40 resultados para Parthenocissus tricuspidata
地锦(Parthenocissus tricuspidata)为葡萄科(Vitaceae)地锦属(Parthenocissus)多年生大型落叶木质藤本植物,集绿化、环境保护、药用价值为一体,开发利用前景非常广阔。为了进一步有效地利用及增加它的适应性,本论文对地锦的遗传转化及其抑菌活性进行了初步研究。 利用根癌农杆菌(Agrobacterium tumefaciens)介导对地锦进行遗传转化。所转外源目的基因为干旱应答因子结合蛋白DREB基因,克隆自拟南芥,受干旱应答基因启动子rd29Bp驱动。将此基因与pCAMBIA2301重组构建得到植物表达载体p2326。p2326携报告基因b-葡萄糖苷酸酶基因(gus)和选择基因新霉素磷酸转移酶基因(npt II)。然后将p2326导入根癌农杆菌EHA105,对地锦愈伤组织及外植体茎段进行转化。经3-4轮卡那霉素选择培养后,PCR及GUS组织染色验证,表明成功获得了转基因愈伤组织。 对地锦愈伤组织进行耐盐及脯氨酸含量测定。结果表明,转基因愈伤组织与非转基因愈伤组织相比,对高盐的耐受力有较大提高。在250 mM NaC1的继代培养基中,携DREB基因的愈伤组织能够存活20 d以上,而对照在10 d后大多数褐化死亡。高盐胁迫时转基因材料脯氨酸含量高于对照,并能够维持较长时间。 研究还发现,来自室外自然生长的地锦茎、叶,对根癌农杆菌有极强的抑制作用。 因此,对地锦的抑菌作用进行初步研究。 对一年中不同时期(分别采于4月、8月、12月)的地锦茎、叶进行抑菌活性初步研究。结果表明,12月份地锦叶片对所选细菌抑制作用最强。然后对其进行分溶剂萃取。分别用极性递增的有机溶剂依次提取地锦中的有效成分、逐级分离、浓缩干燥,得到石油醚部、乙酸乙酯部、正丁醇部和水部等不同极性溶剂萃取物。选择革兰氏阳性菌和阴性菌共5种对得到的各部分粗提物分别做抑菌实验,表明正丁醇部的抑菌活性最强,水部提取物有一定抑制作用,而石油醚部、乙酸乙酯部没有表现出明显抑菌作用。 地锦正丁醇提取物对大肠杆菌、枯草杆菌、短小芽孢杆菌、农杆菌及酵母菌的最低抑制浓度(MIC)分别为0.25,0.3,0.25,0.3,1g/mL。其抑菌活性随着浓度增加而增强,而且抑菌活性具有较好的热稳定性。 研究发现地锦所产生的抑菌物质不仅对无耐药性的细菌具有抑制作用,而且还对某些耐药性细菌具有抑制作用。目前,细菌对抗生素的耐药性已成为全球关注的问题,寻找新型抗生素已迫在眉捷,地锦抑菌物质的研究为新抗菌药物的研制开发提供了新思路。 上述研究结果,为地锦的遗传改良及开发利用打下基础。
Em janeiro de 2003 foram constatados sintomas típicos de ferrugem em folhas maduras de videira (Vitis vinifera), nas áreas experimentais da Universidade Estadual Paulista, Campus de Ilha Solteira, em Selvíria - MS e Ilha Solteira - SP. Este é o primeiro relato desta doença da videira no Centro-Oeste do Brasil. Considerando a intensidade da doença, a importância da cultura da videira na região e a falta de informações sobre a ferrugem, os objetivos deste trabalho foram: reconfirmar a patogenicidade de Phakopsora euvitis; estudar a influência da luz e da temperatura na germinação de urediniósporos; estudar o efeito do tipo de superfície na germinação de urediniósporos; determinar a longevidade in vivo de urediniósporos e avaliar a eficiência agronômica de fungicidas para o controle da ferrugem. Sintomas da ferrugem foram verificados somente em folhas maduras de videira. A temperatura de 25 ºC, no escuro, e a superfície inferior da folha de videira foram as melhores condições para a germinação de urediniósporos de P. euvitis. A germinação dos urediniósporos foi reduzida em 94%, em folhas de videira que foram retiradas das plantas e mantidas durante sete dias na superfície do solo. em dois experimentos realizados em campo constatou-se que os fungicidas tebuconazole, propiconazole e azoxystrobin proporcionaram as menores intensidades da doença. Tebuconazole apresentou-se como o fungicida mais eficiente no controle da ferrugem. No geral, maior intensidade da ferrugem foi observada em videira conduzida no sistema de espaldeira.
Well-preserved Mesozoic radiolarian faunas have been recovered at four sites of Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 62. Late Early Cretaceous assemblages, which occur always with foraminifers or calcareous nannoplankton, allow the description of 21 new species, the introduction of a new zone scheme, and calibration of the radiolarian zones with the geochronological scale.
Site 549 recovered a Lower Cretaceous succession which has been shown to include parts of the Barremian and Albian stages. Forty-four species of Ostracoda are illustrated and their stratigraphic distribution used to recognise three major facies units. An high diversity inner shelf facies earlier in the Barremian gives way to a low diversity, outer shelf facies, higher in the succession. The early Albian appears to indicate a return to an inner shelf fauna. The faunas recovered have been compared to similar faunas elsewhere in N. W. Europe.
