980 resultados para Paròtides -- Tumors
Els tumors parotidis constitueixen un motiu de consulta freqüent en el medi hospitalari. Per conèixer l’origen cel•lular dels mateixos disposem de l’anàlisi citològic pre-quirúrgic. No existeix una correlació exacta entre la citologia pre-quirúrgica i l’anatomia patològica definitiva segons la literatura. S’ha realitzat un estudi retrospectiu de sèries de casos dels pacients atesos per tumors parotidis al servei de Cirurgia Maxil•lofacial de l’Hospital Vall d’Hebron en el qual s’ha avaluat la distribució demogràfica d’aquests tumors i la correlació cito-histològica comparant-la amb altres sèries.
Desmoid tumor (DT) is a common manifestation of Gardner's Syndrome (GS), although it is a rare condition in the general population. DT in patients with GS is usually located in the abdominal wall and/or intra-abdominal cavity. We report a case of a 32 years-old female patient with familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP), who was already submitted to total colectomy and developed multiple DT, located in the abdominal wall and in the left breast. The patient underwent several surgical procedures, with a multidisciplinary team of surgeons. Wide surgical resections of the left breast and the abdominal wall tumors were performed in separate steps. Polypropylene mesh reconstruction and muscle flaps were needed to cover the defects of the thoracic and abdominal walls. After partial necrosis of the adipose-cutaneous flap in the abdomen that required a new skin graft, she had a satisfactory outcome with complete healing of the surgical incisions. DT is frequent in GS, however, breast localization is very rare, with few cases reported in the literature. Recurrence of DT is not negligible, even after a wide surgical resection. GS patients must be followed up closely, and clinical examination, associated with imaging studies, should be performed to detect any signs of tumor. DT represents one of the most significant causes of the morbidity and mortality that affects FAP patients following colectomy. In general, the surgical procedures to excise DT are highly complex, requiring a multidisciplinary team.
The purpose of this study was to assess the efficacy and reproducibility of the cytologic diagnosis of salivary gland tumors (SGTs) using fine-needle aspiration cytology (FNAC). The study aimed to determine diagnostic accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity and to evaluate the extent of interobserver agreement. We retrospectively evaluated SGTs from the files of the Division of Pathology at the Clinics Hospital of São Paulo and Piracicaba Dental School between 2000 and 2006. We performed cytohistologic correlation in 182 SGTs. The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, and diagnostic accuracy were 94%, 100%, 100%, 100%, and 99%, respectively. The interobserver cytologic reproducibility showed significant statistical concordance (P < .0001). FNAC is an effective tool for performing a reliable preoperative diagnosis in SGTs and shows high diagnostic accuracy and consistent interobserver reproducibility. Further FNAC studies analyzing large samples of malignant SGTs and reactive salivary lesions are needed to confirm their accuracy.
Most epidemiological studies concerning differentiated thyroid cancers (DTC) indicate an increasing incidence over the last two decades. This increase might be partially explained by the better access to health services worldwide, but clinicopathological analyses do not fully support this hypothesis, indicating that there are carcinogenetic factors behind this noticeable increasing incidence. Although we have undoubtedly understood the biology and molecular pathways underlying thyroid carcinogenesis in a better way, we have made very little progresses in identifying a risk profile for DTC, and our knowledge of risk factors is very similar to what we knew 30-40 years ago. In addition to ionizing radiation exposure, the most documented and established risk factor for DTC, we also investigated the role of other factors, including eating habits, tobacco smoking, living in a volcanic area, xenobiotics, and viruses, which could be involved in thyroid carcinogenesis, thus, contributing to the increase in DTC incidence rates observed.
During the last 30 years many advances have been made in kidney tumor pathology. In 1981, 9 entities were recognized in the WHO Classification. In the latest classification of 2004, 50 different types have been recognized. Additional tumor entities have been described since and a wide variety of prognostic parameters have been investigated with variable success; however, much attention has centered upon the importance of features relating to both stage and grade. The International Society of Urological Pathology (ISUP) recommends after consensus conferences the development of reporting guidelines, which have been adopted worldwide ISUP undertook to review all aspects of the pathology of adult renal malignancy through an international consensus conference to be held in 2012. As in the past, participation in this consensus conference was restricted to acknowledged experts in the field.
