988 resultados para PROSTHETIC SCREWS


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Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the variation in removal torque of implant prosthetic abutment screws after successive tightening and loosening cycles, in addition to evaluating the influence of the hexagon at the abutment base on screw removal torque. Material and methods: Twenty hexagonal abutments were tightened to 20 regular external hex implants with a titanium alloy screw, with an insertion torque of 32 N cm, measured with a digital torque gauge. The implant/abutment/screw assemblies were divided into two groups: ( 1) abutments without hexagon at the base and ( 2) abutments with a hexagon at the base. Each assembly received a provisional restoration and was submitted to mechanical loading cycles. After this, the screws were removed and the removal torque was measured. This sequence was repeated 10 times, then the screw was replaced by a new one, and another cycle was performed. Linear regression analysis was performed. Results: Removal torque values tended to decrease as the number of insertion/removal cycles increased, for both groups. Comparisons of the slopes and the intercepts between groups showed no statistical difference. There was no significant difference between the mean values of last five cycles and the 11th cycle. Within the limitations of this in vitro study, it was concluded that ( 1) repeated insertion/removal cycles promoted gradual reduction in removal torque of screws, ( 2) replacing the screw with a new one after 10 cycles did not increase resistance to loosening, and ( 3) removal of the hexagon from the abutment base had no effect on the removal torque of the screws.


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The retaining screw of the implant-supported dental prosthesis is the weakest point of the crown/implant system. Furthermore, crown height is another important factor that may increase the lever arm. Therefore, the aim of this study was to assess the stress distribution in implant prosthetic screws with different heights of the clinical crown of the prosthesis using the method of three-dimensional finite element analysis. Three models were created with implants (3.75 mm × 10 mm) and crowns (heights of 10, 12.5 and 15 mm). The results were visualised by means of von Mises stress maps that increased the crown heights. The screw structure exhibited higher levels of stresses in the oblique load. The oblique loading resulted in higher stress concentration when compared with the axial loading. It is concluded that the increase of the crown was damaging to the stress distribution on the screw, mainly in oblique loading. © 2013 Taylor & Francis.


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O afrouxamento dos parafusos protéticos é descrito na literatura como uma das complicações mais frequentes das próteses sobre implantes. Durante sua confecção, os profissionais sentem necessidade de remover várias vezes as próteses e/ou componentes protéticos, soltando e re-apertando os parafusos repetidamente. O principal objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a variação do torque de remoção de parafusos de fixação de pilares protéticos a implantes osteointegráveis após sucessivos ciclos de parafusamento e desparafusamento. Outro objetivo foi avaliar a influência do hexágono da base do pilar no torque de remoção dos parafusos. Para isso, foram utilizados 20 implantes de plataforma regular com hexágono externo e 20 pilares protéticos sextavados, que foram parafusados aos implantes com um parafuso de titânio, aplicando-se a este um torque de 32Ncm, por meio de um torquímetro digital. Os conjuntos implante/pilar/parafuso foram divididos em dois grupos: (1) pilares cujo hexágono da base foram removidos e (2) pilares convencionais, com hexágono na base. Cada conjunto recebeu uma restauração provisória e foi submetido a ciclagem mecânica por 15 minutos. Depois, os parafusos foram removidos, medindo-se o torque de remoção. Esta sequência foi repetida dez vezes e então o parafuso foi trocado por outro sem uso, e mais um ciclo foi realizado. Uma análise de regressão linear demonstrou nos dois grupos uma queda do torque de remoção do parafuso ao longo dos repetidos ciclos de inserção/remoção. A comparação entre os coeficientes da regressão nos dois grupos não revelou diferença entre eles. Também não houve diferença entre as médias das 5 últimas repetições e o 11 ciclo, com o parafuso novo. Concluiu-se que (1) repetidos parafusamentos e desparafusamentos promoveram a diminuição progressiva do torque de remoção dos parafusos, (2) a troca do parafuso por outro sem uso após dez ciclos de inserção/remoção não aumentou sua resistência ao afrouxamento, e (3) a remoção do hexágono da base do pilar protético não exerceu nenhum efeito sobre o torque de remoção do parafuso.


