983 resultados para Paraguay – president (2008- : Lugo)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Incluye Bibliografía


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Cette thèse étudie la stabilité et l’instabilité politique des régimes hybrides. Elle pose la question suivante : dans quelles conditions l’autorité des élites au pouvoir est-elle reconnue ou contestée? Notre réponse s’articule en lien avec le caractère inclusif ou exclusif de la coalition dirigeante : c’est-à-dire, l’alliance stratégique des élites dirigeantes avec les groupes sociaux dominants. L’inclusion de ces derniers favorise le consentement et la stabilité; leur exclusion entraîne l’affrontement et l’instabilité politique. Sa composition dépend (i) du degré de violence organisée extra-légale et (ii) du degré de pénétration de l’État sur le territoire et dans l’économie. La première variable permet d’identifier quel groupe social au sein de l’État (militaires) ou du régime (partis d’opposition) est dominant et influence les formes de communication politique avec les élites dirigeantes. La deuxième variable permet d’identifier quel groupe social au sein de l’État (fonctionnaires) ou de la société (chefs locaux) est dominant et oriente les rapports entre les régions et le pouvoir central. L’apport de la recherche est d’approfondir notre compréhension des institutions politiques dans les régimes hybrides en mettant l’accent sur l’identité des groupes sociaux dominants dans un contexte donné. La thèse propose un modèle simple, flexible et original permettant d’appréhender des relations causales autrement contre-intuitives. En ce sens, la stabilité politique est également possible dans un pays où l’État est faible et/ou aux prises avec des mouvements de rébellion; et l’instabilité dans un contexte inverse. Tout dépend de la composition de la coalition dirigeante. Afin d’illustrer les liens logiques formulés et d’exposer les nuances de notre théorie, nous employons une analyse historique comparative de la coalition dirigeante en Malaisie (1957-2010), en Indonésie (1945-1998), au Sénégal (1960-2010) et au Paraguay (1945-2008). La principale conclusion est que les deux variables sont incontournables. L’une sans l’autre offre nécessairement une explication incomplète des alliances politiques qui forgent les conditions de stabilité et d'instabilité dans les régimes hybrides.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Objetivo: Identificar factores sociodemográficos y de fecundidad, asociados a ocurrencia de embarazo no deseado en mujeres colombianas en edad reproductiva en el año 2010. Métodos: Se realizó estudio retrospectivo de corte transversal, basado en los datos de la ENDS Colombia-2010, del total de mujeres en edad fértil (13-49 años) que al momento de la encuesta se encontraban en embarazo. La variable de interés fue embarazo no deseado, se describió la población a estudio y se evaluó la posible asociación con variables sociodemográficas y de fecundidad, a través de análisis bivariado y multivariado. Se realizaron los mismos análisis por grupo de edad (adolescentes vs adultas). Resultados: La prevalencia de embarazo no deseado en las mujeres colombianas en el 2010 fue de 61,4 %. De acuerdo al modelo de regresión logística, no estar en unión a una pareja (OR: 4,01 IC95%: 3,066-5,269), tener hijos (OR: 2,040 IC95%: 1,581 2,631), estar en el quintil de menor riqueza (OR: 2,137 IC95%: 1,328-3,440), y ser adolescente (OR: 1,599 IC95%: 1,183-2,162), son factores que aumentan la probabilidad de tener un embarazo no deseado. Se encontraron diferencias en los factores asociados al realizar segmentación por edad. Conclusiones: La prevalencia de embarazo no deseado permanece alta en Colombia respecto a años anteriores y a otros países. Los resultados pueden ser de utilidad para el desarrollo de políticas en salud sexual y reproductiva teniendo en cuenta los factores asociados identificados priorizando a la población adolescente y de menor estatus socioeconómico, para la prevención de embarazo no deseado en Colombia.


