681 resultados para Padé approximants
Expressions for the viscosity correction function, and hence bulk complex impedance, density, compressibility, and propagation constant, are obtained for a rigid frame porous medium whose pores are prismatic with fixed cross-sectional shape, but of variable pore size distribution. The lowand high-frequency behavior of the viscosity correction function is derived for the particular case of a log-normal pore size distribution, in terms of coefficients which can, in general, be computed numerically, and are given here explicitly for the particular cases of pores of equilateral triangular, circular, and slitlike cross-section. Simple approximate formulae, based on two-point Pade´ approximants for the viscosity correction function are obtained, which avoid a requirement for numerical integration or evaluation of special functions, and their accuracy is illustrated and investigated for the three pore shapes already mentioned
In this paper it is shown that a number of theoretical models of the acoustical properties of rigid frame porous media, especially those involving ratios of Bessel functions of complex argument, can be accurately approximated and greatly simplified by the use of Padé approximation techniques. In the case of the model of Attenborough [J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 81, 93–102 (1987)] rational approximations are produced for the characteristic impedance, propagation constant, dynamic compressibility, and dynamic density, as a function of frequency and the material parameters. The model proposed by Stinson and Champoux
In a recent paper, the partition function (character) of ten-dimensional pure spinor worldsheet variables was calculated explicitly up to the fifth mass-level. In this letter, we propose a novel application of Padé approximants as a tool for computing the character of pure spinors. We get results up to the twelfth mass-level. This work is a first step towards an explicit construction of the complete pure spinor partition function.
We give necessary and sufficient conditions for the convergence with geometric rate of the common denominators of simultaneous rational interpolants with a bounded number of poles. The conditions are expressed in terms of intrinsic properties of the system of functions used to build the approximants. Exact rates of convergence for these denominators and the simultaneous rational approximants are provided.
Some additional recurrence relations for the denominator polynomials of two point Padé approximants are derived. An example in which the coefficients of one of the two series, from which the Padé approximants are derived, are moments of a distribution is considered. For this example, properties of the denominator polynomials, and their zeros, are described.
The purpose of this paper is to show the symmetric relations that appear between the coefficients of some even and odd extensions of the M-fractions related to a certain kind of symmetric strong Stieltjes distribution.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Este trabalho propõe uma extensão do método de propagação de feixe (BPM - Beam Propagation Method) para a análise de guias de ondas ópticos e acopladores baseados em materiais não-lineares do tipo Kerr. Este método se destina à investigação de estruturas onde a utilização da equação escalar de Helmholtz (EEH) em seu limite paraxial não mais se aplica. Os métodos desenvolvidos para este fim são denominados na literatura como métodos de propagação de feixe de ângulo largo. O formalismo aqui desenvolvido é baseado na técnica das diferenças finitas e nos esquemas de Crank-Nicholson (CN) e Douglas generalizado (GD). Estes esquemas apresentam como característica o fato de apresentarem um erro de truncamento em relação ao passo de discretização transversal, Δx, proporcional a O(Δx2) para o primeiro e O(Δx4). A convergência do método em ambos esquemas é otimizada pela utilização de um algoritmo interativo para a correção do campo no meio não-linear. O formalismo de ângulo largo é obtido pela expansão da EEH para os esquemas CN e GD em termos de polinômios aproximantes de Padé de ordem (1,0) e (1,1) para CN e GD, e (2,2) e (3,3) para CN. Os aproximantes de ordem superior a (1,1) apresentam sérios problemas de estabilidade. Este problema é eliminado pela rotação dos aproximantes no plano complexo. Duas condições de contorno nos extremos da janela computacional são também investigadas: 1) (TBC - Transparent Boundary Condition) e 2) condição de contorno absorvente (TAB - Transparent Absorbing Boundary). Estas condições de contorno possuem a facilidade de evitar que reflexões indesejáveis sejam transmitidas para dentro da janela computacional. Um estudo comparativo da influência destas condições de contorno na solução de guias de ondas ópticos não-lineares é também abordada neste trabalho.
