953 resultados para Pascoe, Santiago
Letters and doctrinal debates exchanged by Father Buenaventura Merlin and Pastor Santiago Pascoe between 1873 and 1874.
This study examines strategies used to translate various thematic and character delineating allusions in two of Reginald Hill's detective novels, The Wood Beyond and On Beulah Height and their Swedish translations Det mörka arvet and Dalen som dränktes. In this study, thematic allusions and allusions used in character delineation are regarded as intertextual networks. Intertextual networks comprise all the texts that are in one way or another embedded into a text, all the texts referred to in it and even the texts somehow rejected from a text's own canon. Studying allusions as intertextual networks makes it warranted to pay minute attention to even the smallest of details. Seen together, these little details form extensive networks of meaning that readers use to interpret the text. Allusion can be defined as a reference, often covert or indirect, to another text in a way that brings into the text some of the associations of that other text. A text is here understood broadly, hence sources of allusions include all cultural texts from literature and history to cinema and televisions serials. Allusions are culture bound and each culture tends to allude to its own cultural products. The set of transcultural allusions is therefore fairly small. Translation strategies are translatorial ways of solving translation problems. Being culture-bound, allusions are potential translation problems. In order to transmit the thoughts evoked by the allusions in source text readers to the target text readers translators may add guidance to the translated text. Often guidance is not added, which may result in changes in handling of themes or character delineation, clear in the source text but confusing or incomprehensible in the target text. However, norms in target culture may not always allow the translators the possibility to make the text comprehensible. My analyses of translation strategies show that in the two translated novels studied minimum change is a very frequently used strategy. This results in themes and character delineation losing some of the effect they have in the source texts. Perhaps surprisingly, the result is very much the same even where it is possible to discern that the two translators have had differing translation principles. Keywords: allusions, intertextuality, literary translation, translation strategies, norms, crime fiction, Hill, Reginald
The eradication of an invasive plant species can provide substantial ecological and economic benefits by eliminating completely the negative effects of the weed and reducing the high cost of continuing control. A 5-yr program toward the eradication of hill raspberry (Rubus niveus Thunb.) in Santiago Island is evaluated using delimitation and extirpation criteria, as well as assessment of the ecological community response to management techniques. Currently, hill raspberry is located in the humid zone of Santiago island. It is distributed over three main infestations, small patches, and many scattered individuals within an area of approximately 1,000 ha. New infestations are constantly being found; every year, new detections add an area of approximately 175 ha. Adult and juvenile individuals are still found, both beyond and within known infestations. Both plant and seed bank density of hill raspberry decreased over time where infestations were controlled. Species composition in the seed bank and existing vegetation were significantly different between areas under intensive control and adjacent uninvaded forest. After 5 yr of intensive management, delimitation of hill raspberry has not been achieved; new populations are found every year, increasing the infested area that requires management. Off-target effects on native species resulting from control efforts seem to be substantial. Although a vast increase in economic investment would allow intensive searching that might enable all individuals to be found and controlled, the resultant disturbance and off-targets effects could outweigh the conservation benefits of eradication.
Resumen: El objetivo de este trabajo es examinar las formas en que los discursos periodísticos de los telediarios construyeron el caso Urbani, un robo que desencadenó la muerte de un joven en su casa de Tigre, el 10 de octubre de 2009. En el hecho se imputó a dos jóvenes de 16 y 17 años, que fueron encerrados provisoriamente en un Instituto de Menores hasta alcanzar la edad “suficiente” (los 18 años) para la prescripción de penas. El análisis se aborda desde una perspectiva comunicacional que se sirve de supuestos teóricos provenientes de los campos del periodismo y el control social. El modo de abordaje emplea técnicas cualitativas que permiten examinar los mecanismos de la producción de noticias en los noticieros América Noticias, Visión 7, Telefé Noticias, Todo Noticias y Canal 5 Noticias
Ponencia presentada en I Congreso de Estudios Históricos del Condado de Treviño: 850 aniversario de la fundación de la Villa de Treviño, celebrado los días 1,2 y 3 de junio de 2011 en Treviño (Condado de Treviño)
Se presenta un compendio de la información disponible sobre la ictiofauna de parte de la región central de la Argentina y de la provincia de Buenos Aires, así como datos sobre aspectos hidrográficos e ictiogeográficos.
Análisis del material de estudio recogido durante las observaciones ícticas del río Dulce en Santiago del Estero, durante la comisión realizada en octubre-noviembre de 1942 y organizada por la Dirección de Piscicultura, Pesca y Caza Marítima.
175 p. : il.
A presente dissertação tem como objetivo refletir sobre a imagem do artista na obra de Silviano Santiago, mais precisamente sobre a figura do narrador-escritor da novela Uma história de família (1992), em abordagem comparativa com outros artistas, cuja produção e aparecimento na mídia problematizaram as primeiras décadas do HIV/AIDS, tais como Cazuza e o artista visual Leonilson, que posavam midiaticamente como perigosos. Pretende-se apontar, na obra de Silviano Santiago, uma performance do artista (soropositivamente) perigoso, na qual a relação entre enfermidade, dor, prazer e labor literário é verificável. Outros artistas são estudados, tais como o escritor Jean-Claude Bernardet, a artista visual Teresa Margolles e o performer Ron Athey, assim como os já citados Cazuza e Leonilson. Partindo da tese de Doutorado e da dissertação de Mestrado de Marcelo Secron Bessa, este trabalho procura avançar com algumas questões que, para tanto, recorrem ao conceito de performatividade, em Judith Butler, à noção do corpo como um Outro radical, de Henri-Pierre Jeudy, e à análise da relação entre AIDS e a discursividade empreendida por Susan Sontag. Os textos críticos de Silviano Santiago também fundamentam o presente estudo, mais precisamente na análise daqueles da relação entre dor e prazer na criação literária e da noção de uma homossexualidade astuciosa em resposta às discursividades heteronormativas
La parroquia de Santiago Apóstol de Quintana del Pidio, situada en la ribera burgalesa, se levanta en la plaza mayor de la citada localidad, junto al ayuntamiento. Esta construcción tardogótica de finales de la Edad Media se fue completando con una torre de comienzos del siglo XVI, una portada y una sacristía barrocas y una única capilla dedicada al Santo Cristo, edificada ya en el siglo XVIII. En su interior se conservan cinco retablos barrocos que ejemplifican las fases clasicista, churrigueresca y rococó. También cuenta con pinturas, un interesante ajuar de platería y otros objetos de mobiliario, ornamentos o indumentaria que han sido estudiados en el libro. La metodología histórico-artística empleada en este trabajo permite entender la obra en su contexto, completando su significado con una lectura iconográfica cuando procede. Con la catalogación y la aportación de datos sobre las artes de esta parroquia ribereña se pretenden poner el valor las obras que desde la segunda mitad del siglo XV han ido completando el patrimonio artístico de esta villa para que se adquiera conciencia de su importancia y se dediquen los recursos necesarios para su conservación en el futuro.