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Background: Primary hyperparathyroidism occurs in only 10%-30% of patients with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2A (MEN2A), rarely as the sole clinical manifestation, and is usually diagnosed after the third decade of life. Summary: A5-year-old girl was referred for prophylactic thyroidectomy as she carried the p.C634R RET mutation. She was clinically asymptomatic, with a normally palpable thyroid and with the cervical region free of lymphadenopathy or other nodules. Preoperative tests revealed hypercalcemia associated with elevation of parathyroid hormone (PTH) (calcium = 11.2mg/dL, calcium ion = 1.48mmol/L, phosphorus = 4.0 mg/dL, alkaline phosphatase = 625U/L, parathyroid hormone (PTH) PTH = 998 pg/mL). A thyroid ultrasound was normal and parathyroid scintigraphy with (99m)Tc-Sestamibi revealed an area of radioconcentration in the upper half of the left thyroid lobe suggesting hyperfunctioning parathyroid tissue. She underwent total thyroidectomy and parathyroidectomy and developed hypocalcemia. The anatomopathological examination showed no histopathological changes in the thyroid tissue and an adenoma of the parathyroid gland, confirming the diagnosis of hyperparathyroidism. Conclusions: Primary hyperparathyroidism can be a precocious manifestation of MEN2A. This case report highlights that asymptomatic hypercalcemia should be scrutinized in children related to patients with MEN2A who carry a mutation in the RET proto-oncogene, especially mutations in the codon 634, before the currently recommended age of 8 years.


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Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 is characterized by germline mutations in RET. For exon 10, comprehensive molecular and corresponding phenotypic data are scarce. The International RET Exon 10 Consortium, comprising 27 centers from 15 countries, analyzed patients with RET exon 10 mutations for clinical-risk profiles. Presentation, age-dependent penetrance, and stage at presentation of medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC), pheochromocytoma, and hyperparathyroidism were studied. A total of 340 subjects from 103 families, age 4-86, were registered. There were 21 distinct single nucleotide germline mutations located in codons 609 (45 subjects), 611 (50), 618 (94), and 620 (151). MTC was present in 263 registrants, pheochromocytoma in 54, and hyperparathyroidism in 8 subjects. Of the patients with MTC, 53% were detected when asymptomatic, and among those with pheochromocytoma, 54%. Penetrance for MTC was 4% by age 10, 25% by 25, and 80% by 50. Codon-associated penetrance by age 50 ranged from 60% (codon 611) to 86% (620). More advanced stage and increasing risk of metastases correlated with mutation in codon position (609-620) near the juxtamembrane domain. Our data provide rigorous bases for timing of premorbid diagnosis and personalized treatment/prophylactic procedure decisions depending on specific RET exon 10 codons affected. Hum Mutat 32:51-58, 2011. (C) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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The American Thyroid Association recently classified all MEN2A-associated codons into increasing risk levels A-C and stated that some patients may delay prophylactic thyroidectomy if certain criteria are met. One criterion is a less aggressive family history of MTC but whether families with the same mutated codon have variable MTC aggressiveness is not well described. We developed several novel measures of MTC aggressiveness and compared families with the same mutated codon to determine if there is significant inter-familial variability. Pedigrees of families with MEN2A were reviewed for codon mutated and proportion of RET mutation carriers with MTC. Individuals with MTC were classified as having local or distant MTC and whether they had progressive MTC. MTC status and age were assessed at diagnosis and most advanced MTC stage. For those without MTC, age was recorded at prophylactic thyroidectomy or last follow-up if the patient did not have a thyroidectomy. For each pedigree, the mean age of members without MTC, with MTC, and the proportion of RET mutation carriers with local or distant and progressive MTC were calculated. We assessed differences in these variables using ANOVA and the Fisher’s exact test. Sufficient data for analysis were available for families with mutated codons 609 (92 patients from 13 families), 618 (41 patients from 7 families), and 634 (152 patients from 13 families). The only significant differences found were the mean age of patients without MTC between families with codon 609 and 618 mutations even after accounting for prophylactic thyroidectomy (p=0.006 and 0.001, respectively), and in the mean age of MTC diagnosis between families with codon 618 and 634 mutations even after accounting for symptomatic presentation (p=0.023 and 0.014, respectively). However, these differences may be explained by generational differences in ascertainment of RET carriers and the availability of genetic testing when the proband initially presented.


