1000 resultados para PROTOMERS, PROTONATION SITE


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It is found that the nitro substituent of some aromatic bifunctional compounds shows unusual reactivity towards protonation. In the chemical ionization mass spectra of nitrobenzoic acids and their esters and amides, and of nitrophenols and their ethers, protonations on the carboxyl, ester, amide, hydroxyl or alkoxyl groups are highly suppressed by that on the nitro group. As a result, fragmentations based on protonation on these groups unexpectedly become negligible. Ortho effects were observed for all the ortho isomers where the initial protonation on the nitro group is followed by an intramolecular proton transfer reaction, which leads to the expected 'normal' fragmentations. Protonation on the nitro substituent is much more favourable in energy than on any of the other substituents. The interaction of the two substituents through the conjugating benzene ring is found to be responsible for this 'unfair' competitive protonation. The electron-attracting nitro group strongly destabilizes the MH+ ions formed through protonation on the other substituent; although the COR (R = OH, OMe, OEt, NH2) groups are also electron-withdrawing, their effects are weaker than that of NO2; thus protonation on the latter group produces more-stable MH+ ions. On the other hand, an electron-releasing group OR (R = H, Me, Et) stabilizes the nitro-protonated species; the stronger the electron-donating effect of this group the more stable the nitro-protonated ions.


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Travelling wave ion mobility mass spectrometry (TWIM-MS) with post-TWIM and pre-TWIM collision-induced dissociation (CID) experiments were used to form, separate and characterize protomers sampled directly from solutions or generated in the gas phase via CID. When in solution equilibria, these species were transferred to the gas phase via electrospray ionization, and then separated by TWIM-MS. CID performed after TWIM separation (post-TWIM) allowed the characterization of both protomers via structurally diagnostic fragments. Protonated aniline (1) sampled from solution was found to be constituted of a ca. 5:1 mixture of two gaseous protomers, that is, the N-protonated (1a) and ring protonated (1b) molecules, respectively. When dissociated, 1a nearly exclusively loses NH3, whereas 1b displays a much diverse set of fragments. When formed via CID, varying populations of 1a and 1b were detected. Two co-existing protomers of two isomeric porphyrins were also separated and characterized via post-TWIM CID. A deprotonated porphyrin sampled from a basic methanolic solution was found to be constituted predominantly of the protomer arising from deprotonation at the carboxyl group, which dissociates promptly by CO2 loss, but a CID-resistant protomer arising from deprotonation at a porphyrinic ring NH was also detected and characterized. The doubly deprotonated porphyrin was found to be constituted predominantly of a single protomer arising from deprotonation of two carboxyl groups. Copyright (C) 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Wydział Chemii: Zakład Biochemii


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In the present study, the mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs) were isolated from the marine red alga Gracilaria tenuistipitata and analysed by high-resolution accurate-mass sequential mass spectrometry (MSn). In addition to the proposed fragmentation mechanism based on the MSn analysis, it is clearly demonstrated that the elimination of mass 15 is a radical processes taking place at the methoxyl substituent of the double bond. This characteristic loss of a methyl radical was studied by theoretical calculations and the homolytic cleavage of the O-C bond is suggested to be dependent on the bond weakening. The protonation site of the MAAs was indicated by analysis of the Fukui functions and the relative Gibbs energies of the several possible protonated forms. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Tetra-alkoxysilanes are common and useful reagents in sol-gel processes and understanding their reactivity is important in the design of new materials. The mechanism of gas-phase reactions that mimic alcoholyis of Si(OMe)(4) (usually known as TMOS) under acidic conditions have been studied by Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance techniques and density functional calculations at the B3LYP/6-311+G(d,p) level. The proton affinity of TMOS has been estimated at 836.4 kJ mol(-1) and protonation of TMOS gives rise to an ionic species that is best represented as trimethoxysilyl cations associated with a methanol molecule. Protonated TMOS undergoes rapid and sequential substitution of the methoxy groups in the gas-phase upon reaction with alcohols. The calculated energy profile of the reaction indicates that the substitution reaction through an S(N)2 type mechanism may be more favorable than frontal attack at silicon. Furthermore, the sequential substitution reactions are promoted by a mechanism that involves proton shuttle from the most favorable protonation site to the oxygen of the departing group mediated by the neutral reagent molecule.


