783 resultados para Palmaz stent
Treatment of arterial traumatic intimal lesions is controversial due to its unknown natural history. Current therapeutical options include arterial reconstruction and clinical observation. The idea of using stents to correct intimal flaps is based on their use to correct dissections, flaps, and arterial irregularities after angioplasty. We report the successful treatment of a traumatic intimal flap of the superficial femoral artery, caused by gunshot trauma, with a Palmaz stent in the acute period. One year after the operation, a duplex scan revealed normal flow in the artery and complete exclusion of the intimal flap; distal pulses were palpable, and the patient was completely asymptomatic.
Descrevem-se dois casos de angioplastia transluminal coronária (ATC) com implante de stents em bifurcação de coronária descendente anterior (DA) com artéria diagonal (DI), destacando-se as técnicas utilizadas. No caso 1, implantou-se na DA um flexistent Gianturco-Roubin (GR) e através de suas hastes, um Palmaz-Schatz (PS) no óstio de DI, com sucesso. O reestudo angiográfico em sete meses mostrou ausência de reestenose. No caso 2, implantou-se metade de um stent PS em DA e outro PS em DI, nesta ordem, também com sucesso. No seguimento clínico de seis meses, paciente encontra-se assintomático.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar retrospectivamente, implante de stent (IS) em paciente com doença arterial coronária (DAC), realizado em 7 hospitais do Rio de Janeiro. MÉTODOS: De junho/94 a dezembro/96, foram realizados 2.220 procedimentos, e desses, analisados 783 IS em 660 (29,7%) pacientes, através da coronariografia sem subtração digital. Os diversos tipos de stent, mais freqüentemente, usados foram: Palmaz-Schatz (40,9%), Gianturco-Roubin (29,1%) e NIR (22,0%). As indicações para o IS foram: lesão de novo, 67,9%; lesão reestenótica, 16,0%; lesão com resultado subótimo da angioplastia transluminal coronária (ATC), 8,2%; oclusão aguda ou provável pós-ATC, 4,9%; oclusão crônica, 3,0%. Todos os stents foram implantados com alta pressão, sem controle pelo ultra-som intracoronário. A prevenção da trombose subaguda, na maioria dos pacientes (87,8%), foi feita com o uso de ticlopidina e ácido acetil-salicílico. RESULTADOS: Evolução imediata: a) sucesso no IS em 770 lesões: 98,0% em 646 (97,9%) pacientes; b) sucesso clínico em 634 (96,0%) casos; c) complicações maiores: infarto agudo do miocárdio (IAM) - 1,1%; cirurgia de revascularização miocárdica (CRM) - 1,4% e óbito - 0,8%; d) complicações vasculares com correção cirúrgica e/ou sangramento - 3,0%. Evolução tardia: a) dos 399 (60,4%) pacientes acompanhados clinicamente, a coronariografia de 121 (30,3%) mostrou retorno da lesão no IS em 79 (19,8%) casos; b) freqüência de outros eventos: IAM - 1,5%; CRM - 2,3%; óbito -1,0% e outra ATC ou procedimento similar - 12,5%. CONCLUSÃO: O estudo multicêntrico mostrou que o IS na DAC pode ser realizado com segurança, alto índice de sucesso imediato, poucas complicações e baixa taxa de eventos cardíacos na evolução tardia.
Mulher de 60 anos, com angina progressiva e revascularização do miocárdio, há oito anos, com ponte de veia safena para coronária direita e anastomose de artéria mamaria esquerda para artéria descendente anterior. Submetida a implante de stent Gianturco-Roubin II em terço proximal da ponte de veia safena para artéria coronária direita, com resultado insatisfatório pela persistência de lesão residual, provavelmente, decorrente de prolapso para dentro da luz de material aterosclerótico através dos coils. Foi implantado outro stent (Palmaz-Schatz biliar) dentro do stent GRII com sucesso e ótimo resultado angiográfico. Um 2º stent Palmaz-Schatz biliar foi implantado em lesão distal no corpo da ponte, ultrapassando os dois stents, anteriormente implantados, com sucesso. Em algumas situações, implante de stent dentro de outro stent é recurso útil para otimização de resultado angiográfico do implante de um stent.
