5 resultados para Paleoprecipitation
Paleogene sedimentary rocks of the Arkose Ridge Formation (Talkeetna Mountains, Alaska) preserve a record of a fluvial-lacustrine depositional environment and its forested ecosystem in an active basin among the convergent margin tectonic processes that shaped southern Alaska. An -800 m measured succession at Box Canyon indicates braid-plain deposition with predominantly gravelly deposits low in the exposure to sandy and muddy facies associations below an overlying lava flow sequence. U-Pb geochronology on zircons from a tuff and a sandstone within the measured section, as well as an Ar/Ar date from the overlying lava constrain the age of the sedimentary succession to between similar to 59 Ma and 48 Ma Fossil plant remains occur throughout the Arkose Ridge Formation as poorly-preserved coalified woody debris and fragmentary leaf impressions. At Box Canyon, however, a thin la-custrine depositional lens of rhythmically laminated mudrocks yielded fish fossils and a well-preserved floral assemblage including foliage and reproductive organs representing conifers, sphenopsids, monocots, and dicots. Leaf physiognomic methods to estimate paleoclimate were applied to the dicot leaf collection and indicate warm temperate paleotemperatures (-11-15 +/- -4 degrees C MAT) and elevated paleoprecipitation (-120 cm/yr MAP) estimates as compared to modem conditions; results that are parallel with previously published estimates from the partly coeval Chickaloon Formation deposited in more distal depositional environments in the same basin. The low abundance of leaf herbivory in the Box Canyon dicot assemblage (-9% of leaves damaged) is also similar to the results from assemblages in the meander-plain depositional systems of the Chickaloon. This new suite of data informs models of the tectonostratigraphic evolution of southern Alaska and the developing understanding of terrestrial paleoecology and paleoclimate at high latitudes during the Late Paleocene-Early Eocene greenhouse climate phase. (c) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The oxygen isotopic composition of precipitation (δ18Oprec) is well known to be a valuable (paleo-)climate proxy. Paleosols and sediments and hemicelluloses therein have the potential to serve as archives recording the isotopic composition of paleoprecipitation. In a companion paper (Zech et al., 2014) we investigated δ18Ohemicellulose values of plants grown under different climatic conditions in a climate chamber experiment. Here we present results of compound-specific δ18O analyses of arabinose, fucose and xylose extracted from modern topsoils (n = 56) along a large humid-arid climate transect in Argentina in order to answer the question whether hemicellulose biomarkers in soils reflect δ18Oprec. The results from the field replications indicate that the homogeneity of topsoils with regard to δ18Ohemicellulose is very high for most of the 20 sampling sites. Standard deviations for the field replications are 1.5‰, 2.2‰ and 1.7‰, for arabinose, fucose and xylose, respectively. Furthermore, all three hemicellulose biomarkers reveal systematic and similar trends along the climate gradient. However, the δ18Ohemicellulose values (mean of the three sugars) do not correlate positively with δ18Oprec (r = −0.54, p < 0.014, n = 20). By using a Péclet-modified Craig-Gordon (PMCG) model it can be shown that the δ18Ohemicellulose values correlate highly significantly with modeled δ18Oleaf water values (r = 0.81, p < 0.001, n = 20). This finding suggests that hemicellulose biomarkers in (paleo-)soils do not simply reflect δ18Oprec but rather δ18Oprec altered by evaporative 18O enrichment of leaf water due to evapotranspiration. According to the modeling results, evaporative 18O enrichment of leaf water is relatively low (∼10‰) in the humid northern part of the Argentinian transect and much higher (up to 19‰) in the arid middle and southern part of the transect. Model sensitivity tests corroborate that changes in relative air humidity exert a dominant control on evaporative 18O enrichment of leaf water and thus δ18Ohemicellulose, whereas the effect of temperature changes is of minor importance. While oxygen exchange and degradation effects seem to be negligible, further factors needing consideration when interpreting δ18Ohemicellulose values obtained from (paleo-)soils are evaporative 18O enrichment of soil water, seasonality effects, wind effects and in case of abundant stem/root-derived organic matter input a partial loss of the evaporative 18O enrichment of leaf water. Overall, our results prove that compound-specific δ18O analyses of hemicellulose biomarkers in soils and sediments are a promising tool for paleoclimate research. However, disentangling the two major factors influencing δ18Ohemicellulose, namely δ18Oprec and relative air humidity controlled evaporative 18O enrichment of leaf water, is challenging based on δ18O analyses alone.
