991 resultados para Parametric Estimation


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Wir betrachten Systeme von endlich vielen Partikeln, wobei die Partikel sich unabhängig voneinander gemäß eindimensionaler Diffusionen [dX_t = b(X_t),dt + sigma(X_t),dW_t] bewegen. Die Partikel sterben mit positionsabhängigen Raten und hinterlassen eine zufällige Anzahl an Nachkommen, die sich gemäß eines Übergangskerns im Raum verteilen. Zudem immigrieren neue Partikel mit einer konstanten Rate. Ein Prozess mit diesen Eigenschaften wird Verzweigungsprozess mit Immigration genannt. Beobachten wir einen solchen Prozess zu diskreten Zeitpunkten, so ist zunächst nicht offensichtlich, welche diskret beobachteten Punkte zu welchem Pfad gehören. Daher entwickeln wir einen Algorithmus, um den zugrundeliegenden Pfad zu rekonstruieren. Mit Hilfe dieses Algorithmus konstruieren wir einen nichtparametrischen Schätzer für den quadrierten Diffusionskoeffizienten $sigma^2(cdot),$ wobei die Konstruktion im Wesentlichen auf dem Auffüllen eines klassischen Regressionsschemas beruht. Wir beweisen Konsistenz und einen zentralen Grenzwertsatz.


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Pulse wave velocity (PWV) is a surrogate of arterial stiffness and represents a non-invasive marker of cardiovascular risk. The non-invasive measurement of PWV requires tracking the arrival time of pressure pulses recorded in vivo, commonly referred to as pulse arrival time (PAT). In the state of the art, PAT is estimated by identifying a characteristic point of the pressure pulse waveform. This paper demonstrates that for ambulatory scenarios, where signal-to-noise ratios are below 10 dB, the performance in terms of repeatability of PAT measurements through characteristic points identification degrades drastically. Hence, we introduce a novel family of PAT estimators based on the parametric modeling of the anacrotic phase of a pressure pulse. In particular, we propose a parametric PAT estimator (TANH) that depicts high correlation with the Complior(R) characteristic point D1 (CC = 0.99), increases noise robustness and reduces by a five-fold factor the number of heartbeats required to obtain reliable PAT measurements.


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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 60J80.


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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 60J80, 62M05


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OBJECTIVE: To demonstrate the application of causal inference methods to observational data in the obstetrics and gynecology field, particularly causal modeling and semi-parametric estimation. BACKGROUND: Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-positive women are at increased risk for cervical cancer and its treatable precursors. Determining whether potential risk factors such as hormonal contraception are true causes is critical for informing public health strategies as longevity increases among HIV-positive women in developing countries. METHODS: We developed a causal model of the factors related to combined oral contraceptive (COC) use and cervical intraepithelial neoplasia 2 or greater (CIN2+) and modified the model to fit the observed data, drawn from women in a cervical cancer screening program at HIV clinics in Kenya. Assumptions required for substantiation of a causal relationship were assessed. We estimated the population-level association using semi-parametric methods: g-computation, inverse probability of treatment weighting, and targeted maximum likelihood estimation. RESULTS: We identified 2 plausible causal paths from COC use to CIN2+: via HPV infection and via increased disease progression. Study data enabled estimation of the latter only with strong assumptions of no unmeasured confounding. Of 2,519 women under 50 screened per protocol, 219 (8.7%) were diagnosed with CIN2+. Marginal modeling suggested a 2.9% (95% confidence interval 0.1%, 6.9%) increase in prevalence of CIN2+ if all women under 50 were exposed to COC; the significance of this association was sensitive to method of estimation and exposure misclassification. CONCLUSION: Use of causal modeling enabled clear representation of the causal relationship of interest and the assumptions required to estimate that relationship from the observed data. Semi-parametric estimation methods provided flexibility and reduced reliance on correct model form. Although selected results suggest an increased prevalence of CIN2+ associated with COC, evidence is insufficient to conclude causality. Priority areas for future studies to better satisfy causal criteria are identified.


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The Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) hypothesises an inverse U-shaped relationship between a measure of environmental pollution and per capita income levels. In this study, we apply non-parametric estimation of local polynomial regression (local quadratic fitting) to allow more flexibility in local estimation. This study uses a larger and globally representative sample of many local and global pollutants and natural resources including Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) emission, CO2 emission, CO2 damage, energy use, energy depletion, mineral depletion, improved water source, PM10, particulate emission damage, forest area and net forest depletion. Copyright © 2009 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.


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China is an emerging and leading world economy. The pace of economic change has been tremendously rapid since the beginning of economic reforms. Despite the importance of the Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) and environmental problems in China, no previous study has tested the EKC in China because of the difficulty in obtaining data and the need to adjust the data. The focus of this paper is to test the EKC in China using province level data over the period 1992-2003. This study applies non-parametric techniques to estimate the relationship between income and the environmental quality of wastewater, air pollution and solid waste. Copyright © 2009 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.