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Entender la relevancia que adquiere el triunfo de Fernando Armindo Lugo Méndez en Paraguay implica realizar un repaso de la vida política de dicho país, para comprender el funcionamiento que el Partido Colorado opositor al ex obispo en las elecciones del 2008 adquirió en los previos 61 años en el poder; 35 de los cuales conformaron una dictadura (liderada por Alfredo Stroessner).Realizando una breve caracterización de la historia política del Paraguay, comenzando con las Guerras Patrias, prosiguiendo con una descripción de los gobiernos colorados que presidieron entre 1947 y 2008, y profundizando el análisis de los años de transición a la democracia (iniciada en 1989), este artículo intentará dar una aproximación interpretativa sobre los factores que confluyeron para lograr el triunfo electoral del ex clérigo Fernando Lugo en el año 2008, quien derrocó al Partido Colorado (Asociación Nacional Republicana, ANR).Consiguientemente, se describirá la conformación de los poderes legislativos y judiciales, con la finalidad de observar continuidades y rupturas en estas instituciones durante la transición y en el gobierno actual.Finalmente, se hará un breve comentario referido a la actualidad del país, a dos años de haber consagrado como primer mandatario a un ex obispo.---The restoration of the democraticorder in Paraguay. Notes to understand Fernando Lugo’s victory inside a long incomplete transitionUnderstanding the relevancy that acquires the victory of the ex clergyman of the Catholic Church Fernando Armindo Lugo Méndez in Paraguay, implies realizing a revision (brief but conscientious) of the political recent life of the above mentioned country, to understand the characteristics that the Party Colorado opponent to the ex-bishop in the 2008 elections had during 61 years before; 35 of which shaped a dictatorship (led by Alfredo Stroessner).Making a brief characterization of the political history of Paraguay, starting with the Patriotic War, continuing with a description of the Colorado governments that presided between 1947 and 2008 and deepening the analysis the years of transition to democracy (begun in 1989), this article will attempt to give an interpretative approach to the factors that came together to achieve electoral victory of former priest Fernando Lugo in 2008, who overthrew the Colorado Party (Asociación Nacional Republicana, ANR).Accordingly, it will be to characterize the conformation of the legislative and judicial powers, in order to observe continuities and discontinuities in these institutions during the transition and now.Finally, a brief comment will be referred to the country today, two years after he established himself as a former president bishop.Key words: Paraguay, democratic transition, Colorado Party’s presidency, Lugo’s victory.---A restauração da ordem democrática no Paraguai. Anotações para entender o triunfo de Fernando Lugo dentro de uma longa transição inconclusaEntender a relevância que adquire o triunfo de Fernando Armindo Lugo Méndez no Paraguai implica realizar um repasso da vida política de dito país, para compreender o funcionamento que o Partido Colorado opositor ao ex-bispo nas eleições do 2008adquiriu nos prévios 61 anos no poder; 35 dos quais conformaram uma ditadura (liderada por Alfredo Stroessner).Realizando uma breve caracterização da historia política do Paraguai, começando com as Guerras Pátrias, prosseguindo com uma descrição dos governos colorados que presidiram entre 1947 e 2008, e aprofundando a análise dos anos de transição à democracia (iniciada em 1989), este artigo tentará dar uma aproximação interpretativa sobre os fatores que confluíram para lograr o triunfo eleitoral do ex-clérigo Fernando Lugo no ano 2008, quem derrocou ao Partido Colorado (Associação Nacional Republicana, ANR).Conseguintemente, se descreverá a conformação dos poderes legislativos e judiciais, com a finalidade de observar continuidades e rupturas nestas instituições durante a transição e no governo atual.Finalmente, se fará um breve comentário referido à atualidade do país, a dois anos de haver consagrado como primeiro mandatário a um ex-bispo.Palavras chave: Paraguai. Transição democrática. Governos Colorados. Triunfo de Lugo.


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It’s a pleasure for me to be penning my first President’s Message for the AITPM Newsletter. I am eagerly looking forward to serving the Institute and members over the coming couple of years. First though, I’d like to congratulate Andrew Hulse for steering the good ship AITPM over the past two years, bringing so many initiatives to the fore, including the Certified Transport Planner (CTP), stronger ties with other organisations and agencies such as IPENZ and Austroads, mutually beneficial sponsorship arrangements, and sharing his enthusiasm towards the Thunderbirds. Personally and largely thanks to my kids’ domination of the TV I’m a bit keener on the other great British sixties sci-fi classic, Doctor Who. Maybe we can generate a “favourite Doctor” dialogue in the Newsletter.


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As we’re moving toward the end of the year, it’s not hard to notice everyone starting to rush a bit more. So much so, that in some cases people can lose their cool when they’re out and about. Recently I viewed an episode of Jenny Brockie’s Insight program on SBS on the topic of “rage”. The program covered many areas of life, but it highlighted the issue of rage against taxi drivers in Melbourne and showed some archival footage of the recent taxi drivers’ protest on the issue, next to Flinders Street Station. Serendipitously, perhaps, I picked up Brisbane’s City News as I was eating lunch in town a few days later, and there was an article on Brisbane taxi stand supervisors, citing that some feared to go to work on Friday and Saturday nights as they were not infrequently assaulted by drunken revellers waiting in the long queues for their taxi ride home.


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It’s fast approaching the end of the year and the festive season, and I have a few things on my mind. First, how I’ll fit in all of my holiday plans and projects within my period of leave, which always seems to pass oh so quickly! But more important are the two issues of global financial uncertainty and safe travel. Judging by what is in the media, it appears to be proving difficult for any self respecting financial industry specialist to define and grapple with the so-called current economic crisis, let alone those of us who have not been formally and extensively schooled in the sciences of finance and economics. Perhaps the latter is even more of a “black art” than the discipline of transport planning. The situation has affected all of us with our superannuation and/or share portfolios; however, judging by the still-crowded shopping centres in many areas, the downstream general economic impacts appear to be less serious in Australia than in other developed countries, even with the significant market fluctuations taking place. There are many important decisions facing Australian governments, from the top down, on how they manage their budgets and spending. Infrastructure spending is in competition with other necessities such as the public health system and education. But it appears that infrastructure is an avenue of public spending that, over all time windows, may be able to significantly bolster local economies and that of the nation as a whole. This, however, is against the spectre of deficits. I would suggest that now, more than ever, we as transport and other professionals within the system, should use our knowledge and experience to take a key role in helping government and the private sector make sound decisions on infrastructure planning, delivery and management.


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Tribute to the Memory of President Fisk.