1000 resultados para Package Point


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Mestrado em Gestão e Empreendedorismo


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O trabalho aborda a embalagem através de sua função de comunicação sob a perspectiva da comunicação integrada de marketing. Especificamente, aborda como a embalagem reproduz a mensagem da propaganda no ponto-de-venda detalhando, pelo objetivo geral de descrição, a análise e sistematização do processo de uso da embalagem como suporte de campanhas publicitárias expandindo o objetivo da comunicação integrada de marketing CIM. A metodologia consiste no método qualitativo com o procedimento de pesquisa descritiva aplicando as estratégias investigativas pesquisa bibliográfica, pesquisa documental e entrevista em profundidade que permitiram concluir que sob a perspectiva da comunicação integrada de marketing, a ampliação da função de comunicação da embalagem permite a reprodução da mensagem da propaganda no ponto de venda pelo estabelecimento da unificação de elementos entre as mensagens veiculadas na propaganda televisiva e embalagem.(AU)


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O trabalho aborda a embalagem através de sua função de comunicação sob a perspectiva da comunicação integrada de marketing. Especificamente, aborda como a embalagem reproduz a mensagem da propaganda no ponto-de-venda detalhando, pelo objetivo geral de descrição, a análise e sistematização do processo de uso da embalagem como suporte de campanhas publicitárias expandindo o objetivo da comunicação integrada de marketing CIM. A metodologia consiste no método qualitativo com o procedimento de pesquisa descritiva aplicando as estratégias investigativas pesquisa bibliográfica, pesquisa documental e entrevista em profundidade que permitiram concluir que sob a perspectiva da comunicação integrada de marketing, a ampliação da função de comunicação da embalagem permite a reprodução da mensagem da propaganda no ponto de venda pelo estabelecimento da unificação de elementos entre as mensagens veiculadas na propaganda televisiva e embalagem.(AU)


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O trabalho aborda a embalagem através de sua função de comunicação sob a perspectiva da comunicação integrada de marketing. Especificamente, aborda como a embalagem reproduz a mensagem da propaganda no ponto-de-venda detalhando, pelo objetivo geral de descrição, a análise e sistematização do processo de uso da embalagem como suporte de campanhas publicitárias expandindo o objetivo da comunicação integrada de marketing CIM. A metodologia consiste no método qualitativo com o procedimento de pesquisa descritiva aplicando as estratégias investigativas pesquisa bibliográfica, pesquisa documental e entrevista em profundidade que permitiram concluir que sob a perspectiva da comunicação integrada de marketing, a ampliação da função de comunicação da embalagem permite a reprodução da mensagem da propaganda no ponto de venda pelo estabelecimento da unificação de elementos entre as mensagens veiculadas na propaganda televisiva e embalagem.(AU)


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In this article, the design and development of a Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) based displacement sensor package for submicron level displacement measurements are presented. A linear shift of 12.12 nm in Bragg wavelength of the FBG sensor is obtained for a displacement of 6 mm with a calibration factor of 0.495 mu m/pm. Field trials have also been conducted by comparing the FBG displacement sensor package against a conventional dial gauge, on a five block masonry prism specimen loaded using three-point bending technique. The responses from both the sensors are in good agreement, up to the failure of the masonry prism. Furthermore, from the real-time displacement data recorded using FBG, it is possible to detect the time at which early creaks generated inside the body of the specimen which then prorogate to the surface to develop visible surface cracks; the respective load from the load cell can be obtained from the inflection (stress release point) in the displacement curve. Thus the developed FBG displacement sensor package can be used to detect failures in structures much earlier and to provide an adequate time to exercise necessary action, thereby avoiding the possible disaster.


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The technique of point-projection spectroscopy has been shown to be applicable to the study of expanding aluminum plasmas generated by approximately 80 ps laser pulses incident on massive, aluminum stripe targets of approximately 125-mu-m width. Targets were irradiated at an intensity of 2.5 +/- 0.5 x 10(13) W/cm2 in a line focus geometry and under conditions similar to those of interest in x-ray laser schemes. Hydrogenic and heliumlike aluminum resonance lines were observed in absorption using a quasicontinuous uranium back-lighter plasma. Using a pentaerythrital Bragg crystal as the dispersive element, a resolving power of approximately 3500 was achieved with spatial resolution at the 5-mu-m level in frame times of the order of 100 ps. Reduction of the data for times up to 150 ps after the peak of the incident laser pulse produced estimates of the temperature and ion densities present, as a function of space and time. The one-dimensional Lagrangian hydrodynamic code MEDUSA coupled to the atomic physics non-local-thermodynamic-equilibrium ionized material package was used to simulate the experiment in planar geometry and has been shown to be consistent with the measurements.


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A 64-point Fourier transform chip is described that performs a forward or inverse, 64-point Fourier transform on complex two's complement data supplied at a rate of 13.5MHz and can operate at clock rates of up to 40MHz, under worst-case conditions. It uses a 0.6µm double-level metal CMOS technology, contains 535k transistors and uses an internal 3.3V power supply. It has an area of 7.8×8mm, dissipates 0.9W, has 48 pins and is housed in a 84 pin PLCC plastic package. The chip is based on a FFT architecture developed from first principles through a detailed investigation of the structure of the relevant DFT matrix and through mapping repetitive blocks within this matrix onto a regular silicon structure.


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Recovering the architecture is the first step towards reengineering a software system. Many reverse engineering tools use top-down exploration as a way of providing a visual and interactive process for architecture recovery. During the exploration process, the user navigates through various views on the system by choosing from several exploration operations. Although some sequences of these operations lead to views which, from the architectural point of view, are mode relevant than others, current tools do not provide a way of predicting which exploration paths are worth taking and which are not. In this article we propose a set of package patterns which are used for augmenting the exploration process with in formation about the worthiness of the various exploration paths. The patterns are defined based on the internal package structure and on the relationships between the package and the other packages in the system. To validate our approach, we verify the relevance of the proposed patterns for real-world systems by analyzing their frequency of occurrence in six open-source software projects.


