129 resultados para PUMA
Food habits of jaguarundi (Puma yagouaroundi) (Geoffroy, 1803) (Carnivora, Felidae) were studied between November 2000 and November 2001, in a 24.9 km² area of secondary Atlantic Rainforest and eucalypt plantation, in the Serra de Paranapiacaba, São Paulo State, Brazil. Analyses of 26 fecal and regurgitate samples, obtained over a stretch of 570.1 km, showed the consumption of 19 prey items and 74 prey occurrences. Small mammals were the most frequent food item (42.5%), followed by birds (21%), reptiles (14%) and medium-sized mammals (3%). The percent occurrence (PO) suggests that the diet consisted mainly of small rodents (30%) and birds (21%). We recorded for the first time the predation of Viperidae snakes by P. yagouaroundi. Although having a large list of items and range of dietary niche breadths (Bsta = 0.76), our data show that jaguarundi prey mainly on small vertebrates (mammals, birds or reptiles), and even in tall tropical forests or eucalypt plantations, it preys mostly on animals that come to, or live on, the ground.
In this study, data on cattle depredation by puma (Puma concolor) and jaguar (Panthera onca) were recorded for six years (1998 - 2003) in a cattle ranch in central-western Brazil. Depredation represented 18.9% of the overall cattle mortality, being predominant on calves. in biomass, kills represented 0.4% (63.8 kg/km(2)) of the ranch`s annual stock. in economic loss, kills represented 0.3% of the cattle stock value. Depredation was mainly associated with cattle`s age class and location along with the time of birth of calves. The proportion of pastures next to forest with depredation (n=33, 48.5%) was not distinguished to the proportion of pastures not bordering forest with depredation (n=35, 51.5%). However, the proportion of pastures next to forest with depredation represented 54% (n=33) of the 61 total pastures that were at least partially surrounded by forest patches or riparian forests that comprised eight continuum blocks of forest fragments of different sizes in the ranch and adjacent areas. No kills occurred in the central portion (main house) of the farm, close to the headquarters where the pastures not bordering forest. The distances of the kills in relation to areas of native forest was 1317.48 +/- 941.03 m. In order to reduce depredation, calves should be kept as far as possible from forest areas and concentrated cattle breeding and calving seasons should be encouraged. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Toxoplasma gondii isolates are highly diverse in domestic animals from Brazil. However, little is known about the genetics of this parasite from wild mammals in the same region. Reveal genetic similarity or difference of T. gondii among different animal populations is necessary for us to understand transmission of this parasite. Here we reported isolation and genetic characterisation of three T. gondii isolates from wild animals in Brazil. The parasite was isolated by bioassay in mice from tissues of a young male red handed howler monkey (Alouatta belzebul), an adult male jaguarundi (Puma yagouaroundi), and an adult female black-eared opossum (Didelphis aurita). The monkey and the jaguarundi had inhabited the Zoo of Parque Estadual Dois Irmaos, Pernambuco State, Northeastern Brazil, for 1 year and 8 years, respectively. The wild black-eared opossum was captured in Sao Paulo State, Southeastern Brazil, and euthanised for this study because it was seropositive for T. gondii (titre 1:100 by the modified agglutination test, MAT). Ten PCR-RFLP (Polymerase Chain Reaction-Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism) markers, SAG1, SAG2, SAG3, BTUB, GRA6, c22-8, c29-2, L358, PK1 and Apico, were used to genotype the isolates. T. gondii was isolated from the brain and heart homogenate of the monkey, the muscle homogenate of the jaguarundi, and the heart homogenate of the black-eared opossum. This was the first isolation of T. gondii from a neotropical fetid from Brazil. The isolate from the monkey (TgRhHmBr1) was not virulent in mice, whereas the isolates from the jaguarundi (TgJagBr1) and the black-eared opossum (TgOpBr1) were virulent in mice. The genotype of the isolate from the monkey has been identified in isolates from a goat and ten chickens in the same region of Brazil, suggesting that it may be a common lineage circulating in this region. The genotypes of the isolates from the jaguarundi and the black-eared opossum have not been previously reported. Although there are already 88 genotypes identified from a variety of animal hosts in Brazil, new genotypes are continuously being identified from different animal species, indicating an extremely high diversity of T. gondii in the population. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Objetivou-se neste trabalho fazer levantamento sobre a troca de dentição decídua por permanente, notadamente dos dentes caninos e a prevalência de maloclusão em pumas (Puma concolor) manejados nas instituições visitadas no Estado de São Paulo. Para os estudos utilizou-se amostra constituída de 36 pumas, provenientes de 18 instituições mantenedoras de tais espécies em cativeiro no Estado de São Paulo, sendo que três animais com idade de oito meses, irmãos de ninhada, apresentaram retenção dos dentes caninos decíduos e foram acompanha dos por 2 anos e 8 meses. Todos os animais foram examinados, observando se a oclusão estava de acordo com o normal para a espécie. Os dentes foram identificados um a um, examinados diretamente por meio de explorador odontológico. Os animais que apresentaram retenção dos dentes caninos decíduos não foram tratados, pois a maloclusões aparentemente não comprometia a preensão ou mastigação de alimentos, embora apresentassem acúmulo de alimentos ou indutos moles na região dos dentes com espaço interproximal mais reduzido.
