816 resultados para Parana-Etendeka


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We report the first U-Pb baddeleyite/zircon date for a felsic volcanic rock from the Parana Large Igneous Province in south Brazil. The new date of 134.3 +/- 0.8 Ma for a hypocrystalline Chapeco-type dacite from Ourinhos (northern Parana basin) is an important regional time marker for the onset of flood basalt volcanism in the northern and western portion of the province. The dated dacite was erupted onto basement rocks and is overlain by a high-Ti basalt sequence, interpreted to be correlative with Pitanga basalts elsewhere. This new U-Pb date for the Ourinhos dacite is consistent with the local stratigraphy being slightly older than the few reliable step-heating (40)Ar/(39)Ar dates currently available for overlying high-Ti basalts (133.6-131.5 Ma). This indicates an similar to 3 Ma time span for the building of the voluminous high-Ti lava sequence of the Parana basin. On the other hand, it overlaps the (40)Ar/(39)Ar dates (134.8-134.1 Ma) available for the stratigraphically older low-Ti basalt (Gramado + Esmeralda types) and dacite-rhyolite (Palmas type) sequences from South Brazil, which is consistent with the short-lived character of this volcanism and its rapid succession by the high-Ti sequence. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Early Cretaceous (similar to 129 Ma) silicic rocks crop out in SE Uruguay between the Laguna Merin and Santa Lucia basins in the Lascano, Sierra Sao Miguel. Salamanca and Minas areas They are mostly rhyolites with minor quartz-trachytes and are nearly contemporaneous with the Parana-Etendeka igneous province and with the first stages of South Atlantic Ocean opening A strong geochemical variability (particularly evident from Rb/Nb, Nb/Y trace element ratios) and a wide range of Sr-Nd isotopic ratios ((143)Nd/(144)Nd((129)) = 0.51178-0.51209, (87)Sr/(86)Sr((129)) = 0.70840-0.72417) characterize these rocks Geochemistry allows to distiniguish two compositional groups, corresponding to the north-eastern (Lascano and Sierra Sao Miguel, emplaced on the Neo-Proterozoic southern sector of the Dom Feliciano mobile belt) and south-eastern localities (Salamanca, Minas, emplace on the much older (Archean) Nico Perez teriane or on the boundary between the Dom Feliciano and Nico Perez termites) These compositional differences between the two groups are explained by variable mantle source and crust contributions. The origin of the silicic magmas is best explained by complex processes involving assimilation and fractional crystallization and mixing of a basaltic magma with upper crustal lithologies, for Lascano and Sierra Sao Miguel rhyolites. In the Salamanea and Minas rocks genesis, a stronger contribution from lower crust is indicated.


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As a result of their relative concentration towards the respective Atlantic margins, the silicic eruptives of the Parana (Brazil)-Etendeka large igneous province are disproportionately abundant in the Etendeka of Namibia. The NW Etendeka silicic units, dated at similar to132 Ma, occupy the upper stratigraphic levels of the volcanic sequences, restricted to the coastal zone, and comprise three latites and five quartz latites (QL). The large-volume Fria QL is the only low-Ti type. Its trace element and isotopic signatures indicate massive crustal input. The remaining NW Etendeka silicic units are enigmatic high-Ti types, geochemically different from low-Ti types. They exhibit chemical affinities with the temporally overlapping Khumib high-Ti basalt (see Ewart et al. Part 1) and high crystallization temperatures (greater than or equal to980 to 1120degreesC) inferred from augite and pigeonite phenocrysts, both consistent with their evolution from a mafic source. Geochemically, the high-Ti units define three groups, thought genetically related. We test whether these represent independent liquid lines of descent from a common high-Ti mafic parent. Although the recognition of latites reduces the apparent silica gap, difficulty is encountered in fractional crystallization models by the large volumes of two QL units. Numerical modelling does, however, support large-scale open-system fractional crystallization, assimilation of silicic to basaltic materials, and magma mixing, but cannot entirely exclude partial melting processes within the temporally active extensional environment. The fractional crystallization and mixing signatures add to the complexity of these enigmatic and controversial silicic magmas. The existence, however, of temporally and spatially overlapping high-Ti basalts is, in our view, not coincidental and the high-Ti character of the silicic magmas ultimately reflects a mantle signature.


