31 resultados para PTK


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Purpose: PTK787/ZK 222584 (PTK/ZK), an orally active inhibitor of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) receptor tyrosine kinases, inhibits VEGF-mediated angiogenesis. The pharmacodynamic effects of PTK/ZK were evaluated by assessing changes in contrast-enhancement parameters of metastatic liver lesions using dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (DCE-MRI) in patients with advanced colorectal cancer treated in two ongoing, dose-escalating phase I studies. Patients and Methods: Twenty-six patients had DCE-MRI performed at baseline, day 2, and at the end of each 28-day cycle. Doses of oral PTK/ZK ranged from 50 to 2000 mg once daily. Tumor permeability and vascularity were assessed by calculating the bidirectional transfer constant (Ki). The percentage of baseline Ki (% of baseline Ki) at each time point was compared with pharmacokinetic and clinical end points. Results: A significant negative correlation exists between the % of baseline Ki and increase in PTK/ZK oral dose and plasma levels (P = .01 for oral dose; P = .0001 for area under the plasma concentration curve at day 2). Patients with a best response of stable disease had a significantly greater reduction in Ki at both day 2 and at the end of cycle 1 compared with progressors (mean difference in % of baseline Ki, 47%, P = .004%; and 51%, P = .006; respectively). The difference in % of baseline Ki remained statistically significant after adjusting for baseline WHO performance status. Conclusion: These findings should help to define a biologically active dose of PTK/ZK. These results suggest that DCE-MRI may be a useful biomarker for defining the pharmacological response and dose of angiogenesis inhibitiors, such as PTK/ZK, for further clinical development. © 2003 by American Society of Clinical Oncology.


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Tutkielman tavoitteena on tuottaa neulakinnasrekonstruktio Euran Luistarin kalmiston haudan 56 neulakinnasfragmenttien pohjalta. Hauta on tutkittu vuonna 1969, jolloin kalmistoalueen arkeologiset kaivaukset aloitettiin. Haudan löytöjen perusteella on aikaisemmin tehty kokonainen pukurekonstruktio, Euran muinaispuku. Luistarin hauta 56 on ruumishauta ja se on tehty naisvainajalle rautakaudella, 1000-luvun alkupuolella jKr. Neulakinnastekniikalla on valmistettu neuloksia jo tuhansia vuosia. Eri neulakinnastekniikoita on yritetty kuvata useilla teorioilla, joista paras lienee Egon H. Hansenin merkintätapa. Suomalaisen kansanperinteen mukaan maassamme on tehty neuleita kolmella erilaisella neulakinnastekniikalla: suomeksi , venäjäksi ja pyöräyttäen . Luistarin haudan 56 neulakinnastekniikalla valmistetut tekstiilifragmentit löytyivät vainajan vatsalta suuren puukontupen päältä sekä kämmenluiden ja sormusten yhteydestä. Fragmentteja saatiin kaivauksissa talteen yhteensä kuusi, joista suurin on kooltaan 6x9 cm. Fragmentit on sijaintinsa perusteella tulkittu kintaiden jäänteiksi. Hautaustilanteessa kintaat ovat ilmeisesti sijainneet vainajan vatsalla, eivätkä käsiin puettuina, sillä fragmentteja ei löytynyt kaikkien sormusten yhteydestä. Myös eräistä muista rautakautisista ruumishaudoista on löydetty neulakintaiden jäänteitä. Luistarin haudan 56 neulakinnasfragmenteista on tutkittu valmistustekniikka, lankojen paksuudet ja kierteisyydet. Selkeänä erottuvat kolme väriä on tulkittu mikroskooppitarkastelussa siniseksi, punaiseksi ja keltaiseksi. Pieni punaisen kerroksen pätkä aivan suurimman fragmentin reunassa on tulkittu peukalon tyveksi. Muita Suomesta löytyneitä rautakautisia neulakinnasfragmentteja ja niistä saatuja tietoja on käytetty vertailuaineistona. Kinnasrekonstruktioon käytetyt langat on värjätty luonnonväreillä. Värjäyksessä on käytetty osittain nykypäivän keinoja, mutta niin, että lopputulos poikkeaisi mahdollisimman vähän muinaistekniikoilla tehdystä. Punainen lanka on värjätty värimataralla eli krapilla, keltainen kanervalla ja sininen luonnonindigolla. Kintaiden muotoilu perustuu suomalaiseen neulakinnastraditioon ja lähialueiltamme löytyneisiin keskiaikaisiin neulakintaisiin.