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The ba3-type cytochrome c oxidase from Thermus thermophilus is a membrane-bound protein complex that couples electron transfer to O2 to proton translocation across the membrane. To elucidate the mechanism of the redox-driven proton pumping, we investigated the kinetics of electron and proton transfer in a structural variant of the ba3 oxidase where a putative "pump site" was modified by replacement of Asp372 by Ile. In this structural variant, proton pumping was uncoupled from internal electron transfer and O2 reduction. The results from our studies show that proton uptake to the pump site (time constant ∼65 μs in the wild-type cytochrome c oxidase) was impaired in the Asp372Ile variant. Furthermore, a reaction step that in the wild-type cytochrome c oxidase is linked to simultaneous proton uptake and release with a time constant of ∼1.2 ms was slowed to ∼8.4 ms, and in Asp372Ile was only associated with proton uptake to the catalytic site. These data identify reaction steps that are associated with protonation and deprotonation of the pump site, and point to the area around Asp372 as the location of this site in the ba3 cytochrome c oxidase.


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Nous étudions le ribozyme VS de Neurospora, en tant que système modèle, pour augmenter nos connaissances sur la relation entre la structure et la fonction chez les ARNs, ainsi que pour mieux comprendre le mécanisme de clivage de ce ribozyme. Il a été proposé précédemment que la boucle interne A730 dans la tige-boucle VI (SLVI) contient le site actif du ribozyme et lie un ou plusieurs ions métalliques qui pourraient participer au mécanisme réactionnel. Nous avons déterminé par spectroscopie RMN la structure de la tige-boucle SLVI contenant la boucle A730 afin d’éclaircir ce mécanisme. La structure obtenue est en accord avec les études biochimiques antérieures et présente un ou plusieurs sites de liaison au magnésium associé à la boucle interne. Suite à des études de cinétique et de mutagenèse, il a été proposé qu’une adénine localisée dans le site actif, A756, participe à la catalyse par acide/base générale. Des études de pH effectuées précédemment ont identifié un pKa catalytique (5.2-5.8) qui correspond probablement à l’équilibre de protonation du A756. À l’aide de méthodes utilisant le carbone-13, nous avons identifié un pKa modifié appartenant au A756, ce qui supporte le rôle de ce résidu dans la catalyse par acide/base générale. Les études structurales présentées ici aident donc à augmenter notre compréhension du mécanisme de clivage chez le ribozyme VS.


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The dynamics of proton binding to the extracellular and the cytoplasmic surfaces of the purple membrane were measured by laser-induced proton pulses. Purple membranes, selectively labeled by fluorescein at Lys-129 of bacteriorhodopsin, were pulsed by protons released in the aqueous bulk from excited pyranine (8-hydroxy-1,3,6-pyrenetrisulfonate) and the reaction of protons with the indicators was measured. Kinetic analysis of the data imply that the two faces of the membrane differ in their buffer capacities and in their rates of interaction with bulk protons. The extracellular surface of the purple membrane contains one anionic proton binding site per protein molecule with pK = 5.1. This site is within a Coulomb cage radius (approximately 15 A) from Lys-129. The cytoplasmic surface of the purple membrane bears 4-5 protonable moieties (pK = 5.1) that, due to close proximity, function as a common proton binding site. The reaction of the proton with this cluster is at a very fast rate (3.10(10) M-1.s-1). The proximity between the elements is sufficiently high that even in 100 mM NaCl they still function as a cluster. Extraction of the chromophore retinal from the protein has a marked effect on the carboxylates of the cytoplasmic surface, and two to three of them assume positions that almost bar their reaction with bulk protons. The protonation dynamics determined at the surface of the purple membrane is of relevance both for the vectorial proton transport mechanism of bacteriorhodopsin and for energy coupling, not only in halobacteria, but also in complex chemiosmotic systems such as mitochondrial and thylakoid membranes.


