323 resultados para PWM rectifier


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An EMI filter for a three-phase buck-type medium power pulse-width modulation rectifier is designed. This filter considers differential mode noise and complies with MIL-STD-461E for the frequency range of 10kHz to 10MHz. In industrial applications, the frequency range of the standard starts at 150kHz and the designer typically uses a switching frequency of 28kHz because the fifth harmonic is out of the range. This approach is not valid for aircraft applications. In order to design the switching frequency in aircraft applications, the power losses in the semiconductors and the weight of the reactive components should be considered. The proposed design is based on a harmonic analysis of the rectifier input current and an analytical study of the input filter. The classical industrial design does not consider the inductive effect in the filter design because the grid frequency is 50/60Hz. However, in the aircraft applications, the grid frequency is 400Hz and the inductance cannot be neglected. The proposed design considers the inductance and the capacitance effect of the filter in order to obtain unitary power factor at full power. In the optimization process, several filters are designed for different switching frequencies of the converter. In addition, designs from single to five stages are considered. The power losses of the converter plus the EMI filter are estimated at these switching frequencies. Considering overall losses and minimal filter volume, the optimal switching frequency is selected.


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Different possible input filter configurations for a modular three-phase PWM rectifier system consisting of three interleaved converter cells are studied. The system is designed for an aircraft application where MIL-STD-461E conducted EMI standards have to be met and system weight is a critical design issue. The importance of a LISN model on the simulated noise levels and the effect of interleaving and power unbalance between the different converter modules is discussed. The effect of the number of filter stages and the degree of distribution of the filter stages among the individual converter modules on the weight and losses of the input filter is studied and optimal filter structures are proposed.


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Recently there has been an important increase in electric equipment, as well as, electric power demand in aircrafts applications. This prompts to the necessity of efficient, reliable, and low-weight converters, especially rectifiers from 115VAC to 270VDC because these voltages are used in power distribution. In order to obtain a high efficiency, in aircraft application where the derating in semiconductors is high, normally several semiconductors are used in parallel to decrease the conduction losses. However, this is in conflict with high reliability. To match both goals of high efficiency and reliability, this work proposes an interleaved multi-cell rectifier system, employing several converter cells in parallel instead of parallel-connected semiconductors. In this work a 10kW multi-cell isolated rectifier system has been designed where each cell is composed of a buck type rectifier and a full bridge DC-DC converter. The implemented system exhibits 91% of efficiency, high power density (10kW/10kg), low THD (2.5%), and n−1 fault tolerance which complies, with military aircraft standards.


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A hybrid passive-active damping solution with improved system stability margin and enhanced dynamic performance is proposed for high power grid interactive converters. In grid connected active rectifier/inverter application, line side LCL filter improves the high frequency attenuation and makes the converter compatible with the stringent grid power quality regulations. Passive damping though offers a simple and reliable solution but it reduces overall converter efficiency. Active damping solutions do not increase the system losses but can guarantee the stable operation up to a certain speed of dynamic response which is limited by the maximum bandwidth of the current controller. This paper examines this limit and introduces a concept of hybrid passive-active damping solution with improved stability margin and high dynamic performance for line side LCL filter based active rectifier/inverter applications. A detailed design, analysis of the hybrid approach and trade-off between system losses and dynamic performance in grid connected applications are reported. Simulation and experimental results from a 10 kVA prototype demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed solution. An analytical study on system stability and dynamic response with the variations of various controller and passive filter parameters is presented.


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Pulsewidth-modulated (PWM) rectifier technology is increasingly used in industrial applications like variable-speed motor drives, since it offers several desired features such as sinusoidal input currents, controllable power factor, bidirectional power flow and high quality DC output voltage. To achieve these features,however, an effective control system with fast and accurate current and DC voltage responses is required. From various control strategies proposed to meet these control objectives, in most cases the commonly known principle of the synchronous-frame current vector control along with some space-vector PWM scheme have been applied. Recently, however, new control approaches analogous to the well-established direct torque control (DTC) method for electrical machines have also emerged to implement a high-performance PWM rectifier. In this thesis the concepts of classical synchronous-frame current control and DTC-based PWM rectifier control are combined and a new converter-flux-based current control (CFCC) scheme is introduced. To achieve sufficient dynamic performance and to ensure a stable operation, the proposed control system is thoroughly analysed and simple rules for the controller design are suggested. Special attention is paid to the estimationof the converter flux, which is the key element of converter-flux-based control. Discrete-time implementation is also discussed. Line-voltage-sensorless reactive reactive power control methods for the L- and LCL-type line filters are presented. For the L-filter an open-loop control law for the d-axis current referenceis proposed. In the case of the LCL-filter the combined open-loop control and feedback control is proposed. The influence of the erroneous filter parameter estimates on the accuracy of the developed control schemes is also discussed. A newzero vector selection rule for suppressing the zero-sequence current in parallel-connected PWM rectifiers is proposed. With this method a truly standalone and independent control of the converter units is allowed and traditional transformer isolation and synchronised-control-based solutions are avoided. The implementation requires only one additional current sensor. The proposed schemes are evaluated by the simulations and laboratory experiments. A satisfactory performance and good agreement between the theory and practice are demonstrated.


