888 resultados para Participação colegiada


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To investigate the relationship that exists among the educational participation of the school board and the teacher's professional development, starting from the analysis teachers of a public institution who teaches daily in the city of Natal. We focused the possible relationships between the teacher's action and their professional development, which includes the participation of the School board, considered by us as a collective space. To accomplish this research we used Interviews (KAUFMANN, 1996; SILVA, 2002) to analyze the nine participants, who are teachers' of the school board, and their oral speeches, considered as main references of our study. While trying to understand the reasons that led the teachers to choose her/his educational profession, we noticed the difficulty of recognition of the job of lecturing as a profession. This fact comes as an obstacle to the perspective of the teachers' professional development. In what he/she refers to the forms of the teachers' participation in the board and their meanings, we noticed in first place that the feeling of it belongs one of the decisive factors it can be considered actively for the teacher to announce of the actions colegiadas. This for them to want and they believe that that is the best road for if they develop better while professionals and consequently to improve the situation of the school. In second place we noticed that the school board represents, a place of articulation of the equality among all the ones that form the school community. So, we tried to understand how they happened to the collective actions in the school, how the teachers presented them in spite of what they know, how a collective action should be presented in the elements of fragility of that process that inhibit the development of the overall action. Finally, we questioned the elements that would contribute to the educational professional development; we noticed that the teachers present the competence, the ethics and professional valorization, as factors that contributed at the present time to their educational professional development


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This dissertation work studies the Board of Director , created in 1995, in the public schools of the Rio Grande do Norte. It aims to analyze if the creation of this collegiate at Berilo Wanderley State School contributes to accomplish the participation of school segments, democratizing the decision-making in the interior of the institution. This research configures itself as a study of case with information collected together to the representatives of Board through of semi-structuralized interviews. Also they had been essential in the investigation , the informal talks and the registered direct comments in a field diary. For the data analysis we contemplate the following dimensions of the object: the institutionalization process of the Board at Berilo Wanderley State School; the insertion form of the representatives in the collegiate one; the participation of the members in the Board decisions ; the Board s role in the school management and the Board as democratization space. Based in the theoretical and empirical information that we made use, we look for to identify the limits and possibilities of the Board performance in a state public school. The research results indicate that the institutionalization of the Board of Director at the Berilo Wanderley State School presents limits to materialize an effective participation of school community in the essential decisions to the functioning of the school. Also it was possible to underline the fragility of an understanding on the part of school community, the potentialities that the Board in the process of democratization of the school has, translated in the discrepancy between the saying and making of the council members. It can be highlighted that the Board in the school only exists to correspond to a educational policy guideline, with a little significant role , without corresponding to the democratizing possibilities of the collegiate participation. In spite of all the evidenced debilities in the Board of Director experience of the Wanderley Berilo State School , it is worth clarifying that the actor participation, for more limited than either, it represents new something in the setting of the school. In this direction we detach the importance to invest in the improvement of the Board s role, because it can form itself in an educative space for the building of democratic practices in the scope of the school


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Reúne textos que apresentam a visão de pessoas que participaram, como representantes de seus segmentos, nas discussões constituintes, na Comissão de Legislação Participativa.


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Audiência pública realizada pela Comissão de Turismo e Desporto em 14 de dezembro de 2011


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Reúne debates de plenário e comissões, pareceres, vetos, discursos e outros documentos parlamentares.


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Analisa a participação feminina na conquista da cidadania brasileira perante a Assembleia Constituinte de 1933 e a Assembleia Nacional Constituinte de 1987. Os dados foram coletados nos volumes do Diário do Congresso Nacional de 1933 e no portal do Congresso Nacional - Constituição 20 anos. Descreve o que foi consolidado como direitos para as mulheres. O estudo concluiu que há uma discrepância entre a norma constitucional vigente e as práticas sociais na realidade da mulher brasileira.


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Aborda aspectos relacionados à pressão exercida pelos parlamentares federais para a inclusão de novas dotações na lei orçamentária anual (LOA), sem que seja realizada uma análise das políticas públicas propostas, de forma a priorizar aquelas que julgarem mais relevantes.


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Consultoria Legislativa - Área XIX - Ciência Política, Sociologia Política, História, Relações Internacionais.


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Consultoria Legislativa - Área XIX - Ciência Política, Sociologia Política, História, Relações Internacionais.


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Consultoria Legislativa - Área V - Direito do Trabalho e Processual do Trabalho.


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Consultoria Legislativa - Área IV - Finanças Públicas.


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Consultoria Legislativa - Área XIX - Ciência Política, Sociologia Política História, Relações Internacionais.


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Analisa a percepção política dos agentes envolvidos no aproveitamento do mecanismo constitucional de participação popular na elaboração legislativa, enquanto instrumento útil e capaz de fazer aproximar a Câmara dos Deputados da sociedade civil organizada. Identifica medidas capazes de fazer ampliar, nessa casa legislativa, a participação social no processo de formulação de leis.