To evaluate the sparing of fertility and ovaries in women submitted to surgical treatment for benign adnexal tumors. Between February 2010 and January 2014, 206 patients were included in this observational study as they were submitted to surgical treatment for benign ovarian tumors at CAISM, a tertiary hospital. Fertility sparing surgery was defined as tumorectomy or unilateral salpingoophorectomy without hysterectomy in premenopausal women. Preservation of the ovary occurred when at least one ovary or part of it was mantained. Of the 206 women with benign tumors, 120 (58%) were premenopausal and 86 (42%) were postmenopausal. There were 36 (30%) ovarian germ cell tumors, 31 (26%) epithelial neoplasms and 11 (9%) sex-cord stromal tumors among premenopausal women. In the group of postmenopausal women, 35 (41%) epithelial neoplasms, 27 (31%) sex-cord stromal tumors and 8 (9%) ovarian germ cell tumors were identified. Among 36 women with non-neoplastic ovarian tumors, 21 (58%) had endometriomas and 8 (22%) functional cysts. Among 22 women with extra-ovarian tumors, uterine leiomyomatosis was the most frequent finding (50%). In the group of women who were ≤ 35 years old, 26 (57%) were treated by tumorectomy and 18 (39%) were submitted to unilateral salpingoophorectomy with sparing of the uterus and the contralateral ovary. Women who were ≤ 35 years old were more frequently operated by laparoscopy which was associated with a higher number of fertility sparing procedures when compared to laparotomy (p<0.01). Twenty-six (28%) women submitted to hysterectomy with bilateral salpingoophorectomy were premenopausal. Although there is a trend to perform only tumorectomy in women who are ≤ 35 years old, a significant number of young women is still treated by salpingoophorectomy. Among 36- to 45-year-old women, only 70% had their fertility spared, while 20% had both ovaries removed. However, whenever possible, we must try to preserve the ovaries, mainly in premenopausal women.
Malignant brain tumor experimental models tend to employ cells that are immunologically compatible with the receptor animal. In this study, we have proposed an experimental model of encephalic tumor development by injecting C6 cells into athymic Rowett rats, aiming at reaching a model which more closely resembles to the human glioma tumor. In our model, we observed micro-infiltration of tumor cell clusters in the vicinity of the main tumor mass, and of more distal isolated tumor cells immersed in normal encephalic parenchyma. This degree of infiltration is superior to that usually observed in other C6 models.
The cancer is one of the most common and severe problems in clinical medicine, and nervous system tumors represent about 2% of the types of cancer. The central role of the nervous system in the maintenance of vital activities and the functional consequences of the loss of neurons can explain how severe brain cancers are. The cell cycle is a highly complex process, with a wide number of regulatory proteins involved, and such proteins can suffer alterations that transform normal cells into malignant ones. The INK4 family members (CDK inhibitors) are the cell cycle regulators that block the progression of the cycle through the R point, causing an arrest in G1 stage. The p14ARF (alternative reading frame) gene is a tumor suppressor that inhibits p53 degradation during the progression of the cell cycle. The PTEN gene is related to the induction of growth suppression through cell cycle arrest, to apoptosis and to the inhibition of cell adhesion and migration. The purpose of the present study was to assess the mutational state of the genes p14ARF, p15INK4b, p16INK4a, and PTEN in 64 human nervous system tumor samples. Homozygous deletions were found in exon 2 of the p15INK4b gene and exon 3 of the p16INK4a gene in two schwannomas. Three samples showed a guanine deletion (63 codon) which led to a loss of heterozygosity in the p15 gene, and no alterations could be seen in the PTEN gene. Although the group of patients was heterogeneous, our results are in accordance with other different studies that indicate that homozygous deletion and loss of heterozygosity in the INK4 family members are frequently observed in nervous system tumors.
