5 resultados para Parandrinae
The genus Parandra is reviewed and four genera are recognized: Parandra Latreille, 1804, Neandra Lameere, 1912, stat. nov., Archandra Lameere, 1912, stat. nov. and Acutandra gen. nov. The genus Parandra is subdivided in two subgenera: Parandra (Parandra) s. str. and Parandra (Birandra) subgen. nov. The geographical distribution of P. (P.) laevis Latreille, 1804 is commented and the probable synonymy between P. cubaecola Chevrolat, 1862 and P. (P.) cribrata Thomson, 1861 is discussed. New species described: P. (P.) tavakiliani from Puerto Rico and P. (Birandra) mariahelenae from Jamaica. New combinations: Neandra brunnea (Fabricius, 1798), Neandra marginicollis (Schaeffer, 1929), Archandra caspia (Ménétriès, 1832), Acutandra punctatissima (Thomson, 1861), A. degeeri (Thomson, 1867), A. murrayi (Lameere, 1912), A. araucana (Bosq, 1951), A. ubitiara (Santos-Silva & Martins, 2000), all from Parandra. Keys to genera of Parandrini, subgenera of Parandra and American species of Parandra and Acutandra are added.
Notes, descriptions, synonymies and reinstatement in Hesperandra Arigony, 1977 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Parandrinae). The genus Hesperandra Arigony, 1977, is divided in three subgenera: Hesperandra s. str., Zikandra subgen. nov. and Tavandra subgen. nov. Keys to the subgenera and species are added. H. glaberrima (Zikán, 1948) is revalidated and redescribed. H. humboldti sp. nov., from Colombia and Ecuador is described. New synonymies established: Hesperandra galapagoensis (Van Dyke, 1953) = H. brevicollis (Lameere, 1902); H. scrobriculata (Zikán, 1948) = Acutandra murrayi (Lameere, 1912). The lectotype of Parandra brevicollis Lameere, 1902 is designated.
Somente quatro espécies de Parandrini eram conhecidas da Costa Rica e do Panamá: três em Parandra Latreille, 1802 (das quais só duas estavam registradas para o Panamá) e uma em Birandra Santos-Silva, 2002. Este trabalho registra Parandra (Parandra) solisi (Santos-Silva, 2007) pela primeira vez para o Panamá e acrescenta duas espécies novas: Parandra (Parandra) gilloglyi sp. nov., procedente do Panamá, e Birandra (Birandra) boucheri sp. nov., proveniente da Costa Rica e Panamá. São fornecidas chaves para as espécies de Parandra (Parandra) que ocorrem na Costa Rica e Panamá e para as espécies de Birandra (Birandra) conhecidas na América Central.
A comprehensive revision of the Subfamily Parandrinae (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from the Hawaiian, Australasian, Oriental, and Japanese regions is presented. Seven (7) new genera are described: Komiyandra, Melanesiandra, Papuandra, Storeyandra, Hawaiiandra, Caledonandra, and Malukandra. All known, indigenous species from these regions are assigned to new genera resulting in the following new combinations: Komiyandra janus (Bates, 1875), K. shibatai (Hayashi, 1963), K. formosana (Miwa and Mitono, 1939), K. lanyuana (Hayashi, 1981), Melanesiandra striatifrons (Fairmaire, 1879), M. solomonensis (Arigony, 1983), Caledonandra austrocaledonica (Montrouzier, 1861), C. passandroides (Thomson, 1867), Hawaiiandra puncticeps (Sharp, 1878), Malukandra heterostyla (Lameere, 1902), Storeyandra frenchi (Blackburn, 1895), and Papuandra araucariae (Gressitt, 1959). Thirty-one (31) new species are described: Komiyandra javana, K. nayani, K. ohbayashii, K. luzonica, K. philippinensis, K. mindanao, K. mehli, K. vivesi, K. lombokia, K. sulawesiana, K. irianjayana, K. menieri, K. sangihe, K. mindoro, K. niisatoi, K. drumonti, K. cabigasi, K. koni, K. johkii, K. poggii, K. uenoi, Melanesiandra bougainvillensis, M. birai, Papuandra gressitti, P. weigeli, P. queenslandensis, P. norfolkensis, P. rothschildi, P. oberthueri, Malukandra jayawijayana and M. hornabrooki. A lectotype is designated for Parandra janus Bates, 1875. Komiyandra janus (Bates, 1875) is excluded from nearly all previously reported locations, even one location given in the original description, and is now only known from Sulawesi. A paralectotype of Parandra janus Bates, 1875, is designated as a paratype for Komiyandra menieri, new species. Komiyandra formosana is excluded from the Japanese (Ryukyu Is.) fauna. Parandra vitiensis Nonfried, 1894, is again placed in synonymy with P. striatifrons Fairmaire (now Melanesiandra striatifrons). A neotype is designated for Parandra austrocaledonica Montrouzier, 1861. A lectotype is designated for Parandra janus Bates, 1875. The lectotype of Parandra gabonica Thomson, 1858, designated by Quentin and Villiers (1975) is considered invalid. Papuandra araucariae (Gressitt, 1959) is excluded from the fauna of Norfolk Island. The African species Stenandra kolbei (Lameere, 1903) is reported for the first time from Asia (N. Vietnam). Keys are presented to separate worldwide genera of Parandrini and all species within the study regions. Illustrations are provided for all species including many special characters to differentiate genera and species.
Pt. <6-7 >: By E. Gorton Linsley and John A. Chemsak.