PURPOSE: To report the authors' initial experience with carotid artery stent-grafts in a comparatively large patient series for the treatment of acute bleeding and impending rupture or the prevention of distal embolization. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This retrospective study was approved by the institutional review boards and performed according to HIPPA standards. Twenty-five patients were treated with 27 carotid artery stent-grafts (Gore Viabahn, n = 10; Bard Fluency, n = 9; polytetrafluoroethylene-covered Palmaz, n = 5; and Wallgraft, n = 3). Thirteen stent-grafts were placed in patients with carotid blow-out syndrome (including three patients with carotid-airway fistula), 12 in patients with either pseudoaneurysm (n = 9) or true aneurysm (n = 3), and two in patients with intractable high-grade bare stent restenosis. RESULTS: The technical success rate was 100% (27 of 27 cases). No acute procedural transient ischemic attacks or strokes occurred. Procedural dissections occurred in two of the 27 cases (7.4%). Short-term complications occurred in three of the 27 cases (11%) (repeat hemorrhage, n = 2; common carotid artery occlusion, n = 1). The overall patient mortality rate was 36% (nine of 25 patients, all with carotid blow-out syndrome). Six-month follow-up in 15 of the 16 living patients demonstrated widely patent stent-grafts. Two patients with pseudoaneurysm also demonstrated patent stents at 18- and 33-month follow-up. CONCLUSIONS: Stent-grafts may be useful in the treatment of carotid artery bleeding syndrome, aneurysm, and stenosis, with a high procedural success rate in selected cases. The results of mid-term follow-up are encouraging, but results of long-term follow-up must be evaluated in future studies.
Objectives: We compared 12-month outcomes, regarding ischemic events, repeat intervention, and ST, between diabetic and nondiabetic patients treated with the Genous (TM) EPC capturing R stent (TM) during routine nonurgent percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) using data from the multicenter, prospective worldwide e-HEALING registry. Background: Diabetic patients have an increased risk for restenosis and stent thrombosis (ST). Methods: In the 4,996 patient e-HEALING registry, 273 were insulin requiring diabetics (IRD), 963 were non-IRD (NIRD), and 3,703 were nondiabetics. The 12-month primary outcome was target vessel failure (TVF), defined as target vessel-related cardiac death or myocardial infarction (MI) and target vessel revascularization. Secondary outcomes were the composite of cardiac death, MI or target lesion revascularization (TLR), and individual outcomes including ST. Cumulative event rates were estimated with the Kaplan-Meier method and compared with a log-rank test. Results: TVF rates were respectively 13.4% in IRD, 9.0% in NIRD, and 7.9% in nondiabetics (P < 0.01). This was mainly driven by a higher mortality hazard in IRD (P < 0.001) and NIRD (P = 0.07), compared with nondiabetics. TLR rates were comparable in NIRD and nondiabetics, but significantly higher in IRD (P = 0.04). No difference was observed in ST. Conclusion: The 1-year results of the Genous stent in a real-world population of diabetics show higher TVF rates in diabetics compared with nondiabetics, mainly driven by a higher mortality hazard. IRD is associated with a significant higher TLR hazard. Definite or probable ST in all diabetic patients was comparable with nondiabetics. (J Interven Cardiol 2011;24:285-294)
Aims: e-HEALING is a worldwide, internet-based registry designed to capture post marketing clinical data on the use of the Genous (TM) EPC capturing R stent (TM). Rapid restoration of a healthy endothelial layer after stent placement by capturing circulating endothelial progenitor cells may reduce both stent thrombosis (ST) and in-stent-restenosis. Methods and results: We planned a 5,000 patient registry with >= 1 lesion suitable for stenting. The 12-month primary outcome was target vessel failure (TVF), defined as target vessel-related cardiac death or myocardial infarction (MI) and target vessel revascularisation. Secondary outcomes were the composite of cardiac death, MI or target lesion revascularisation (TLR), and individual outcomes including ST. A total of 4,939 patients received >= 1 Genous stent between 2005 and 2007. Baseline characteristics showed a median age of 63 years, 79% males, 25% diabetics, and 37% with prior MI. A total of 49% of lesions treated were ACC/AHA type B2 or C; 1.1 stents per lesion were used. At 12 months, TVF occurred in 8.4% and the composite of cardiac death, MI or TLR in 7.9%. Twelve-month TLR and ST were 5.7% and 1.1%, respectively. Conclusions: Coronary stenting with the Genous results in good clinical outcomes, and low incidences of repeat revascularisation and ST.
