44 resultados para Passeri


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A detailed study is presented of the expected performance of the ATLAS detector. The reconstruction of tracks, leptons, photons, missing energy and jets is investigated, together with the performance of b-tagging and the trigger. The physics potential for a variety of interesting physics processes, within the Standard Model and beyond, is examined. The study comprises a series of notes based on simulations of the detector and physics processes, with particular emphasis given to the data expected from the first years of operation of the LHC at CERN.


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Este trabalho está associado ao projeto de pesquisa As transformações do cuidado de saúde e enfermagem em tempo de AIDS: representações sociais e memórias de enfermeiros e profissionais de saúde no Brasil, coordenado pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Enfermagem da UERJ. Neste trabalho, foi feito um recorte do projeto original, tendo como objetivo fazer um levantamento das práticas desenvolvidas pelos psicólogos que atuam no Programa Nacional DST/AIDS, além de descrever e analisar o conteúdo das representações sociais dos psicólogos sobre o HIV/AIDS e sobre seus pacientes. A fundamentação teórica do trabalho consiste na Teoria das Representações Sociais, inaugurada por Serge Moscovici em 1961, e desenvolvida por outros autores desde então. Os sujeitos da pesquisa foram doze psicólogos que trabalham em serviços de saúde que desenvolvem as ações do Programa Nacional DST/AIDS na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, em SAES e CTAS. A coleta de dados consistiu em duas etapas: a aplicação de questionários aos profissionais que trabalham no Programa Nacional DST/AIDS e realização de entrevista com alguns dos profissionais de saúde que responderam anteriormente ao questionário. Além das questões presentes no roteiro de entrevista comum a todos os profissionais de saúde, foram inseridas algumas questões relativas às práticas e à especificidade do trabalho do psicólogo nas equipes. Para a análise dos dados brutos obtidos através dos dois roteiros de entrevista, foi utilizada a técnica de análise de conteúdo temático-categorial, operacionalizada pelo software QRS NVivo. O resultado da análise do material discursivo ficou concentrado em seis categorias: 1) A memória do HIV/AIDS: o início da epidemia e sua construção social ao longo do tempo; 2) Mudanças e avanços em relação ao HIV/AIDS: conhecimento, cuidado, mentalidade e perfil dos pacientes; 3) O sistema de atendimento a pacientes com HIV/AIDS: práticas comuns e dificuldades vividas pelos profissionais de saúde; 4) A atuação dos psicólogos com pacientes HIV/AIDS: suas práticas, dificuldades e percepções; 5) Os desafios de se viver com o HIV/AIDS: adesão ao tratamento e discriminação; 6) Políticas governamentais, sociais e institucionais para o HIV/AIDS: desafios e questões epidemiológicas. As representações das psicólogas a respeito do HIV/AIDS contêm alguns elementos compartilhados com a população geral no passado, como a ideia de grupos de risco, mortalidade e culpabilização dos pacientes, mas também apresentam elementos que foram incorporados por conta de sua prática profissional, como a melhoria na qualidade de vida dos pacientes, a AIDS como uma doença crônica e a mudança de perfil dos pacientes. Em suas práticas, embora reconheçam algumas particularidades nos pacientes com HIV/AIDS, as psicólogas não reconhecem nestas particularidades uma necessidade de atendimento diferenciado a esses pacientes.


