84 resultados para PRR


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Con el propósito de evaluar la eficiencia de diferentes métodos de manejo de malezas en el cultivo de cebolla ( Allium cepa L . ), se realizó un ensayo en la época seca de 2006 en el Centro Experimental del Valle de Sébaco, ubicado en San Isidro, Matagalpa, Nicaragua. Se estudiaron seis tratamientos: pendimentalin, metolachlor, Testigo Absoluto, Mecánico, oxifluorfen mas fluazifop p-butil y Mecánico más oxifluorfen. Se utilizó un diseño de Bloques Completos al Azar (BCA) con cuatro repeticiones. Las variables evaluadas fueron densidad de malezas por grupos, peso fresco de malezas y biomasa de las malezas y rendimiento de bulbos por categorías. Para el análisis de la información se utilizó el programa estadístico SAS, se realizaron análisis de varianza y prueba de separación de medias según Tukey al 5 % de margen de error. Se realizó un análisis exploratorio de los datos, para determinar normalidad y homogeneidad de varianza. En casos cuando estas premisas no se cumplieron, se utilizaron pruebas no paramétricas (prueba de Friedman). Los resultados agronómicos fueron sometidos a un análisis de presupuesto parcial, para determinar el tratamiento con mayor beneficio económico. El mejor comportamiento en la reducción de la abundancia de malezas, y mejor rendimiento de bulbo de cebolla, se obtuvo en el tratamiento Mecánico. Este tratamiento redujo la abundancia de malezas en un 82 por ciento en comparación con el testigo absoluto, además de presentar el mejor rendimiento de bulbo. El tratamiento seis (Mecánico mas oxifluorfen) presentó el segundo mejor rendimiento a pesar de que la densidad de malezas fue superior al tratamiento mecánico. El tratamiento mecánico mas oxifluorfen redujo la abundancia de malezas en un 48 por ciento en comparación con el testigo absoluto. El mayor beneficio económico se obtuvo con la utilización de metolachlor, sin embargo, la inversión económica para la utilización de control mecánico más oxifluorfen, resulta beneficioso ya que permite obtener un beneficio adicional con una baja inversion


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Phytophthora root rot (PRR), caused by P. cinnamomi, is a primary constraint on avocado productivity in Australia. Numerous field trials at sites in northern NSW and southern QLD have demonstrated significant variation in tree health amongst commercial rootstocks and recently selected material, grown under high PRR disease pressure. Selections 'SHSR-02', 'SHSR-04', ungrafted 'Hass' (rooted cuttings from clonal propagation) and the commercial rootstock 'DusaTM' were significantly healthier over time than other rootstocks, many of which died during the course of the trials. 'Reed' was consistently highly susceptible. In many cases superior tree health was associated with increased tree height and trunk girth. The trials also clearly demonstrate the negative impact of Phytophthora root rot on establishment of new avocado production blocks, and the importance of identifying and selecting avocado rootstock material that can withstand high P. cinnamomi disease pressure.


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The authors are grateful to Professor K. P. Abraham for the provision of facilities and encouragement. One of us (PRR) acknowledges the award of a National Associateship by the UGC which facilitated a short-time visit to the Indian Institute of Science.


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Take home messages: Plant only high quality seed that has been germ and vigour tested and treated with a registered seed dressing Avoid poorly drained paddocks and those with a history of lucerne, medics or chickpea Phytophthora root rot, PRR; do not grow Boundary if you even suspect a PRR risk Select best variety suited to soil type, farming system and disease risk Beware Ascochyta: follow recommendations for your variety and district Minimise risk of virus by retaining stubble, planting on time and at optimal rate, controlling weeds and ensuring adequate plant nutrition Test soil to determine risk of salinity and sodicity – do not plant chickpeas if ECe > 1.0-1.3 dS/m. Beware early desiccation of seed crops – know how to tell when 90-95% seeds are mature


