms recorded from the left deltoid muscle following electrical stimulation of the left lateral palmar nerve at the level of the pastern. Mentation, locomotor activity and respiratory rate were recorded before and after buprenorphine administration. RESULTS We were able to evoke the NWR and temporal summation in foals using this model. Buprenorphine decreased the root mean square amplitude following single electrical stimulation (p < 0.001) in both age groups, and increased the NWR threshold following single electrical stimulation in 2 day old foals (p = 0.0012). Repeated electrical stimulation at 2 Hz was more effective to elicit temporal summation compared to 5 Hz (p < 0.001). No effect of age upon the NWR threshold was found (p = 0.34). Sedation when left undisturbed (11 occasions), increased locomotor activity when handled (9 occasions) and tachypnea (13 occasions) were common side-effects of buprenorphine. CONCLUSION AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE These findings indicate that buprenorphine has antinociceptive effect in foals. Opioid side effects often recognized in adult horses also occur in foals.