Aims: There remains significant concern about the long-term safety of drug-eluting stents (DES). However, bare metal stents (BMS) have been used safely for over two decades. There is therefore a pressing need to explore alternative strategies for reducing restenosis with BMS. This study was designed to examine whether IVUS-guided cutting balloon angioplasty (CBA) with BMS could convey similar restenosis rates to DES. Methods and results: In the randomised REstenosis reDUction by Cutting balloon angioplasty Evaluation (REDUCE III) study, 521 patients were divided into four groups based on device and IVUS use before BMS (IVUS-CBA-BMS: 137 patients; Angio-CBA-BMS: 123; IVUS-BA-BMS: 142; and Angio-BA-BMS: 119). At follow-up, the IVUS-CBA-BMS group had a significantly lower restenosis rate (6.6%) than the other groups (p=0.016). We performed a quantitative coronary angiography (QCA) based matched comparison between an IVUS-guided CBA-BMS strategy (REDUCE III) and a DES strategy (Rapamycin-Eluting-Stent Evaluation At Rotterdam Cardiology. Hospital, the RESEARCH study). We matched the presence of diabetes, vessel size, and lesion severity by QCA. Restenosis (>50% diameter stenosis at follow-up) and target vessel revascularisation (TVR) were examined. QCA-matched comparison resulted in 120-paired lesions. While acute gain was significantly greater in IVUS-CBA-BMS than DES (1.65 +/- 0.41 mm vs. 1.28 +/- 0.57 mm, p=0.001), late loss was significantly less with DES than with IVUS-CBA-BMS (0.03 +/- 0.42 mm vs. 0.80 +/- 0.47 mm, p=0.001). However, no difference was found in restenosis rates (IVUS-CBA-BMS: 6.6% vs. DES: 5.0%, p=0.582) and TVR (6.6% and 6.6%, respectively). Conclusions: An IVUS-guided CBA-BMS strategy yielded restenosis rates similar to those achieved by DES and provided an effective alternative to the use of DES.
PURPOSE: To report a series of patients with symptomatic internal carotid artery (ICA) occlusion treated with angioplasty and stents. MATERIALS AND METHODS: From a consecutive series of 50 patients experiencing neurologic ischemic symptoms and shown by conventional ultrasonography (US) to have a total ICA occlusion, 16 patients (ages 45-79 years; mean, 63 y; 10 men) were selected between August 2006 to September 2008 to be treated with angioplasty based on discovery of an open ICA distal to the occlusion through contrast-enhanced echo Doppler imaging and/or multislice contrast computed tomography (CT). Angioplasty and stent placement were performed under cerebral protection. Follow-up duplex imaging was performed at 14 days and 3 months and every 6 months thereafter and CT follow-up was performed at 2-9 months; the mean follow-up period was 9.9 months. RESULTS: Lesion crossing and stent placement was successful in 13 of 16 patients. There were no deaths, conversions, cardiac complications, or major strokes. One patient had a transient mild hemiparesis in the upper limb, with total recovery in 3 months. At follow-up, all 13 patients with a good initial result remained with patent arterial lumens and resolution of neurologic ischemic symptoms. After 2-9 months, ICAs with a ""string sign"" had calibers close or equal to those of normal arteries. CONCLUSIONS: Angioplasty with stent placement is an effective treatment with a low morbidity rate for selected patients who continue to experience neurologic ischemic symptoms despite US findings of total occlusion of the ICA.
