644 resultados para Partage
La circularité relationnelle du savoir-être : l'enseignement post-grade selon une perspective systémique / Marco Vannotti - La passion de transmettre : une lecture platonicienne en hommage à M. Vannotti / Michèle Gennart - «Apprendre à coopérer pour apprendre» : la construction des échanges coopératifs / Olivier Real del Sarte - Apprendre à traiter les enfants battus : la transformation de l'intervenant / Stefano Cirillo - Fin de thérapie / Ferenc Rakoczy - La transmission du savoir psychiatrique à la Policlinique Médicale Universitaire : les liaisons dangereuses / Christian Marin - Entre transmission et acquisition des savoirs : le poids de la parole / Brikela Sulstarova - La volonté de faire sens en médecine : clinique, intersubjectivité, et reconnaissance / Francesco Panese - Médecine et rationalité / Jean Starobinski
Some paediatrics centres routinely send the medical consultation letter not only to the primary or referring physician but to the patient and his/her family as well. This way of sharing medical information is appreciated not only by the patients themselves but also by a majority of physicians.
Physicians-pharmacists quality circles (PPQCs) were introduced in 1997-98 by visionary healthcare practitioners of the French-speaking part of Switzerland with the aim to improve the quality of drug prescription. Indeed the challenge is to manage the 7917 brand names of the Swiss drug market (2010), including 19793 different dosages, galenic formulations and packaging. The impact of these PPQCs on the containment of drug costs and on drug prescribing profiles has been demonstrated and has led to their spread throughout Switzerland. PPQCs provide clear educational benefits and have thus been accredited by various continuous education bodies. In this article, participating physicians and pharmacists share their vision and illustrate how they work and influence the safety and efficiency of drug prescription, a routine process complex enough to warrant sharing of its burden in a constructive interdisciplinary collaboration.
Cet article constitue une tentative de récit ethnographique qui compte rendre l'expérience vécue de la fête de San Juan/Inti Raymi dans la région d'Otavalo (Andes équatoriennes) de différents acteurs et de l'anthropologue. L'auteur s'essaie à la description minutieuse afin de montrer, à partir d'une perspective pragmatique, le développement des actions dans l'espace et dans le temps, permettant de mettre en évidence le savoir pratique et la créativité de ses interlocuteurs, ainsi que la dimension d'indétermination des situations. Par ce faire, aucune explication sous-jacente ou cachée est recherchée, le sens se trouvant dans la pratique festive même. L'abondance des détails a également pour objectif de faire vivre aux lecteurs les situations et de leur faire prendre conscience de leur caractère complexe et situé.
Échelle(s) : [1:3 400 000 ca] Échelle de Lieues d'une heure, ou de 20 au Degré 80 = [10,4 cm] (d'après échelles graphiques).
Échelle(s) : [1:3 400 000 ca] Échelle de Lieues d'une heure, ou de 20 au Degré 80 = [10,4 cm] (d'après échelles graphiques).
On 21 January 2011, the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights delivered its judgment in the case of MSS v. Belgium and Greece. This judgment puts into question the practices followed by many national authorities in the implementation of the Dublin system. Particularly noteworthy are the effects on the "safety presumption" that Member States accord to each other in the field of asylum. The authors explore the implications of the MSS decision, first, in regard of the evidentiary requirements imposed on asylum seekers to rebut the safety presumption. They come to the conclusion that through the decision, a real paradigm-shift has taken place - from the theoretical to the actual supremacy of the non-refoulement principle in Dublin matters. This is also true in light of the increased requirements imposed by the Court as regards the scope and depth of judicial review on transfer decisions. Moreover, the MSS judgment could give new impetus to the stalled reform process concerning the Dublin Regulation. Indeed, the Court's decision seems to enshrine in positive ECHR law the most progressive elements of the Commission's proposal, including procedural guarantees and, de facto, the mechanism for the temporary suspension of transfers to member states not offering adequate protection.
Shared decision-making approach to uncertain clinical situations such as cancer screening seems more appropriate than ever. Shared decision making can be defined as an interactive process where physician and patient share all the stages of the decision making process. For patients who wish to be implicated in the management of their health conditions, physicians might express difficulty to do so. Use of patient decision aids appears to improve such process of shared decision making. L'incertitude quant à l'efficacité de certains dépistages de cancers et du traitement en cas de test positif rend l'application du partage de la décision particulièrement appropriée. Le concept du partage de la décision peut être défini comme un processus interactif où le médecin et le patient partagent les étapes du processus de décision. Face aux patients qui désirent être impliqués dans les décisions concernant leur santé, les médecins peinent parfois à le faire. Or, l'utilisation d'outils d'aide à la décision est un moyen efficace de favoriser ce partage de l'information et, si souhaité par le patient, de la décision.
In prison, the health professional has to take the sanitary needs of a temporary of chronically vulnerable population. His practice has to meet laws and recommendations, as well as the field reality and its numerous constraints. This puts him in a "shared vulnerability and stigmatization". He attempts to maintain or restore a health status in a deteriorating environment, at least psychologically. He is in the penitentiary world's eye which he depends upon in many ways to achieve his mandate. His activity is scarcely known and recognised by his peers from whom he can be very out of touch. To ensure a humanistic, efficient and equivalent-of-care practice, the health professional must rely on sound knowledge of general healthcare, ethics, deontology and medical laws. Basic and continuous training is a mainspring, like networking and development of federal recommendations.