951 resultados para PUNI3-TYPE STRUCTURE
A model of anisotropic fluid with three perfect fluid components in interaction is studied. Each fluid component obeys the stiff matter equation of state and is irrotational. The interaction is chosen to reproduce an integrable system of equations similar to the one associated to self-dual SU(2) gauge fields. An extension of the BelinskyZakharov version of the inverse scattering transform is presented and used to find soliton solutions to the coupled Einstein equations. A particular class of solutions that can be interpreted as lumps of matter propagating in empty space-time is examined.
We report here on the magnetic properties of compounds of composition Fe1−xCrxSbO4 and Fe1−xGaxSbO4. The introduction of paramagnetic Cr3+ and diamagnetic Ga3+ into the rutile‐related iron antimonate lattice does not destroy the antisite atomic ordering which exists in iron antimonate of composition FeSbO4. The initial slope of the Curie temperature dependence on x is similar in both series, indicating that Fe3+‐Cr3+ interactions are very small. The magnetic susceptibility measurements recorded from the compounds of composition Fe1−xCrxSbO4, x<0.4, and Fe0.9Ga0.1SbO4 show them to behave as spin glasses at low temperatures. The inhibition of compounds of the type Fe1−xCrxSbO4, x>0.4, and Fe1−xGaxSbO4, x>0.1 to undergo a spin‐glass transition above 4.2 K is associated with a dilution effect.
We have studied the effect of pressure on the structural and vibrational properties of lanthanum tritungstate La2(WO4)3. This compound crystallizes under ambient conditions in the modulated scheelite-type structure known as the α phase. We have performed x-ray diffraction and Raman scattering measurements up to a pressure of 20 GPa, as well as ab initio calculations within the framework of the density functional theory. Up to 5 GPa, the three methods provide a similar picture of the evolution under pressure of α-La2(WO4)3. At 5 GPa, we begin to observe some structural changes, and above 6 GPa we find that the x-ray patterns cannot be indexed as a single phase. However, we find that a mixture of two phases with C2/c symmetry accounts for all diffraction peaks. Our ab initio study confirms the existence of several C2/c structures, which are very close in energy in this compression range. According to our measurements, a state with medium-range order appears at pressures above 9 and 11 GPa, from x-ray diffraction and Raman experiments, respectively. Based upon our theoretical calculations we propose several high-pressure candidates with high cationic coordinations at these pressures. The compound evolves into a partially amorphous phase at pressures above 20 GPa.
Les canaux potassiques voltage-dépendants forment des tétramères dont chaque sous-unité comporte six segments transmembranaires (S1 à S6). Le pore, formé des segments S5-S6 de chaque sous-unité, est entouré de quatre domaines responsables de la sensibilité au potentiel membranaire, les senseurs de voltage (VS; S1-S4). Lors d’une dépolarisation membranaire, le mouvement des résidus chargés situés dans le VS entraine un mouvement de charges détectable en électrophysiologie, le courant de « gating ». L’activation du VS conduit à l'ouverture du pore, qui se traduit par un changement de conformation en C-terminal du segment S6. Pour élucider les principes qui sous-tendent le couplage électromécanique entre ces deux domaines, nous avons étudié deux régions présumées responsables du couplage chez les canaux de type Shaker K+, soit la région carboxy-terminale du segment S6 et le lien peptidique reliant les segments transmembranaire S4-S5 (S4-5L). Avec la technique du « cut-open voltage clamp fluorometry » (COVCF), nous avons pu déterminer que l’interaction inter-sous-unitaire RELY, formée par des acides aminés situés sur le lien S4-5L et S6 de deux sous-unités voisines, est impliquée dans le développement de la composante lente observée lors du retour des charges de « gating » vers leur état de repos, le « OFF-gating ». Nous avons observé que l’introduction de mutations dans la région RELY module la force de ces interactions moléculaires et élimine l’asymétrie observée dans les courants de « gating » de type sauvage. D’ailleurs, nous démontrons que ce couplage inter-sous-unitaire est responsable de la stabilisation du pore dans l’état ouvert. Nous avons également identifié une interaction intra-sous-unitaire entre les résidus I384 situé sur le lien S4-5L et F484 sur le segment S6 d’une même sous-unité. La déstabilisation de cette interaction hydrophobique découple complètement le mouvement des senseurs de voltage et l'ouverture du pore. Sans cette interaction, l’énergie nécessaire pour activer les VS est moindre en raison de l’absence du poids mécanique appliqué par le pore. De plus, l’abolition du couplage électromécanique élimine également le « mode shift », soit le déplacement de la dépendance au voltage des charges de transfert (QV) vers des potentiels hyperpolarisants. Ceci indique que le poids mécanique du pore imposé au VS entraine le « mode shift », en modulant la conformation intrinsèque du VS par un processus allostérique.