Registros isotópicos de oxigênio obtidos em alta resolução das estalagmites CL2 e MAG das cavernas Calixto e Marota, região da Chapada Diamantina (CD) (12ºS), Estado da Bahia, sul do Nordeste brasileiro (sNEB), permitiram reconstituir as mudanças passadas da precipitação entre 165-128 e 59-39 mil anos A.P. Para a reconstituição paleoclimática considerou-se resultados de um estudo de calibração realizado em duas cavernas da CD o qual demonstrou uma relação entre composição isotópica da água meteórica e de gotejamento e sugeriu um ambiente adequado para a deposição do espeleotema em condições equilíbrio e/ou próximas com a água de gotejamento. A interpretação da paleoprecipitação através dos registros isotópicos \'\'delta\' POT.18\'O das estalagmites também foi baseada na relação entre composição isotópica da água da precipitação e a quantidade de chuva obtidos em estações da IAEA-GNIP no Brasil e de simulações das variações do \'\'delta\' POT.18\'O da chuva através do modelo climático ECHAM-4. Esses dados indicaram o efeito quantidade (amount effect) como fator preponderante de controle isotópico da água da chuva que formam os espeleotemas na CD, significando que a diminuição dos valores de \'\'delta\' POT.18\'O está associada ao aumento do volume de chuvas e vice-versa. Os registros de \'\'delta\' POT.18\'O dos espeleotemas permitiram reconstituir a variação da paleoprecipitação na escala orbital e milenar durante o penúltimo glacial bem como correlacionar mudanças na paleoprecipitação no sNEB com eventos milenares registrados na Groelândia no último glacial. Os registros da CD indicaram um aumento (diminuição) da paleoprecipitação na Bahia relacionado a diminuição (aumento) da insolação austral de verão a 10ºS durante o penúltimo glacial, similar ao observado no último ciclo precessional. Na escala orbital os registros da CD estiveram em antifase com os paleoindicadores isotópicos do Sudeste brasileiro e em fase com os valores de\'\'delta\' POT.18\'O dos espeleotemas do leste da China. Esse padrão de precipitação é similar ao observado na última glaciação e sugere que a variação na insolação de verão afetou as monções sul-americanas (MSA) promovendo mudanças na precipitação no sNEB no penúltimo glacial. Condições áridas no sNEB durante o aumento da insolação de verão estariam provavelmente associadas ao aprofundamento da subsidência de ar provocado pelo fortalecimento da circulação leste-oeste da MSA devido ao aumento das atividades convectivas na Amazônia o que teria, favorecido um posicionamento mais a sul da Zona de Convergência do Atlântico Sul (ZCAS). O oposto também ocorreria durante as fases de baixa insolação de verão quando a MSA estaria provavelmente mais desintensificada. Durante o penúltimo glacial (Terminação Glacial II) abruptas oscilações nos registros da CD para valores mais baixos de \'\'delta\' POT.18\'O indicaram um profundo aumento da precipitação coincidente com o evento Heinrich (H11). Nesse período a paleoprecipitação no sNEB esteve correlacionada negativamente com as mudanças climáticas na China e no oeste amazônico (Peru) e positivamente com o Sudeste brasileiro. Interpretou-se que as anomalias positivas da precipitação no sNEB podem ter estado relacionadas ao deslocamento para sul da Zona de Convergência Intertropical (ZCIT) bem como com a intensificação da MSA e ZCAS nesse período. Finalmente, oscilações isotópicas abruptas para valores mais altos observadas durante o estágio marinho isotópico 3 coincidentes com os eventos quentes registrados na Groelândia, denominados de eventos Dansgaard-Oeschger (DO), foram interpretados como a ocorrência de eventos muito secos no sNEB. Essas variações da precipitação na escala milenar, que estão em fase com os registros no Peru, podem ter estado relacionadas ao deslocamento para norte da ZCIT o que teria promovido uma profunda desintensificação da MSA.