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The bimodal NW Etendeka province is located at the continental end of the Tristan plume trace in coastal Namibia. It comprises a high-Ti (Khumib type) and three low-Ti basalt (Tafelberg, Kuidas and Esmeralda types) suites, with, at stratigraphically higher level, interstratified high-Ti latites (three units) and quartz latites (five units), and one low-Ti quartz latite. Khumib basalts are enriched in high field strength elements and light rare earth elements relative to low-Ti types and exhibit trace element affinities with Tristan da Cunha lavas. The unradiogenic Pb-206/Pb-204 ratios of Khumib basalts are distinctive, most plotting to the left of the 132 Ma Geochron, together with elevated Pb-207/Pb-204 ratios, and Sr-Nd isotopic compositions plotting in the lower Nd-143/Nd-144 part of mantle array (EM1-like). The low-Ti basalts have less coherent trace element patterns and variable, radiogenic initial Sr (similar to0.707-0.717) and Pb isotope compositions, implying crustal contamination. Four samples, however, have less radiogenic Pb and Sr that we suggest approximate their uncontaminated source. All basalt types, but particularly the low-Ti types, contain samples with trace element characteristics (e.g. Nb/Nb-*) suggesting metasediment input, considered source-related. Radiogenic isotope compositions of these samples require long-term isolation of the source in the mantle and depletions (relative to unmodified sediment) in certain elements (e.g. Cs, Pb, U), which are possibly subduction-related. A geodynamic model is proposed in which the emerging Tristan plume entrained subducted material in the Transition Zone region, and further entrained asthenosphere during plume head expansion. Mixing calculations suggest that the main features of the Etendeka basalt types can be explained without sub-continental lithospheric mantle input. Crustal contamination is evident in most low-Ti basalts, but is distinct from the incorporation of a metasedimentary source component at mantle depths.


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Parameters and related statistics of the length-weight relationship of the form W=aL super(b) are presented for 72 species of fish caught in the area of the Itaipu Reservoir in Parana, Brazil. The b values varied between 2.34 and 3.35, with the mean b=2.986 (s.d.=0.230) not significantly different from 3.0 (df=7, p=0.05).


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Amostragem e coleta de dados; Resultados; Conclusoes.


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Manejo do solo; Clima; Cultivares; Populacao, densidade e epocas de semeadura; Instalacao da lavoura; Controle de plantas daninhas; Manejo de pragas; Controle de doencas; Colheita; Tratamento de sementes.


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Investimentos em tecnologia: a nova realidade da nova agricultura; Manejo do solo; Clima; Cultivares; Populacao, densidade e epocas de semeadura; Instalacao da lavoura; Controle de plantas daninhas; Manejo de pragas; Controle de doencas; Colheita.


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Melhoramento de soja para alimentacao humana; Manejo do solo; Clima; Cultivares; Populacao e densidade de semeadura; Epocas de semeadura; Instalacao da lavoura; Controle de plantas daninhas; Manejo de pragas; Controle de doencas; Colheita.


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A avaliacao de cultivares de trigo no Parana, com fins de recomendacao, e realizada pelas Instituicoes: IAPAR, Embrapa Soja, COODETEC e Fundacao Agraria de Pesquisa, atraves da instalacao de ensaios de rendimento nas principais regioes triticolas do Estado. Sao relatados os resultados obtidos em 1996 de 17 experimentos do Ensaio Intermediario Paranaense (IPR), 25 experimentos do Centro-Sul Brasileiro (CSBR) e 24 experimentos do Ensaio em Cultivo (ECR), para solos com aluminio, instalados em Londrina, Faxinal, Campo Mourao, Cascavel, Pato Branco, Arapoti, Tibagi, Ponta Grossa e Guarapuava, representando as regioes Norte, Oeste, Sudoeste e Sul do Estado. Os rendimentos dos ensaios instalados em Faxinal foram prejudicados por chuva de granizo. Devido a pouca precipitação, os ensaio instalados em Londrina e Cascavel receberam irrigacao, para assegurar a emergencia uniforme das plantas. A ocorrencia de doencas foi muito baixa, principalmente nas regioes Norte e Oeste. No Sul e Sudoeste, onde a precipitacao foi mais elevada, ocorreu maior incidencia de doencas fungicas e os pesos do hectolitro foram menores. Em alguns experimentos obteve-se produtividade media superior a 5 t/ha, considerada elevada para o trigo. No ensaio IPR, foram promovidas, em funcao do rendimento e outras caracteristicas, as linhagens OC 962, OC 963, OC 968, ORL 93320, PF 90120 e PF 9293. No CSBR, destacaram-se e foram mantidas as linhagens OC 959, OC 9511, ORL 9285, PF 9099, PF 91205 e PG 9337. No ECR, destacaram-se, em mais de uma regiao, as cultivares EMBRAPA-27, OR 1, IAPAR 46, IAPAR 60, IAPAR 78 e T. BR 23.