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Broadcast spawning marine invertebrates are susceptible to environmental stressors such as climate change, as their reproduction depends on the successful meeting and fertilization of gametes in the water column. Under near-future scenarios of ocean acidification, the swimming behaviour of marine invertebrate sperm is altered. We tested whether this was due to changes in sperm mitochondrial activity by investigating the effects of ocean acidification on sperm metabolism and swimming behaviour in the sea urchin Centrostephanus rodgersii. We used a fluorescent molecular probe (JC-1) and flow cytometry to visualize mitochondrial activity (measured as change in mitochondrial membrane potential, MMP). Sperm MMP was significantly reduced in delta pH -0.3 (35% reduction) and delta pH -0.5 (48% reduction) treatments, whereas sperm swimming behaviour was less sensitive with only slight changes (up to 11% decrease) observed overall. There was significant inter-individual variability in responses of sperm swimming behaviour and MMP to acidified seawater. We suggest it is likely that sperm exposed to these changes in pH are close to their tipping point in terms of physiological tolerance to acidity. Importantly, substantial inter-individual variation in responses of sperm swimming to ocean acidification may increase the scope for selection of resilient phenotypes, which, if heritable, could provide a basis for adaptation to future ocean acidification.


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The objective of this study was to investigate whether a tipping point exists in the calcification responses of coral reef calcifiers to CO2. We compared the effects of six partial pressures of CO2 (PCO2) from 28 Pa to 210 Pa on the net calcification of four corals (Acropora pulchra, Porites rus, Pocillopora damicornis, and Pavona cactus), and four calcified algae (Hydrolithon onkodes, Lithophyllum flavescens, Halimeda macroloba, and Halimeda minima). After 2 weeks of acclimation in a common environment, organisms were incubated in 12 aquaria for 2 weeks at the targeted PCO2 levels and net calcification was quantified. All eight species calcified at the highest PCO2 in which the calcium carbonate aragonite saturation state was ~1. Calcification decreased linearly as a function of increasing partial PCO2 in three corals and three algae. Overall, the decrease in net calcification as a function of decreasing pH was ~10% when ambient PCO2 (39 Pa) was doubled. The calcification responses of P. damicornis and H. macroloba were unaffected by increasing PCO2. These results are inconsistent with the notion that coral reefs will be affected by rising PCO2 in a response characterized by a tipping point. Instead, our findings combined among taxa suggest a gradual decline in calcification will occur, but this general response includes specific cases of complete resistance to rising PCO2. Together our results suggest that the overall response of coral reef communities to ocean acidification will be monotonic and inversely proportional to PCO2, with reef-wide responses dependent on the species composition of calcifying taxa.


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Culminating an almost unprecedented tour de force of Council meetings in various formations, the European Council reached agreement on a comprehensive economic policy package on March 24-25th that effectively completes the economic arm of economic and monetary union (EMU) and, if consistently applied, holds out the promise of ending stagnation and dismal employment performance throughout the European Union.


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This paper anticipates the 2012 revision of the European Insolvency Regulation, which is the sole Union legislation on the subject of cross border insolvency proceedings. The paper first describes the historical background of the Regulation. The salient point of the historical discussion is that the Regulation is the product of forty years of negotiation and arises from a historical context that is no longer applicable to current economic realities, i.e. it provides for liquidation, not reorganization, it doesn’t deal with cross border groups of companies, and it lacks an effective mechanism for transparency and creditor participation. The paper then reviews the unique hybrid jurisdictional system of concurrent universal and territorial proceedings that the Regulation imposes. It looks at this scheme from a practical viewpoint, i.e. what issues arise with concurrent proceedings in two states, involving the same assets, the same creditors, and the same company. The paper then focuses on a significant issue raised by the European Court of Justice in the Eurofoods case, i.e. the need to comply with fundamental due process principles that, while not articulated in the Regulation, lie at the core of Union law. Specifically, the paper considers the ramifications of the Court’s holding that “a Member State may refuse to recognize insolvency proceedings opened in another Member State where the decision to open the proceedings was taken in flagrant breach of the fundamental right to be heard.” In response to the Court’s direction, this paper proposes a package of due process rights, consisting principally of an accessible, efficient and useful insolvency database, the infrastructure of which already exists, but the content and use of which has not yet been developed. As part of a cohesive three part due process package, the paper also proposes the formation of cross border creditors' committees and the establishment of a European Insolvency Administrator. Finally, on the institutional level, this paper proposes that the revision of the Regulation and the development of the insolvency database not only need to be coordinated, but need to be conceptualized, managed and undertaken, not as the separate efforts of diverse institutions, but as a single, unified endeavor.


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Although specific phobias are among the most prevalent and most treatable of the anxiety disorders, successful treatments for firearm phobias are seldom reported. The assessment and treatment of a phobia specific to firing the 9 mm service pistol is described. The case was identified during a Return to Australia Psychological Screening (RTAPS) evolution, following the operational deployment of a Royal Australian Navy warship. The screening package involved group based psychoeducation and standardised self report scales for detecting trauma experiences and sources of psychological distress. These were followed by semi-structured individual interviews. This process revealed a sailor with a phobia linked to a traumatic experience following an unauthorised discharge of a 9 mm pistol. A behavioural treatment regime was planned and conducted at sea under operational conditions. Live firing constituted the main intervention. The positive results suggest live firing is a safe and effective form of single session exposure, conditional on additional safety precautions to supplement regulated weapons handling procedures. (author abstract)