Les ataxies épisodiques (EA) d’origine génétique sont un groupe de maladies possédant un phénotype et génotype hétérogènes, mais ont en commun la caractéristique d’un dysfonctionnement cérébelleux intermittent. Les EA de type 1 et 2 sont les plus largement reconnues des ataxies épisodiques autosomiques dominantes et sont causées par un dysfonctionnement des canaux ioniques voltage-dépendants dans les neurones. La présente étude se concentrera sur les mutations causant l'EA-1, retrouvées dans le senseur de voltage (VSD) de Kv1.1, un canal très proche de la famille des canaux Shaker. Nous avons caractérisé les propriétés électrophysiologiques de six mutations différentes à la position F244 et partiellement celles des mutations T284 A/M, R297 K/Q/A/H, I320T, L375F, L399I et S412 C/I dans la séquence du Shaker grâce à la technique du ‘’cut open voltage clamp’’ (COVC). Les mutations de la position F244 situées sur le S1 du canal Shaker sont caractérisées par un décalement des courbes QV et GV vers des potentiels dépolarisants et modifient le couplage fonctionnel entre le domaine VSD et le pore. Un courant de fuite est observé durant la phase d'activation des courants transitoires et peut être éliminé par l'application du 4-AP (4-aminopyridine) ou la réinsertion de l'inactivation de type N mais pas par le TEA (tétraéthylamonium). Dans le but de mieux comprendre les mécanismes moléculaires responsables de la stabilisation d’un état intermédiaire, nous avons étudié séparément la neutralisation des trois premières charges positives du S4 (R1Q, R2Q et R3Q). Il en est ressorti l’existence d’une interaction entre R2 et F244. Une seconde interface entre S1 et le pore proche de la surface extracellulaire agissant comme un second point d'ancrage et responsable des courants de fuite a été mis en lumière. Les résultats suggèrent une anomalie du fonctionnement du VSD empêchant la repolarisation normale de la membrane des cellules nerveuses affectées à la suite d'un potentiel d'action.
Structure activity relationships (SARs) are presented for the gas-phase reactions of RO2 with HO2, and the self- and cross-reactions of RO2. For RO2+HO2 the SAR is based upon a correlation between the logarithm of the measured rate coefficient and a calculated ionisation potential for the molecule R-CH=CH2, R being the same group in both the radical and molecular analogue. The correlation observed is strong and only for one RO2 species does the measured rate coefficient deviate by more than a factor of two from the linear least-squares regression line. For the self- and cross-reactions of RO2 radicals, the SAR is based upon a correlation between the logarithm of the measured rate coefficient and the calculated electrostatic potential (ESP) at the equivalent carbon atom in the RH molecule to which oxygen is attached in RO2, again R being the same group in the molecule and the radical. For cases where R is a simple alkyl-group, a strong linear correlation observed. For RO2 radicals which contain lone pair-bearing substituents and for which the calculated ESP<-0.05 self-reaction rate coefficients appear to be insensitive to the value of the ESP. For RO2 of this type with ESP>-0.05 a linear relationship between log k and the ESP is again observed. Using the relationships, 84 out of the 85 rate coefficients used to develop the SARs are predicted to within a factor of three of their measured values. A relationship is also presented that allows the prediction of the Arrhenius parameters for the self-reactions of simple alkyl RO2 radicals. On the basis of the correlations, predictions of room-temperature rate coefficients are made for a number of atmospherically important peroxyl-peroxyl radical reactions. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Conductivity behavior of the Bi12TiO20 single crystal was investigated by the electric modulus spectroscopy, which was carried out in the frequency range from 5 Hz to 13 MHz and at temperatures higher than 400 degrees C. The resistance curve exhibits a set of properties correlated to a negative temperature coefficient thermistor. In the temperature range investigated, the characteristic parameter (,8) of the thermistor is equal to 4834 degrees C. Temperature coefficients of the resistance (a) were derived being equal to -3.02 x 10(-2) degrees C-1 at 400 degrees C and equal to -9.86 x 10(-3) degrees C-1 at 700 degrees C. The nature of the electric relaxation phenomenon and magnitude dc conductivity are approached. (c) 2005 American Institute of Physics.
The intermetallic compounds ScPdZn and ScPtZn were prepared from the elements by high-frequency melting in sealed tantalum ampoules. Both structures were refined from single crystal X-ray diffractometer data: YAlGe type, Cmcm, a = 429.53(8), b = 907.7(1), c = 527.86(1) pm, wR2 = 0.0375, 231 F2 values, for ScPdZn and a = 425.3(1), b = 918.4(2), c = 523.3(1) pm, wR2 = 0.0399, 213 F2 values for ScPtZn with 14 variables per refinement. The structures are orthorhombically distorted variants of the AlB2 type. The scandium and palladium (platinum atoms) build up ordered networks Sc3Pd3 and Sc3Pt3 (boron networks) which are slightly shifted with respect to each other. These networks are penetrated by chains of zinc atoms (262 pm in ScPtZn) which correspond to the aluminum positions, i.e. Zn(ScPd) and Zn(ScPt). The corresponding group-subgroup scheme and the differences in chemical bonding with respect to other AlB2-derived REPdZn and REPtZn compounds are discussed. 45Sc solid state NMR spectra confirm the single crystallographic scandium sites. From electronic band structure calculations the two compounds are found metallic with free electron like behavior at the Fermi level. A larger cohesive energy for ScPtZn suggests a more strongly bonded intermetallic than ScPdZn. Electron localization and overlap population analyses identify the largest bonding for scandium with the transition metal (Pd, Pt).
