994 resultados para Papanicolaou staining method


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Papanicolaou-värjäys on hematoksyliini-eosiinivärjäyksen pohjalta kehitetty erikoisvärjäys sytologisille näytteille. Värjäyksestä on olemassa monia erilaisia variaatioita. Jokainen laboratorio joutuu kehittämään oman värjäysohjeensa, koska värjäystulokseen vaikuttavat monet eri tekijät kuten vesijohtoveden pH. Opinnäytetyömme tarkoituksena oli kehittää optimaalisen värjäystuloksen antava Papanicolaou-värjäysohjelma sytosentrifugivalmisteille HUSLABin Jorvin sairaalan patologian laboratorioon ilman ammoniakkialkoholi-sinistysliuosta. Aikaisempien kokeilujen perusteella sen oli todettu aiheuttavan muihin koneen liuoksiin haitallisesti vaikuttavia höyryjä. Näytemateriaaleiksi valitsimme virtsa-, pleuraneste-, bronkus-, ja ohutneulabiopsianäytteitä, joista teimme sytosentrifugivalmisteita. Työn lähtökohtana oli värjäysohjelma, jolla sytosentrifugivalmisteita oli aiemmin yritetty värjätä. Kehitimme ohjelmaa muuttamalla yhtä muuttujaa kerrallaan eli muutimme väri- ja alkoholiliuosaikoja sekä kokeilimme differentaation ja sinistyksen vaikutusta. Jokaisen ohjelman jälkeen preparaatit mikroskopoitiin, jotta seuraavaa ohjelmaa osattiin kehittää oikeaan suuntaan. Ohjelmia kehitettiin yhteensä 15 ja ne aakkostettiin kirjaimilla A-O. Työtämme ohjanneet esitarkastaja ja patologi arvioivat arviointikaavakkeen avulla yhdeksän viimeistä värjäystä. He valitsivat niiden värjäysten joukosta kolme värjäystä, jotka annettiin kahdelle muulle esitarkastajalle ja kahdelle patologille arvioitavaksi. Syötimme tulokset SPSS-tilasto-ohjelmaan ja laskimme värjäyksien saamille pisteille keskiarvot. Suurimman pistekeskiarvon sai O-ohjelma, jonka valitsimme sen perusteella parhaaksi eli optimaalisen värjäystuloksen antavaksi ohjelmaksi. Suosittelemme O-ohjelmaa käyttöönotettavaksi Jorvin sairaalan patologian laboratorioon. Laboratoriosta löytyvät kaikki muut tarvittavat reagenssit ja välineet, paitsi Scott's Tap Water-sinistysliuoksessa tarvittava natriumbikarbonaatti. Muuten ohjelma on täysin käyttövalmis.


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This study aims at standardizing the pre-incubation and incubation pH and temperature used in the metachromatic staining method of myofibrillar ATPase activity of myosin (mATPase) used for asses and mules. Twenty four donkeys and 10 mules, seven females and three males, were used in the study. From each animal, fragments from the Gluteus medius muscle were collected and percutaneous muscle biopsy was performed using a 6.0-mm Bergström-type needle. In addition to the metachromatic staining method of mATPase, the technique of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide tetrazolium reductase (NADH-TR) was also performed to confirm the histochemical data. The histochemical result of mATPase for acidic pre-incubation (pH=4.50) and alkaline incubation (pH=10.50), at a temperature of 37ºC, yielded the best differentiation of fibers stained with toluidine blue. Muscle fibers were identified according to the following colors: type I (oxidative, light blue), type IIA (oxidative-glycolytic, intermediate blue) and type IIX (glycolytic, dark blue). There are no reports in the literature regarding the characterization and distribution of different types of muscle fibers used by donkeys and mules when performing traction work, cargo transportation, endurance sports (horseback riding) and marching competitions. Therefore, this study is the first report on the standardization of the mATPase technique for donkeys and mules.