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We develop several hardware and software simulation blocks for the TinyOS-2 (TOSSIM-T2) simulator. The choice of simulated hardware platform is the popular MICA2 mote. While the hardware simulation elements comprise of radio and external flash memory, the software blocks include an environment noise model, packet delivery model and an energy estimator block for the complete system. The hardware radio block uses the software environment noise model to sample the noise floor. The packet delivery model is built by establishing the SNR-PRR curve for the MICA2 system. The energy estimator block models energy consumption by Micro Controller Unit(MCU), Radio, LEDs, and external flash memory. Using the manufacturerpsilas data sheets we provide an estimate of the energy consumed by the hardware during transmission, reception and also track several of the MCUs states with the associated energy consumption. To study the effectiveness of this work, we take a case study of a paper presented in [1]. We obtain three sets of results for energy consumption through mathematical analysis, simulation using the blocks built into PowerTossim-T2 and finally laboratory measurements. Since there is a significant match between these result sets, we propose our blocks for T2 community to effectively test their application energy requirements and node life times.


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The authors are grateful to Professor K. P. Abraham for the provision of facilities and encouragement. One of us (PRR) acknowledges the award of a National Associateship by the UGC which facilitated a short-time visit to the Indian Institute of Science.


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We develop several hardware and software simulation blocks for the TinyOS-2 (TOSSIM-T2) simulator. The choice of simulated hardware platform is the popular MICA2 mote. While the hardware simulation elements comprise of radio and external flash memory, the software blocks include an environment noise model, packet delivery model and an energy estimator block for the complete system. The hardware radio block uses the software environment noise model to sample the noise floor.The packet delivery model is built by establishing the SNR-PRR curve for the MICA2 system. The energy estimator block models energy consumption by Micro Controller Unit(MCU), Radio,LEDs, and external flash memory. Using the manufacturer’s data sheets we provide an estimate of the energy consumed by the hardware during transmission, reception and also track several of the MCUs states with the associated energy consumption. To study the effectiveness of this work, we take a case study of a paper presented in [1]. We obtain three sets of results for energy consumption through mathematical analysis, simulation using the blocks built into PowerTossim-T2 and finally laboratory measurements. Since there is a significant match between these result sets, we propose our blocks for T2 community to effectively test their application energy requirements and node life times.


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We propose energy harvesting technologies and cooperative relaying techniques to power the devices and improve reliability. We propose schemes to (a) maximize the packet reception ratio (PRR) by cooperation and (b) minimize the average packet delay (APD) by cooperation amongst nodes. Our key result and insight from the testbed implementation is about total data transmitted by each relay. A greedy policy that relays more data under a good harvesting condition turns out to be a sub optimal policy. This is because, energy replenishment is a slow process. The optimal scheme offers a low APD and also improves PRR.


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The Ultra Wide Band (UWB) system has been a subject of research in the last few years due to its utility in various high power electromagnetic applications. Due to its simplicity in design and fabrication, the Half Impulse Radiating Antenna (HIRA) based UWB system has attracted many researchers. Effectiveness of a UWB system, in terms of the bandwidth of the radiated pulse depends on the duration of the radiated field which is typically of sub nanosecond regime. This duration in turn depends on the closure time of the switch used in the UWB pulsed power source. This paper presents the work carried out on the pressurised gas switch of a 50 kV pulsed power system of a HIRA based UWB system. The aim of the present work is to establish the relationship between the pulser switch breakdown voltage and gas pressure, rise time and gas pressure as well as the dependency of the Pulse Repetition Rate (PRR) on the switch breakdown voltage.


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Resumen: Proponemos un análisis crítico de los fundamentos que sustentan la llamada “Ley de Muerte Digna” incorporada en la Ley que consagra la regulación de los derechos del paciente, historia clínica, consentimiento informado, (Art. 2º, inc. “e” párr. 2º de la Ley 26.529 modificada por la Ley 26.742), que introduce en nuestro país la existencia real de un sistema eutanásico formal sin fundamentos de orden científico, éticos e incluso jurídicos. ¿Es moralmente lícito suprimir la vida del enfermo terminal?, ¿la legalización de esta práctica eutanásica es la primera piedra de una nueva “cultura” de la vida? Entendemos que la llamada “tesis de la autonomía”, fundante de la reforma legislativa en cuestión, desde una óptica Bioética personalista, merece serias objeciones bioéticas ya que puede distorsionar gravemente el ejercicio de la medicina y la relación médico paciente.


