999 resultados para Paraíba do Sul River


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This study analyses the spatial distribution of characidiin fishes Characidium lauroi and Characidium alipioi (Crenuchidae) in a forest stream system located in southeastern Brazil. Fish were sampled from Jury 2001 to April 2002. Collections were made with an electro-fishing device in five stream reaches of the Ribeirão Grande system. Conductivity, pH, water temperature and dissolved oxygen were measured at each site. The species have different distributions in Ribeirão Grande system. Characidium lauroi is abundant in montane-piedmont zones and Characidium alipioi occurs mainly in piedmont-plain zones. Streams' different features contribute to these species' distribution in the system.


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Mercury distribution and fractionation were determined in sediments from the Paraíba do Sul River – RJ, Brazil. Total mercury concentration ranged from 1 to 158 ng g-1. Hg associated with the weakly bound fraction was dominant in the estuarine areas (main - 60% and secondary - 55%); followed by fluvial end member (48%) and mangrove (18%). These results reinforce the mercury availability to fluvial and estuarine areas and emphasize the key role played by mangroves as an efficient biogeochemical barrier. In conclusion, the continuous reduction of the mangrove ecosystem around the world can exacerbate the damage resulting from the mercury accumulation.


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Esta dissertação relata o uso da informação no processo decisório havido na bacia do rio Paraíba do Sul em torno da implementação da cobrança pelo uso da água bruta,instituída pela Política Nacional de Recursos Hídricos. De grande importância no cenárionacional essa bacia hidrográfica foi escolhida como foco de estudo por se tratar de umaexperiência pioneira de implementação de um Sistema de Gestão de Recursos Hídricosem rios de domínio da União, tendo como pano de fundo a complexidade do federalismobrasileiro e a falta de tradição em processos participativos para tomada de decisão nestecampo. O estudo mostra, ainda, como a cobrança pelo uso da água foi um fator deaglutinação dos atores da bacia, como o capital social acumulado foi fundamental para oprocesso de negociação, e finalmente, como o uso da informação técnica, ao contráriodo que se imaginava, proporcionou avanços significativos na metodologia e critériospropostos para implementação desse importante instrumento de gestão das águas.


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The National Water Management Policy was defined by Law 9.433/97 (Water Act), establishing the hydrographic basin as the management unity, independently of geographic limits and respective federal organisms. Nevertheless, water management entities and instruments are directly associated to different federal entities located within the same basin, and depend on them for being effective. The absence of law mechanisms that conciliate the various requisitions of federal organisms located in the same basin is a challenge still without brazilian law support. This study describes the integration process of information systems in Paraíba do Sul river basin. It also emphasizes integration restrictions of these systems, the cooperation level and the instruments used by the various actors and federal organisms in order to meet National Water Management Policy objectives. The management instrument Water Management Information System is presented as an important component that helps the stakeholders decision making process involved in water management, respecting federalism and the water domains defined in the brazilian constitution, and according to the policy established in the Water Act. In theoretical aspects, this work presents the basic concepts of National Water Management Policy institutional arrangement, considering the network aspects in public policy, the limits imposed by federalism and the way that the water domains is defined in the brazilian constitution and according to the brazilian Water Act. Besides, it identifies the most significant questions related with information systems implementation in public administration and water management. It also illustrates how cooperative federalism and information systems may create conditions that do guarantee the National Water Management Policy management instruments operationality within a hydrographic basin. The action research method was used to develop the research and the selected entity was the Fundação Superintendência Estadual de Rios e Lagoas (Serla). Serla was the water management entity in Rio de Janeiro state, at the research beginning. Others methods as bibliographic and documentary research were also used, aiming to describe the hydrographic basin, as well as the processes and systems concerned with the implementation of the National Water Management Policy in Paraíba do Sul basin.


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This paper presents the gravity survey refinement of the Paraíba do Sul river valley, east region of São Paulo state, by acquisition of 646 gravity stations. Further than the traditional Free-Air and Bouguer corrections, it was necessary to apply the Terrain Correction due the proximity of the Mantiqueira and Mar mountain ranges. An enhanced understanding of Taubaté Basin structural framework was the main objetive of this work. As result, we present the Bouguer Gravity Map of the east region of São Paulo State and the Residual Bouguer Gravity Map generated by Upward Continuation and High-pass filtering. The 2D Gravity Modeling was applied in 4 sections, using bi-dimensional models for the bodies that produced the anomalies (Talwani Method). After integrating the gravity data with the interpretation of 11 seismic sections, it was possible to delineate the Taubate Basin structural framework, which shows an utmost sedimentary thickness of 800 m in the depocenters. It was also interpreted an ultramaphic alkaline plug in the subsurface of Caçapava city.