O desenvolvimento de biotécnicas de reprodução é uma importante ferramenta para a conservação de animais silvestres ameaçados de extinção. Procedimentos de reprodução assistida em suçuarana, no entanto, são escassos na literatura, em especial aqueles relacionados à criopreservação de sêmen. Neste sentido, o presente trabalho objetivou avaliar a congelabilidade do sêmen de suçuaranas adultas mantidas em cativeiro, por meio da comparação entre duas concentrações de glicerol no meio de congelamento. Foram usados cinco machos adultos de suçuarana, mantidos no Centro de Reabilitação de Animais Silvestres do Mato Grosso do Sul (CRAS/MS). As amostras foram coletadas por eletroejaculação e avaliadas quanto ao seu aspecto físico, volume, vigor, motilidade, concentração e índice espermático. De cada ejaculado duas alíquotas foram diluídas em meio Tris-citrato-gema de ovo, em concentrações finais de 5 e 7,5% de glicerol, resfriadas a uma taxa de -0,55ºC/min e congeladas a uma taxa de -5,8ºC/min. Depois de descongeladas, as amostras foram reavaliadas e submetidas aos testes de termorresistência e hiposmótico. O protocolo de criopreservação e descongelamento de sêmen proposto se mostrou eficiente em ambas as concentrações de glicerol testadas, não havendo diferença (p>0,05) entre estas.
Abstract: The aim of this study was to assess the cardiopulmonary effects, the onset time after the administration of a detomidine/ketamine combination, and the recovery from anesthesia of cougars (Puma concolor) anesthetized with detomidine/ketamine and isoflurane or sevoflurane for abdominal ultrasound imaging. Fourteen animals were randomly allocated into two experimental groups: GISO (n=7) and GSEVO (n=7). Chemical restraint was performed using 0.15mg/kg detomidine combined with 5mg/kg ketamine intramuscularly; anesthesia induction was achieved using 2mg/kg propofol intravenously and maintenance with isoflurane (GISO) or sevoflurane (GSEVO). The following parameters were assessed: heart rate, respiratory rate, systolic and diastolic arterial blood pressure, mean arterial blood pressure, oxyhemoglobin saturation, rectal temperature, central venous pressure, and end-tidal carbon dioxide. The time to sternal recumbency (TSR) and time to standing position (TSP) were also determined. There was not statistically significant difference for the cardiopulmonary variables or TSP whereas TSR was significantly shorter in GSEVO. The time to onset of anesthesia was 11.1±1.2 minutes and 11.3±1.8 minutes for GISO and GSEVO, respectively. The anesthesia of cougars with detomidine/ketamine and isoflurane or sevoflurane was conducted with safety, cardiopulmonary stability, and increased time to sternal recumbency in the GISO group.
El presente trabajo se desarrolla en COMDEC S.A., que es una empresa multinacional de origen argentino, dedicada a la comercialización de combustibles, este trabajo se lo realiza en virtud de la necesidad de definir, establecer y estandarizar los procesos de servicio al cliente en las Estaciones de Servicio de la red “PUMA”, con el propósito de brindar un servicio eficiente y eficaz, de tal forma que los clientes lo perciban fácilmente y lo retribuyan con su fidelidad. Una vez realizado el levantamiento de la información, determinados los procesos de servicio al cliente y estandarizados, se persigue obtener una diferencia competitiva en el servicio, por lo tanto la compañía deberá mantener un enfoque hacia la satisfacción del cliente, para mantenerse en el mercado e incrementar sus ventas.
This paper describes the integration of constrained predictive control and computed-torque control, and its application on a six degree-of-freedom PUMA 560 manipulator arm. The real-time implementation was based on SIMULINK, with the predictive controller and the computed-torque control law implemented in the C programming language. The constrained predictive controller solved a quadratic programming problem at every sampling interval, which was as short as 10 ms, using a prediction horizon of 150 steps and an 18th order state space model.
The robot control problem is discussed with regard to controller implementation on a multitransputer array. Some high-performance aspects required of such controllers are described, with particular reference to robot force control. The implications for the architecture required for controllers based on computed torque are discussed and an example is described. The idea of treating a transputer array as a virtual bus is put forward for the implementation of fast real-time controllers. An example is given of controlling a Puma 560 industrial robot. Some of the practical considerations for using transputers for such control are described.
A predação de rebanhos domésticos por predadores silvestres é o conflito mais intenso entre seres humanos e animais silvestres por causa do prejuízo econômico. A solução encontrada pelos fazendeiros é o abate do predador, causa principal de mortalidade destes animais ao redor do mundo. Para compreender melhor as variáveis ambientais relacionadas a este conflito na região do Parque Nacional de São Joaquim, SC, Brasil, e entorno, foram visitadas propriedades que registraram a presença de leões-baios (Puma concolor) e propriedades que sofreram perdas para este animal durante o ano de 2004. Informações relacionadas ao manejo utilizado com os rebanhos e com a área da fazenda foram coletadas e analisadas conjuntamente com dados provenientes de geoprocessamento (cobertura florestal, altitude, declividade, distância de corpos hídricos e de estradas) mostrando que o manejo utilizado com os rebanhos na área de estudo potencializa os eventos de predação de rebanhos domésticos pelo felídeo em questão. Melhorias no manejo dos rebanhos e das propriedades, diminuição da caça de animais silvestres e a proteção dos fragmentos florestais são ações que, considerando a regionalidade do conflito, podem reduzir os índices de predação. Agências ambientais federais e estaduais tem papel importante na disseminação de informações a respeito da ecologia dos predadores, fornecendo subsídios para os proprietários melhorarem o manejo de seus rebanhos e propriedades. Órgãos extensionistas devem planejar e implantar programas de apoio com técnicas adequadas de manejo das propriedades visando a conservação do meio ambiente.