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Multiple endocrine neoplasia syndromes have since been classified as types 1 and 2, each with specific phenotypic patterns. MEN1 is usually associated with pituitary, parathyroid and paraneoplastic neuroendocrine tumours. The hallmark of MEN2 is a very high lifetime risk of developing medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC) more than 95% in untreated patients. Three clinical subtypesdMEN2A, MEN2B, and familial MTC (FMTC) have been defined based on the risk of pheochromocytoma, hyperparathyroidism, and the presence or absence of characteristic physical features). MEN2 occurs as a result of germline activating missense mutations of the RET (REarranged during Transfection) proto-oncogene. MEN2-associated mutations are almost always located in exons 10, 11, or 13 through 16. Strong genotype-phenotype correlations exist with respect to clinical subtype, age at onset, and aggressiveness of MTC in MEN2. These are used to determine the age at which prophylactic thyroidectomy should occur and whether screening for pheochromocytoma or hyperparathyroidism is necessary. Specific RET mutations can also impact management in patients presenting with apparently sporadic MTC. Therefore, genetic testing should be performed before surgical intervention in all patients diagnosed with MTC. Recently, Pellegata et al. have reported that germline mutations in CDKN1B can predispose to the development of multiple endocrine tumours in both rats and humans and this new MEN syndrome is named MENX and MEN4, respectively. CDKN1B. A recent report showed that in sporadic MTC, CDKN1B V109G polymorphism correlates with a more favorable disease progression than the wild-type allele and might be considered a new promising prognostic marker. New insights on MEN syndrome pathogenesis and related inherited endocrine disorders are of particular interest for an adequate surgical and therapeutic approach.


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Background: The surgical management of patients with multiple endocrine neoplasia-2A (MEN-2A) continues to evolve with specific genotype-phenotype correlations allowing for a more tailored approach. In this study, we report the surgical management of one of the largest MEN-2A families with a rearranged during transfection (RET) codon 804 mutation. Method: This is a cohort study comprising all at-risk kindred within a single known MEN-2A family. Prophylactic total thyroidectomy with lymph node dissection was recommended to all mutation carriers aged 5 years and older. Results: There were a total of 48 at-risk individuals in the MEN-2A kindred, with 22 patients undergoing thyroidectomy after appropriate preoperative evaluation. A total of 9 patients had medullary thyroid cancer including 5 with a normal preoperative calcitonin level. A total of 11 patients had C-cell hyperplasia and 7 showed histological evidence of parathyroid disease. Only the index case had a phaeochromocytoma. Conclusion: Genetic testing for germline mutations in the RET proto-oncogene has allowed precise identification of affected RET carriers and provided the opportunity for prophylactic or 'preclinical' surgery to treat and in fact to prevent medullary thyroid cancer. This concept of prophylactic surgery based on a genetic test is likely to be applied more widely as the tools of molecular biology advance.


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Aim of this study was to analyse contact endoscopy as an auxiliary method for identifying parathyroid glands during thyroid surgery and to identify other variables that may interfere with this correlation. overall, 125 patients underwent thyroid surgery between January 2004 and February 2006. The variables analysed were: the total duration of surgery; time taken to locate and identify parathyroid glands; improvement in identifying these; numbers of parathyroid glands located by the surgeon and confirmed by contact endoscopy; histopathological diagnosis; presence of thyroiditis; thyroid weight; number of parathyroid glands left in thyroid specimens; and number of parathyroid gland autotransplantations. A total of 331 parathyroid glands were observed by the surgeon. however, 282 glands were identified by contact endoscopy. nine parathyroid glands (7.2%) were observed together with thyroid specimens (Kappa = 0.534). The longer the total duration of surgery (p = 0.03) and time taken to locate and identify (p = 0.00) the parathyroid glands by contact endoscopy, the lower the observed agreement. The second year of performing contact endoscopy led to better agreement between the results (p = 0.02). in conclusion, contact endoscopy is an efficient auxiliary method for identifying parathyroid glands during thyroid surgery. During the period studied, association between total duration of surgery and time taken to locate and identify parathyroid glands was statistically significant.