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We propose a productivity index for undesirable outputs such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions and measure it using data from 51 developed and developing countries over the period 1971-2000. About half of the countries exhibit the productivity growth. The changes in the productivity index are linked with their respective per capita income using a semi-parametric model. Our results show technological catch up of low-income countries. However, overall productivities both of SO2 and CO2 show somewhat different results.


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This study investigates the impact floods on property values using the hedonic property price approach and other relevant econometric techniques. The main objectives of this research are to investigate (1) the impact of the release of flood-risk information and the actual floods on property values (2) the temporal behaviour of negative impacts (3) the property submarket behaviour (4) the behaviour of flood affected vs flood non-affected areas and (5) the property market efficiency. The thesis expanded on the existing literature on natural disasters by applying a range of econometric techniques. Findings of this research are useful for policy decision-making which is aimed at minimizing the negative impacts of natural hazards on property markets. The thesis findings also provide a better framework for decision-making in the property insurance market. The methodological improvements that are made in the thesis will be invaluable for analysing the impacts of natural hazards elsewhere.


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[ES] El presente Trabajo de Fin de Grado trata, en primera instancia, de proporcionar una visión detallada sobre los diferentes tipos de cáncer en mujeres, detallando los más padecidos entre ellas y facilitando una serie de datos relacionados con la incidencia, la mortalidad y la prevalencia a cinco años. Además de analizar los diversos factores que favorecen la aparición del cáncer en las personas. En la segunda parte del trabajo, se analiza a través de la especificación y estimación de modelos paramétricos, el efecto de diferentes variables sobre la supervivencia a esta enfermedad en las mujeres. Entre las variables que se han tenido en cuenta están la edad en el momento en que se diagnostica el cáncer, el tamaño del mismo y el grado, además de variables como la raza, si la mujer es de origen hispano y el estado civil. Los datos utilizados en el presente trabajo han sido obtenidos de la base de datos: SEER CANCER RESEARCH DATABASE, del Instituto Nacional de Cáncer de Estados Unidos (2013).


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Systems equipped with multiple antennas at the transmitter and at the receiver, known as MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output) systems, offer higher capacities, allowing an efficient exploitation of the available spectrum and/or the employment of more demanding applications. It is well known that the radio channel is characterized by multipath propagation, a phenomenon deemed problematic and whose mitigation has been achieved through techniques such as diversity, beamforming or adaptive antennas. By exploring conveniently the spatial domain MIMO systems turn the characteristics of the multipath channel into an advantage and allow creating multiple parallel and independent virtual channels. However, the achievable benefits are constrained by the propagation channel’s characteristics, which may not always be ideal. This work focuses on the characterization of the MIMO radio channel. It begins with the presentation of the fundamental results from information theory that triggered the interest on these systems, including the discussion of some of their potential benefits and a review of the existing channel models for MIMO systems. The characterization of the MIMO channel developed in this work is based on experimental measurements of the double-directional channel. The measurement system is based on a vector network analyzer and a two-dimensional positioning platform, both controlled by a computer, allowing the measurement of the channel’s frequency response at the locations of a synthetic array. Data is then processed using the SAGE (Space-Alternating Expectation-Maximization) algorithm to obtain the parameters (delay, direction of arrival and complex amplitude) of the channel’s most relevant multipath components. Afterwards, using a clustering algorithm these data are grouped into clusters. Finally, statistical information is extracted allowing the characterization of the channel’s multipath components. The information about the multipath characteristics of the channel, induced by existing scatterers in the propagation scenario, enables the characterization of MIMO channel and thus to evaluate its performance. The method was finally validated using MIMO measurements.


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This paper addresses the issue of estimating semiparametric time series models specified by their conditional mean and conditional variance. We stress the importance of using joint restrictions on the mean and variance. This leads us to take into account the covariance between the mean and the variance and the variance of the variance, that is, the skewness and kurtosis. We establish the direct links between the usual parametric estimation methods, namely, the QMLE, the GMM and the M-estimation. The ususal univariate QMLE is, under non-normality, less efficient than the optimal GMM estimator. However, the bivariate QMLE based on the dependent variable and its square is as efficient as the optimal GMM one. A Monte Carlo analysis confirms the relevance of our approach, in particular, the importance of skewness.


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The use of Bayesian inference in the inference of time-frequency representations has, thus far, been limited to offline analysis of signals, using a smoothing spline based model of the time-frequency plane. In this paper we introduce a new framework that allows the routine use of Bayesian inference for online estimation of the time-varying spectral density of a locally stationary Gaussian process. The core of our approach is the use of a likelihood inspired by a local Whittle approximation. This choice, along with the use of a recursive algorithm for non-parametric estimation of the local spectral density, permits the use of a particle filter for estimating the time-varying spectral density online. We provide demonstrations of the algorithm through tracking chirps and the analysis of musical data.