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In this study, sedimentary organic matter of oil shale rejects, calschist, shale fine and the so called retorted shale from Irati formation was characterized. EPR was used to analyse the samples regarding loss of signal in g = 2.003 associated to the organic free radical with the calcined samples and washing with hydrogen peroxide. The radical signal was detected in all samples, however, for the calschist and shale fine samples another signal was identified at g = 2.000 which disappeared when the sample was heated at 400 ºC. Hydrogen peroxide washing was also performed and it was noted that after washing the signal appeared around g = 2.000 for all samples, including retorted shale, which might be due to the quartz E1 defect.
This paper revisits the design of L and S band bridged loop-gap resonators (BLGRs) for electron paramagnetic resonance applications. A novel configuration is described and extensively characterized for resonance frequency and quality factor as a function of the geometrical parameters of the device. The obtained experimental results indicate higher values of the quality factor (Q) than previously reported in the literature, and the experimental analysis data should provide useful guidelines for BLGR design.
Based on solvation studies of polymers, the sum (1: 1) of the electron acceptor (AN) and electron donor (DN) values of solvents has been proposed as an alternative polarity scale. To test this, the electron paramagnetic resonance isotropic hyperfine splitting constant, a parameter known to be dependent on the polarity/proticity of the medium, was correlated with the (AN+DN) term using three paramagnetic probes. The linear regression coefficient calculated for 15 different solvents was approximately 0.9, quite similar to those of other well-known polarity parameters, attesting to the validity of the (AN+DN) term as a novel ""two-parameter"" solvent polarity scale.
In this work we present a complete characterization and magnetic study of vanadium oxide/hexadecylamine nanotubes (VO(x)/Hexa NT's) doped with Co(2)+ and Ni(2+) ions. The morphology of the NT's has been characterized by transmission electron microscopy, while the metallic elements have been quantified by the instrumental neutron activation analysis technique. The static and dynamic magnetic properties were studied by collecting data of magnetization as a function of magnetic field and temperature and by electron paramagnetic resonance. At difference of the majority reports in the literature, we do not observe magnetic dimers in vanadium oxide nanotubes. Also, we observed that the incorporation of metallic ions (Co(2+), S = 3/2 and Ni(2+), S = 1) decreases notably the amount of V(4+) ions in the system, from 14-16% (nondoped case) to 2%-4%, with respect to the total vanadium atoms (fact corroborated by XPS experiments) anyway preserving the tubular nanostructure. The method to decrease the amount of V(4+) in the nanotubes improves considerably their potential technological applications as Li-ion batteries cathodes. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi: 10.1063/1.3580252]
Fast Structure-Based Assignment of 15N HSQC Spectra of Selectively 15N-Labeled Paramagnetic Proteins
A novel strategy for fast NMR resonance assignment of N-15 HSQC spectra of proteins is presented. It requires the structure coordinates of the protein, a paramagnetic center, and one or more residue-selectively N-15-labeled samples. Comparison of sensitive undecoupled N-15 HSQC spectra recorded of paramagnetic and diamagnetic samples yields data for every cross-peak on pseudocontact shift, paramagnetic relaxation enhancement, cross-correlation between Curie-spin and dipole-dipole relaxation, and residual dipolar coupling. Comparison of these four different paramagnetic quantities with predictions from the three-dimensional structure simultaneously yields the resonance assignment and the anisotropy of the susceptibility tensor of the paramagnetic center. The method is demonstrated with the 30 kDa complex between the N-terminal domain of the epsilon subunit and the theta subunit of Escherichia Coll DNA polymerase III. The program PLATYPUS was developed to perform the assignment, provide a measure of reliability of the assignment, and determine the susceptibility tensor anisotropy.
We report detailed measurements of the interlayer magnetoresistance of the layered organic superconductor kappa-(BEDT-TTF)(2)Cu(SCN)(2) for temperatures down to 0.5 K and fields up to 30 T. The upper critical field is determined from the resistive transition for a wide range of temperatures and field directions. For magnetic fields parallel to the layers, the upper critical field increases approximately linearly with decreasing temperature. The upper critical field at low temperatures is compared to the Pauli paramagnetic limit, at which singlet superconductivity should be destroyed by the Zeeman splitting of the electron spins. The measured value is comparable to a value for the paramagnetic limit calculated from thermodynamic quantities but exceeds the limit calculated from BCS theory. The angular dependence of the upper critical field shows a cusplike feature for fields close to the layers, consistent with decoupled layers.
Field-swept pulsed electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectra of a ZBLAN fluoride glass doped with a low concentration of Cr3+ are obtained using echo-detected EPR and hole-burning free induction decay detection. We review the utility of the pulsed EPR technique in generating field-swept EPR spectra, as well as some of the distorting effects that are peculiar to the pulsed detection method. The application of this technique to Cr3+-doped ZBLAN reveals that much of the broad resonance extending from g(eff) = 5.1 to g(eff) = 1.97, characteristic of X-band continuous wave EPR of Cr3+ in glasses, is absent. We attribute this largely to the variation in nutation frequencies across the spectrum that result from sites possessing large fine structure interactions. The description of the spin dynamics of such sites is complicated and we discuss some possible approaches to the simulation of the pulsed EPR spectra.