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We determined the prophylactic effect of both the d-mannose-binding lectin ArtinM extracted from the seeds of Artocarpus integrifolia (jackfruit) and its recombinant counterpart during the course of experimental paracoccidioidomycosis induced in BALB/c mice. Four experimental protocols of prophylaxis were employed to evaluate the most protective regimen of ArtinM administration. It was demonstrated that the best effect was obtained by administration of two ArtinM doses on days 10 and 3 before the challenge with Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. By following this protocol, the lungs of mice that received native or recombinant ArtinM exhibited reduced fungal burden and granuloma incidence. In addition, the protocol augmented contents of IL-12, IFN-gamma, TNF-alpha and NO. On the other hand, the control group consisting of untreated infected mice had higher pulmonary levels of IL-4 and IL-10. In conclusion, prophylaxis with ArtinM significantly reproduces the effect of its therapeutic administration, i.e, it confers resistance to P. brasiliensis infection in mouse models by promoting IL-12 production and favours Th1-immunity.


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In this study, we investigated the hematopoietic response of rats pretreated with CV and exposed to the impact of acute escapable, inescapable or psychogenical stress on responsiveness to an in vivo challenge with Listeria monocytogenes. No consistent changes were observed after exposure to escapable footshock. Conversely, the impact of uncontrollable stress (inescapable and psychogenical) was manifested by an early onset and increased severity and duration of myrelossuppression produced by the infection. Small size CFU-CM colonies and increased numbers of clusters were observed, concurrently to a greater expansion in the more mature population of bone marrow granulocytes. No differences were observed between the responses of both uncontrollable stress regimens. CV prevented the myelossuppression caused by stress/infection due to increased numbers of CFU-GM in the bone marrow. Colonies of cells tightly packed, with a very condensed nucleus; in association with a greater expansion in the more immature population of bone marrow granulocytes were observed. Investigation of the production of colony-stimulating factors revealed increased colony-stimulating activity (CSA) in the serum of normal and infected/stressed rats treated with the algae. CV treatment restored/enhanced the changes produced by stress/infection in total and differential bone marrow and peripheral cells counts. Further studies demonstrated that INF-gamma is significantly reduced, whereas IL-10 is significantly increased after exposure to Uncontrollable stress. Treatment with CV significantly increased INF-gamma levels and diminished the levels of IL-10. Uncontrollable stress reduced the protection afforded by CV to a lethal dose of L. monocytogenes, with survival rates being reduced from (50%) in infected rats to 20% in infected/stressed rats. All together, our results suggest Chlorella treatment as an effective tool for the prophylaxis of post-stress myelossupression, including the detrimental effect of stress on the course and outcome of infections. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Candidate prophylactic vaccines based on papillomavirus L1 virus-like particles (VLPs) are currently in human clinical trials. The main long-term goal of the vaccine is to reduce the incidence of cervical cancer and its precursors. In animal papillomavirus models, systemic immunization with L1 VLPs can induce high titers of neutralizing antibodies that confer protection against high-dose experimental papillomavirus challenge. In humans, systemic vaccination with L1 VLPs has been well tolerated and induced high serum antibody titers (at least 40 times higher than titers seen following natural infection). A recent proof of principle HPV16 L1 VLP efficacy trial has shown excellent protection against persistent HPV16 infection and associated cytological abnormalities. Large scale efficacy trials of L1 VLPs from HPV16 and 18 (the HPV types found most frequently in cervical cancer), with or without HPV6 and 11 (the HPV types responsible for most genital warts), are planned. If the results of these large trials support the encouraging results of the early trials, they should lead to a commercial prophylactic HPV vaccine. Implementation issues may include how to make the vaccine available in the developing world, where the majority of cervical cancer cases occur, the appropriate age of vaccination, and the role of male vaccination. Because a VLP vaccine is likely to provide type-specific protection, increasing the number of cancer-associated HPV types in the vaccine is a likely approach to broadening the protection to additional types. There will probably also be efforts to develop alternative vaccine formulations better suited to implementation in developing countries as well as attempts to develop vaccines with a therapeutic activity against established HPV infection because a combined prophylactic/therapeutic vaccine may be expected to have an even greater impact than a purely prophylactic vaccine on HPV induced disease.


