975 resultados para PROPAGATION MODELS


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ABSTRACT: This paper presents a performance comparison between known propagation Models through least squares tuning algorithm for 5.8 GHz frequency band. The studied environment is based on the 12 cities located in Amazon Region. After adjustments and simulations, SUI Model showed the smaller RMS error and standard deviation when compared with COST231-Hata and ECC-33 models.


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Investigation on impulsive signals, originated from Partial Discharge (PD) phenomena, represents an effective tool for preventing electric failures in High Voltage (HV) and Medium Voltage (MV) systems. The determination of both sensors and instruments bandwidths is the key to achieve meaningful measurements, that is to say, obtaining the maximum Signal-To-Noise Ratio (SNR). The optimum bandwidth depends on the characteristics of the system under test, which can be often represented as a transmission line characterized by signal attenuation and dispersion phenomena. It is therefore necessary to develop both models and techniques which can characterize accurately the PD propagation mechanisms in each system and work out the frequency characteristics of the PD pulses at detection point, in order to design proper sensors able to carry out PD measurement on-line with maximum SNR. Analytical models will be devised in order to predict PD propagation in MV apparatuses. Furthermore, simulation tools will be used where complex geometries make analytical models to be unfeasible. In particular, PD propagation in MV cables, transformers and switchgears will be investigated, taking into account both irradiated and conducted signals associated to PD events, in order to design proper sensors.


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Propagation of Peer-to-Peer (P2P) worms in the Internet is posing a serious challenge to network security research because of P2P worms' increasing complexity and sophistication. Due to the complexity of the problem, no existing work has solved the problem of modeling the propagation of P2P worms, especially when quarantine of peers is enforced. This paper presents a study on modeling the propagation of P2P worms. It also presents our applications of the proposed approach in worm propagation research.

Motivated by our aspiration to invent an easy-to-employ instrument for worm propagation research, the proposed approach models the propagation processes of P2P worms by difference equations of a logic matrix, which are essentially discrete-time deterministic propagation models of P2P worms. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first using a logic matrix in network security research in general and worm propagation modeling in particular.

Our major contributions in this paper are firstly, we propose a novel logic matrix approach to modeling the propagation of P2P worms under three different conditions; secondly, we find the impacts of two different topologies on a P2P worm's attack performance; thirdly, we find the impacts of the network-related characteristics on a P2P worm's attack performance in structured P2P networks; and fourthly, we find the impacts of the two different quarantine tactics on the propagation characteristics of P2P worms in unstructured P2P networks. The approach's ease of employment, which is demonstrated by its applications in our simulation experiments, makes it an attractive instrument to conduct worm propagation research.


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There are the two common means for propagating worms: scanning vulnerable computers in the network and spreading through topological neighbors. Modeling the propagation of worms can help us understand how worms spread and devise effective defense strategies. However, most previous researches either focus on their proposed work or pay attention to exploring detection and defense system. Few of them gives a comprehensive analysis in modeling the propagation of worms which is helpful for developing defense mechanism against worms' spreading. This paper presents a survey and comparison of worms' propagation models according to two different spreading methods of worms. We first identify worms characteristics through their spreading behavior, and then classify various target discover techniques employed by them. Furthermore, we investigate different topologies for modeling the spreading of worms, analyze various worms' propagation models and emphasize the performance of each model. Based on the analysis of worms' spreading and the existing research, an open filed and future direction with modeling the propagation of worms is provided. © 2014 IEEE.


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Smartphones are pervasively used in society, and have been both the target and victim of malware writers. Motivated by the significant threat that presents to legitimate users, we survey the current smartphone malware status and their propagation models. The content of this paper is presented in two parts. In the first part, we review the short history of mobile malware evolution since 2004, and then list the classes of mobile malware and their infection vectors. At the end of the first part, we enumerate the possible damage caused by smartphone malware. In the second part, we focus on smartphone malware propagation modeling. In order to understand the propagation behavior of smartphone malware, we recall generic epidemic models as a foundation for further exploration. We then extensively survey the smartphone malware propagation models. At the end of this paper, we highlight issues of the current smartphone malware propagation models and discuss possible future trends based on our understanding of this topic. © © 2014 IEEE.


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The influence of atmospheric gases and tropospheric phenomena becomes more relevant at frequencies within the THz band (100 GHz to 10 THz), severely affecting the propagation conditions. The use of radiosoundings in propagation studies is a well established measurement technique in order to collect information about the vertical structure of the atmosphere, from which gaseous and cloud attenuation can be estimated with the use of propagation models. However, some of these prediction models are not suitable to be used under rainy conditions. In the present study, a method to identify the presence of rainy conditions during radiosoundings is introduced, with the aim of filtering out these events from yearly statistics of predicted atmospheric attenuation. The detection procedure is based on the analysis of a set of parameters, some of them extracted from synoptical observations of weather (SYNOP reports) and other derived from radiosonde observations (RAOBs). The performance of the method has been evaluated under different climatic conditions, corresponding to three locations in Spain, where colocated rain gauge data were available. Rain events detected by the method have been compared with those precipitations identified by the rain gauge. The pertinence Received 26 June 2012, Accepted 31 July 2012, Scheduled 15 August 2012 * Corresponding author: Gustavo Adolfo Siles Soria (gsiles@grc.ssr.upm.es). 258 Siles et al. of the method is discussed on the basis of an analysis of cumulative distributions of total attenuation at 100 and 300 GHz. This study demonstrates that the proposed method can be useful to identify events probably associated to rainy conditions. Hence, it can be considered as a suitable algorithm in order to filter out this kind of events from annual attenuation statistics.