Purpose: To analyze in an experimental animal model the effect of 4 different levels of stents-graft oversizing on non-atherosclerotic aortas such as those found in young individuals who undergo stent-graft repair for traumatic aortic injuries. Methods: The diameter of the porcine thoracic aorta is similar to the aorta of young adults (18-20 mm), so 25 pigs were randomized into 5 groups: 1 control (without stent-graft) and 4 oversizing groups (A: 10%-19%, B: 20%-29%, C: 30%-39%, and D: >40%). Two types of biomechanical tests were performed on all aortas 4 weeks after endoprosthesis deployment. Results: The results of the detachment test, which analyzed the strength necessary to remove the stent-graft from the aorta, were similar in the 4 groups (A: 42 N, B: 41 N, C: 46 N, and D: 46 N). However, 2 aortas ruptured during the tests (groups C and D). The second test was performed in 3 aortic segments. Maximum shear strength, maximum stress, and maximum tension supported by the aortic wall had a negative and linear correlation with oversizing. There were significant differences in all 4 groups when compared with the control group. Strain, which reflects the elastic properties of the aortic wall, was very similar in all 4 groups, but a great difference was found when compared with the control group (p<0.0001). Conclusion: The study showed an important subacute change in the biomechanical properties of the aortic wall after implantation of an oversized endoprosthesis. This weakness of the aortic wall was confirmed by 2 ruptures during the detachment test. These results partially explain the interaction of stent-grafts with non-atherosclerotic thoracic aortas and may serve as a basis for further studies and the development of specific material to be used in vascular trauma and young patients. J Endovasc Ther. 2011; 18: 576-584
Background Curative resection of pancreatic and biliary malignancies is rare. Most tumors are inoperable at presentation, and palliation of jaundice often is the goal. Biliary decompression can be achieved by surgical diversion or endoscopic biliary stents. This study aimed to compare clinical outcomes between surgical bypass and endoscopic uncovered nitinol stents in the palliation of patients with malignant distal common bile duct obstruction. Methods A multicenter, retrospective, cohort study investigated 86 patients with inoperable malignant distal common bile duct strictures at tertiary referral centers in Medellin, Colombia. These patients had undergone surgery (group 1) or placement of an uncovered 30-Fr self-expandable nitinol stent produced locally in Medellin, Colombia (group 2). The main outcome measurements included cumulative biliary patency, hospital stay, and patient survival. Results The study enrolled 86 patients (mean age, 66 years; range, 43-78 years) including 40 patients in group 1 and 46 patients in group 2. Both groups were similar in terms of age, gender, liver metastasis, and diagnosis. Technical success was achieved for 38 patients in group 1 (95%) and 43 patients in group 2 (93%). Functional biliary decompression was obtained in for 35 of the surgical patients (88%) and 42 of the stented patients (91%). Group 2 had lower rates for procedure-related mortality (2 vs. 7.5%; p = 0.01), a lower frequency of early complications (8.7 vs. 45%; p = 0.02), and a shorter hospital stay (median, 6 vs. 12 days; p = 0.01). Recurrent jaundice occurred for three patients in group 1 (7.5%) and eight patients in group 2 (17.3%) (p = 0.198). Late gastric outlet obstruction occurred for 12.5% of the patients in group 1 and 13% of the patients in group 2 (p = 0.73). Despite the early benefits of stenting, no significant difference in the median overall survival between the two groups was found (group 1, 163 days; group 2, 178 days; p = 0.11). The limitations of this study included the small number of patients and the retrospective design. Conclusions Endoscopic stenting and surgery are effective palliation. The former is associated with fewer early complications and the latter with fewer late complications. Patients who do not qualify for curative resection may be better managed by stent placement. Surgery should be reserved for patients more likely to survive longer.
Carotid artery stenosis due to arteriosclerosis increases the risk of cerebral ischemia via embolic phenomena or reduced blood flow. The changes in cerebral perfusion that may occur after treatment are not clearly understood. This study evaluated the changes in cerebral microcirculation following carotid angioplasty with stenting (CAS) under cerebral protection with filters using ultrafast gradient echo (GRE) perfusion weighted imaging (PWI) with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Prospectively, 21 cervical carotid stenosis patients, mean age 69.95 years, underwent MRI 12 h before and 72 h after CAS. PWI parameters were collected for statistical analysis: cerebral blood volume (CB V), mean transit time (MTT) and time to peak (TTP). Statistical analysis was applied to absolute parameters and to values normalized against those from the contralateral parenchyma. The main finding of this study was improved hemodynamics for the normalized data after CAS, shown by reduced MTT (p<0.001) and TTP (p=0.019) in the territory fed by the middle cerebral artery ipsilateral to the CAS. Absolute data showed increased blood volume in the cerebral hemispheres after CAS, which was more accentuated on the stent side (p=0.016) than the contralateral side (p=0.029). Early improvements in cerebral perfusion, mainly seen in the normalized data, were clearly demonstrated in the timing parameters - TTP & MTT - after CAS.