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Internal tapered connections were developed to improve biomechanical properties and to reduce mechanical problems found in other implant connection systems. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of mechanical loading and repeated insertion/removal cycles on the torque loss of abutments with internal tapered connections. Sixty-eight conical implants and 68 abutments of two types were used. They were divided into four groups: groups 1 and 3 received solid abutments, and groups 2 and 4 received two-piece abutments. In groups 1 and 2, abutments were simply installed and uninstalled; torque-in and torque-out values were measured. In groups 3 and 4, abutments were installed, mechanically loaded and uninstalled; torque-in and torque-out values were measured. Under mechanical loading, two-piece abutments were frictionally locked into the implant; thus, data of group 4 were catalogued under two subgroups (4a: torque-out value necessary to loosen the fixation screw; 4b: torque-out value necessary to remove the abutment from the implant). Ten insertion/removal cycles were performed for every implant/abutment assembly. Data were analyzed with a mixed linear model (P <= 0.05). Torque loss was higher in groups 4a and 2 (over 30% loss), followed by group 1 (10.5% loss), group 3 (5.4% loss) and group 4b (39% torque gain). All the results were significantly different. As the number of insertion/removal cycles increased, removal torques tended to be lower. It was concluded that mechanical loading increased removal torque of loaded abutments in comparison with unloaded abutments, and removal torque values tended to decrease as the number of insertion/removal cycles increased. To cite this article:Ricciardi Coppede A, de Mattos MdaGC, Rodrigues RCS, Ribeiro RF. Effect of repeated torque/mechanical loading cycles on two different abutment types in implants with internal tapered connections: an in vitro study.Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 20, 2009; 624-632.doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0501.2008.01690.x.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Odontologia Restauradora - ICT


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BACKGROUND: There is evidence for the superiority of two-implant overdentures over complete dentures in the mandible. Various anchorage devices were used to provide stability to overdentures. The aim of the present study was to compare two designs of a rigid bar connecting two mandibular implants. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Completely edentulous patients received a new denture in the maxilla and an implant-supported overdenture in the mandible. They were randomly allocated to two groups (A or B) with regard to the bar design. A standard U-shaped bar (Dolder bar) was used connecting the two implants in a straight line. For comparison, precision attachments were soldered distal to the bar copings. Group A started the study with the standard bar (S-bar), while group B started with the attachment-bar (A-bar). After 3 months, they had to answer a questionnaire (visual analogue scale [VAS]); then the bar design was changed in both groups. After a period of another 3 months, the patients had to answer the same questions; then they had the choice to keep their preferred bar. Now the study period was extended to another year of observation, and the patients answered again the same questionnaire. In vivo force measurements were carried out with both bar types at the end of the test periods. The prosthetic maintenance service carried out during the 6-month period was recorded for both bar types in both groups. Statistical analysis as performed with the SPSS statistical package (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). RESULTS: Satisfaction was high in both groups. Group B, who had entered the study with the attachment bar, gave slightly better ratings to this type for four items, while in group A, no differences were found. At the end of the 6-month comparison period, all but one patient wished to continue to wear the attachment bar. Prosthetic service was equal in groups A and B, but the total number of interventions is significantly higher in the attachment bar. Force patterns of maximum biting were similar in both bar designs, but exhibited significantly higher axial forces in the attachment bar. CONCLUSIONS: Both bar designs provide good retention and functional comfort. High stability appears to be an important factor for the patients' satisfaction and oral comfort. Rigid retention results in a higher force impact and appears to evoke the need for the retightening of occlusal screws, resulting in more maintenance service.


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Top screw pullout occurs when the screw is under too much axial force to remain secure in the vertebral body. In vitro biomechanical pullout tests are commonly done to find the maximum fixation strength of anterior vertebral body screws. Typically, pullout tests are done instantaneously where the screw is inserted and then pulled out immediately after insertion. However, bone is a viscoelastic material so it shows a time dependent stress and strain response. Because of this property, it was hypothesised that creep occurs in the vertebral trabecular bone due to the stress caused by the screw. The objective of this study was therefore to determine whether the axial pullout strength of anterior vertebral body screws used for scoliosis correction surgery changes with time after insertion. This study found that there is a possible relationship between pullout strength and time; however more testing is required as the sample numbers were quite small. The design of the screw is made with the knowledge of the strength it must obtain. This is important to prevent such occurrences as top screw pullout. If the pullout strength is indeed decreased due to creep, the design of the screw may need to be changed to withstand greater forces.


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The knee forces and moments estimated by inverse dynamics and directly measured by a multiaxial transducer were compared during the gait of a transfemoral amputee. The estimated and directly measured forces and moments were relatively close. However, 3D inverse dynamics estimated only partially the forces and moments associated with the deformation of the prosthetic foot and locking of knee mechanism.


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Inverse dynamics is the most comprehensive method that gives access to the net joint forces and moments during walking. However it is based on assumptions (i.e., rigid segments linked by ideal joints) and it is known to be sensitive to the input data (e.g., kinematic derivatives, positions of joint centres and centre of pressure, inertial parameters). Alternatively, transducers can be used to measure directly the load applied on the residuum of transfemoral amputees. So, the purpose of this study was to compare the forces and moments applied on a prosthetic knee measured directly with the ones calculated by three inverse dynamics computations - corresponding to 3 and 2 segments, and « ground reaction vector technique » - during the gait of one patient. The maximum RMSEs between the estimated and directly measured forces (i.e., 56 N) and moment (i.e., 5 N.m) were relatively small. However the dynamic outcomes of the prosthetic components (i.e., absorption of the foot, friction and limit stop of the knee) were only partially assessed with inverse dynamic methods.