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Transposons are mobile elements of genetic material that are able to move in the genomes of their host organisms using a special form of recombination called transposition. Bacteriophage Mu was the first transposon for which a cell-free in vitro transposition reaction was developed. Subsequently, the reaction has been refined and the minimal Mu in vitro reaction is useful in the generation of comprehensive libraries of mutant DNA molecules that can be used in a variety of applications. To date, the functional genetics applications of Mu in vitro technology have been subjected to either plasmids or genomic regions and entire genomes of viruses cloned on specific vectors. This study expands the use of Mu in vitro transposition in functional genetics and genomics by describing novel methods applicable to the targeted transgenesis of mouse and the whole-genome analysis of bacteriophages. The methods described here are rapid, efficient, and easily applicable to a wide variety of organisms, demonstrating the potential of the Mu transposition technology in the functional analysis of genes and genomes. First, an easy-to-use, rapid strategy to generate construct for the targeted mutagenesis of mouse genes was developed. To test the strategy, a gene encoding a neuronal K+/Cl- cotransporter was mutagenised. After a highly efficient transpositional mutagenesis, the gene fragments mutagenised were cloned into a vector backbone and transferred into bacterial cells. These constructs were screened with PCR using an effective 3D matrix system. In addition to traditional knock-out constructs, the method developed yields hypomorphic alleles that lead into reduced expression of the target gene in transgenic mice and have since been used in a follow-up study. Moreover, a scheme is devised to rapidly produce conditional alleles from the constructs produced. Next, an efficient strategy for the whole-genome analysis of bacteriophages was developed based on the transpositional mutagenesis of uncloned, infective virus genomes and their subsequent transfer into susceptible host cells. Mutant viruses able to produce viable progeny were collected and their transposon integration sites determined to map genomic regions nonessential to the viral life cycle. This method, applied here to three very different bacteriophages, PRD1, ΦYeO3 12, and PM2, does not require the target genome to be cloned and is directly applicable to all DNA and RNA viruses that have infective genomes. The method developed yielded valuable novel information on the three bacteriophages studied and whole-genome data can be complemented with concomitant studies on individual genes. Moreover, end-modified transposons constructed for this study can be used to manipulate genomes devoid of suitable restriction sites.


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Although the first procedure in a seeing human eye using excimer laser was reported in 1988 (McDonald et al. 1989, O'Connor et al. 2006) just three studies (Kymionis et al. 2007, O'Connor et al. 2006, Rajan et al. 2004) with a follow-up over ten years had been published when this thesis was started. The present thesis aims to investigate 1) the long-term outcomes of excimer laser refractive surgery performed for myopia and/or astigmatism by photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) and laser-in situ- keratomileusis (LASIK), 2) the possible differences in postoperative outcomes and complications when moderate-to-high astigmatism is treated with PRK or LASIK, 3) the presence of irregular astigmatism that depend exclusively on the corneal epithelium, and 4) the role of corneal nerve recovery in corneal wound healing in PRK enhancement. Our results revealed that in long-term the number of eyes that achieved uncorrected visual acuity (UCVA)≤0.0 and ≤0.5 (logMAR) was higher after PRK than after LASIK. Postoperative stability was slightly better after PRK than after LASIK. In LASIK treated eyes the incidence of myopic regression was more pronounced when the intended correction was over >6.0 D and in patients aged <30 years.Yet the intended corrections in our study were higher for LASIK than for PRK eyes. No differences were found in percentages of eyes with best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) or loss of two or more lines of visual acuity between PRK and LASIK in the long-term. The postoperative long-term outcomes of PRK with two different delivery systems broad beam and scanning laser were compared and revealed no differences. Postoperative outcomes of moderate-to-high astigmatism yielded better results in terms of UCVA and less compromise or loss of two more lines of BCVA after LASIK that after PRK.Similar stability for both procedures was revealed. Vector analysis showed that LASIK outcomes tended to be more accurate than PRK outcomes, yet no statistically differences were found. Irregular astigmatism secondary to recurrent corneal erosion due to map-dot-fingerprint was successfully treated with phototherapeutic keratectomy (PTK). Preoperative videokeratographies (VK) showed irregular