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The Picrosirius-polarization method has been indicated as a selective histochemical stain for collagen detection in tissue sections. This method can also be of value for studying collagen degradation given that, under polarized light, collagen displays birefringence due to its molecular order. The aim of this study is to highlight this staining method as an additional instrument for a rapid and excellent confirmatory diagnosis of the presence of collagenolysis in connective tissue in the vaginal wall with vesical prolapse lesion, in tissue sections. Dramatic changes in collagen morphology were found in vaginal mucosa in vesical prolapse disorder: they were weakly stained by Sirius red and under polarized light appeared as thin, pale (weakly birefringent), greenish, and with fibers more scattered, while the histoarchitecture of the organ showed a disrupted appearance. Thus, in the present study, we showed in vaginal mucosa in the vesicle prolapse that corroded collagenous framework appears as fragmentary and irregularly separated collagenous structures, that are weakly birefringent, corresponding to a molecular disorganization of these fibers caused by collagenolysis. (C) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Trichomonas vaginalis is the etiologic agent of trichomoniasis, the most common non-viral sexually transmitted disease (STD) in the world. The diagnosis is based on wet mount preparation and direct microscopy on fixed and stained clinical specimens. The aim of this study was to compare the performance of different fixing and staining techniques used in the detection of T. vaginalis in urine. The smears were fixed and submitted to different methods of permanent staining and then, the morphological aspects of the parasites were analyzed and compared. The Papanicolaou staining with ethanol as the fixative solution showed to be the best method of permanent staining. Our data suggest that staining techniques in association with wet mount examination of fresh specimens contribute to increase the sensitivity in the diagnosis of trichomoniasis.


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Traditional Periodic Acid Schiff has been extensively used, coupled with immunohistochemistry for epithelia or mesenchymal cells, to highlight renal tubular basement membrane (TBM). We recently tried to perform such technique in a 5/6 nephrectomy model of progressive renal fibrosis to demonstrate TBM disruption as an evidence for epithelial-mesenchymal transdifferentiation. Despite excellent basement membrane staining with traditional fuchsin-Periodic Acid Schiff, the interface between epithelial and mesenchymal cells was frequently blurred when revealed with 3`3 diaminobenzidine tetrachloride-peroxidase. Also, it was inadequate when revealed with alkaline phosphatase-fast red. We devised a triple staining method with Periodic Acid-Thionin Schiff to highlight basement membrane in blue, after double immunostaining for epithelium and mesenchymal cells. Blue basement membrane rendered a brisk contrast and highlighted boundaries between epithelial-mesenchymal interfaces. This method was easy to perform and useful to demonstrate the TBM, yield a clear demonstration of the very focal TBM disruption found in this model of progressive renal fibrosis.


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A single and practical method to slain Malassezia furfur and Corynebacterium minutissimum in lesions' scales is described. The scales are collected by pressing small pieces of scotch tape (about 4 cm lenght and 2 cm width) onto the lesions and following withdrawl the furfuraceous scales will remain on the glue side. These pieces are then immersed for some minutes in lactophenol-cotton blue stain. Following absorption of the stain the scales are washed in current water to remove the excess of blue stain, dried with filter paper, dehydrated via passage in two bottles containing absolute alcohol and then placed in xylene in a centrifugation tube. The xylene dissolves the scotch tape glue and the scales fall free in the tube. After centrifugation and decantation the scales concentrated on the bottom of the tube are collected with a platinum-loop, placed in Canada balsam on a microscopy slide and closed with a cover slip. The preparations are then ready to be submitted to microscopic examination. Other stains may also be used instead of lactophenol-cotton blue. This method is simple, easily performed, and offers good conditions to study these fungi as well as being useful for the diagnosis of the diseases that they cause.