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Esta dissertação de mestrado tem por objetivo relatar o resultado de um estudo de verificação das práticas de gerenciamento de projetos, baseadas no Guia PMBOK (Project Management Body of Knowledge), presentes no dia-a-dia pelos profissionais de projetos das organizações brasileiras. A execução eficaz, eficiente e efetiva de um projeto necessita de uma composição entre conhecimentos, habilidades, técnicas e ferramentas definidos em diversos guias de gestão de projetos. Essa composição é o que se denomina: gerenciamento de projetos. A fundamentação prática aqui apresentada baseou-se em uma pesquisa de campo quantitativa, que inquiriu sujeitos organizacionais atuantes em gestão de projetos em suas empresas. Assim, pôde-se verificar as características do profissional, de sua organização, do uso das práticas e das métricas de sucesso do projeto. Ressalte-se que este estudo limita-se ao Brasil, como ambiente em que atua o público-alvo de pesquisa. Para tanto, o estudo foi desenvolvido: de forma descritiva, a partir da realidade de gestão de projetos apresentada pelos profissionais; explicativa, tendo como objetivo central esclarecer qual o seu grau de utilização em relação ao Guia PMBOK, no contexto das organizações brasileiras; e exploratória, dado que existia pouco conhecimento acumulado e sistematizado a respeito deste tema, na área Brasil. A revisão bibliográfica, para consolidar o estudo das teorias referentes à área gestão de projetos, deu-se por meio de guias, periódicos e jornais especializados, trabalhos acadêmicos e livros sobre o tema em questão e demais textos virtuais. Da análise quantitativa, buscou-se a conformidade sobre os dados coletados a fim de se consolidar a consistência lógica das informações obtidas nas respostas sobre a avaliação do grau de uso do preceitos de gerenciamento de projetos do Guia PMBOK por parte dos profissionais de projetos, do mercado brasileiro. Os resultados demonstraram diferentes graus de uso das práticas relativas às nove áreas de conhecimento do Guia PMBOK. Pôde-se apurar, também, revelações intrigantes como a existência de um EGP (escritório de gestão de projetos) na empresa, como no contexto, no qual estão inseridos os profissionais e suas organizações, podem contribuir de modo significativo tanto na alteração dos graus de uso como no sucesso do projeto. Almeja-se que o presente estudo possa servir de elemento prospectivo para outras pesquisas na área de gerenciamento de projetos, fomentando a realização de trabalhos e publicações científicas, de âmbito brasileiro.


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The authors verified the anatomical location of the mandibular foramen, lingula and antilingula in dry mandibles, aiming to obtain information that could be used when performing mandibular osteotomies. Forty-four mandibles (88 sides) were evaluated. The distances were measured using a sliding calliper, with the mandibles fixed in a reproducible position. Results showed that the mandibular foramen is on average 5.82 mm below the lingula. Regarding the statistical comparison between the mandibular foramen entrance and the anti lingula position, there is no correlation between the position of those two structures in the studied sample. The mandibular foramen is slightly posterior in relation to the centre of the ramus. The lingula is an important anatomic landmark for ramus surgery, and for determining the distance to the mandibular foramen entrance. The use of the antilingula as a landmark for the position of the vertical ramus osteotomy is not recommended.


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Purpose: The correction of maxillomandibular deformities may require maxillary osteotomy procedures that usually present low rates of postoperative complications, such as maxillary sinusitis. The present study evaluated the incidence of maxillary sinusitis after Le Fort I osteotomy in 21 adult patients who underwent maxillary surgery (Le Fort I osteotomy) or bimaxillary surgery (Le Fort I osteotomy plus sagittal mandibular osteotomies) for correction of dentofacial deformities.Patients and Methods: Verification of the presence of maxillary sinusitis was assessed through a brief questionnaire, x-rays (Waters views), and nasal endoscopy before surgery and 6 to 8 months after surgery.Results: Analysis of results showed an incidence of 4.76% of maxillary sinusitis as a postoperative complication in the studied population.Conclusion: Symptomatic patients with a positive radiographic finding or an increased risk for postoperative sinusitis will benefit from endoscopic evaluation to aid in treatment planning and follow-up. 0 2011 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons J Oral Maxillofac Surg 69:346351, 2011