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Line converters have become an attractive AC/DC power conversion solution in industrial applications. Line converters are based on controllable semiconductor switches, typically insulated gate bipolar transistors. Compared to the traditional diode bridge-based power converters line converters have many advantageous characteristics, including bidirectional power flow, controllable de-link voltage and power factor and sinusoidal line current. This thesis considers the control of the lineconverter and its application to power quality improving. The line converter control system studied is based on the virtual flux linkage orientation and the direct torque control (DTC) principle. A new DTC-based current control scheme is introduced and analyzed. The overmodulation characteristics of the DTC converter are considered and an analytical equation for the maximum modulation index is derived. The integration of the active filtering features to the line converter isconsidered. Three different active filtering methods are implemented. A frequency-domain method, which is based on selective harmonic sequence elimination, anda time-domain method, which is effective in a wider frequency band, are used inharmonic current compensation. Also, a voltage feedback active filtering method, which mitigates harmonic sequences of the grid voltage, is implemented. The frequency-domain and the voltage feedback active filtering control systems are analyzed and controllers are designed. The designs are verified with practical measurements. The performance and the characteristics of the implemented active filtering methods are compared and the effect of the L- and the LCL-type line filteris discussed. The importance of the correct grid impedance estimate in the voltage feedback active filter control system is discussed and a new measurement-based method to obtain it is proposed. Also, a power conditioning system (PCS) application of the line converter is considered. A new method for correcting the voltage unbalance of the PCS-fed island network is proposed and experimentally validated.


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This paper presents a novel single-phase high-power-factor (HPF) pulsewidth-modulated (PWM) boost rectifier featuring soft commutation of the active switches at zero current (ZC), It incorporates the most desirable properties of conventional PWM and soft-switching resonant techniques.The input current shaping is achieved with average current mode control and continuous inductor current mode.This new PWM converter provides ZC turn on and turn off of the active switches, and it is suitable for high-power applications employing insulated gate bipolar transistors (IGBT's),The principle of operation, the theoretical analysis, a design example, and experimental results from a laboratory prototype rated at 1600 W with 400-Vdc output voltage are presented. The measured efficiency and the power factor were 96.2% and 0.99%, respectively, with an input current total harmonic distortion (THD) equal to 3.94%, for an input voltage with THD equal to 3.8%, at rated load.


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This paper presents a novel single-phase high power factor PWM boost rectifier, featuring soft commutation of the active switches at zero-current (ZCS). It incorporates the most desirable properties of the conventional PWM and the soft-switching resonant techniques. The input current shaping is achieved with average current mode control, and continuous inductor current mode. This new PWM converter provides ZCS turn-on and turn-off of the active switches, and it is suitable for high power applications employing IGBTs. Principle of operation, theoretical analysis, a design example, and experimental results from a laboratory prototype rated at 1600 W with 400 Vdc output voltage are presented. The measured efficiency and power factor were 96.2% and 0.99 respectively, with an input current THD equal to 3.94%, for an input voltage THD equal to 3.8%, at rated load.


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A new family of direct current (DC) to DC converters based on a zero current switching pulse width modulated (ZCS-PWM) soft commutation cell is presented. This ZCS-PWM cell is consists of two transistors, two diodes, two inductors and one capacitor; and provides zero voltage turn-on to the diodes, a zero-current turn-on and a zero-current zero-voltage turn-off to the transistors. In addition, a new commutation cell in a new ZCS-PWM boost rectifier is developed, obtaining a structure with power factor near the unity, high efficiency at wide load range and low total harmonic distortion in the input current.


