993 resultados para Paediatric cancer


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Until now, studies confirming the safety of glycopeptide restriction in the empirical treatment of prolonged fever and neutropenia included only nine children. In an open-label observational study, the use of teicoplanin in paediatric oncology patients was investigated. A period of unrestricted use (2001-2003) was compared with a second period (2004) following implementation of a restrictive treatment guideline. Empirical first-line treatment consisted of piperacillin/tazobactam; in 2004, fosfomycin was added after 72 h as the second-line combination instead of teicoplanin. In total, 213 episodes (n=163 in 2001-2003; n=50 in 2004) managed with teicoplanin or fosfomycin (only 2004) were eligible. Empirical treatment of fever of unknown origin with teicoplanin was reduced by 97%. In 2004, the mean length of stay was 0.4 days shorter, no infection-related death occurred and no vancomycin-resistant enterococci were detected. Restriction of empirical glycopeptides is safe in paediatric cancer patients after first-line treatment with piperacillin/tazobactam. Fosfomycin appears to offer a feasible and cost-saving alternative in second-line combination therapy.


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H-ficolin (Hakata antigen, ficolin-3) activates the lectin pathway of complement similar to mannose-binding lectin. However, its impact on susceptibility to infection is currently unknown. This study investigated whether the serum concentration of H-ficolin at diagnosis is associated with fever and neutropenia (FN) in paediatric cancer patients. H-ficolin was measured by time-resolved immunofluorometric assay in serum taken at cancer diagnosis from 94 children treated with chemotherapy. The association of FN episodes with H-ficolin serum concentration was analysed by multivariate Poisson regression. Median concentration of H-ficolin in serum was 26 mg/l (range 6-83). Seven (7%) children had low H-ficolin (< 14 mg/l). During a cumulative chemotherapy exposure time of 82 years, 177 FN episodes were recorded, 35 (20%) of them with bacteraemia. Children with low H-ficolin had a significantly increased risk to develop FN [relative risk (RR) 2.24; 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.38-3.65; P = 0.004], resulting in prolonged duration of hospitalization and of intravenous anti-microbial therapy. Bacteraemia occurred more frequently in children with low H-ficolin (RR 2.82; CI 1.02-7.76; P = 0.045). In conclusion, low concentration of H-ficolin was associated with an increased risk of FN, particularly FN with bacteraemia, in children treated with chemotherapy for cancer. Low H-ficolin thus represents a novel risk factor for chemotherapy-related infections.


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PURPOSE OF REVIEW Fever and neutropenia is the most common complication in the treatment of childhood cancer. This review will summarize recent publications that focus on improving the management of this condition as well as those that seek to optimize translational research efforts. RECENT FINDINGS A number of clinical decision rules are available to assist in the identification of low-risk fever and neutropenia however few have undergone external validation and formal impact analysis. Emerging evidence suggests acute fever and neutropenia management strategies should include time to antibiotic recommendations, and quality improvement initiatives have focused on eliminating barriers to early antibiotic administration. Despite reported increases in antimicrobial resistance, few studies have focused on the prediction, prevention, and optimal treatment of these infections and the effect on risk stratification remains unknown. A consensus guideline for paediatric fever and neutropenia research is now available and may help reduce some of the heterogeneity between studies that have previously limited the translation of evidence into clinical practice. SUMMARY Risk stratification is recommended for children with cancer and fever and neutropenia. Further research is required to quantify the overall impact of this approach and to refine exactly which children will benefit from early antibiotic administration as well as modifications to empiric regimens to cover antibiotic-resistant organisms.


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UNLABELLED In a prospective multicentre study of bloodstream infection (BSI) from November 01, 2007 to July 31, 2010, seven paediatric cancer centres (PCC) from Germany and one from Switzerland included 770 paediatric cancer patients (58% males; median age 8.3 years, interquartile range (IQR) 3.8-14.8 years) comprising 153,193 individual days of surveillance (in- and outpatient days during intensive treatment). Broviac catheters were used in 63% of all patients and Ports in 20%. One hundred forty-two patients (18%; 95% CI 16 to 21%) experienced at least one BSI (179 BSIs in total; bacteraemia 70%, bacterial sepsis 27%, candidaemia 2%). In 57%, the BSI occurred in inpatients, in 79% after conventional chemotherapy. Only 56 % of the patients showed neutropenia at BSI onset. Eventually, patients with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) or acute myeloblastic leukaemia (AML), relapsed malignancy and patients with a Broviac faced an increased risk of BSI in the multivariate analysis. Relapsed malignancy (16%) was an independent risk factor for all BSI and for Gram-positive BSI. CONCLUSION This study confirms relapsed malignancy as an independent risk factor for BSIs in paediatric cancer patients. On a unit level, data on BSIs in this high-risk population derived from prospective surveillance are not only mandatory to decide on empiric antimicrobial treatment but also beneficial in planning and evaluating preventive bundles. WHAT IS KNOWN • Paediatric cancer patients face an increased risk of nosocomial bloodstream infections (BSIs). • In most cases, these BSIs are associated with the use of a long-term central venous catheter (Broviac, Port), severe and prolonged immunosuppression (e.g. neutropenia) and other chemotherapy-induced alterations of host defence mechanisms (e.g. mucositis). What is New: • This study is the first multicentre study confirming relapsed malignancy as an independent risk factor for BSIs in paediatric cancer patients. • It describes the epidemiology of nosocomial BSI in paediatric cancer patients mainly outside the stem cell transplantation setting during conventional intensive therapy and argues for prospective surveillance programmes to target and evaluate preventive bundle interventions.


