606 resultados para Passiflora actinia


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Em estudos prévios sobre a filogenia de Passiflora, as espécies P. actinia e P. elegans destacaram-se pela sua grande similaridade genética, apesar de sua classificação em séries taxonômicas distintas. As duas espécies apresentam distribuição geográfica muito diferente. Enquanto P. actinia é encontrada em áreas de Mata Atlântica desde o estado do Espírito Santo até o Rio Grande do Sul (RS), P. elegans está restrita ao RS e a poucas regiões limítrofes. Para melhor avaliar as relações evolutivas entre estas duas espécies foram realizadas coletas intensivas em todo o estado e desenvolvidos testes quanto às seqüências dos espaçadores intergênicos cloroplasmáticos trnL-trnF e psbA-trnH, e dos espaçadores transcritos dos genes ribossomais nucleares ITS de plantas de diferentes localidades. As análises revelaram uma baixa variabilidade intraespecífica, e evidenciaram um perfil genético próprio a cada espécie. Nas comparações interespecíficas, foram utilizadas seqüências de espécies do subgênero (Passiflora) estudadas previamente, pertencentes às séries Simplicifoliae e Lobatae, as mesmas de P. actinia e P. elegans, respectivamente. Nos três marcadores as menores distâncias genéticas encontradas foram entre estas duas espécies, sugerindo o pouco tempo de divergência entre elas. Estas comparações não mostraram diferenças marcantes nas diversidades dentro e entre as duas séries, indicando similaridade genética entre elas Apesar da intensa amostragem realizada na área limítrofe das distribuições de P. actinia e P. elegans, somente foi encontrado um híbrido entre as duas. Além do fenótipo morfológico intermediário, o híbrido pôde ser reconhecido através das suas características genéticas, o espaçador nuclear ITS apresentando padrão aditivo nos sítios variáveis destas duas espécies; as seqüências dos marcadores cloroplasmáticos foram iguais às de P. actinia, indicando que esta é a espécie doadora deste genoma. Os padrões genéticos e geográficos destas duas espécies sugerem que o processo de especiação que se desenvolveu entre as duas seja recente e tenha ocorrido em alopatria, estando provavelmente ligado aos eventos geológicos do Holoceno que influenciaram a migração da Mata Atlântica no RS. A investigação das características abióticas das regiões de ocorrência das espécies não apresentou grandes dissimilaridades, podendo indicar que a atual segregação espacial deva-se à fragmentação florestal ou que haja exclusão competitiva entre elas, pois apresentam nichos ecológicos muito semelhantes.


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Em ambiente com nebulização controlada, estacas herbáceas com um par de folhas, contendo 2 ou 3 nós, foram testadas quanto ao enraizamento, utilizando-se de bandeja de poliestireno com célula de 95cm³ e saco plástico de 15x25x0,02cm com 1.730 cm³. Foram testadas estacas de Passiflora actinia, P. serrato-digitata e P. setacea. Observou-se que P. serrato-digitata apresentou 94,3% de estacas enraizadas com brotos e 2,4% de mortalidade; enquanto P. actinia e P. setacea apresentaram, respetivamente, 30,5% e 28,6% de estacas enraizadas com brotos e 56,8% e 60,7% de mortalidade. A alta mortalidade das estacas foi atribuída ao estado fenológico das matrizes de P. actinia e P. setacea e ao ataque de larvas de bradisia (Bradysia spp.) Estacas com dois e três nós não apresentaram diferenças significativas, e o recipiente saco plástico de 1.730 cm³ proporcionou melhor desenvolvimento das mudas.


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A obtenção de híbridos interespecíficos de maracujazeiro é um processo de grande valia para proporcionar ganhos agronômicos à espécie comercial Passiflora edulis em programas de melhoramento genético, obter novos materiais genéticos com potencial para uso como porta-enxertos e também como alternativas para o mercado de plantas ornamentais. Neste trabalho, marcadores moleculares RAPD foram utilizados visando à confirmação do sucesso de 17 hibridações interespecíficas. Amostras de DNA genômico do suposto híbrido e de seus prováveis genitores foram extraídas, e 12 primers decâmeros foram utilizados para a obtenção de marcadores RAPD. Os marcadores gerados foram analisados quanto à presença ou não de bandas informativas para a confirmação da fecundação cruzada. Foram confirmados os cruzamentos P. laurifolia x P. nitida; P. edulis f. flavicarpa GA2 x RC1 (GA2 x P. coccinea); P. caerulea x P. amethystina; P. glandulosa x P. galbana; P. coccinea x P. actinia; P. glandulosa x P. edulis f. flavicarpa GA2; P. sidaefolia x P. actinia; P. galbana x P. actinea; F1 (P. coccinea x P. setacea) x P. coccinea; F1 (P. coccinea x P. setacea) x P. mucronata; P. eichleriana x P. gibertii; P. galbana x P. edulis f. flavicarpa GA2; P. glandulosa x P. edulis edulis cinza TO; P. glandulosa x P. sidaefolia; P. coccinea x P. setacea. Constatou-se a existência de compatibilidade genética entre essas espécies, sendo possível a sua utilização em programas de melhoramento. Os marcadores RAPD mostraram-se excelentes ferramentas para verificar a ocorrência da fecundação cruzada no gênero Passiflora.