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The x-ray crystallographic structure of the photosynthetic reaction center (RC) has proven critical in understanding biological electron transfer processes. By contrast, understanding of intraprotein proton transfer is easily lost in the immense richness of the details. In the RC of Rhodobacter (Rb.) sphaeroides, the secondary quinone (QB) is surrounded by amino acid residues of the L subunit and some buried water molecules, with M- and H-subunit residues also close by. The effects of site-directed mutagenesis upon RC turnover and quinone function have implicated several L-subunit residues in proton delivery to QB, although some species differences exist. In wild-type Rb. sphaeroides, Glu L212 and Asp L213 represent an inner shell of residues of particular importance in proton transfer to QB. Asp L213 is crucial for delivery of the first proton, coupled to transfer of the second electron, while Glu L212, possibly together with Asp L213, is necessary for delivery of the second proton, after the second electron transfer. We report here the first study, by site-directed mutagenesis, of the role of the H subunit in QB function. Glu H173, one of a cluster of strongly interacting residues near QB, including Asp L213, was altered to Gln. In isolated mutant RCs, the kinetics of the first electron transfer, leading to formation of the semiquinone, QB-, and the proton-linked second electron transfer, leading to the formation of fully reduced quinol, were both greatly retarded, as observed previously in the Asp L213 --> Asn mutant. However, the first electron transfer equilibrium, QA-QB <==> QAQB-, was decreased, which is opposite to the effect of the Asp L213 --> Asn mutation. These major disruptions of events coupled to proton delivery to QB were largely reversed by the addition of azide (N3-). The results support a major role for electrostatic interactions between charged groups in determining the protonation state of certain entities, thereby controlling the rate of the second electron transfer. It is suggested that the essential electrostatic effect may be to "potentiate" proton transfer activity by raising the pK of functional entities that actually transfer protons in a coupled fashion with the second electron transfer. Candidates include buried water (H3O+) and Ser L223 (serine-OH2+), which is very close to the O5 carbonyl of the quinone.


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GTP cyclohydrolase I of Escherichia coli is a torus-shaped homodecamer with D5 symmetry and catalyzes a complex ring expansion reaction conducive to the formation of dihydroneopterin triphosphate from GTP. The x-ray structure of a complex of the enzyme with the substrate analog, dGTP, bound at the active site was determined at a resolution of 3 A. In the decamer, 10 equivalent active sites are present, each of which contains a 10-A deep pocket formed by surface areas of 3 adjacent subunits. The substrate forms a complex hydrogen bond network with the protein. Active site residues were modified by site-directed mutagenesis, and enzyme activities of the mutant proteins were measured. On this basis, a mechanism of the enzyme-catalyzed reaction is proposed. Cleavage of the imidazole ring is initiated by protonation of N7 by His-179 followed by the attack of water at C8 of the purine system. Cystine Cys-110 Cys-181 may be involved in this reaction step. Opening of the imidazole ring may be in concert with cleavage of the furanose ring to generate a Schiff's base from the glycoside. The gamma-phosphate of GTP may be involved in the subsequent Amadori rearrangement of the carbohydrate side chain by activating the hydroxyl group of Ser-135.


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Off-site Manufacture (OSM) has long been recognised, both in Australia and internationally, as offering numerous benefits to all parties in the construction process. More importantly, it is recognised as a key vehicle for driving improvement within the construction industry. The uptake of OSM in construction is however limited, despite well documented benefits. The research aims to determine the ‘state-of-the-art’ of OSM in Australia. It confirms the benefits and identifies the real and perceived barriers to the widespread adoption of OSM. Further the project identifies opportunities for future investment and research. Although numerous reports have been produced in the UK on the state of OSM adoption within that region, no prominent studies exist for the Australian context. This scoping study is an essential component upon which to build any initiatives that can take advantage of the benefits of OSM in construction. The Construction 2020 report predicted that OSM is set to increase in use over the next 5-15 years, further justifying the need for such a study. The long-term goal of this study is to contribute to the improvement of the Australian construction industry through a realisation of the potential benefits of OSM.


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