Superhyperfine interactions in inhomogeneously broadened paramagnetic centers are observed using a single high-turn-angle microwave pulse. The free induction signal that follows the hole-burning pulse exhibits oscillations that are distinct from the oscillatory free induction decay observable in some inhomogeneously broadened systems. It contains frequencies characteristic of the superhyperfine splittings, together with a zero frequency component. Experimental examples of the effect in both orientationally disordered (powdered) and structurally disordered (glassy) systems are presented and compared with the conceptually similar Fourier transform electron paramagnetic resonance detected nuclear magnetic resonance experiment, together with numerical simulations. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.
Variable temperature electron paramagnetic resonance spectra of tris(ethylenediamine)zinc(II) dinitrate single crystals doped with NI(II) have been measured. The host crystal undergoes a trigonal to monoclinic phase transition at 146 K. Above the transition temperature the zero field splitting tensor is axially symmetric with D = -0.831 cm(-1) and below it becomes rhombic with D = -0.785 cm(-1), E = -0.088 cm(-1). The low temperature spectrum is characterised by the pattern repeating every 60 degrees when the crystal is rotated about the high temperature c axis. The analysis shows that the Zn(II) site retains a C-2 symmetry axis and that the distortion away from the D-3 site symmetry observed for high temperatures is small, the principal axes being tilted by 2.6 degrees. This implies that the phase transition involves the flipping of the C-C backbone in one of the ethylenediamine ligands of the complex, resulting in a A delta delta delta to Lambda delta delta lambda type conformational change.
Some paramagnetic superoxide ions detectable by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) can be generated on Au/ZnO catalyst by oxygen adsorption at room temperature as well as at 553 K. In both the cases, the O-2(-) ions are present on the catalyst surface. The disappearance of the O-2(-) signal by the introduction of carbon monoxide over the catalyst surface implies that the O-2(-) ions are either the active oxygen species or the precursors of the active oxygen species. The CO3- species produced are also detected by EPR. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
A detailed analysis of fabrics of the chilled margin of a thick dolerite dyke (Foum Zguid dyke, Southern Morocco) was performed in order to better understand the development of sub-fabrics during dyke emplacement and cooling. AMS data were complemented with measurements of paramagnetic and ferrimagnetic fabrics (measured with high field torque magnetometer), neutron texture and microstructural analyses. The ferrimagnetic and AMS fabrics are similar, indicating that the ferrimagnetic minerals dominate the AMS signal. The paramagnetic fabric is different from the previous ones. Based on the crystallization timing of the different mineralogical phases, the paramagnetic fabric appears related to the upward flow, while the ferrimagnetic fabric rather reflects the late-stage of dyke emplacement and cooling stresses. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Acc. Chem. Res., 2006, 39 (10), pp 788–796 DOI: 10.1021/ar050104k
The sol-gel method was employed in the synthesis of di-urethane cross-linked poly(-caprolactone) (d-PCL(530)/siloxane biohybrid ormolytes incorporating copper perchlorate, (Cu(ClO4)2). The highest ionic conductivity of the d PCL(530)/siloxanenCu(ClO4)2 system is that with n = 10 (1.4 x 10-7 and 1.4 x 10-5 S cm-1, at 25 and 100 ºC, respectively). In an attempt to understand the ionic conductivity/ionic association relationship, we decide to inspect the chemical environment experienced by the Cu2+ ions in the d-PCL(530)/siloxane medium. The observed EPR spectra are typical of isolated monomeric Cu2+ ions in axially distorted sites. The molecular orbital coefficients obtained from the EPR spin Hamiltonian parameters and the optical absorption band suggests that bonding between the Cu2+ and its ligand in the ormolytes are moderately ionic. Investigation by photoluminescence spectroscopy did not evidence or allow selective excitation of transitions corresponding to complexed Cu2+ species.
We present a theoretical study of the recently observed dynamical regimes of paramagnetic colloidal particles externally driven above a regular lattice of magnetic bubbles [P. Tierno, T. H. Johansen, and T. M. Fischer, Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 038303 (2007)]. An external precessing magnetic field alters the potential generated by the surface of the film in such a way to either drive the particle circularly around one bubble, ballistically through the array, or in triangular orbits on the interstitial regions between the bubbles. In the ballistic regime, we observe different trajectories performed by the particles phase locked with the external driving. Superdiffusive motion, which was experimentally found bridging the localized and delocalized dynamics, emerge only by introducing a certain degree of randomness into the bubbles size distribution.
Recent studies have demonstrated that the use of paramagnetic hepatobiliary contrast agents in the acquisition of magnetic resonance images remarkably improves the detection and differentiation of focal liver lesions, as compared with extracellular contrast agents. Paramagnetic hepatobiliary contrast agents initially show the perfusion of the lesions, as do extracellular agents, but delayed contrast-enhanced images can demonstrate contrast uptake by functional hepatocytes, providing further information for a better characterization of the lesions. Additionally, this intrinsic characteristic increases the accuracy in the detection of hepatocellular carcinomas and metastases, particularly the small-sized ones. Recently, a hepatobiliary contrast agent called gadolinium ethoxybenzyl dimeglumine, that is simply known as gadoxetic acid, was approved by the National Health Surveillance Agency for use in humans. The authors present a literature review and a practical approach of magnetic resonance imaging utilizing gadoxetic acid as contrast agent, based on patients' images acquired during their initial experiment.