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Despite the ecological and economic importance of passion fruit (Passiflora spp.), molecular markers have only recently been utilized in genetic studies of this genus. In addition, both basic genetic researches related to population studies and pre-breeding programs of passion fruit remain scarce for most Passiflora species. Considering the number of Passiflora species and the increasing use of these species as a resource for ornamental, medicinal, and food purposes, the aims of this review are the following: (i) to present the current condition of the passion fruit crop; (ii) to quantify the applications and effects of using molecular markers in studies of Passiflora; (iii) to present the contributions of genetic engineering for passion fruit culture; and (iv) to discuss the progress and perspectives of this research. Thus, the present review aims to summarize and discuss the relationship between historical and current progress on the culture, breeding, and molecular genetics of passion fruit.


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• We developed the first microsatellites for Passiflora setacea and characterized new sets of markers for P. edulis and P. cincinnata, enabling further genetic diversity studies to support the conservation and breeding of passion fruit species. • We developed 69 microsatellite markers and, in conjunction with assessments of cross-amplification using primers available from the literature, present 43 new polymorphic microsatellite loci for three species of Passiflora. The mean number of alleles per locus was 3.1, and the mean values of the expected and observed levels of heterozygosity were 0.406 and 0.322, respectively. • These microsatellite markers will be valuable tools for investigating the genetic diversity and population structure of wild and commercial species of passion fruit (Passiflora spp.) and may be useful for developing conservation and improvement strategies by contributing to the understanding of the mating system and hybridization within the genus.


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Leaves of Passiflora alata Curtis were characterized for their antioxidant capacity. Antioxidant analyses of DPPH, FRAP, ABTS, ORAC and phenolic compounds were made in three different extracts: aqueous, methanol/acetone and ethanol. Aqueous extract was found to be the best solvent for recovery of phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity, when compared with methanol/acetone and ethanol. To study the anti-inflammatory properties of this extract in experimental type 1 diabetes, NOD mice were divided into two groups: the P. alata group, treated with aqueous extract of P. alata Curtis, and a non-treated control group, followed by diabetes expression analysis. The consumption of aqueous extract and water ad libitum lasted 28 weeks. The treated-group presented a decrease in diabetes incidence, a low quantity of infiltrative cells in pancreatic islets and increased glutathione in the kidney and liver (p<0.05), when compared with the diabetic and non-diabetic control-groups. In conclusion, our results suggest that the consumption of aqueous extract of P. alata may be considered a good source of natural antioxidants and compounds found in its composition can act as anti-inflammatory agents, helping in the control of diabetes.


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Passiflora species are distributed throughout Latin America, and Brazil and Colombia serve as the centers of diversity for this genus. We performed cross-species amplification to evaluate 109 microsatellite loci in 14 Passiflora species and estimated the diversity and genetic structure of Passiflora cincinnata, Passiflora setaceae and Passiflora edulis. A total of 127 accessions, including 85 accessions of P. edulis, a commercial species, and 42 accessions of 13 wild species, were examined. The cross-species amplification was effective for obtaining microsatellite loci (average cross-amplification of 70%). The average number of alleles per locus (five) was relatively low, and the average diversity ranged from 0.52 in P. cincinnata to 0.32 in P. setacea. The Bayesian analyses indicated that the P. cincinnata and P. setacea accessions were distributed into two groups, and the P. edulis accessions were distributed into five groups. Private alleles were identified, and suggestions for core collections are presented. Further collections are necessary, and the information generated may be useful for breeding and conservation.