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Background: This study provides the latest available relative survival data for Australian childhood cancer patients. Methods: Data from the population-based Australian Paediatric Cancer Registry were used to describe relative survival outcomes using the period method for 11 903 children diagnosed with cancer between 1983 and 2006 and prevalent at any time between 1997 and 2006. Results: The overall relative survival was 90.4% after 1 year, 79.5% after 5 years and 74.7% after 20 years. Where information onstage at diagnosis was available (lymphomas, neuroblastoma, renal tumours and rhabdomyosarcomas), survival was significantly poorer for more-advanced stage. Survival was lower among infants compared with other children for those diagnosed with leukaemia, tumours of the central nervous system and renal tumours but higher for neuroblastoma. Recent improvements in overall childhood cancer survival over time are mainly because of improvements among leukaemia patients. Conclusion: The high and improving survival prognosis for children diagnosed with cancer in Australia is consistent with various international estimates. However, a 5-year survival estimate of 79% still means that many children who are diagnosed with cancer will die within 5 years, whereas others have long-term health morbidities and complications associated with their treatments. It is hoped that continued developments in treatment protocols will result in further improvements in survival.


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Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att beskriva de copingstrategier som föräldrar och syskon till barn med cancer använde för att hantera problem under vårdtiden, samt att beskriva vilka faktorer som påverkade dessa copingstrategier. Litteratursökningen utfördes via databasen Elin@Dalarna och sökorden som användes var childhood cancer, paediatric cancer, cancer, parents, siblings, coping, och coping strategies. Inklusions-kriterierna var att artiklarna skulle vara publicerade 1999 eller senare, skrivna på engelska och finnas i fulltext på databasen. Sökningen resulterade i 20 artiklar som ansågs vara relevanta för arbetets syfte. En granskning av artiklarna gjordes och betygen G, VG, MVG och IG delades ut. Resultatet visade att föräldrar och syskon använde sig av en mängd olika copingstrategier för att hantera de psykologiska och praktiska problem som uppstod under vårdtiden. Optimism, informationssökning, sökande av socialt stöd, aktivt problemlösande, undvikande beteenden, självkritiserande samt önsketänkande var några exempel på olika copingstrategier. Faktorer som påverkade copingstrategierna var bland annat det sjuka barnets diagnos och ålder, syskonens ålder, familjestorlek, hemstadens storlek, ekonomisk börda, religion och brist på kommunikation.