astigmatism. However, postoperatively, all eyes showed a regular pattern. No correlation was found between pre- and postoperative VK patterns. Postoperative outcomes of late PRK in eyes originally subjected to LASIK showed that all (7/7) eyes achieved UCVA ≤0.5 at last follow-up (range 3 — 11 months), and no eye lost lines of BCVA. Postoperatively all eyes developed and initial mild haze (0.5 — 1) into the first month. Yet, at last follow-up 5/7 eyes showed a haze of 0.5 and this was no longer evident in 2/7 eyes. Based on these results, we demonstrated that the long-term outcomes after PRK and LASIK were safe and efficient, with similar stability for both procedures. The PRK outcomes were similar when treated by broad-beam or scanning slit laser. LASIK was better than PRK to correct moderate-to-high astigmatism, yet both procedures showed a tendency of undercorrection. Irregular astigmatism was proven to be able to depend exclusively from the corneal epithelium. If this kind of astigmatism is present in the cornea and a customized PRK/LASIK correction is done based on wavefront measurements an irregular astigmatism may be produced rather than treated. Corneal sensory nerve recovery should have an important role in the modulation of the corneal wound healing and post-operative anterior stromal scarring. PRK enhancement may be an option in eyes with previous LASIK after a sufficient time interval that in at least 2 years.


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To investigate the antitumor effect of bromophenol derivatives in vitro and Leathesia nana extract in vivo, six bromophenol derivatives 6-(2,3-dibromo-4,5-dihydroxybenzyl)-2,3-dibromo-4,5-dihydroxy benzyl methyl ether (1), (+)-3-(2,3-dibromo-4,5-dihydroxyphenyl)-4-bromo-5,6-dihydroxy-1,3-dihydroisobenzofuran (2), 3-bromo-4-(2,3-dibromo-4,5-dihydroxybenzyl)-5-methoxymethyl-pyrocatechol (3), 2,2',3,3'-tetrabromo-4,4',5,5'-tetrahydroxy-diphenylmethane (4), bis(2,3-dibromo-4,5-dihydroxybenzyl) ether (5), 2,2',3-tribromo-3',4,4',5-tetrahydroxy-6'-ethyloxymethyldiphenylmethane (6) were isolated from brown alga Leathesia nana, and their cytotoxicity were tested by MTT assays in human cancer cell lines A549, BGC-823, MCF-7, B16-BL6, HT-1080, A2780, Bel7402 and HCT-8. Their inhibitory activity against protein tyrosine kinase (PTK) with over-expression of c-kit was analyzed also by ELISA. The antitumor activity of ethanolic extraction of Leathesia nana (EELN) was evaluated on S-180-bearing mice. All compounds showed very potent cytotoxicity against all of the eight cancer cell lines with IC50 below 10 mu g/mL. In PTK inhibition study, all bromophenol derivatives showed moderate inhibitory activity and compounds 2, 5 and 6 showed significant bioactivity with the inhibition ratio of 77.5%, 80.1% and 71.4%, respectively. Pharmacological studies reveal that EELN could inhibit the growth of Sarcoma 180 tumor and increase the indices of thymus and spleen to improve the immune system remarkably in vivo. Results indicated that the bromophenol derivatives and EELN can be used as potent antitumor agents for PTK over-expression of c-kit and considered in a new therapeutic strategy for treatment of cancer.


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While protein tyrosine kinases (PTKs) have been extensively characterized in eukaryotes, far less is known about their emerging counterparts in prokaryotes. Studies of close to 20 homologs of bacterial protein tyrosine (BY) kinases have inaugurated a blooming new field of research, all since just the end of the last decade. These kinases are key regulators in the polymerization and exportation of the virulence-determining polysaccharides which shield the bacterial from the non-specific defenses of the host. This research is aimed at furthering our understanding of the BY kinases through the use of X-ray crystallography and various in vitro and in vivo experiments. We reported the first crystal structure of a bacterial PTK, the C-terminal kinase domain of E. coli tyrosine kinase (Etk) at 2.5Å resolution. The fold of the Etk kinase domain differs markedly from that of eukaryotic PTKs. Based on the observed structure and supporting evidences, we proposed a unique activation mechanism for BY kinases in Gram-negative bacteria. The phosphorylation of tyrosine residue Y574 at the active site and the specific interaction of P-Y574 with a previously unidentified key arginine residue, R614, unblock the Etk active site and activate the kinase. Both in vitro kinase activity and in vivo antibiotics resistance studies utilizing structure-guided mutants further support the novel activation mechanism. In addition, the level of phosphorylation of their C-terminal Tyr cluster is known to regulate the translocation of extracellular polysaccharides. Our studies have significantly clarified our understanding of how the phosphorylation status on the C-terminal tyrosine cluster of BY kinases affects the oligomerization state of the protein, which is likely the machinery of polysaccharide export regulation. In summary, this research makes a substantial contribution to the rapidly progressing research of bacterial tyrosine kinases.