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In this study the authors evaluated the efficacy of prophylaxis with liposomal amphotericin B (L-AmB) in the incidence of fungal infections (FI) during the first 3 months after liver transplant (LT). The study was retrospective and accessed a 4-year period from 2008 to 2011. All patients who died in the first 48 hours after LT were excluded. Patients were divided by the risk groups for FI: Group 1, high-risk (at least 1 of the following conditions: urgent LT; serum creatinine >2 mg/dL; early acute kidney injury [AKI] after LT; retransplantation; surgical exploration early post-LT; transfused cellular blood components [>40 U]); and Group 2, low-risk patients. Group 1 patients were further separated into those who received antifungal prophylaxis with L-AmB and those who did not. Prophylaxis with L-AmB consisted of intravenous administration of L-AmB, 100 mg daily for 14 days. Four hundred ninety-two patients underwent LT; 31 died in the first 48 hours after LT. From the remaining 461 patients, 104 presented with high-risk factors for FI (Group 1); of these, 66 patients received antifungal prophylaxis and 38 did not. In this group 8 FI were observed, 5 in patients without antifungal prophylaxis (P = .011). Three more FI were identified in Group 2. By logistic regression analysis, the categorical variable high-risk group was independently related to the occurrence of invasive FI (P = .006). We conclude that prophylaxis with L-AmB after LT was effective in reducing the incidence of FI. No influence on mortality was detected.


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We prospectively studied the effects of the ligation of the inferior thyroid artery (ITA) on postoperative hypoparathyroidism in 48 patients who underwent functional subtotal thyroidectomy. Patients were randomized into two groups: A, with bilateral ligation of the ITA and B, without ligation of the ITA. Parathyroid function was checked preoperatively and after surgery by clinical examination and measurement of total calcium, intact PTH, urinary calcium, and AMPc. RESULTS: A significant incidence of postoperative hypocalcemia occurred: 17% in group A and 13% in B on the 4th postoperative day. Six months later, the incidence was 5% in Group A and 0% in Group B. These differences were not statistically significant between the two groups, and neither were any of the other clinical and laboratory observations. CONCLUSION: The ligation of the ITA was not an important causal factor for the occurrence of postoperative hypocalcemia after subtotal thyroidectomy.


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ABSTRACT Objetive To identify potential clinical and epidemiological predictors of long-term response to lithium treatment. Methods A total of 40 adult outpatients followed in an university hospital, with confirmed diagnosis of bipolar disorder and with history of lithium use for at least a six months period, had their response to this medication assessed through the use of a standardized instrument. The ALDA scale is based on retrospective clinical data, in our study assessed through a thoroughly reviewed of the medical charts, and is used to evaluate the clinical improvement with the treatment (Criterion A), corrected by the acknowledgement of possible confounding factors, such as duration of the treatment, compliance and concomitant use of additional medications (Criterion B), in order to estimate the response that can be specifically attributable to lithium. Results Our study found an inverse relation between the number of mood episodes with psychotic symptoms and lithium treatment outcome. Conclusion The results reinforce the hypothesis that lithium seems to be less efficacious in patients with bipolar disorder who present psychotic symptoms.