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The state of São Paulo has four main drainages: Paraná river, Paraíba do Sul river, Ribeira do Iguape river and coastal rivers. The Paraíba do Sul river is born in Sao Paulo and drains an important range of land east of the state. Its ichthyofauna has some similarities and many differences from the continental and coastal drainages which highlights the importance of this study. Surveys conducted in the ichthyofauna of this basin, as in other large river basins in Brazil, is still incomplete. Moreover, there is no consensus about the taxonomic status of many species listed in these surveys. Considering the promising use of DNA barcode as a global system for species identification, the present study is aimed to establishing an inventory of the ichthyofauna of the São Paulo portion of the river Paraíba do Sul and simultaneously build a DNA barcode reference sequence library for fish found. Were obtained and analyzed 354 sequences of the gene cytochrome oxidase c subunit I (COI) belonging to 66 species of São Paulo portion of the Paraíba do Sul river. The average K2P distance between individuals within species of this basin was 0.48%, and 9,87% between species within a genus. Five pairs of species (10 species) showed low levels of interspecific genetic divergence (<2%),but all could be correctly identified. This study showed that the fish species analyzed could be identified efficiently through the use of barcode generating data that can provide information for further studies of this fauna, besides contributing to the global initiative to characterize the species of fish in the world of a molecular point of view. Five pairs of species (10 species) showed low levels of interspecific genetic divergence (<2%), but all could be correctly identified. This study showed that the fish species analyzed could be identified efficiently through the use of barcode generating data that can provide subsidies for further studies in this fauna, as well as ...


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This work investigated the cytotoxic and genotoxic potential of water from the River Paraíba do Sul (Brazil) using Allium cepa roots. An anatomo-morphological parameter (root length), mitotic indices, and frequency of micronuclei were analysed. Eight bulbs were chosen at random for treatment for 24 to 120 hours with the River water collected in the years of 2005 and 2006 from sites in the cities of Tremembé and Aparecida (São Paulo state, Brazil). Daily measurements of the length of the roots grown from each bulb were carried out throughout the experiment. Mitotic index (MI) and frequency of micronuclei (MN) were determined for 2000 cells per root, using 3-5 root tips from other bulbs (7-10). Only in the roots treated with samples of the River water collected in 2005 in Tremembé city was there a decrease in the root length growth compared to the respective control. However, a reduction in MI values was verified for both sites analysed for that year. Considering the data involving root length growth and especially MI values, a cytotoxic potential is suggested for the water of the River Paraíba do Sul at Tremembé and Aparecida, in the year of 2005. On the other hand, since in this year the MN frequency was not affected with the river water treatments, genotoxicity is not assumed for the river water sampled at the aforementioned places.


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Sediment contamination is evaluated by determining organic micropollutants (organochlorine compounds - OCs and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons - PAHs) in two important Brazilian water reservoirs. Trace levels of OCs were observed in the Santana reservoir (44.8 ng g-1 d.w. of p,p'-DDT), while in the Funil reservoir the levels were below detection level. Forty-eight percent of the found sigmaocs were polychlorinated biphenyls, 29% dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT), 18% Drins, and 5% other pesticides (HCB, Heptachlor, Heptachlor-epoxide, gamma-HCH and a-Endosulfan). We observed lower levels of sigmaPAH in the Funil reservoir (1 to 275 ng g-1d.w.) than in the Santana reservoir (2.2 to 26.7 µg g-1 d.w.).


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Previous studies indicated that free radicals control organic matter redox activities. In the present study, organic matter of an ultra-filtrated material collected from seven samples taken seasonally from the Paraiba do Sul River for two years were titrated with an oxidizer (I2) in an inert atmosphere. Standard formal potential values for the electrode MO Ox, MO Red ranged from 0.754 to 0.786 V at a 25 ºC temperature. Organic matter oxidation capacity (COx) per carbon mass varied according to pH values, and changes in COx were related to rainfall and river flow intensities.


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Comprova-se que, em condições experimentais, a Biomphalaria glabrata, variante albina, originária de Belo Horizonte (MG) é suscetível à infecção por linhagem de S. mansoni isolada de roedores silvestres do Vale do Rio Paraíba do Sal, no Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. São sugeridas razões procurando esclarecer a ocorrência da esquistossomose mansônica no Vale do Rio Paraíba do Sul, área geográfica em que ainda não foi encontrada B. glabrata, hospedeira intermediária do trematódeo e onde se desenvolve intensamente B. tenagophila, espécie considerada menos suscetível ao esquistossomo. São fornecidas informações sobre a presença simultânea de duas linhagens de comportamento biológico diferente: a linhagem H, diretamente relacionada com o homem e a linhagem S, oriunda de roedores silvestres, ambas da mesma área geográfica.


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Verificou-se ser elevada a percentagem de animais parasitados por S. mansoni em roedores silvestres, de diferentes gêneros e espécies, capturados no Vale do Rio Paraíba do Sul, SP, Brasil onde se encontram com freqüência, casos humanos de esquistossomose mansônica. A partir de fígados de roedores naturalmente infectados foram obtidos miracídios para o isolamento da linhagem silvestre (S). Para o isolamento da linhagem humana (H), foram utilizados miracídios procedentes de fezes de doentes comprovadamente autóctones do Vale do Rio Paraíba. Estudou-se, comparativamente, o comportamento das duas linhagens em B. tenagophila que é o hospedeiro intermediário natural na região e em camundongo albino, utilizado como hospedeiro definitivo. Verificou-se que: a taxa de mortalidade de B. tenagophila infectadas com a linhagem "S" não é, estatisticamente, diferente da dos moluscos utilizados para controle; é significativa a diferença entre a taxa de mortalidade verificada nos moluscos infectados com a linhagem "S" e com a linhagem "H", a qual é consideravelmente maior nos moluscos infectados com a linhagem "H"; nos camundongos infectados com a linhagem "H" verificou-se ser significativo o coeficiente de correlação entre o número de granulomas hepáticos e o de trematódeos adultos; nos camundongos infectados com a linhagem ''S" não houve possibilidade do estabelecimento de tal correleção.