995 resultados para PV water heater


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This master thesis presents a new technological combination of two environmentally friendly sources of energy in order to provide DHW, and space heating. Solar energy is used for space heating, and DHW production using PV modules which supply direct current directly to electrical heating elements inside a water storage tank. On the other hand a GSHP system as another source of renewable energy provides heat in the water storage tank of the system in order to provide DHW and space heating. These two sources of renewable energy have been combined in this case-study in order to obtain a more efficient system, which will reduce the amount of electricity consumed by the GSHP system.The key aim of this study is to make simulations, and calculations of the amount ofelectrical energy that can be expected to be produced by a certain amount of PV modules that are already assembled on a house in Vantaa, southern Finland. This energy is then intended to be used as a complement to produce hot water in the heating system of the house beside the original GSHP system. Thus the amount of electrical energy purchased from the grid should be reduced and the compressor in the GSHP would need fewer starts which would reduce the heating cost of the GSHP system for space heating and providing hot water.The produced energy by the PV arrays in three different circuits will be charged directly to three electrical heating elements in the water storage tank of the existing system to satisfy the demand of the heating elements. The excess energy can be used to heat the water in the water storage tank to some extent which leads to a reduction of electricity consumption by the different components of the GSHP system.To increase the efficiency of the existing hybrid system, optimization of different PV configurations have been accomplished, and the results are compared. Optimization of the arrays in southern and western walls shows a DC power increase of 298 kWh/year compared with the existing PV configurations. Comparing the results from the optimization of the arrays on the western roof if the intention is to feed AC power to the components of the GSHP system shows a yearly AC power production of 1,646 kWh.This is with the consideration of no overproduction by the PV modules during the summer months. This means the optimized PV systems will be able to cover a larger part of summer demand compared with the existing system.


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Nowadays there are several ways of supplying hot water for showers in residential buildings. One of them is the use of electric storage water heaters (boilers). This equipment raises the water temperature in a reservoir (tank) using the heat generated by an electric resistance. The behavior of this equipment in Brazil is still a research object and there is not a standard in the country to regulate its efficiency. In this context, an experimental program was conducted aiming to collect power consumption data to evaluate its performance. The boilers underwent an operation cycle to simulate a usage condition aiming to collect parameters for calculating the efficiency. This 1-day cycle was composed of the following phases: hot water withdrawal, reheating and standby heat loss. The methods allowed the identification of different parameters concerning the boilers work, such as: standby heat loss in 24 h, hot water withdrawal rate, reheating time and energy efficiency. The average energy efficiency obtained was of 75%. The lowest efficiency was of 62% for boiler 2 and the highest was of 85% for boiler 9. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Although there are many ways to cut you water heating bills, the all fall into two broad categories: reducing the amount of hot water you use and making your water heating system more efficient. Fortunately, there are several strategies that can help you consume less energy and save money - and still meet you hot water needs without sacrificing comfort or practicality. The booklet was designed to answer common questions about hot water systems and to provide you with the information necessary to make informed decision about a wide variety of topics, ranging from repairing hot water faucet leaks an insulation water supply pipes to installing low-flow shower heads and tuning you your existing water heather. You'll also find details on what to consider when it's time to go comparison shopping for a new water heater-including an evaluation of the alternatives to the common gas or electric storage tank unit that's found in the majority of homes in Iowa and across the country.


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O objectivo do presente trabalho foi caracterizar os condensados produzidos numa fábrica de pasta para papel para identificar e localizar pontos da sua contaminação. Para o efeito, foram recolhidas amostras de condensado e caracterizados os parâmetros condutividade, pH, sódio e sílica. A amostragem decorreu no período entre 15 de Setembro a 6 de Novembro de 2008. Através da análise dos resultados obtidos para as concentrações de sílica e de sódio de cada uma das correntes, foram identificadas como contaminadas as correntes de condensado provenientes do condensador do Turbogerador 4, da área dos Digestores Descontínuos, da Evaporação e do Aquecedor de Água Quente para o Branqueamento. A realização de um balanço pontual à sílica no tanque de condensados da Central permitiu concluir que a maior contribuição advém do condensador do Turbogerador 4. Na Evaporação ocorre contaminação do condensado quando as secções do Concentrador 1 são colocadas em serviço após lavagem. Durante o acompanhamento do arranque da Evaporação, uma das secções (1/B) registou um valor máximo na concentração de sódio no condensado de 135 mg/L Na. Do estudo resulta, enquanto não for reparado e/ou substituído o equipamento responsável pelas contaminações, a necessidade de admitir requisitos para controlo da qualidade da água da caldeira menos restritivos, nomeadamente para a razão sódio/fosfato. É necessário, contudo, o rigoroso acompanhamento da qualidade da água da caldeira (pH, sobretudo) para prevenir afastamentos inesperados dos limites de controlo. Durante a realização deste trabalho foram identificadas algumas situações a melhorar, tais como a uniformização dos valores de desvio para esgoto dos condensados e das unidades utilizadas, a adequação das escalas dos aparelhos de medida para as gamas de leitura de interesse, a verificação e calibração periódica do equipamento instalado em linha, a adopção do parâmetro “Sódio” para controlo da qualidade dos condensados, a instalação de sistemas de amostragem com arrefecimento em todas as correntes de condensados e a reparação ou substituição de algum equipamento instalado em linha que se encontra em muito mau estado e ainda a manutenção do equipamento mantendo-o em boas condições de limpeza.