The p53 tumor suppressor gene is the most frequently mutated gene in human cancer; this gene is mutated in up to 50% of human tumors. It has a critical role in the cell cycle, apoptosis and cell senescence, and it participates in many crucial physiological and pathological processes. Polymorphisms of p53 have been suggested to be associated with genetically determined susceptibility in various types of cancer. Another process involved with the development and progression of tumors is DNA hypermethylation. Aberrant methylation of the promoter is an alternative epigenetic change in genetic mechanisms, leading to tumor suppressor gene inactivation. In the present study, we examined the TP53 Arg72Pro and Pro47Ser polymorphisms using PCR-RFLP and the pattern of methylation of the p53 gene by methylation-specific PCR in 90 extra-axial brain tumor samples. Patients who had the allele Pro of the TP53 Arg72Pro polymorphism had an increased risk of tumor development ( odds ratio, OR = 3.23; confidence interval at 95%, 95% CI = 1.71-6.08; P = 0.003), as did the allele Ser of TP53 Pro47Ser polymorphism (OR = 1.28; 95% CI = 0.03-2.10; P = 0.01). Comparison of overall survival of patients did not show significant differences. In the analysis of DNA methylation, we observed that 37.5% of meningiomas, 30% of schwannomas and 52.6% of metastases were hypermethylated, suggesting that methylation is important for tumor progression. We suggest that TP53 Pro47Ser and Arg72Pro polymorphisms and DNA hypermethylation are involved in susceptibility for developing extra-axial brain tumors.
Cadherins are cell-to-cell adhesion molecules that play an important role in the establishment of adherent-type junctions by mediating calcium-dependent cellular interactions. The CDH1 gene encodes the transmembrane glycoprotein E-cadherin which is important in maintaining homophilic cell-cell adhesion in epithelial tissues. E-cadherin interacts with catenin proteins to maintain tissue architecture. Structural defects or loss of expression of E-cadherin have been reported as a common feature in several human cancer types. This study aimed to evaluate the expression of E-cadherin and their correlation with clinical features in microdissected brain tumor samples from 81 patients, divided into 62 astrocytic tumors grades I to IV and 19 medulloblastomas, and from 5 white matter non-neoplasic brain tissue samples. E-cadherin (CDH1) gene expression was analyzed by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction. Mann-Whitney, Kruskal-Wallis, Kaplan-Meir, and log-rank tests were performed for statistical analyses. We observed a decrease in expression among pathological grades of neuroepithelial tumors. Non-neoplasic brain tissue showed a higher expression level of CDH1 gene than did neuroepithelial tumors. Expression of E-cadherin gene was higher in astrocytic than embryonal tumors (P = 0.0168). Low-grade malignancy astrocytomas (grades I-II) showed higher CDH1 expression than did high-grade malignancy astrocytomas (grades III-IV) and medulloblastomas (P < 0.0001). Non-neoplasic brain tissue showed a higher expression level of CDH1 gene than grade I malignancy astrocytomas, considered as benign tumors (P = 0.0473). These results suggest that a decrease in E-cadherin gene expression level in high-grade neuroepithelial tumors may be a hallmark of malignancy in dedifferentiated tumors and that it may be possibly correlated with their progression and dissemination.
Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) is a heterogeneous disease affecting the epithelium of the oral cavity, pharynx and larynx. Conditions of most patients are diagnosed at late stages of the disease, and no sensitive and specific predictors of aggressive behavior have been identified yet. Therefore, early detection and prognostic biomarkers are highly desirable for a more rational management of the disease. Hypermethylation of CpG islands is one of the most important epigenetic mechanisms that leads to gene silencing in tumors and has been extensively used for the identification of biomarkers. In this study, we combined rapid subtractive hybridization and microarray analysis in a hierarchical manner to select genes that are putatively reactivated by the demethylating agent 5-aza-2'-deoxycytidine (5Aza-dC) in HNSCC cell lines (FaDu, UM-SCC-14A, UM-SCC-17A, UM-SCC-38A). This combined analysis identified 78 genes, 35 of which were reactivated in at least 2 cell lines and harbored a CpG island at their 5' region. Reactivation of 3 of these 35 genes (CRABP2, MX1, and SLC15A3) was confirmed by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR; fold change, >= 3). Bisulfite sequencing of their CpG islands revealed that they are indeed differentially methylated in the HNSCC cell lines. Using methylation-specific PCR, we detected a higher frequency of CRABP2 (58.1% for region 1) and MX1 (46.3%) hypermethylation in primary HNSCC when compared with lymphocytes from healthy individuals. Finally, absence of the CRABP2 protein was associated with decreased disease-free survival rates, supporting a potential use of CRABP2 expression as a prognostic biomarker for HNSCC patients.