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La leucémie lymphoblastique aiguë (LLA) est responsable d’environ 25% de l’ensemble des cancers pédiatriques. Chez 85% des enfants diagnostiqués, la LLA entraîne une prolifération massive et incontrôlée de lymphocytes immatures de type précurseurs B dans la moelle osseuse (LLA pré-B). Des avancées intéressantes ont été faites au cours des trente dernières années et ont mené à une augmentation de l’efficacité des traitements thérapeutiques. Plus de 80% des enfants atteints de LLA seront guéris de cette maladie. Malheureusement, ces traitements manquent de spécificité à cause du manque de connaissances sur les mécanismes moléculaires impliqués durant l’initiation et le développement de la LLA pré-B pédiatrique. En d’autres termes, nous connaissons peu de chose sur l’étiologie de cette maladie. Plus de 25% des enfants atteints de la LLA pré-B présentent la translocation chromosomique t(12;21)(p13;q22) qui implique les gènes ETV6 et AML1. Celle-ci est formée in utero et mène à l’expression de la protéine chimère transcriptionnelle ETV6-AML1, dont la présence seule ne suffit pas au développement de la LLA pré-B. Ainsi, d’autres événements génétiques sont nécessaires au développement de cette leucémie. La délétion de l’allèle résiduel de ETV6 est un événement génétique fréquemment rencontré au moment du diagnostic de la LLA pré-B t(12;21)+. Cette délétion entraîne l’inactivation complète de ETV6 dans les lymphocytes pré-B leucémiques. ETV6 est un répresseur transcriptionnel de la famille Ets. Mon hypothèse de recherche est que ETV6 agit comme gène suppresseur de tumeur dans la LLA pré-B pédiatrique. L’inactivation de ETV6 causerait une dérégulation de l’expression de ses cibles transcriptionnelles et, par le fait même, favoriserait l’initiation et le déroulement de la leucémogenèse pédiatrique. Dans le cadre de mon projet, comme peu de cibles transcriptionnelles de ETV6 sont connues, j’ai effectué des expériences d’immunoprécipitation de la chromatine et des essais luciférases qui ont permis d’identifier six nouvelles cibles transcriptionnelles: TP53 (p53 et Δ133p53), SPHK1, IL-18, PTGER4 et LUM. J’ai démontré que la régulation transcriptionnelle médiée par ETV6 requiert la présence de ses deux domaines fonctionnels: PNT (interactions protéiques) et ETS (liaison à l’ADN). Ces domaines favorisent la reconnaissance d’un site EBS consensus dans une région située près du promoteur de base. Ce mécanisme peut dépendre du promoteur régulé par ETV6, mais également du contexte cellulaire. Des études fonctionnelles réalisées sur des lymphocytes pré-B leucémiques ont permis de mesurer l’impact de la dérégulation de l’expression des cibles transcriptionnelles de ETV6 sur trois voies biologiques: la prolifération cellulaire, l’apoptose induite par un stress génotoxique et la migration cellulaire dirigée par la voie de signalisation CXCL12/CXCR4. Ceci a permis de démontrer l’implication des gènes SPHK1, IL-18 et PTGER4 durant la leucémogenèse pédiatrique. Cette étude est une des premières à suggérer le rôle de ETV6 comme gène suppresseur de tumeur dans la LLA pré-B pédiatrique. Suite à l’inactivation du répresseur transcriptionnel ETV6, l’augmentation de l’expression de ses cibles transcriptionnelles favoriserait la prolifération et la survie des lymphocytes pré-B leucémiques dans la moelle osseuse. L’identification de nouveaux gènes impliqués dans le développement de la LLA pré-B pédiatrique ouvre la porte au développement de nouveaux traitements thérapeutiques qui pourront présenter une meilleure spécificité envers l’étiologie de la maladie.


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The aim of the present study was to evaluate DNA damage (micronucleus) in cytokinesis-blocked lymphocytes and exfoliated buccal mucosa cells from children with malignant tumours and under chemotherapy. Micronucleated cells (MNCs) were assessed from children before and during chemotherapy. A total of 21 healthy children (controls), matched for gender and age, were used as control. The results pointed out higher frequencies of micronucleated lymphocytes in children with malignant tumour before any therapy when compared to healthy probands. Furthermore an increase of micronucleated lymphocytes during chemotherapy was detected when compared to the data obtained before chemotherapy. No statistically significant increases of MNCs were noticed in buccal mucosa cells at any of the timepoints evaluated. Taken together, these data indicate that the presence of malignant tumours may increase the frequency of DNA damage in circulating lymphocytes, these cells being more sensitive for detecting chromosome aberrations caused by anti-cancer drugs.


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Background Providing ongoing family centred support is an integral part of childhood cancer care. For families living in regional and remote areas, opportunities to receive specialist support are limited by the availability of health care professionals and accessibility, which is often reduced due to distance, time, cost and transport. The primary aim of this work is to investigate the cost-effectiveness of videotelephony to support regional and remote families returning home for the first time with a child newly diagnosed with cancer Methods/design We will recruit 162 paediatric oncology patients and their families to a single centre randomised controlled trial. Patients from regional and remote areas, classified by Accessibility/Remoteness Index of Australia (ARIA+) greater than 0.2, will be randomised to a videotelephone support intervention or a usual support control group. Metropolitan families (ARIA+ ≤ 0.2) will be recruited as an additional usual support control group. Families allocated to the videotelephone support intervention will have access to usual support plus education, communication, counselling and monitoring with specialist multidisciplinary team members via a videotelephone service for a 12-week period following first discharge home. Families in the usual support control group will receive standard care i.e., specialist multidisciplinary team members provide support either face-to-face during inpatient stays, outpatient clinic visits or home visits, or via telephone for families who live far away from the hospital. The primary outcome measure is parental health related quality of life as measured using the Medical Outcome Survey (MOS) Short Form SF-12 measured at baseline, 4 weeks, 8 weeks and 12 weeks. The secondary outcome measures are: parental informational and emotional support; parental perceived stress, parent reported patient quality of life and parent reported sibling quality of life, parental satisfaction with care, cost of providing improved support, health care utilisation and financial burden for families. Discussion This investigation will establish the feasibility, acceptability and cost-effectiveness of using videotelephony to improve the clinical and psychosocial support provided to regional and remote paediatric oncology patients and their families.