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Este estudo consiste na caracterização da eficiência energética de uma bomba de calor de expansão direta que utiliza a energia solar como fonte térmica. De uma forma geral, teve-se a obrigação de procurar cada vez mais recursos renováveis e neste sentido a bomba de calor de expansão direta tem um papel importante no aquecimento de águas quentes sanitárias (AQS). Como ponto de partida, foi realizada uma descrição detalhada sobre todos os equipamentos da bomba de calor e elaborado um desenho técnico que identifica todos os componentes. No laboratório (casa inteligente) realizaram-se vários ensaios a fim de interpretar com rigor os resultados obtidos do desempenho da bomba de calor (COP) e do fator médio de desempenho sazonal (SPF). No início, realizaram-se ensaios para determinar as perdas estáticas do sistema termodinâmico, de seguida foram elaborados ensaios segundo a norma EN 16147 e por fim, ensaios de acordo com o perfil de utilização de AQS definido. No estudo experimental do COP, obteve-se uma elevada eficiência energética com um valor médio de 4,12. O COP aumenta para valores médios de 5 quando a temperatura de água no termoacumulador desce para 35ºC. Verificou-se que durante o período diurno o COP aumenta aproximadamente de 10% relativamente ao período noturno. A potência elétrica é mais elevada (450W) quando a água no termoacumulador está perto da temperatura desejável (55ºC), originando um esforço maior da bomba de calor. No estudo experimental do SPF, verificou-se que nos ensaios segundo a norma EN16147 os valores obtidos variaram entre 1,39 e 1,50 (Classe “B”). No estudo realizado de acordo com o perfil de utilização de AQS definido pelo utilizador, o SPF é superior em 12% relativamente ao obtido segundo os ensaios realizados de acordo a norma EN16147. Verificou-se que o aumento da temperatura do ar exterior implica um aumento do SPF (cerca de 2% a 5%), enquanto a energia solar não influência nos resultados.


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Työn lähtökohtana ovat veden lämmittimiä koskeva ekosuunnittelulainsäädäntö ja sen vaatiman testausjärjestelmän laatiminen. Työn tavoitteena on arvioida ekosuunnittelulainsäädännön vaikutusta varaajan toimintaan osana rakennusten energianhallintaa. Työssä laaditaan käyttövesivaraajalle tuoteryhmäkohtaisen ekosuunnittelulainsäädännön mukainen mittausjärjestelmä energiatehokkuuden, lämpimän veden saannon, vuosittaisen sähkönkulutuksen sekä energiamerkinnän määrittämiseksi. Lisäksi tarkastellaan ekosuunnittelulainsäädännön tarkoituksenmukaisuutta, selvitetään varaajan toimintaperiaatteet sekä keinoja käyttöveden tarvitseman energian vähentämiseksi. Testattu käyttövesivaraaja täyttää ekosuunnitteluvaatimukset. Lämmitysenergian vähentäminen käyttövesivaraajan toimintaa tehostamalla on kuitenkin vaikeaa. Hybridijärjestelmien hyödyntäminen sähkölämmityksen ohella muita energianlähteitä ja esim. käyttöveden lämmöntalteenottoa käyttäen on toimivin keino vähentää käyttöveden energiankulutusta sekä parantaa varaajan energiatehokkuutta. Lämpimän käyttöveden energiankulutuksen osuus rakennuksen energiankulutuksesta kasvaa lainsäädännön pakottamana rakennusten kokonaisenergiankäytön vähentyessä. Ekosuunnittelulainsäädännön suora merkitys rakennusten energianhallintaan on Suomessa vähäistä nykyisen energiatehokkuustason ollessa suhteellisen korkea, jolloin käyttöveden tarvitseman energian vähentämiskeinoina on hyödynnettävä vaihtoehtoisia ratkaisuja.