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FES protein-tyrosine kinase (PTK) activation downstream of the KIT receptor in mast cells (MC) promotes cell polarization and migration towards the KIT ligand Stem cell factor (SCF). A variety of tumours secrete SCF to promote MC recruitment and release of mediators that enhance tumour vascularization and growth. This study investigates whether FES promotes MC migration via regulation of microtubules (MTs), and if FES is required for MC recruitment to the tumour microenvironment. MT binding assays showed that FES has at least two MT binding sites, which likely contribute to the partial co-localization of FES with MTs in polarized bone marrow-derived mast cells (BMMCs). Live cell imaging revealed a significant defect in chemotaxis of FES-deficient BMMCs towards SCF embedded within an agarose drop, which correlated with less MT organization compared to control cells. To extend these results to a tumour model, mouse mammary carcinoma AC2M2 cells were engrafted under the skin and into the mammary fat pads of immune compromised control (nu/nu) or FES-deficient (nu/nu:fes-/-) mice. A drastic reduction in tumour-associated MCs was observed in FES-deficient mice compared to control in both mammary and skin tissue sections. This correlated with a trend towards reduced tumour volumes in FES-deficient mice. These results implicate FES signaling downstream of KIT, in promoting MT reorganization during cell polarization and for chemotaxis of MCs towards tumour-derived SCF. Thus, FES is a potential therapeutic target to limit recruitment of stromal mast cells or macrophages to solid tumours that enhance tumour progression.


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The ruthenium(II)-cymene complexes [Ru(eta(6)-cymene)(bha)Cl] with substituted halogenobenzohydroxamato (bha) ligands (substituents = 4-F, 4-Cl, 4-Br, 2,4-F-2, 3,4-F-2, 2,5-F-2, 2,6-F-2) have been synthesized and characterized by elemental analysis, IR, H-1 NMR, C-13 NMR, cyclic voltammetry and controlled-potential electrolysis, and density functional theory (DFT) studies. The compositions of their frontier molecular orbitals (MOs) were established by DFT calculations, and the oxidation and reduction potentials are shown to follow the orders of the estimated vertical ionization potential and electron affinity, respectively. The electrochemical E-L Lever parameter is estimated for the first time for the various bha ligands, which can thus be ordered according to their electron-donor character. All complexes exhibit very strong protein tyrosine kinase (PTK) inhibitory activity, even much higher than that of genistein, the clinically used PTK inhibitory drug. The complex containing the 2,4-difluorobenzohydroxamato ligand is the most active one, and the dependences of the PTK activity of the complexes and of their redox potentials on the ring substituents are discussed. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Depuis la découverte de la première protéine possédant une activité tyrosine kinase (protein tyrosine kinase [PTK]) dans les années 1980, l’importance des PTKs et de la phosphorylation sur résidu tyrosine dans la régulation des événements de signalisation intracellulaire est bien établie. Quant aux protéines qui possèdent une activité tyrosine phosphatase (protein tyrosine phosphatase [PTP]), dont l’existence n’a été dévoilée qu’une dixaine d’années plus tard, elles ont longtemps été perçues comme des enzymes dont le rôle ne se résumait qu'à contrecarrer passivement les activités des PTKs. Il est maintenant clair que les activités des PTPs sont spécifiques, hautement régulées, et qu’elles doivent être coordonnées avec celles des PTKs pour une régulation adéquate des événements de signalisation intracellulaire. En dépit de cette évidence, la contribution des PTPs à la régulation des différents processus physiologiques fondamentaux demeure encore peu caractérisée. C’est le cas, notamment, de l’angiogenèse, le processus par lequel de nouveaux vaisseaux sanguins sont formés à partir de ceux préexistants. Le VEGF (Vascular endothelial growth factor), un des facteurs angiogéniques les plus importants, est connu pour induire majoritairement ses effets biologiques via l’activation du récepteur à activité tyrosine kinase VEGFR2 (Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2). Puisque l’angiogenèse est impliquée dans le développement d’une multitude de pathologies, dont la progression tumorale, une meilleure caractérisation des PTPs qui assurent la qualité de la réponse angiogénique en agissant de pair avec le VEGFR2 s’avère cruciale et ce, afin de raffiner les outils thérapeutiques actuels. L’expression de la PTP DEP-1 corrèle avec la déphosphorylation du récepteur VEGFR2 localisé au niveau des jonctions cellules-cellules et contribue à l’inhibition de la prolifération des cellules endothéliales en réponse au VEGF lorsque les cellules sont à confluence. Par contre, la contribution spécifique de DEP-1 à la régulation des voies de signalisation et des réponses biologiques induites par le VEGF demeurait toujours inconnue. Les travaux de recherche présentés dans cette thèse démontrent tout d’abord que DEP-1 régule négativement l’activité tyrosine kinase de VEGFR2 en déphosphorylant spécifiquement les résidus tyrosine Y1054/Y1059 de sa boucle d’activation. Cette déphosphorylation mène par conséquent à une diminution générale de la phosphorylation du récepteur et à une atténuation de la plupart des voies de signalisation induites par le VEGF, incluant la voie mitogénique PLCγ-ERK1/2. Par ailleurs, malgré ce rôle négatif global, nos travaux révèlent étonnement, et pour la première fois, que DEP-1 contribue d’une manière positive à la promotion de la survie des cellules endothéliales via l’activation de la voie Src-Gab1-Akt en aval du récepteur VEGFR2. Ce pouvoir pro-survie de DEP-1 dans les cellules endothéliales réside avant tout dans sa capactié à déphosphoryler la tyrosine inhibitrice de Src (Y529). Au cours de notre étude, nous avons pu identifier deux résidus tyrosine au niveau de l’extrémité carboxy-terminale de DEP-1, Y1311 et Y1320, dont la phosphorylation est dépendante de Src. Nos travaux révèlent par ailleurs que ces deux résidus tyrosine phosphorylés lient le domaine SH2 de Src et que la Y1320 est principalement requise pour l’activation de Src et d’Akt en réponse au VEGF dans les cellules endothéliales. Ces résultats constituent donc une avancée majeure dans la compréhension des mécanismes moléculaires par lesquels DEP-1 peut réguler le programme angiogénique dépendant du VEGF. De plus, cette découverte d’un rôle positif pour DEP-1 dans la survie des cellules endothéliales pourrait mener à l’élaboration de nouvelles approches thérapeutiques visant à inhiber cette fonction spécifique de DEP-1 pour bloquer l'angiogenèse pathologique.