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A Summary of different topological arrangements concerning a ZCS-PWM cell is presented, based on the analysis of its application in boost rectifying preregulators, controlled by the technique of instantaneous average values of input current, with the purpose of obtaining high-input-power-factor rectifier and high efficiency in single-phase applications in telecommunication systems. The main characteristics of each switching cell are described, providing conditions to establish a qualitative comparison among the structures. In addition, experimental results are presented for a prototype of the latest version of the ZCS-PWM boost rectifier, implemented for processing normal values of 1200 W output power and 400 V output average voltage, at 220 V Input RMS voltage and 50 kHz switching frequency.


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This paper presents an analysis of a novel pulse-width-modulated (PWM) voltage step-down/up Zeta converter, featuring zero-current-switching (ZCS) at the active switches. The applications in de to de and ac to de (rectifier) operation modes are used as examples to illustrate the performance of this new ZCS-PWM Zeta converter. Regarding to the new ZCS-PWM Zeta rectifier proposed, it should be noticed that the average-current mode control is used in order to obtain a structure with high power-factor (HPF) and low total harmonic distortion (THD) at the input current.Two active switches (main and auxiliary transistors), two diodes, two small resonant inductors and one small resonant capacitor compose the novel ZCS-PWM soft-commutation cell, used in these new ZCS-PWM Zeta converters. In this cell, the turn-on of the active switches occurs in zero-current (ZC) and their turn-off in zero-current and zero-voltage (ZCZV). For the diodes, their turn-on process occurs in zero-voltage (ZV) and their reverse-recovery effects over the active switches are negligible. These characteristics make this cell suitable for Insulated-Gate Bipolar Transistors (IGBTs) applications.The main advantages of these new Zeta converters, generated from the new soft-commutation cell proposed, are possibility of obtaining isolation (through their accumulation inductors), and high efficiency, at wide load range. In addition, for the rectifier application, a high power factor and low THD in the input current ran be obtained, in agreement with LEC 1000-3-2 standards.The principle of operation, the theoretical analysis and a design example for the new de to de Zeta converter operating in voltage step-down mode are presented. Experimental results are obtained from a test unit with 500W output power, 110V(dc) output voltage, 220V(dc) input voltage, operating at 50kHz switching frequency. The efficiency measured at rated toad is equal to 97.3%for this new Zeta converter.Finally, the new Zeta rectifier is analyzed, and experimental results from a test unit rated at 500W output power, 110V(dc) output voltage, 220V(rms) input voltage, and operating at 50kHz switching frequency, are presented. The measured efficiency is equal to 96.95%, the power-factor is equal to 0.98, and the input current THD is equal to 19.07%, for this new rectifier operating at rated load.


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A robust 12 kW rectifier with low THD in the line currents, based on an 18-pulse transformer arrangement with reduced kVA capacities followed by a high-frequency isolation stage is presented in this work. Three full-bridge (buck-based) converters are used to allow galvanic isolation and to balance the dc-link currents, without current sensing or current controller. The topology provides a regulated dc output with a very simple and well-known control strategy and natural three-phase power factor correction. The phase-shift PWM technique, with zero-voltage switching is used for the high-frequency dc-dc stage. Analytical results from Fourier analysis of winding currents and the vector diagram of winding voltages are presented. Experimental results from a 12 kW prototype are shown in the paper to verify the efficiency, robustness and simplicity of the command circuitry to the proposed concept.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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A comparative evaluation regarding a new zero-current-switching (ZCS) pulse width modulated (PWM) Sepic rectifier, operating in voltage step-down mode, employing two different techniques, in order to obtain high power factor and reduced total harmonic distortion (THD) at the input current, is presented. The methods are those in continuous-current mode operation, known as peak current mode control with slope compensation, and average-current mode control. The principle of operation, the theoretical analysis, a design example and the main experimental results are presented for both proposed control techniques.


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This paper presents a high efficiency Sepic rectifier for an electronic ballast application with multiple fluorescent lamps. The proposed Sepic rectifier is based on a Zero-Current-Switching (ZCS) Pulse-Width-Modulated (PWM) soft-commutation cell. The high power-factor of this structure is obtained using the instantaneous average-current control technique, in order to attend properly IEC61000-3-2 standards. The inverting stage of this new electronic ballast is a classical Zero-Voltage-Switching (ZVS) Half-Bridge inverter. A proper design methodology is developed for this new electronic ballast, and a design example is presented for an application with five fluorescent lamps 40W-T12 (200W output power), 220Vrms input voltage, 130Vdc dc link voltage, with rectifier and inverter stages operating at 50kHz. Experimental results are also presented. The THD at input current is equal to 6.41%, for an input voltage THD equal to 2.14%, and the measured overall efficiency is about 92.8%, at rated load.