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The androgynophore column, a distinctive floral feature in passion flowers, is strongly crooked or bent in many Passiflora species pollinated by bats. This is a floral feature that facilitates the adaptation to bat pollination. Crooking or bending of plant organs are generally caused by environmental stimulus (e.g. mechanical barriers) and might involve the differential distribution of auxin. Our aim was to study the role of the perianth organs and the effect of auxin in bending of the androgynophore of the bat-pollinated species Passiflora mucronata. Morpho-anatomical characterisation of the androgynophore, including measurements of curvature angles and cell sizes both at the dorsal (convex) and ventral (concave) sides of the androgynophore, was performed on control flowers, flowers from which perianth organs were partially removed and flowers treated either with auxin (2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid; 2,4-D) or with an inhibitor of auxin polar transport (naphthylphthalamic acid; NPA). Asymmetric growth of the androgynophore column, leading to bending, occurs at a late stage of flower development. Removing the physical constraint exerted by perianth organs or treatment with NPA significantly reduced androgynophore bending. Additionally, the androgynophores of plants treated with 2,4-D were more curved when compared to controls. There was a larger cellular expansion at the dorsal side of the androgynophores of plants treated with 2,4-D and in both sides of the androgynophores of plants treated with NPA. This study suggests that the physical constraint exerted by perianth and auxin redistribution promotes androgynophore bending in P. mucronata and might be related to the evolution of chiropterophily in the genus Passiflora.


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Yellow passion fruit pulp is unstable, presenting phase separation that can be avoided by the addition of hydrocolloids. For this purpose, xanthan and guar gum [0.3, 0.7 and 1.0% (w/w)] were added to yellow passion fruit pulp and the changes in the dynamic and steady - shear rheological behavior evaluated. Xanthan dispersions showed a more pronounced pseudoplasticity and the presence of yield stress, which was not observed in the guar gum dispersions. Cross model fitting to flow curves showed that the xanthan suspensions also had higher zero shear viscosity than the guar suspensions, and, for both gums, an increase in temperature led to lower values for this parameter. The gums showed different behavior as a function of temperature in the range of 5 - 35ºC. The activation energy of the apparent viscosity was dependent on the shear rate and gum concentration for guar, whereas for xanthan these values only varied with the concentration. The mechanical spectra were well described by the generalized Maxwell model and the xanthan dispersions showed a more elastic character than the guar dispersions, with higher values for the relaxation time. Xanthan was characterized as a weak gel, while guar presented a concentrated solution behavior. The simultaneous evaluation of temperature and concentration showed a stronger influence of the polysaccharide concentration on the apparent viscosity and the G' and G" moduli than the variation in temperature.


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Este trabalho apresenta uma modificação dos procedimentos descritos nas Farmacopéias Francesa e Européia para a análise de flavonoides de Passiflora incarnata L., Passifloraceae, por espectrometria UV-Visível e propõe a sua aplicação na determinação dos flavonoides totais das folhas da espinheira-santa (Maytenus aquifolium Mart. e Maytenus ilicifolia (Schrad.) Planch., Celastraceae) e do maracujá (Passiflora edulis Sims. e Passiflora alata Curtis, Passifloraceae). Os resultados obtidos por espectrometria no UV-Visível foram comparados aos obtidos por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (CLAE-UV), encontrando-se resultados estatisticamente similares entre os métodos espectrométrico modificado da Farmacopéia Francesa e CLAE-UV.


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The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of soil characteristics (pH, macro- and micro-nutrients), environmental factors (temperature, humidity, period of the year and time of day of collection) and meteorological conditions (rain, sun, cloud and cloud/rain) on the flavonoid content of leaves of Passiflora incarnata L., Passifloraceae. The total flavonoid contents of leaf samples harvested from plants cultivated or collected under different conditions were quantified by high-performance liquid chromatography with ultraviolet detection (HPLC-UV/PAD). Chemometric treatment of the data by principal component (PCA) and hierarchic cluster analyses (HCA) showed that the samples did not present a specific classification in relation to the environmental and soil variables studied, and that the environmental variables were not significant in describing the data set. However, the levels of the elements Fe, B and Cu present in the soil showed an inverse correlation with the total flavonoid contents of the leaves of P. incarnata.