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Measurement of telomerase activity in clinically obtained tumor samples may provide important information for use as both a diagnostic marker and a prognostic indicator for patient outcome. In order to evaluate telomerase activity in tumor tissue without radiolabeling the product, we developed a simple telomeric repeat amplification protocol-silver-staining assay that is less time-consuming, is safe and requires minimal equipment. In addition, we determined the sensitivity of the silver-staining method by using extracts of telomerase-positive thyroid carcinoma cell lines which were serially diluted from 5,000 to 10 cells. Telomerase activity was also assayed in 19 thyroid tumors, 2 normal controls and 27 bone marrow aspirates. The results indicate that the technique permits the detection of telomerase activity from 5000 to as few as 10 cells. We propose that it could be immediately applicable in many laboratories due to the minimal amount of equipment required.


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A comparative study of four different staining methods for estimation of live yeast form cells of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis was carried out. The staining methods used were fluorescent staining, vital dye exclusion tests with erythrosin B and by Janus green and lactophenol cotton blue staining. Colony forming units (cfu) of the yeast form of eight P. brasiliensis isolates on brain heart infusion agar (BHIA) supplemented with 4% horse serum plus 5% P. brasiliensis cell extract (BHIA + HS + EXT) were examined for reliability of staining in determining the number of live fungal units in eight different isolates. Cfu on BHIA + HS + EXT plates showed an excellent plating efficiency over 96% in all isolates tested. The percentage of the live cells indicated by fluorescent staining (FL) or vital dye exclusion test with erythrosin B (EB) or Janus green (JG-1) was lower than that of cfu. By contrast, the percentage due to modified dye exclusion test with Janus green (JG-2) and that due to lactophenol cotton blue staining (LPCB) showed a close correration to that of cfu. Our results indicate that the modified dye exclusion test with Janus green and lactophenol cotton blue staining are useful for estimating cell viability of yeast form cells of P. brasiliensis.


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The pattern of silver nitrate (Ag)-staining differed among testicular lobes of Antiteuchus tripterus. In general, these differences are in regard to the number, size, shape, coloring intensity, and location of the stained bodies or masses, observed during meiosis and spermiogenesis. These characteristics were similar in lobes 1-3. Lobes 4-6, however, differed from each other and from lobes 1-3 as well. Because the Ag-staining method is specific for nucleolar organizing regions and nucleolar material, the observations in meiosis of lobes 1-3 suggested the presence of a single pair of nucleolar organizing region-bearing chromosomes in A. tripterus, as previously found in other Pentatomidae species. In general, the amount of Ag-stained material seen in meiosis of the testicular lobes 1-3 of A. tripterus is smaller than in the other lobes. The differences among lobes observed during spermiogenesis included a striking variation in morphology of the Ag-stained material found in the head and tail of the spermatids. Given that the key role of the nucleolar material is to participate in protein synthesis, interlobular variations seem to be related to the different functions attributed to each lobe (reproduction to lobes 1-3 and basically nutrition to lobes 4-6). To our knowledge, this is the first time that the nucleolar material was studied in each testicular lobe during spermatogenesis. The present observations encourage further studies since, in addition to being of basic biological interest, several Pentatomidae species are agricultural pests and added knowledge of their biology, mainly in reproduction, may be important for the development of control strategies. ©FUNPEC-RP.


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The present work aimed to compare two staining methods for pollen viability evaluation in sugarcane. Pollen from four sugarcane genotypes were collected at three different times (6.00, 8.00 and 9.00 a.m.) and tested for viability using two staining methods (iodine and lactophenol blue). Three anthers, of each genotype were crushed in a glass slide with a drop of the respective stain (iodine 0.1 N and lactophenol blue). The percentage of pollen viability was obtained with an optic microscope (250×) and compared with the pollen germination at culture media where one raquis of each genotype was gentle shaken in a petridish. Three replicates (petri dishes) was performed for each genotype which were maintained at the temperature of 25 °C and air humidity around 95 % for 30 min. The factors (staining methods, genotypes and times) and their interactions were evaluated by the analysis of variance, F test (P < 0.01) and the means compared by the t test (P < 0.05). The lactophenol blue staining was more sensible than the iodine staining method to detect the decrease of pollen viability which occurs naturally in sugarcane. The iodine staining method was more stable and easier than lactophenol to perform the inflorescence classification at any evaluated time (6.00, 8.00 and 9.00 a. m.). Both staining methods overestimated the viability obtained by the germination at culture media when performed at 6.00 a.m. © 2012 Society for Sugar Research & Promotion.


