6 resultados para Panopticism


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The Fundamental Rights Agency of the European Union (FRA) is the EU’s newest, and only, human rights institution. The FRA represents a new way of speaking about rights in the EU, using ‘governance’ language. It was not conceived as a traditional human rights monitoring body and the monitoring mission was actively abandoned in favour of an advisory one. This article examines how the FRA’s governance-related role actually reveals a type of monitoring best understood as ‘surveillance’ in a critical, Foucauldian sense. In exercising surveillance tactics, the FRA represents a model of panopticism which allows it to carry out a new form of government. This is an interesting observation not only because of the implications it has for an EU that is striving to move away from government towards governance, but also because it challenges the assumption of the FRA as a ‘beacon on fundamental rights’ and a model of apolitical progress.


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Throughout history, women have often been perceived as hysterical and weak. This perception has been reflected through the representation of women in literature which has resulted in a limited scope of female normality and morality creating characteristics fundamentally different than male characters. Though these characteristics have been contributed as natural female characteristics, the theories of Jeremy Bentham, a 18th and 19th century Englishman, can be applied as a possible reason for these reactions. Bentham’s Panopticon, the theory of punishment wherein a constant unseen gaze peers at inmates theoretically creating paranoia and psychological breakdown, creates characteristics similar to those that women in literature seem to exhibit. In this paper, I will outline the characteristics of three various characters in novels. First, I will review the Panoptic literature that has been written on The Woman in Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s The Yellow Wallpaper, then I will conduct my own analysis on The Governess in Henry James’ The Turn of the Screw and Jane Eyre in Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre . In this analysis, I will consider the “gaze,” the symbolic Panopticon implemented by society, and argue how characteristics present in stereotypical representations of women are not inherent in women due to gender or sex, but because women are most objectified and thereby most affected by the Panoptic gaze of society.


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O foco central desta tese consiste em procurar compreender um fenômeno que se verifica na atualidade em torno das imagens ultra-sonográficas fetais. O que era a princípio e em princípio uma tecnologia de imagem médica, inventada com propósitos diagnósticos, gradualmente transformou-se em objeto de consumo e lazer. Para investigar o fenômeno, a pesquisa teórica aborda como foram construídos o olhar e o observador modernos, e de que modo as tecnologias de imageamento médico incidem na construção social do corpo. Outro aspecto teórico consiste na investigação, de um ponto de vista sócio-histórico, acerca da produção da gravidez e do feto como temas médicos, e de que modo a tecnologia de ultra-som aplicada à obstetrícia está situada na articulação de vários processos: o da construção de um novo olhar, o das reconfigurações do corpo, o da medicalização da gestação e do feto e, finalmente, o da construção do feto como Pessoa antes de seu nascimento. Estudos antropológicos produzidos no exterior, ao longo da década de 1990, apontaram que o fenômeno envolvendo as imagens fetais encontrava-se inscrito nos e delimitado pelos códigos socioculturais específicos de onde ocorriam. A inexistência de pesquisas acerca do tema, no contexto brasileiro, foi o ponto de partida para uma investigação empírica. Foi realizada uma observação antropológica de ultra-sonografias obstétricas, em abordagem etnográfica, em três clínicas privadas de imagem, ao longo de 2003, no Rio de Janeiro, visando compreender como tal fenômeno se dava, de que modo era produzido e significado pelos atores e quais os desdobramentos de tais práticas, modelados por especificidades culturais locais. O trabalho de campo evidenciou que a ultra-sonografia obstétrica caracteriza-se por ser uma tecnologia de imagem interativa, em contraste com outras técnicas de imageamento médico, uma peculiaridade que propicia a construção de diversos significados a partir das imagens fetais cinzentas e esfumaçadas. A produção do prazer de ver o feto é a pedra de toque que une o útil ao agradável, e o consumo de imagens é um ponto de articulação de diversas questões expostas ao longo da tese. Pode-se pensar nesta situação como parte de um panopticismo que devassa corpos femininos e fetais, em um mesmo processo normatizando-os e construindo novos sujeitos calcados em corporalidades virtuais.


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Gaze hierarchizes, manages and labels reality. Then, according to Foucault, gaze can be understood as a practice of power. This paper is inspired by his theories, and it applies them to one of the most powerful symbolic spheres of Western culture: Greek Myths. Notions such as visibility, invisibility and panopticism bring new light into the story of Perseus and Medusa, and they enable a re-reading of this Myth focused on the different ways of power that emerge from the gaze.


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This thesis is written through the front-line perspective of a child/youth worker who has experienced ‘rupture’ in her personal understanding of the Child Youth Care (CYC) practice. Using a collection of personal journal entries written about her individual experiences of CYC education, mentorship/training, front-line residential practice and frequently used interventions, this thesis takes the reader (and the writer) on a discovery of prominent discourses that exist within the residential CYC profession. Focusing on the use of physical restraints on children by residential Child/Youth Workers, this research project utilizes Deconstructive Discourse Analysis and Liberation Psychologies to illustrate a critical examination of power-knowledge and scientific/medical discourses in CYC practice. By focusing on Foucault’s concepts of disciplinary power, binary division and theory of panopticism, the writer seeks to explore a personal reflection and comprehension of how power is used to assert control over children/youth through mental health treatment and physical interventions.


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The purpose of this essay is to analyze how certain elements of panopticism manage to dismantle the notion of privacy in George Orwell’s novel Nineteen Eighty-Four. By reading the text through a lens of panopticism, a theory introduced by Jeremy Bentham, I give examples on how the surveillance methods used by the Party share similarities with the system of surveillance within a Panoptic prison, but also in what ways that they differ. In the end, it is obvious that the society of Oceania cannot be considered to be a complete Panopticon, although several elements of panopticism are present within the text and that they dismantle the aspect of privacy in the novel.