986 resultados para Paraná Basin


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Diamictites interbedded with marine shales and turbidites onlap the eastern border of the Parana Basin (Southern Brazil). These poorly sorted sediments were deposited during the Permo-Carboniferous glaciation, and their matrix-supported clasts show no preferred orientation. These massive rocks have been studied using anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) and grain shape fabric. Hysteresis loops and thermomagnetic measurements show that AMS depends mostly on the paramagnetic clays, but fine ferromagnetic particles also contribute to the anisotropy. The coarse silt to sand grain preferred orientation study supports the use of AMS in describing the diamictite fabric, at least regarding the orientation of the foliation. AMS and grain shape data reveal subhorizontal to weakly inclined magnetic and grain shape foliation parallel to the regional bedding. The magnetic lineations are normally scattered within the foliation plane in agreement with the oblate AMS ellipsoids found in these rocks. Both fabric patterns are consistent with deposition by subaqueous mudflows that were resedimented downslope, with elastic supply from continental sources. The off-vertical grain shape foliation poles suggest that the deposition of diamictites was controlled by the depocentre topography of the Rio do Sul sub-basin.


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The Paraná Basin is a Western Gondwanan cratonic basin that is better defined as the Paraná depositional site, since it has a diverse history as a basin. Sedimentation started in the Ordovician-Silurian, followed by extensive marine Devonian deposition. A Late Paleozoic/ Triassic facies cycle wedge was clearly built during Pangean time. The Early Cretaceous was characterized by extensive basaltic lava flows immediately before the break-up of Pangea. Following these rifting and drifting processes, the basin's structural framework was totally rebuilt, generating new depositional sites in the Late Cretaceous to Tertiary. Based on more recent data, at least two different basins may be defined during the evolution of what was once considered a unique basin. Nevertheless, even if considered as a single basin, the sedimentary pile of the Paraná Basin has considerable economic potential, until now exploited only rudimentarily, except for its groundwater resources. Aggregates, limestones, clays, industrial sands, gems, dimension stones, hydrocarbons, coal, peat, and uranium are some of the potential mineral resources of this basin. Copyright © 1997 by V. H. Winston & Son, Inc. All rights reserved.


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The Lower Permian sphenopsids Phyllotheca australis Brongniart, 1828, Stephanophyllites sanpaulensis Millan & Dolianiti, 1980a and Paracalamites australis Rigby, 1966b, from the Toca do Índio outcrop in Cerquilho Municipality (northeastern Paraná Basin, Tubarō Supergroup) are redescribed on the basis of newly collected specimens. Some aspects, such as the leafsheath opening angles of the whorls and the foliar transverse to oblique striae or wrinkles, are discussed in detail. Phyllotheca australis and Paracalamites australis are widespread in Gondwana and have no particular stratigraphic or phylogenetic value. Otherwise, the genus Stephanophyllites, although only found in the Paraná Basin and probably in Argentina (Bajo de Véliz Formation, close to the Carboniferous-Permian limit), can have a greater importance on account of some Raniganjia-like characters superimposed to a gross Phyllotheca-like morphology.


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A new Hypoptopomatinae, Corumbataia britskii, is described based on specimens recently collected in a tributary of the upper Rio Paraná basin, Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil. Corumbataia britskii differs from its congeners by having a more depressed head profile (vs. a more rounded head profile in C. cuestae and C. tocantinensis), by having a more developed and conspicuous tuft of enlarged odontodes on the tip of the supraoccipital (vs. its reduced condition found in C. cuestae and C. tocantinensis), and by heaving a partially enclosed arrector fossae (vs. an almost completely enclosed arrector fossae in C. cuestae and C. tocantinensis). Copyright © 2007 Magnolia Press.


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The Triassic fish faunas of the Southern Hemisphere are only known from a few sedimentary basins and the most productive sites are those from the Karoo Supergroup, in South Africa and the Sydney Basin of Australia. A single lungfish tooth plate ascribed to Ptychoceratodus cf. philippsi was recovered from Late Triassic (Carnian) red beds of southern Brazil and is described herein. This find extends to South America the palaeogeographic distribution of the genus, which occurs in the Early Triassic of Australia and South Africa and the Middle/Late Triassic of Europe and Late Triassic of Madagascar and India. The presence of this dipnoan solely in the uppermost part of the Santa Maria Formation suggests that the migration of Ptychoceratodus towards the Paraná Basin began not before the late Induan/early Olenekian (late Early Triassic). At that time, more humid (monsoonal) conditions prevailed in what is now southern Brazil, compared to semi-arid/desert conditions that dominated the Late Permian and possibly the earliest Early Triassic (the latter presumably not represented in the Paraná Basin). © The Geological Society of London 2008.


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During a recent inspection in the Paleontological Collection of the Institute of Geosciences, University of São Paulo, we have identifi ed some specimens of undescribed mollusk bivalves. These called our attention for the following reasons: a) all specimens are internal molds of conjugated and closed articulated valves, some of them presenting fragments of silicifi ed shells; b) all internal molds have similar general shape and internal characters, representing specimens of the same taxon; c) the internal molds and silicifi ed valves are well preserved, including fragile structures, which are hardly preserved, such as the internal mold of the external ligament and muscle scars; d) and equally important, according to the labels of all specimens, they were collected from rocks of the Passa Dois Group (Permian), Serrinha Member of the Rio do Rasto Formation. Although who collected the shells and the precise geographic location of the specimens are still unknown, the detailed study of these fossils brings us to the conclusion that they are morphologically distinct from any heretofore published genus of the endemic fauna of bivalves from Passa Dois Group. Based in its general shape, hinge structure and muscles scars, the new form can be classifi ed under the Family Megadesmidae Vokes, 1967, the most diverse group of Permian bivalves of the Paraná Basin. The specimens are referred as Beurlenella elongatella new gen. and sp. The shell shape and taphonomy indicate that this bivalve was a shallow, rapid, active burrower, suspension feeder, probably preserved in situ, in event deposits.


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In this study, the occurrence of Othonella araguaiana Mendes, a rare bivalve species is reported for the fi rst time in the Pinzonella illusa biozone, Middle Permian Corumbataí Formation, in the State of São Paulo. This species was originally described in coeval rocks of the Estrada Nova Formation (= Corumbataí) from the Alto Araguaia and Alto Garças regions, State of Mato Grosso. The specimens of O. araguaiana were found in the base of a bioclastic sandstone bed, a proximal tempestite, in the middle of the Corumbataí Formation, in the city of Rio Claro, São Paulo State. The silicifi ed shells and internal molds are well preserved, showing impressions of muscle scars and other internal anatomic characters (e.g., hinge), never illustrated by previous authors. In his original description, Mendes (1963) called attention to the similarity between O. araguaiana and Terraia aequilateralis, a common veneroid of the Corumbataí Formation. Conversely, Runnegar and Newell (1971) suggested that O. araguaiana belongs to Megadesmidae, being a junior synonym of Plesiocyprinella carinata (the commonest megadesmid of the Passa Dois Group). Our study indicates that O. araguaiana is indeed a megadesmid, but is distinct from the P. carinata. The new occurrence of O. araguaiana demonstrates that a) the paleobiogeographic distribution of this species is wider than previously thought (that it was restricted to the northern part of Paraná Basin, Mato Grosso State); b) the molluscan fauna of the Corumbataí Formation (P. illusa biozone) in the State of São Paulo is more diverse and dominated by megadesmids; and c) the composition of the molluscan fauna of the Corumbataí Formation in Alto Garças, State of Mato Grosso, is essentially the same as that of the P. illusa biozone of the eastern margin of the Paraná Basin.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)