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Radiographs are commonly used to assess articular reduction of the distal tibia (pilon) fractures postoperatively, but may reveal malreductions inaccurately. While Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Computed Tomography (CT) are potential 3D alternatives they generate metal-related artifacts. This study aims to quantify the artifact size from orthopaedic screws using CT, 1.5T and 3T MRI data. Three screws were inserted into one intact human cadaver ankle specimen proximal to and along the distal articular surface, then CT, 1.5T and 3T MRI scanned. Four types of screws were investigated: titanium alloy (TA), stainless steel (SS) (Ø = 3.5 mm), cannulated TA (CTA) and cannulated SS (CSS)(Ø = 4.0 mm, Ø empty core = 2.6 mm). 3D artifact models were reconstructed using adaptive thresholding. The artifact size was measured by calculating the perpendicular distance from the central screw axis to the boundary of the artifact in four anatomical directions with respect to the distal tibia. The artifact sizes (in the order of TA, SS, CTA and CSS) from CT were 2.0 mm, 2.6 mm, 1.6 mm and 2.0 mm; from 1.5T MRI they were 3.7 mm, 10.9 mm, 2.9 mm, and 9 mm; and 3T MRI they were 4.4 mm, 15.3 mm, 3.8 mm, and 11.6 mm respectively. Therefore, CT can be used as long as the screws are at a safe distance of about 2 mm from the articular surface. MRI can be used if the screws are at least 3 mm away from the articular surface except SS and CSS. Artifacts from steel screws were too large thus obstructed the pilon from being visualised in MRI. Significant differences (P < 0.05) were found in the size of artifacts between all imaging modalities, screw types and material types, except 1.5T versus 3T MRI for the SS screws (P = 0.063). CTA screws near the joint surface can improve postoperative assessment in CT and MRI. MRI presents a favourable non-ionising alternative when using titanium hardware. Since these factors may influence the quality of postoperative assessment, potential improvements in operative techniques should be considered.


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The Osseointegrated Prosthetic Limb (OPL) was introduced in 2011. Prior to its advent all prostheses consisted of stump and socket mechanisms which did not changed dramatically since Ambroise Pare lower limb prosthesis in 1525. These socket prostheses failed to address a few major requirements of normal gait. Our hypothesis was that using an Osseointegrated Prosthetic limb will result in superior function of daily activities, without compromising patients’ safety.The aims of this paper are (A) to describe the surgical procedure of the OPL; and (B) to present data on potential risks and benefits with assessment of clinical and functional outcomes at follow up


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The Osseointegrated Prosthetic Limb (OPL) was introduced in 2011. The socket prostheses failed to address a few major requirements of normal gait. Our hypothesis was that using an Osseointegrated Prosthetic limb will result in superior function of daily activities, without compromising patients’ safety. Traditionally this surgery was done as a two-stage procedure. The aims of this study were (A)to describe the single - surgical procedure of the OPL; and (B)To present data on potential risks and benefits with sssessment of clinical and functional outcomes at follow up.


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Study Design: Comparative analysis Background: Calculations of lower limbs kinetics are limited by floor-mounted force-plates. Objectives: Comparison of hip joint moments, power and mechanical work on the prosthetic limb of a transfemoral amputee calculated by inverse dynamics using either the ground reactions (force-plates) or knee reactions (transducer). Methods: Kinematics, ground reactions and knee reactions were collected using a motion analysis system, two force-plates and a multi-axial transducer mounted below the socket, respectively. Results: The inverse dynamics using ground reactions under-estimated the peaks of hip energy generation and absorption occurring at 63 % and 76 % of the gait cycle (GC) by 28 % and 54 %, respectively. This method over-estimated a phase of negative work at the hip (from 37 %GC to 56 %GC) by 24%. It under-estimated the phases of positive (from 57 %GC to 72 %GC) and negative (from 73 %GC to 98 %GC) work at the hip by 11 % and 58%, respectively. Conclusions: A transducer mounted within the prosthesis has the capacity to provide more realistic kinetics of the prosthetic limb because it enables assessment of multiple consecutive steps and a wide range of activities without issues of foot placement on force-plates. CLINICAL RELEVANCE The hip is the only joint that an amputee controls directly to set in motion the prosthesis. Hip joint kinetics are associated with joint degeneration, low back pain, risks of fall, etc. Therefore, realistic assessment of hip kinetics over multiple gait cycles and a wide range of activities is essential.