Two marshes near Muscotah and Arrington, Atchison County, northeastern Kansas, yielded a pollen sequence covering the last 25,000 yrs of vegetation development. The earliest pollen spectra are comparable with surface pollen spectra from southern Saskatchewan and southeastern Manitoba and might indicate a rather open vegetation but with some pine, spruce, and birch as the most important tree species, with local stands of alder and willow. This type of vegetation changed about 23,000 yrs ago to a spruce forest, which prevailed in the region until at least 15,000 yrs ago. Because of a hiatus, the vegetation changes resulting in the spread of a mixed deciduous forest and prairie, which was present in the region from 11,000 to 9,000 yrs ago, remain unknown. Prairie vegetation, with perhaps a few trees along the valleys, covered the region until about 5,000 yrs ago, when a re-expansion of deciduous trees began in the lowlands.
We present a detailed palaeoclimate analysis of the Middle Miocene (uppermost Badenian-lowermost Sarmatian) Schrotzburg locality in S Germany, based on the fossil macro- and micro-flora, using four different methods for the estimation of palaeoclimate parameters: the coexistence approach (CA), leaf margin analysis (LMA), the Climate-Leaf Analysis Multivariate Program (CLAMP), as well as a recently developed multivariate leaf physiognomic approach based on an European calibration dataset (ELPA). Considering results of all methods used, the following palaeoclimate estimates seem to be most likely: mean annual temperature ~15-16°C (MAT), coldest month mean temperature ~7°C (CMMT), warmest month mean temperature between 25 and 26°C, and mean annual precipiation ~1,300 mm, although CMMT values may have been colder as indicated by the disappearance of the crocodile Diplocynodon and the temperature thresholds derived from modern alligators. For most palaeoclimatic parameters, estimates derived by CLAMP significantly differ from those derived by most other methods. With respect to the consistency of the results obtained by CA, LMA and ELPA, it is suggested that for the Schrotzburg locality CLAMP is probably less reliable than most other methods. A possible explanation may be attributed to the correlation between leaf physiognomy and climate as represented by the CLAMP calibration data set which is largely based on extant floras from N America and E Asia and which may be not suitable for application to the European Neogene. All physiognomic methods used here were affected by taphonomic biasses. Especially the number of taxa had a great influence on the reliability of the palaeoclimate estimates. Both multivariate leaf physiognomic approaches are less influenced by such biasses than the univariate LMA. In combination with previously published results from the European and Asian Neogene, our data suggest that during the Neogene in Eurasia CLAMP may produce temperature estimates, which are systematically too cold as compared to other evidence. This pattern, however, has to be further investigated using additional palaeofloras.
We report on a revisit in 2009 to sites where vegetation was recorded in 1967 and 1970 on Disko Island, West Greenland. Re-sampling of the same clones of the grass Phleum alpinum after 39 years showed complete stability in biometrics but dramatic earlier onset of various phenological stages that were not related to changes in population density. In a fell-field community, there was a net species loss, but in a herb-slope community, species losses balanced those that were gained. The type of species establishing and increasing in frequency and/or cover abundance at the fell-field site, particularly prostrate dwarf shrubs, indicates a possible start of a shift towards a heath, rather than a fell-field community. At the herb-slope site, those species that established or increased markedly in frequency and/or cover abundance indicate a change to drier conditions. This is confirmed both by the decrease in abundance of Alchemilla glomerulans and Epilobium hornemanii, and the drying of a nearby pond. The causes of these changes are unknown, although mean annual temperature has risen since 1984.
In the course of the voyages 9a and 9c (1967) and 19 (1970) of the RV "Meteor" samples of plankton and neuston have been taken in the area of the Great Meteor Seamount. The euphausiids of this material have been examined quantitatively as well as qualitatively in order to study the influence of the Great and Small Meteor Seamount on a vertically migrating group of plankton. 20 species could be identified. All stem from the surrounding deep water and belong to the tropical and subtropical fauna. On the plateau of the Great Meteor Seamount no indigenous species have been encountered and also the typical neritic species from the west coast off Africa are lacking. As for the euphausiids no relationships exist between the Great Meteor Seamount and the shelf area of West Africa. The dominant species around the Meteor Seamount were Euphausia brevii, Stylocheiron suhmii, E. hemigibba, S. longicorne and Thysanopoda subaequalis. Using the index of diversity (Simpson) distinct differences in the composition of species could be shown to exist between the plateau area of the Meteor Seamount and the surrounding sea. On the plateau of the Great Meteor Seamount the number of species was only 7, E. brevis and S. suhmii dominated. None of the species occurred in great numbers and none is adapted to the specific environmental conditions of the plateau of the Meteor Seamount. The fauna of the plateau is a depauperate one as compared with that of the surrounding sea. This can be explained by the fact that adult euphausiids require for their existence greater water depths than are found above the plateau of the Meteor Seamount.
The argillite sequence located at the base of the sedimentary cover on the continental slope of the Sea of Japan was studied by petrographic, palynological, and X-ray diffraction methods. Two spores-pollen complexes were distinguished in it: the Late Oligocene reflecting cooling and the Early Miocene corresponding to initiated warming. Data obtained indicate that the sequence is composed of terrigenous silty-clayey sediments that accumulated in shallow coastal-marine settings. The global sea-level rise at the Early-Middle Miocene transition, combined with regional tectonic processes, determined basin's deepening, owing to which the argillite sequence was overlain by a thick layer of Middle Miocene diatomaceous-clayey sediments. Due to tectonic movement along existing faults in the terminal Late Miocene, the argillite sequence occurring initially at depths of at least 400-500 m was locally exhumed to the basin bottom.