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Passiflora alata in vitro organogenesis was studied based on explant type, culture medium composition, and incubation conditions. The results indicated that the morphogenic process occurred more efficiently when hypocotyl segment-derived explants were cultured in media supplemented with cytokinin and AgNO(3) incubated under a 16-h photoperiod. The shoot bud elongation and plant development were obtained by transferring the material to MSM culture medium supplemented with GA(3) and incubated in flasks with vented lids. Histological analyses of the process revealed that the difficulties in obtaining plants could be related to the development of protuberances and leaf primordia structures, which did not contain shoot apical meristem. Roots developed easily by transferring elongated shoots to 1/2 MSM culture medium. Plant acclimatization occurred successfully, and somaclonal variation was not visually detected. The efficiency of this organogenesis protocol will be evaluated for genetic transformation of this species to obtain transgenic plants expressing genes that can influence the resistance to Cowpea aphid borne mosaic virus.


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The aim of this research was to perform a stability testing of spray- and spouted bed-dried extracts of Passiflora alata Dryander (Passion flower) under stress storage conditions. Spouted bed- and spray-dried extracts were characterized by determination of the average particle diameter (dP), apparent moisture content (XP), total flavonoid content (TF), and vitexin content. Smaller and more irregular particles were generated by the spouted bed system due to a higher attrition rate (surface erosion) inside the dryer. The SB dryer resulted in an end product with higher concentration of flavonoids (approximate to 10%) and lower moisture content (1.6%, dry basis) than the spray dryer, even with both dryers working at similar inlet drying air temperature and ratio between the extract feed flow rate to drying air flow rate (Ws/Wg). Samples of the spouted bed- and spray-dried extracts were stored at two different temperatures (34 and 45 degrees C) and two different relative humidities (52 and 63% RH for 34 degrees C; 52 and 60% RH for 45 degrees C) in order to perform the stability testing. The dried extracts were stored for 28 days and were analyzed every 4 days. The flavonoid vitexin served as the marker compound, which was assayed during the storage period. Results revealed shelf lives ranging from 9 to 184 days, depending on the drying process and storage conditions.


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Objetivou-se, com este trabalho, desenvolver uma equação confiável, que possibilite calcular a área foliar de forma rápida e não destrutiva, utilizando medidas lineares da folha, para as diferentes espécies de Passiflora (P. alata, P. coccinea, P. gibertii, P. ligularis, P. misera, P. mucronata, P. nitida, P. setacea). Foram coletadas trezentas folhas, de diferentes tamanhos, de cada espécie. Realizaram-se análises de regressão da área foliar versus comprimento da nervura principal, maior largura da folha e o produto destas. A área foliar foi medida com um dispositivo de medição automática e as medidas lineares foram determinadas utilizando-se régua. O modelo linear escolhido, para todas as espécies, foi o que utiliza o produto das variáveis independentes, por apresentar maior coeficiente de determinação (R²) e maior significância do coeficiente de regressão. Os modelos apresentaram coeficiente de determinação ajustado superior a 0,927 e índice de desempenho ótimo, segundo a classificação de Camargo e Sentelhas. No processo de validação do modelo, mostrou-se que a correlação da área foliar medida com a área foliar observada foi muito alta. Os resultados obtidos neste estudo demonstram que a área foliar das espécies de Passifloras podem ser preditas, usando-se as determinações do comprimento e da largura das folhas.


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Passiflora mucronata Lam. apresenta como características ser ornamental, medicinal e resistente à bacteriose nas folhas, além de ser altamente resistente à antracnose nos frutos e ramos. Objetivou-se, com este trabalho, avaliar a forma de veiculação, líquida ou sólida, e as concentrações do ácido indol-3-butírico (AIB) no enraizamento adventício de estacas de P. mucronata. O experimento foi conduzido no delineamento de blocos ao acaso, em esquema fatorial 2x5 (formas de veiculação do AIB: líquida e sólida x concentrações de AIB: 0; 250; 500; 750 e 1000 mg L-1, se líquido, ou mg Kg-1, se sólido), com quatro repetições, de 16 estacas cada. As características avaliadas foram enraizamento (%), número de raiz, comprimento da maior raiz (cm), volume de raiz (cm³) e massa de matéria seca de raiz (g). Verificou-se que o enraizamento de estacas de P. mucronata Lam. independe da forma como é veiculado o AIB, se sólida ou líquida, porém a qualidade do sistema radicular, avaliada por meio do número, volume e massa de matéria seca de raízes, foi superior à obtida ao se empregar o AIB sólido. O comportamento do enraizamento, do número e do comprimento de raízes foi linear crescente, até a máxima concentração de AIB (1000 mg L-1 ou mg Kg-1).