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CMS is a general purpose experiment, designed to study the physics of pp collisions at 14 TeV at the Large Hadron Collider ( LHC). It currently involves more than 2000 physicists from more than 150 institutes and 37 countries. The LHC will provide extraordinary opportunities for particle physics based on its unprecedented collision energy and luminosity when it begins operation in 2007. The principal aim of this report is to present the strategy of CMS to explore the rich physics programme offered by the LHC. This volume demonstrates the physics capability of the CMS experiment. The prime goals of CMS are to explore physics at the TeV scale and to study the mechanism of electroweak symmetry breaking - through the discovery of the Higgs particle or otherwise. To carry out this task, CMS must be prepared to search for new particles, such as the Higgs boson or supersymmetric partners of the Standard Model particles, from the start- up of the LHC since new physics at the TeV scale may manifest itself with modest data samples of the order of a few fb(-1) or less. The analysis tools that have been developed are applied to study in great detail and with all the methodology of performing an analysis on CMS data specific benchmark processes upon which to gauge the performance of CMS. These processes cover several Higgs boson decay channels, the production and decay of new particles such as Z' and supersymmetric particles, B-s production and processes in heavy ion collisions. The simulation of these benchmark processes includes subtle effects such as possible detector miscalibration and misalignment. Besides these benchmark processes, the physics reach of CMS is studied for a large number of signatures arising in the Standard Model and also in theories beyond the Standard Model for integrated luminosities ranging from 1 fb(-1) to 30 fb(-1). The Standard Model processes include QCD, B-physics, diffraction, detailed studies of the top quark properties, and electroweak physics topics such as the W and Z(0) boson properties. The production and decay of the Higgs particle is studied for many observable decays, and the precision with which the Higgs boson properties can be derived is determined. About ten different supersymmetry benchmark points are analysed using full simulation. The CMS discovery reach is evaluated in the SUSY parameter space covering a large variety of decay signatures. Furthermore, the discovery reach for a plethora of alternative models for new physics is explored, notably extra dimensions, new vector boson high mass states, little Higgs models, technicolour and others. Methods to discriminate between models have been investigated. This report is organized as follows. Chapter 1, the Introduction, describes the context of this document. Chapters 2-6 describe examples of full analyses, with photons, electrons, muons, jets, missing E-T, B-mesons and tau's, and for quarkonia in heavy ion collisions. Chapters 7-15 describe the physics reach for Standard Model processes, Higgs discovery and searches for new physics beyond the Standard Model.


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The Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) detector is described. The detector operates at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. It was conceived to study proton-proton (and lead-lead) collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 14 TeV (5.5 TeV nucleon-nucleon) and at luminosities up to 10(34)cm(-2)s(-1) (10(27)cm(-2)s(-1)). At the core of the CMS detector sits a high-magnetic-field and large-bore superconducting solenoid surrounding an all-silicon pixel and strip tracker, a lead-tungstate scintillating-crystals electromagnetic calorimeter, and a brass-scintillator sampling hadron calorimeter. The iron yoke of the flux-return is instrumented with four stations of muon detectors covering most of the 4 pi solid angle. Forward sampling calorimeters extend the pseudo-rapidity coverage to high values (vertical bar eta vertical bar <= 5) assuring very good hermeticity. The overall dimensions of the CMS detector are a length of 21.6 m, a diameter of 14.6 m and a total weight of 12500 t.


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A new species of feather mite, Pterodectes fissuratus sp. n., is described from the pale-breasted thrush, Turdus leucomelas Veillot (Passeriformes: Turdidae), in Brazil. This species is easily distinguished by having numerous well-pronounced lacunae and a longitudinal median furrow on prodorsal and hysteronotal shields in both sexes. Copyright © 2005 Magnolia Press.


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We describe two new pterodectine feather mites (Analgoidea: Proctophyllodidae) from Brazilian passerines (Passeriformes): Pterodectes amaurochalinus sp. n., from Turdus amaurochalinus Cabanis (Turdidae), and Dolichodectes neotropicus sp. n., collected from Elaenia chiriquensis Lawrence (Tyrannidae). A key to species of the genus Dolichodectes is presented. Copyright © 2006 Magnolia Press.


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Background : Deep venous thrombosis (DVP) is a frequent disease. Prophylaxis is the best means to reduce its incidence, for lowering morbidity and mortality rates and treatment costs caused by its complications. Objective : To evaluate the knowledge and use of any kind of DVT prophylaxis by Brazilian Oral and Maxillofacial surgeons. Materials and Methods : A questionnaire was sent to all Oral and Maxillofacial surgeons associated to the Brazilian College of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons that have a valid e-mail address. The data retrieved was evaluated and tabulated. Results : Of the 1100 questionnaires sent, only 4% were retrieved. The 42 retrieved were included in the study. Twenty six of the surgeons do not use any kind of deep venous thrombosis (DVT) prophylaxis, 11 use mechanical means as elastic compressive stockings or pneumatic compressive devices for prophylaxis, and 5 uses low-molecular weight heparins (LMWH) as the choice for prophylaxis. Conclusion : The data collected, despite the low rate of participation (4%) by the surgeons, shows that this subject still does not receive proper attention. Whereas other medical specialties make routine use of prophylactic means maybe the maxillofacial surgeons lack concern on that matter.