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Con el propósito de evaluar el rendimiento y la capacidad de almacenamiento de catorce cultivares de cebolla (Allium Cap L.), se realizó un ensayo en el Centro experimental “Raúl González A”, del valle de Sebaco durante el periodo Diciembre 1987 a Julio 1,988 El método de siembra utilizado fue el de trasplante: el diseño experimental utilizado fue el de bloques completos al azar con 4 repeticiones y parcela experimental de 6 mts. De largo y 1.6 mts de Ancho. El área de la parcela útil fue de 5.4 mts2. Los paramentos evaluados fueron los siguientes: longitud de planta, numero de hojas, diámetro polar y ecuatorial, grados Srix porcentaje de plantas sin bulbo, porcentaje de bulbos dobles, porcentaje de bulbos enfermos y el rendimiento. En almacenamiento se evaluó el porcentaje de bulbos comerciales al final del almacenamiento. En base al ANDEVA y la prueba de Tukey al 5% de determino que las variedades Toro PRR ( 20.262 kg/ha), Grand prix (18.194 kg/ha) y Ringer Grano PRR (17.898) superan en rendimiento al resto de las variedades: Los materiales se sabe que no presentan los rendimientos más pobres, aunque se destaca el hecho de que los materiales mejorados superan al material original. En el almacenamiento mostrado un mejor comportamiento las variedades Yellow Granex y Red Creole con 80% de bulbos comerciales al final del periodo de almacenamiento.


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Con el objetivo de comparar los materiales introducidos de Cebolla (Allium cepa L) con los materiales mejorados de Sebaqueña (material criollo) en las condiciones agroecológicas del Valle de Sébaco, en relación a su comportamiento agronómico e industrial, se estableció un ensayo en B.C.A. en la Estación Experimental "Raúl González" del Valle de Sébaco, en 1990. Los tratamientos evaluados fueron 12 cultivares en total. En base a los resultados obtenidos se determinó que : El cultivar mejorado Sebaqueña Selección Precoz y Latente presentó un alto rendimiento potencial de bulbo, con 19.062 ton/ha, superado solo por cultivares introducidos estables ccon Ringer Grano PRR con 21.59 ton/ha y Yellow Granex con 21.20 ton/ha, destacándose este cultivar criollo como un cultivar muy promisorio en el futuro. Para la industria de cebolla deshidratada los cultivares de Sebaquena representan una excelente obtuvieron un alto rendimiento industrial alternativa, con 12.7, ya que 12.11, y 11.66 X de sólidos Solubles, solamente superado por Dehydrator No. 3 con 14.2 X de Sólidos Solubles.


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Sensory-motor circuits course through the parietal cortex of the human and monkey brain. How parietal cortex manipulates these signals has been an important question in behavioral neuroscience. This thesis presents experiments that explore the contributions of monkey parietal cortex to sensory-motor processing, with an emphasis on the area's contributions to reaching. First, it is shown that parietal cortex is organized into subregions devoted to specific movements. Area LIP encodes plans to make saccadic eye movements. A nearby area, the parietal reach region (PRR), plans reaches. A series of experiments are then described which explore the contributions of PRR to reach planning. Reach plans are represented in an eye-centered reference frame in PRR. This representation is shown to be stable across eye movements. When a sequence of reaches is planned, only the impending movement is represented in PRR, showing that the area is more related to movement planning than to storing the memory of reach targets. PRR resembles area LIP in each of these properties: the two areas may provide a substrate for hand-eye coordination. These findings yield new perspectives on the functions of the parietal cortex and on the organization of sensory-motor processing in primate brains.