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
The crystal structure of kyzylkumite, ideally Ti2V3+O5(OH), from the Sludyanka complex in South Baikal, Russia was solved and refined (including the hydrogen atom position) to an agreement index, R1, of 2.34 using X-ray diffraction data collected on a twinned crystal. Kyzylkumite crystallizes in space group P21/c, with a = 8.4787(1), b = 4.5624(1), c = 10.0330(1) Å, β = 93.174(1)°, V = 387.51(1) Å3 and Z = 4. Tivanite, TiV3+O3OH, and kyzylkumite have modular structures based on hexagonal close packing of oxygen, which are made up of rutile TiO2 and montroseite V3+O(OH) slices. In tivanite the rutile:montroseite ratio is 1:1, in kyzylkumite the ratio is 2:1. The montroseite module may be replaced by the isotypic paramontroseite V4+O2 module, which produces a phase with the formula Ti2V4+O6. In the metamorphic rocks of the Sludyanka complex, vanadium can be present as V4+ and V3+ within the same mineral (e.g. in batisivite, schreyerite and berdesinskiite). Kyzylkumite has a flexible composition with respect to the M4+/M3+ ratio. The relationship between kyzylkumite and a closely related Be-bearing kyzylkumite-like mineral with an orthorhombic norbergite-type structure from Byrud mine, Norway is discussed. Both minerals have similar X-ray powder diffraction patterns.
BACKGROUND: Chromosomally encoded AmpC β-lactamases may be acquired by transmissible plasmids which consequently can disseminate into bacteria lacking or poorly expressing a chromosomal bla AmpC gene. Nowadays, these plasmid-mediated AmpC β-lactamases are found in different bacterial species, namely Enterobacteriaceae, which typically do not express these types of β-lactamase such as Klebsiella spp. or Escherichia coli. This study was performed to characterize two E. coli isolates collected in two different Portuguese hospitals, both carrying a novel CMY-2-type β-lactamase-encoding gene. FINDINGS: Both isolates, INSRA1169 and INSRA3413, and their respective transformants, were non-susceptible to amoxicillin, amoxicillin plus clavulanic acid, cephalothin, cefoxitin, ceftazidime and cefotaxime, but susceptible to cefepime and imipenem, and presented evidence of synergy between cloxacilin and cefoxitin and/or ceftazidime. The genetic characterization of both isolates revealed the presence of bla CMY-46 and bla CMY-50 genes, respectively, and the following three resistance-encoding regions: a Citrobacter freundii chromosome-type structure encompassing a blc-sugE-bla CMY-2-type -ampR platform; a sul1-type class 1 integron with two antibiotic resistance gene cassettes (dfrA1 and aadA1); and a truncated mercury resistance operon. CONCLUSIONS: This study describes two new bla CMY-2-type genes in E. coli isolates, located within a C. freundii-derived fragment, which may suggest their mobilization through mobile genetic elements. The presence of the three different resistance regions in these isolates, with diverse genetic determinants of resistance and mobile elements, may further contribute to the emergence and spread of these genes, both at a chromosomal or/and plasmid level.
This paper describes a structural design technique for rehabilitation robot intended for upper-limb post-stroke therapy. First, a novel approach to a rehabilitation robot is proposed and the features of the robot are explained. Second, the direct kinematics and the inverse kinematics of the proposed robot structure are derived. Finally, a mechanical design procedure is explained that achieves a compromise between the required motion range and assuring the workspace safety. The suitability of a portable escort type structure for upper limb rehabilitation of both acute and chronic stroke is discussed
A quantitative phase analysis was made of LiXCoO2 powders obtained by two distinct chemical methodologies at different temperatures (from 400 to 700degreesC). A phase analysis was made using Rietveld refinements based on X-ray diffraction data, considering the LiXCoO2 powders as a multiphase system that simultaneously contained two main phases with distinct, layered and spinel-type structures. The sults showed the coexistence of both structures in LiXCoO2 obtained at low temperature (400 and 500degreesC), although only the layered structure was detected at higher temperatures (600 and 700degreesC, regardless of the chemical powder process employed. The electrochemical performance, evaluated mainly by the cycling reversibility of LiXCoO2 in the form of cathode insertion electrodes, revealed that there is a close correlation between structural features and the electrochemical response, with one of the redox processes (3.3 v/3.9 v) associated only with the presence of the spinel-type structure. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.