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O estado do Parana apresenta uma diversidade de clima, com invernos irregulares em relacao a precipitacoes pluviometricas e ocorrencia de geadas, e tambem, com relacao aos tipos de solos, que influem na adaptacao e no desempenho dos genotipos de trigo. Em vista disto, ha necessidade de um maior numero de cultivares, com caracteristicas diferenciadas para serem utilizadas pelos produtores. O presente trabalho tem por objetivo avaliar, nas zonas A e B, em solos com ate 5% de saturacao de aluminio, os novos genotipos de trigo criados pelas diferentes instituicoes que desenvolvem trabalhos de melhoramento genetico de trigo. Esta avaliacao e realizada pelo Instituto Agronomico do Parana (IAPAR), pelo Centro Nacional de Pesquisa de Soja (Embrapa Soja) e pela Cooperativa Central de Desenvolvimento Tecnologico e Economico (COODETEC), atraves da instalacao de diferentes ensaios de competicao de genotipos. Os resultados aqui relatados sao resultantes de dez experimentos do Ensaio Intermediario Paranaense (IPS), doze experimentos do Ensaio Centro-Sul Brasileiro (CSBS) e onze experimentos do Ensaio de Cultivares em Cultivo (ECS), para solos com ate 5% de saturacao de aluminio, instalados em 1996, em diferentes epocas, nas localidade de Cambara, Londrina, Engenheiro Beltrao, Palotina e Sao Miguel do Iguacu. Devido a longa estiagem ocorrida no periodo de abril a julho, no Norte do estado (zona A1), alguns experimentos foram prejudicados e, outros perdidos. Em Londrina e Palotina, os experimentos receberam irrigacoes na fase inicial para propiciar uma boa germinacao e desenvolvimento das plantas. A incidencia de molestias foi baixa, em ambas as zonas predominando no entanto, uma razoavel infeccao de oidio, nas semeaduras mais tardias, e de ferrugem da folha. Observou-se uma variabilidade dos genotipos quanto ao grau de tolerancia e/ou suscetibilidade a estas molestias, como tambem, uma resposta no rendimento de graos ao controle destas, pelo uso de fungicidas especificos. Os rendimentos obtidos, em geral, foram muitos bons, alcancando, em alguns casos, a 6,7 t/ha. No ensaio IPS, em funcao do rendimento de graos e outras caracteristicas, foram selecionadas as linhagens IA 952, IWT 9430, LD 941, LD 946, OC 962, OC 963, OC 965, ORL 92203 e PR 961. NO CSBS, foram mantidas as linhagens IOR 90226 e PF 91450. No ECS, destacaram-se, em ambas as zonas, as cultivares IAPAR 60, IAPAR 78 e OR 1. Considerando os resultados de rendimentos de graos e outras caracteristicas agronomicas e, principalmente, a qualidade da farinha para panificacao, foram recomendadas como novas cultivares, as linhagens IDS 934-21 e OC 939, denominadas, respectivamente, de Manitoba 97 e COODETEC 101.


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Situacao mundial da soja; Exigencias climaticas; Rotacao de culturas; Manejo do solo; Correcao e manutencao da fertilidade do solo; Cultivares; Cuidados na aquisicao e na utilizacao de semente; Tratamento e inoculacao de sementes; Instalacao da lavoura; Controle de plantas daninhas; Manejo de pragas; Doencas e medidas de controle; Retenco foliar(Haste verde); Colheita; Tecnologia de sementes.


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Base experimental e metodologia utilizada; Resultados; Rendimento de graos; Rendimento x epoca de semeadura; Peso do hectolitro(PH); Peso de mil semeadura(PMS); de doencas; Ciclo; Altura e acamamento; Doencas; Controle de doencas; Qualidade industrial.