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We discuss the key issues in the deployment of sparse sensor networks. The network monitors several environment parameters and is deployed in a semi-arid region for the benefit of small and marginal farmers. We begin by discussing the problems of an existing unreliable 1 sq km sparse network deployed in a village. The proposed solutions are implemented in a new cluster. The new cluster is a reliable 5 sq km network. Our contributions are two fold. Firstly, we describe a. novel methodology to deploy a sparse reliable data gathering sensor network and evaluate the ``safe distance'' or ``reliable'' distance between nodes using propagation models. Secondly, we address the problem of transporting data from rural aggregation servers to urban data centres. This paper tracks our steps in deploying a sensor network in a village,in India, trying to provide better diagnosis for better crop management. Keywords - Rural, Agriculture, CTRS, Sparse.


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Analysis of the data from the Heavy Nuclei Experiment on the HEAO-3 spacecraft has yielded the cosmic ray abundances of odd-even element pairs with atomic number, Z, in the range 33 ≤ Z ≤60, and the abundances of broad element groups in the range 62 ≤ Z ≤83, relative to iron. These data show that the cosmic ray source composition in this charge range is quite similar to that of the solar system provided an allowance is made for a source fractionation based on first ionization potential. The observations are inconsistent with a source composition which is dominated by either r-process or s-process material, whether or not an allowance is made for first ionization potential. Although the observations do not exclude a source containing the same mixture of r- and s-process material as in the solar system. the data are best fit by a source having an r- to s-process ratio of 1.22^(+0.25)_(0.21), relative to the solar system The abundances of secondary elements are consistent with the leaky box model of galactic propagation, implying a pathlength distribution similar to that which explains the abundances of nuclei with Z<29.

The energy spectra of the even elements in the range 38 ≤ Z ≤ 60 are found to have a deficiency of particles in the range ~1.5 to 3 GeV/amu, compared to iron. This deficiency may result from ionization energy loss in the interstellar medium, and is not predicted by propagation models which ignore such losses. ln addition, the energy spectra of secondary elements are found to be different to those of the primary elements. Such effects are consistent with observations of lighter nuclei, and are in qualitative agreement with galactic propagation models using a rigidity dependent escape length. The energy spectra of secondaries arising from the platinum group are found to be much steeper than those of lower Z. This effect may result from energy dependent fragmentation cross sections.


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Nesta dissertação são analisados métodos de localização baseados na rede, com destaque para os métodos de correlação de assinaturas de rádio-frequência (DCM - Database Correlation Methods). Métodos baseados na rede não requerem modificações nos terminais móveis (MS - Mobile Stations), sendo portanto capazes de estimar a localização de MS legados, i.e., sem suporte específico a posicionamento. Esta característica, associada a alta disponibilidade e precisão dos métodos DCM, torna-os candidatos viáveis para diversas aplicações baseadas em posição, e em particular para a localização de chamadas para números de emergência - polícia, defesa civil, corpo de bombeiros, etc. - originadas de telefones móveis celulares. Duas técnicas para diminuição do tempo médio para produção de uma estimativa de posição são formuladas: a filtragem determinística e a busca otimizada utilizando algoritmos genéticos. Uma modificação é realizada nas funções de avaliação utilizadas em métodos DCM, inserindo um fator representando a inacurácia intrínseca às medidas de nível de sinal realizadas pelos MS. As modificações propostas são avaliadas experimentalmente em redes de telefonia móvel celular de segunda e terceira gerações em ambientes urbanos e suburbanos, assim como em redes locais sem fio em ambiente indoor. A viabilidade da utilização de bancos de dados de correlação (CDB - Correlation Database) construídos a partir de modelagem de propagação é analisada, bem como o efeito da calibração de modelos de propagação empíricos na precisão de métodos DCM. Um dos métodos DCM propostos, utilizando um CDB calibrado, teve um desempenho superior ao de vários outros métodos DCM publicados na literatura, atingindo em área urbana a precisão exigida dos métodos baseados na rede pela regulamentação FCC (Federal Communications Commission) para o serviço E911 (Enhanced 911 ).


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It has been shown that remote monitoring of pulmonary activity can be achieved using ultra-wideband (UWB) systems, which shows promise in home healthcare, rescue, and security applications. In this paper, we first present a multi-ray propagation model for UWB signal, which is traveling through the human thorax and is reflected on the air/dry-skin/fat/muscle interfaces. A geometry-based statistical channel model is then developed for simulating the reception of UWB signals in the indoor propagation environment. This model enables replication of time-varying multipath profiles due to the displacement of a human chest. Subsequently, a UWB distributed cognitive radar system (UWB-DCRS) is developed for the robust detection of chest cavity motion and the accurate estimation of respiration rate. The analytical framework can serve as a basis in the planning and evaluation of future measurement programs. We also provide a case study on how the antenna beamwidth affects the estimation of respiration rate based on the proposed propagation models and system architecture