Twenty-nine canine cutaneous mast cell tumors (MCTs) were morphometrically analyzed with regard to mean nuclear area (MNA) using cytopathology smears. The results showed a correlation between MNA and survival. When graded into 2 morphometrically different groups, there were statistically significant differences among high- and low-grade MCTs, regarding both Romanowsky-type stain and hematoxylin and eosin. Cytomorphometry could also separate histologic grade II tumors with better prognosis from the more aggressive MCTs. The results indicated that nuclear morphometry on cytopathology preparations can predict the biological behavior of cutaneous MCTs in dogs in an independent manner, yielding a rapid and reproducible diagnosis, which renders the method useful for veterinary oncology.
The mRNA differential display technique was used to compare mRNAs between normal mammary gland and turner-derived epithelial cells from female Sprague-Dawley rat mammary gland tumors induced by the heterocyclic amine 2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo[4,5-b]pyridine (PhIP) and promoted by a high-fat diet (23.5% corn oil). Two genes, beta-casein and transferrin, were identified as differentially expressed. The expression of these genes was examined across a bank of rat mammary gland tumors derived from animals on a low-fat diet (5% corn oil) or the high-fat diet. Carcinomas had over a 10- and 50-fold lower expression of beta-casein and transferrin, respectively than normal mammary gland. In addition, carcinomas from animals on the high-fat diet showed on average a 5-fold higher expression of beta-casein, and transferrin than carcinomas from animals on the low-fat diet. The results indicate the process of mammary gland tumorigenesis alters the expression of certain genes in the mammary gland, and that the level of dietary fat further modulates the expression of these genes.
Normal Sprague-Dau ley rat mammary gland epithelial cells and mammary gland carcinomas induced by 2-amino-1 -methyl-6-phenylimidazo[4,5-b]pyridine, a carcinogen found in the diet, were examined for the expression of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha (PPAR alpha). PPAR alpha mRNA and protein was detected in normal and tumor tissue by reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and immunohistochemistry. By quantitative RT-PCR, carcinomas had a 12-fold higher expression than control mammary glands, a statistically significant difference. PPAR alpha expression was examined in carcinomas and normal tissues from rats on high fat (23.5/% corn oil) and low fat (5% corn oil) diets. Although neither carcinomas, nor control tissues showed statistically significant differences between the two diet groups, PPAR alpha expression was the highest in carcinomas from rats on the high fat diet. The expression of PPAR alpha in normal mammary gland and its significant elevation in mammary gland carcinomas raises the possibility of its involvement in mammary gland physiology and pathophysiology. (C) 2000 Published by Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
In this paper we describe the efficacy of the liposomal-AlClPc (aluminum-chloro-phthalocyanine) formulation in PDT study against Ehrlich tumor cells proliferation in immunocompetent swiss mice tongue. Experiments were conduced in sixteen tumor induced mice that were divided in three control groups: (1) tumor without treatment; (2) tumor with 100 J/cm(2) laser (670 nm) irradiation; and (3) tumor with AlClPc peritumoral injection; and a PDT experimental group when tumors received AlClPc injection followed by tumor irradiation. Control groups present similar macroscopically and histological patterns after treatments, while PDT treatment induced 90% of Ehrlich tumor necrosis after 24 h of one single showing the efficacy of liposome-AlClPc (aluminum-chloro-phthalocyanine) mediated PDT application, on the treatment of oral cancer. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.