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Recent studies have evaluated many methods of internal fixation for sagittal split ramus osteotomy (SSRO), aiming to increase stability of the bone segments while minimizing condylar displacement. The purpose of this study was to evaluate, through biomechanical testing, the stability of the fixation comparing a specially designed bone plate to other two commonly used methods. Thirty hemimandibles were separated into three equal groups. All specimens received SSRO. In Group I the osteotomies were fixed with three 15 mm bicortical positional screws in an inverted-L pattern with an insertion angle of 90°. In Group II, fixation was carried out with a four-hole straight plate and four 6 mm monocortical screws. In Group III, fixation was performed with an adjustable sagittal plate and eight 6 mm monocortical screws. Hemimandibles were submitted to vertical compressive loads, by a mechanical testing unit. Averages and standard deviations were submitted to analysis of variance using the Tukey test with a 5% level of significance. Bicortical screws presented the greatest values of loading resistance. The adjustable miniplate demonstrated 60% lower resistance compared to bicortical screws. Group II presented on average 40% less resistant to the axial loading. © 2012 International Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons.


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Mistletoes represent the best example of specialization in seed dispersal, with a reduced assemblage of dispersal agents. Specific dispersal requirements mediated by the specificity of seed deposition site have apparently led to the evolution of such close relationships between mistletoes and certain frugivores. Here, we provide evidences for another case of specialization involving epiphytic cacti in the genus Rhipsalis, and small Neotropical passerines Euphonia spp., which also act as the main seed dispersers of mistletoes in the family Viscaceae. With field observations, literature search, and observations on captive birds, we demonstrated that Rhipsalis have specific establishment requirements, and euphonias are the most effective dispersers of Rhipsalis seeds in both quantitative and qualitative aspects, potentially depositing seeds onto branches of host plants. We interpret the similar dispersal systems of Rhipsalis and Viscaceae mistletoes, which involve the same dispersal agents, similar fruit morphologies, and fruit chemistry as convergent adaptive strategies that enable seeds of both groups to reach adequate microsites for establishment in host branches. © 2013 by The Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation.


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Introdução:A apneia obstrutiva do sono (AOS) é causada por episódios recorrentes de obstrução total ou parcial da via aérea superior com duração superior a 10 segundos durante o sono. Refluxo faringolaríngeo (RFL) é uma variante da doença do refluxo gastroesofágico que afeta a laringe e a faringe.Objetivos:Avaliar a influência da obesidade na relação entre RFL e AOS em pacientes com SAOS.Materiais e métodos:Estudo observacional transversal retrospectivo. Foram revisados protocolos de atendimento de pacientes com AOS que incluem questionários validados para RFL como Reflux Sympton Index (RSI) e Reflux Finding Score (RSI), nasolaringofibroscopia e polissonografia.Resultados:Cento e cinco pacientes foram divididos em grupo de obesos (39 pacientes) e não obesos (66 pacientes). Na avaliação das médias do RSI o grupo de não obesos foi semelhante entre pacientes com AOS leve (11,96) e moderada (11,43). No grupo de obesos a média do RSI foi de 6,7 em pacientes com AOS leve e de 11,53 em pacientes com AOS moderada a grave (p < 0,05).Discussão:O subgrupo de pacientes com AOS e RFL apresenta vários fatores que promovem a inflamação da via aérea superior. Pacientes com AOS devem ser pesquisados e tratados quanto a RFL, aumentando a qualidade de vida.Conclusão:O RFL e a AOS se correlacionam positivamente em pacientes obesos.


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This study involved a retrospective evaluation of patients subjected to surgery for dentofacial deformities treated without induced controlled hypotension (group I, n = 50) and a prospective evaluation of patients who were subjected to surgery under hypotensive general anaesthesia (group II, n = 50). No statistical differences were found between the study groups with regard to the duration of surgery. However, there were statistically significant differences in the need for blood transfusion and the occurrence of bradycardia during the maxillary down-fracture. Hypotensive anaesthesia decreased the need for a blood transfusion and the occurrence of bradycardia, and is therefore considered highly beneficial for patients undergoing orthognathic surgery.