Comparative studies between 5 French guiding catheter and others of larger size using the transfemoral approach to coronary stenting have not been described. Coronary stent implantation was performed in 90 patients in a randomized trial. The primary end-point was to compare the incidence of successful uncomplicated stent implantation per lesion with the 5F and 7F guiding catheters. Patients were excluded for excessive vessel tortuosity or anticipated need for equipment not fitting through a 5 catheter. Baseline characteristics and the use of direct stenting did not differ between the two groups. The primary success rate was 97.8% per patient in both groups and 98% per lesion in the 5 French and 97.9% in the 7 French. Guiding catheter change was necessary in 1 patient in each group to successfully complete the procedure in both groups. The amount of contrast used was 63 +/- 27.3 mL in the 5 French and 76 +/- 25 mL in the 7 French groups (P < 0.05). Vascular complications and blood transfusions occurred somewhat more frequently in the 7 French group (P = 0.058). The manual compression time after sheath removal was 5.1 +/- 2.0 min and 8.0 +/- 4.3 min, respectively, in the 5 and 7 French groups (P < 0.01). In conclusion, the 5 French guiding catheters showed a similar success rate with coronary stenting when compared to the 7 French, but the amount of contrast used and manual compression time after sheath removal, as well as the rate of vascular and bleeding complications, were reduced in the 5 French group.
Background. Severely resorbed mandibles often present a short band of keratinized tissue associated with a shallow vestibule. As a result, prominent muscle insertions are present, especially in the mental region of the mandible. This case report describes the deepening of the vestibular sulcus in an atrophic mandible by combining free gingival grafts harvested from the palate and a postoperative acrylic resin stent screwed on osseointegrated implants placed at the anterior region of the mandible. Study design. During the second-stage surgery, a split-thickness labial flap was reflected and apically sutured onto the periosteum. Two free gingival grafts were obtained and then sutured at this recipient site. A previously custom-made acrylic stent was then screwed onto the most distally positioned implants. To document the procedure`s stability over time, a metal ball was placed in the most apical part of the vestibule and standardized cephalometric radiographs were taken before and 6 months after the procedure. Linear measurements of vestibular depths over the observation time were realized using specific software for radiographic analysis. Results. The proposed technique augmented the band of attached masticatory mucosa, deepened the vestibule and prevented the muscle reinsertion. The difference between the 2 measurements of vestibular depths was 9.39 mm (initial 20.88 mm, final 11.49 mm) after a 6-month postoperative period. Conclusion. The technique, in combination with palatal mucosal graft and use of a postoperative stent, decreased the pull of mentalis muscle and provided a peri-implantally stable soft tissue around implants. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2008; 106: e7-e14)
An aneurysm is a localized blood-filled dilatation of an artery whose consequences can be deadly. One of its current treatments is endovascular aneurysm repair, a minimally invasive procedure in which an endoprosthesis, called a stent-graft, is placed transluminally to prevent wall rupture. Early stent-grafts were custom designed for the patient through the assembling of off-the-shelf components by the operating surgeon. However, nowadays, stent-grafts have become a commercial product. The existing endoprostheses differ in several aspects, such as shape design and materials, but they have in common a metallic scaffold with a polymeric covering membrane. This article aims to gather relevant information for those who wish to understand the principles of stent-grafts and even to develop new devices. Hence, a stent-graft classification based on different characteristics is presented and the desired features for an ideal device are pointed out. Additionally, the materials currently in use to fabricate this type of endoprosthesis are reviewed and new materials are suggested.