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An Escherichia coli cell-free transcription/translation system was used to explore the high-level incorporation Of L-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA) into proteins by replacing tyrosine with DOPA in the reaction mixtures. ESI-MS showed specific incorporation of DOPA in place of tyrosine. More than 90% DOPA incorporation at each tyrosine site was achieved, allowing the recording of clean N-15-HSQC NMR spectra. A redox-staining method specific for DOPA was shown to provide a sensitive and generally applicable method for assessing the cell-free production of proteins. Of four proteins produced in soluble form in the presence of tyrosine, two resulted in insoluble aggregates in the presence of high levels of DOPA. DOPA has been found in human proteins, often in association with various disease states that implicate protein aggregation and/or misfolding. Our results suggest that misfolded and aggregated proteins may result, in principle, from ribosome-mediated misincorporation of intracellular DOPA accumulated due to oxidative stress. High-yield cell-free protein expression systems are uniquely suited to obtain rapid information on solubility and aggregation of nascent polypeptide chains.


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Diagnosis of the human cyclosporiasis is reported in São Paulo, SP, Brasil. Cyclospora cayetanensis has been identified in the feces of a patient by a modified Kinyoun staining method, with later sporulation in a solution of 2.5% potassium dichromate. The probability that this parasite is the eventual cause of gastrointestinal disturbances in the country was stimulated by this finding, which was arrived at by a simple technique. It had been kept in mind that the disease was expressing itself mainly among immunocompromised patients, whose number is increasing; especially in those with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), which is caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).


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According to epidemiological data, Candida tropicalis has been related to urinary tract infections and haematological malignancy. Several virulence factors seem to be responsible for C. tropicalis infections, for example: their ability to adhere and to form biofilms onto different indwelling medical devices; their capacity to adhere, invade and damage host human tissues due to enzymes production such as proteinases. The main aim of this work was to study the behaviour of C. tropicalis biofilms of different ages (24120 h) formed in artificial urine (AU) and their ability to express aspartyl proteinase (SAPT) genes. The reference strain C. tropicalis ATCC 750 and two C. tropicalis isolates from urine were used. Biofilms were evaluated in terms of culturable cells by colony-forming units enumeration; total biofilm biomass was evaluated using the crystal violet staining method; metabolic activity was evaluated by XTT assay; and SAPT gene expression was determined by real-time PCR. All strains of C. tropicalis were able to form biofilms in AU, although with differences between strains. Candida tropicalis biofilms showed a decrease in terms of the number of culturable cells from 48 to 72 h. Generally, SAPT3 was highly expressed. C. tropicalis strains assayed were able to form biofilms in the presence of AU although in a strain- and time-dependent way, and SAPT genes are expressed during C. tropicalis biofilm formation.


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The quantitative assessment of the age-dependent number of neuritic plaques is essential for the diagnosis of Alzheimer type dementia. This study reports the superiority of a modified Hortega-Globus stain compared to Bielschowsky and Bodian stains applied to samples obtained from ten brains of patients with a clinical history of progressive dementia. In two of ten cases only the modified Hortega-Globus stain allowed confirmation of the diagnosis of senile dementia of the Alzheimer type (SDAT). The counts of neuritic plaques in sections stained by other methods were not sufficient to establish the histological diagnosis of SDAT. These results indicate that the choice of the most sensitive staining method is critical for the correct histopathologic diagnosis of the Alzheimer type dementia.