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Hajautettu sähköntuotanto aurinkopaneeleilla on Suomessa kasvussa. Kotitalouksiin asennettujen aurinkopaneelijärjestelmien määrä kasvaa jatkuvasti, mutta suuri osa tuotetusta sähköenergiasta syötetään sähköverkkoon. Tämä johtuu aurinkosähkön tuotannon painottumisesta kesäpäiviin, jolloin kotitalouksien kulutus on pienimmillään. Suurin hyöty itse tuotetusta energiasta saadaan kuitenkin käyttämällä se tuotantokohteessa, jolla minimoidaan energiansiirto sähköverkon ja kotitalouden rajapinnassa. Siirtämällä kotitalouden suurimpia kuormia aurinkosähkön mukaan ohjatuksi, voidaan saavuttaa merkittäviä parannuksia tuotetun sähkön omakäyttöasteessa. Helpoimmillaan tämä onnistuu kellokytkimellä, joka ajoittaa kulutuksen parhaimman tuotannon ajalle. Tämä ei kuitenkaan poista ongelmaa tilanteissa, jossa aurinkosähkön tuotanto on häiriintynyt esimerkiksi pilvisyyden takia aamupäivällä ja huipputuotanto saavutetaan vasta iltapäivän puolella. Saatavilla on jo useita järjestelmiä, jotka ohjaavat kodin laitteita tuotannon mukaisesti. Suuri osa näistä järjestelmistä on kuitenkin suunniteltu toimimaan vain tuotetun energiamäärän mukaisesti, ottamatta huomioon kotitaloudessa olevaa muuta, automaation piiriin kuulumatonta kulutusta. Tässä kandidaatin työssä vertaillaan sähköenergian eri mittaustapoja ja niiden vaikutusta siirretyn energian laskennalliseen määrään. Lisäksi työssä tutkitaan lämminvesivaraajan kuormanohjausta käyttäen termostaatti-, kellokytkin- ja logiikkaohjausta. Työssä esitelty logiikkaohjaus hyödyntää siirretyn energian mittausta sähköverkon ja kotitalouden rajapinnassa, ottaen automaattisesti huomioon myös talouden muun kulutuksen. Työssä esitellään myös esimerkkilaitteisto, jolla suunniteltu logiikka voidaan toteuttaa.


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Estudos foram desenvolvidos para dimensionar e adaptar o injetor do queimador principal de um aquecedor de água tipo acumulação de 75 L. O diâmetro do injetor foi redimensionado em função da pressão de serviço de 100 mm H2O e poder calorífico inferior do biogás de 21.600 kJ m-3 n, garantindo a manutenção da potência calorífica do equipamento de 20.900 kJ h-1. Os resultados demonstraram que o queimador adaptado operou com biogás adequadamente, com chama estável. A eficiência média do aquecedor foi de 68%, para ganho térmico de 36,7 ºC, correspondendo à temperatura final da água igual a 62,7 ºC, sendo consumido 0,796 m³n de biogás, aquecendo 75 L de água em 72 minutos.


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Nowadays, the biggest part of the world's energy supply comes from fossil fuels and nuclear. However, the current need of the society for the preservation of the environment and wise use of natural resources, has favored the search for alternative energy sources and improvement of energy efficiency. In this new scenario, companies are beginning to mobilize in order to adapt its facilities to renewable energy. Solar, with its immense potential, not really exploited yet, can be very useful for companies that want to beat their sustainability goals. Given these facts, the aim is to evaluate the economic viability of introducing a solar water heater which uses a colorless PET bottle as one of its components in a plant. The hot water generated will heat the air of a paint booth and a warm house, reducing energy consumption, since they are heated by electric heaters


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This work is about a development of a vacuum solar water heater. To accomplish this, some measurements were made, such as flow, water temperature and room temperature, relative humidity, solar power density and wind speed. It first presents a brief explanation about the global situation in relation to the accelerated use of exhaustible energy sources which can result in a breakdown of these for future generations. From this, is proposed to analyze this solar water heater with vacuum tubes during the winter season in Brazil southeastern region, under different environmental conditions. From such ideas became possible to prove through the experimental part, calculations and graphical results that technology and the performance of this device are technical and economically viable, according to the life cycle of this. It was also found that the average monthly production in a maximum heat stroke situation was 193,33kWh and minimum isolation was 57,76kWh. This reveals that this instrument should start to be examined more closely by all, as a way to reduce the use of electricity, which will protect the environment without reducing the comfort of people


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The swine culture potentially generates waste with high organic load and pollutants, being responsible for the spread of pathogens, contamination of rivers, groundwater and soils, besides it produces foul odors and emit greenhouse gases. However, the high amount of organic matter, which expresses the amount of pollutant load, reflects the energetic potential of these wastes used as raw material in biogas generation through technology of digesters. The properly use of theses digesters provides the production of clean energy and promotes the conservation of the environment. The economic viability of the implantation of an Indian model digester on a small swine farm was verified based on the value from initial investments of deployment, maintenance costs, depreciation, and on the interest and revenues arising from the system. Besides, the amount of biogas produced daily and the average consumption of biogas by the most common used devices such as refrigerator, stove, water heater, and generator of electricity was calculated.. For a backdrop of 10 years, the results of economic indicators NPV of BRL 57,598.95, IRR of 48.38%, Simple Payback of 2.06 years, and Discounted Payback of 2.3 years, demonstrated a favorable outlook for the use of this technology, with the possibility to generate economic, social and environmental benefits.


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International audience