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There is little agreement as to the most appropriate thermometer, the anatomical site to carry out temperature measurement in children with cancer, or the type of thermometer preferred by the patients. The authors carried out this study to assess temperature measurement in children with cancer who were admitted for febrile episodes. The body temperatures of children with cancer who were admitted consecutively between January and October 2005 to the paediatric department because of febrile episodes were measured on admission and over the next 24–36 hours using an electronic thermometer sublingually as the standard reference site. These measurements were compared with those obtained with two ear-based thermometers, a forehead thermometer, and from the axilla (representing current practice). The parents were asked about the type of thermometer they used at home and the children were asked about the type of thermometer they preferred. There were 34 admissions during this period, of which 19 (56%) were confirmed as febrile. Altogether, 108 sets of temperature measurements were obtained, producing a total of 540 measurements from these admissions. Measurements with the two ear-based thermometers in febrile children achieved higher sensitivity than that with axillary and the forehead measurements. The ear-based thermometer was the most common type used at home while the forehead thermometer was the one preferred by the children. In conclusion, ear-based temperature measurements in febrile children were more accurate than axillary and forehead temperature measurements. The current practice of axillary temperature measurement needs to be re-considered.


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BACKGROUND: Healthy lifestyle including sufficient physical activity may mitigate or prevent adverse long-term effects of childhood cancer. We described daily physical activities and sports in childhood cancer survivors and controls, and assessed determinants of both activity patterns. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: The Swiss Childhood Cancer Survivor Study is a questionnaire survey including all children diagnosed with cancer 1976-2003 at age 0-15 years, registered in the Swiss Childhood Cancer Registry, who survived ≥5 years and reached adulthood (≥20 years). Controls came from the population-based Swiss Health Survey. We compared the two populations and determined risk factors for both outcomes in separate multivariable logistic regression models. The sample included 1058 survivors and 5593 controls (response rates 78% and 66%). Sufficient daily physical activities were reported by 52% (n = 521) of survivors and 37% (n = 2069) of controls (p<0.001). In contrast, 62% (n = 640) of survivors and 65% (n = 3635) of controls reported engaging in sports (p = 0.067). Risk factors for insufficient daily activities in both populations were: older age (OR for ≥35 years: 1.5, 95CI 1.2-2.0), female gender (OR 1.6, 95CI 1.3-1.9), French/Italian Speaking (OR 1.4, 95CI 1.1-1.7), and higher education (OR for university education: 2.0, 95CI 1.5-2.6). Risk factors for no sports were: being a survivor (OR 1.3, 95CI 1.1-1.6), older age (OR for ≥35 years: 1.4, 95CI 1.1-1.8), migration background (OR 1.5, 95CI 1.3-1.8), French/Italian speaking (OR 1.4, 95CI 1.2-1.7), lower education (OR for compulsory schooling only: 1.6, 95CI 1.2-2.2), being married (OR 1.7, 95CI 1.5-2.0), having children (OR 1.3, 95CI 1.4-1.9), obesity (OR 2.4, 95CI 1.7-3.3), and smoking (OR 1.7, 95CI 1.5-2.1). Type of diagnosis was only associated with sports. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Physical activity levels in survivors were lower than recommended, but comparable to controls and mainly determined by socio-demographic and cultural factors. Strategies to improve physical activity levels could be similar as for the general population.


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background: Guidance encourages oncologists to engage patients and relatives in discussing the emotions that accompany cancer diagnosis and treatment. We investigated the perspectives of parents of children with leukaemia on the role of paediatric oncologists in such discussion. methods: Qualitative study comprising 33 audio-recorded parent–oncologist consultations and semi-structured interviews with 67 parents during the year following diagnosis. results: Consultations soon after the diagnosis were largely devoid of overt discussion of parental emotion. Interviewed parents did not describe a need for such discussion. They spoke of being comforted by oncologists’ clinical focus, by the biomedical information they provided and by their calmness and constancy. When we explicitly asked parents 1 year later about the oncologists’ role in emotional support, they overwhelmingly told us that they did not want to discuss their feelings with oncologists. They wanted to preserve the oncologists’ focus on their child’s clinical care, deprecated anything that diverted from this and spoke of the value of boundaries in the parent–oncologist relationship. conclusion: Parents were usually comforted by oncologists, but this was not achieved in the way suggested by communication guidance. Communication guidance would benefit from an enhanced understanding of how emotional support is experienced by those who rely on it.