An HPLC-PAD method using a gold working electrode and a triple-potential waveform was developed for the simultaneous determination of streptomycin and dihydrostreptomycin in veterinary drugs. Glucose was used as the internal standard, and the triple-potential waveform was optimized using a factorial and a central composite design. The optimum potentials were as follows: amperometric detection, E1=-0.15V; cleaning potential, E2=+0.85V; and reactivation of the electrode surface, E3=-0.65V. For the separation of the aminoglycosides and the internal standard of glucose, a CarboPac™ PA1 anion exchange column was used together with a mobile phase consisting of a 0.070 mol L(-1) sodium hydroxide solution in the isocratic elution mode with a flow rate of 0.8 mL min(-1). The method was validated and applied to the determination of streptomycin and dihydrostreptomycin in veterinary formulations (injection, suspension and ointment) without any previous sample pretreatment, except for the ointments, for which a liquid-liquid extraction was required before HPLC-PAD analysis. The method showed adequate selectivity, with an accuracy of 98-107% and a precision of less than 3.9%.
An 8-year-old female neutered Siamese cat was presented with a recent history of incomplete excision of an apocrine gland adenocarcinoma from the palmar aspect of the right antebrachium, just proximal to the carpal joint. There was no evidence of metastasis. Wide surgical excision of the previous surgery site was performed resulting in a soft tissue defect. Partial reconstruction was achieved using digital pad transposition of the first digit (dewclaw), forming a local axial pattern flap that was transposed into the adjacent defect. The remaining defect was closed by primary apposition. The skin flap healed successfully. Some breakdown of the skin closed by primary apposition necessitated open wound management. The cosmetic and functional result of the first digital pad transposition was considered excellent, rendering it a useful means to reconstruct soft tissue defects in the carpal region.
The objective of the article is to evaluate the impact of the friction force mouse-pad in the contraction level of the forearm muscles M. extensor carpi ulnaris, M. extensor digitorum and M. extensor carpi radialis longus. A standard protocol of mouse movements was performed involving horizontal, vertical and diagonal mouse displacements drag-and-drop type. The operators were instructed to execute the protocol with their normal working speed. The movements protocol were performed by each subject (n=17) with three selected pairs mouse-pad, classified as low, medium and high friction force pairs. The mean time to execute the protocol with each mouse was ~138s. Mean values of ~13%MVE and ~17%MVE were found in the M. extensor carpi ulnaris and in the M. extensor digitorum respectively when performing the movements’ protocol. A 8.1% increase in %MVE was observed in the M. extensor digitorum and a 9.4% increase in %MVE was observed in the M. extensor carpi ulnaris when the high friction force pair was operated, relatively to the low friction force pair (p<0.05). The main preliminary conclusions of this study is that operating a high friction force mouse-pad may increase the risk to symptoms or disorders in the wrist due to an increase in the forearm muscles contraction levels, particularly during work with drawing application
The etiology of diabetic foot ulceration remains incompletely understood. Among other factors such as foot deformity in the presence of neuropathy, plantar fat pad atrophy has been identified as a contributory factor in diabetic foot ulceration. An association between fat pad atrophy and diabetic foot ulceration has been documented by imaging and histomorphological analysis of the calcaneal fat pad. However, histomorphological analysis of the metatarsal fat pad has not been performed to date. The present study entailed 14 patients with diabetes and 14 nondiabetic controls and was aimed at documenting histomorphological evidence for presumed plantar metatarsal fat pad atrophy in patients with diabetes. Histological stains and computer-assisted planimetry were performed on samples of metatarsal fat obtained during forefoot surgery. The histomorphological and planimetric analyses of adipocyte cross-sectional area and nuclear density demonstrated no differences between patients with diabetes and control patients. Our findings demonstrate that systemic atrophy of the metatarsal fat pad is not present in the diabetic foot and may not explain the structural changes previously proposed by noninvasive imaging. Level of Clinical Evidence: 3.