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L'endothéline-1 (ET-1) et l'angiotensine II (Ang II) jouent un rôle important dans le maintien de la pression artérielle et l'homéostasie vasculaire. Une activité accrue de ces peptides vasoactifs est présumée contribuer au développement de pathologies vasculaires, telles que l'hypertension, l'athérosclérose, l'hypertrophie et la resténose. Ceci est causé par une activation excessive de plusieurs voies de signalisation hypertrophiques et prolifératives, qui incluent des membres de la famille des Mitogen Activated Protein Kinases (MAPK), ainsi que la famille phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3-K) / protéine kinase B (PKB). Bien que l'activation de ces voies de signalisation soit bien élucidée, les éléments en amont responsables de l'activation des MAPK et de la PKB, induite par l'ET-1 et Ang II, demeurent mal compris. Durant les dernières années, le concept de la transactivation de récepteurs et/ou non-récepteurs protéines tyrosine kinases (PTK) dans le déclenchement des événements de signalisation induits par les peptides vasoactifs a gagné beaucoup de reconnaissance. Nous avons récemment démontré que la PTK Insulin-like Growth Factor type-1 Receptor (IGF-1R) joue un rôle dans la transduction des signaux induits par l‟H2O2, menant à la phosphorylation de la PKB. Étant donné que les peptides vasoactifs génèrent des espèces réactives d'oxygène, telles que l‟H2O2 lors de leur signalisation, nous avons examiné le rôle de d‟IGF-1R dans la phosphorylation de la PKB et les réponses hypertrophiques dans les cellules muscle lisse vasculaires (CMLV) induites par l'ET-1 et Ang II. AG-1024, un inhibiteur spécifique de l'IGF-1R, a atténué la phosphorylation de la PKB induite à la fois par l'ET-1 et Ang II. Le traitement des CMLVs avec l‟ET-1 et Ang II a également induit une phosphorylation des résidus tyrosine dans les sites d'autophosphorylation d'IGF-1R, celle-ci a été bloquée par l‟AG-1024. En outre, l‟ET-1 et l‟Ang II on tous les deux provoqué la phosphorylation de c-Src, une PTK non-récepteur, bloqué par PP-2, inhibiteur spécifique de la famille Src. La PP-2 a également inhibé la phosphorylation de PKB et d‟IGF-1R induite par l‟ET-1 et l‟Ang II. De plus, la synthèse de protéines ainsi que d‟ADN, marqueurs de la prolifération cellulaire et de l'hypertrophie, ont également été atténuée par l‟AG-1024 et le PP-2. Bien que ce travail démontre le rôle de c-Src dans la phosphorylation PKB induite par l'ET-1 et Ang II, son rôle dans l'activation des MAPK induit par l'ET-1 dans les CMLVs reste controversé. Par conséquent, nous avons examiné l'implication de c-Src dans l'activation de ERK 1/2, JNK et p38MAPK, par l'ET-1 et Ang II, ainsi que leur capacité à régulariser l'expression du facteur de transcription Early growth transcription factor-1 « Egr-1 ». ET-1 et Ang II ont induit la phosphorylation de ERK 1/2, JNK et p38 MAPK, et ont amplifié l'expression d'Egr-1 dans les CMLVs. Cette augmentation de la phosphorylation des MAPK a été diminuée par la PP-2, qui a aussi atténué l'expression d'Egr-1 induite par l'ET-1 et l'Ang II. Une preuve supplémentaire du rôle de c-Src dans ce processus a été obtenue en utilisant des fibroblastes embryonnaires de souris déficientes en c-Src (Src -/- MEF). L'expression d'Egr-1, ainsi que l'activation des trois MAPKs par l'ET-1 ont été atténuées dans les cellules Src -/- par rapport au MEF exprimant des taux normaux Src. En résumé, ces données suggèrent que l'IGF-1R et c-Src PTK jouent un rôle essentiel dans la régulation de la phosphorylation de PKB et des MAPK dans l‟expression d'Egr-1, ainsi que dans les réponses hypertrophiques et prolifératives induites par l'ET-1 et Ang II dans les CMLVs.


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Paracoccidioidomycosis is caused by Paracoccidioides brasiliensis, which although not formally considered an intracellular pathogen, can be internalized by epithelial cells in vitro and in vivo. The mechanisms used by P. brasiliensis to adhere to and invade non-professional phagocytes have not been identified. The signal-transduction networks, involving protein tyrosine kinase (PTK) and protein phosphatase activities, can modulate crucial events during fungal infections. In this study, the involvement of PTK has been investigated in P. brasiliensis adherence and invasion in mammalian epithelial cells. A significant inhibition of the fungal invasion occurred after the pre-treatment of the epithelial cells with genistein, a specific tyrosine kinase inhibitor, indicating that the tyrosine kinase pathway is involved in P. brasiliensis internalization. In contrast, when the fungus was treated, a slight (not significant) inhibition of PTK was observed, suggesting that PTK might not be the fungus' transduction signal pathway during the invasion process of epithelial cells. An intense PTK immunofluorescence labeling was observed in the periphery of the P. brasiliensis infected cells, little PTK labeling was found in both uninfected cells and yeast cells, at later infection times (8 and 24 h). Moreover, when the epithelial cells were treated with genistein and infected with P. brasiliensis, no labeling was observed, suggesting the importance of the PTK in the infectious process. These results suggest that PTK pathway participates in the transduction signal during the initial events of the adhesion and invasion processes of P. brasiliensis to mammalian epithelial cells.