Plant leaf wax hydrogen isotope (dDwax) reconstructions are increasingly being used to reconstruct hydrological change. This approach is based upon the assumption that variations in hydroclimatic variables, and in particular, the isotopic composition of precipitation (dDP), dominate dDwax. However modern calibration studies suggest that offsets between plant types may bias the dDwax hydrological proxy at times of vegetation change. In this study, I pair leaf wax analyses with published pollen data to quantify this effect and construct the first vegetation-corrected hydrogen isotopic evidence for precipitation (dDcorrP). In marine sediments from Deep Sea Drilling Program Site 231 in the Gulf of Aden spanning 11.4-3.8 Ma (late Miocene and earliest Pliocene), I find 77 per mil swings in dDwax that correspond to pollen evidence for substantial vegetation change. Similarities between dDP and dDcorrP imply that the hydrological tracer is qualitatively robust to vegetation change. However, computed vegetation corrections can be as large as 31 per mil indicating substantial quantitative uncertainty in the raw hydrological proxy. The resulting dDcorrP values quantify hydrological change and allow us to identify times considerably wetter than modern at 11.09, 7.26, 5.71 and 3.89 Ma. More generally, this novel interpretative framework builds the foundations of improved quantitative paleohydrological reconstructions with the dDwax proxy, in contexts where vegetation change may bias the plant-based proxy. The vegetation corrected paleoprecipitation reconstruction dDcorrP, represents the best available estimate as proof-of-concept, for an approach that I hope will be refined and more broadly applied.
The branched vs. isoprenoid tetraether (BIT) index is based on the relative abundance of branched tetraether lipids (brGDGTs) and the isoprenoidal GDGT crenarchaeol. In Lake Challa sediments the BIT index has been applied as a proxy for local monsoon precipitation on the assumption that the primary source of brGDGTs is soil washed in from the lake's catchment. Since then, microbial production within the water column has been identified as the primary source of brGDGTs in Lake Challa sediments, meaning that either an alternative mechanism links BIT index variation with rainfall or that the proxy's application must be reconsidered. We investigated GDGT concentrations and BIT index variation in Lake Challa sediments at a decadal resolution over the past 2200 years, in combination with GDGT time-series data from 45 monthly sediment-trap samples and a chronosequence of profundal surface sediments.
Our 2200-year geochemical record reveals high-frequency variability in GDGT concentrations, and therefore in the BIT index, superimposed on distinct lower-frequency fluctuations at multi-decadal to century timescales. These changes in BIT index are correlated with changes in the concentration of crenarchaeol but not with those of the brGDGTs. A clue for understanding the indirect link between rainfall and crenarchaeol concentration (and thus thaumarchaeotal abundance) was provided by the observation that surface sediments collected in January 2010 show a distinct shift in GDGT composition relative to sediments collected in August 2007. This shift is associated with increased bulk flux of settling mineral particles with high Ti / Al ratios during March–April 2008, reflecting an event of unusually high detrital input to Lake Challa concurrent with intense precipitation at the onset of the principal rain season that year. Although brGDGT distributions in the settling material are initially unaffected, this soil-erosion event is succeeded by a massive dry-season diatom bloom in July–September 2008 and a concurrent increase in the flux of GDGT-0. Complete absence of crenarchaeol in settling particles during the austral summer following this bloom indicates that no Thaumarchaeota bloom developed at that time. We suggest that increased nutrient availability, derived from the eroded soil washed into the lake, caused the massive bloom of diatoms and that the higher concentrations of ammonium (formed from breakdown of this algal matter) resulted in a replacement of nitrifying Thaumarchaeota, which in typical years prosper during the austral summer, by nitrifying bacteria. The decomposing dead diatoms passing through the suboxic zone of the water column probably also formed a substrate for GDGT-0-producing archaea. Hence, through a cascade of events, intensive rainfall affects thaumarchaeotal abundance, resulting in high BIT index values.
Decade-scale BIT index fluctuations in Lake Challa sediments exactly match the timing of three known episodes of prolonged regional drought within the past 250 years. Additionally, the principal trends of inferred rainfall variability over the past two millennia are consistent with the hydroclimatic history of equatorial East Africa, as has been documented from other (but less well dated) regional lake records. We therefore propose that variation in GDGT production originating from the episodic recurrence of strong soil-erosion events, when integrated over (multi-)decadal and longer timescales, generates a stable positive relationship between the sedimentary BIT index and monsoon rainfall at Lake Challa. Application of this paleoprecipitation proxy at other sites requires ascertaining the local processes which affect the productivity of crenarchaeol by Thaumarchaeota and brGDGTs.