256 resultados para PROLYL HYDROXYLATION


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Diphenism in social bees is essentially contingent on nutrient-induced cellular and systemic physiological responses resulting in divergent gene expression patterns. Analyses of juvenile hormone (JH) titers and functional genomics assays of the insulin-insulin-like signaling (IIS) pathway and its associated branch, target-of-rapamycin (TOR), revealed systemic responses underlying honey bee (Apis mellifera) caste development. Nevertheless, little attention has been paid to cellular metabolic responses. Following up earlier investigations showing major caste differences in oxidative metabolism and mitochondrial physiology, we herein identified honey bee homologs of hypoxia signaling factors, HIF alpha/Sima, HIF beta/Tango and PHD/Fatiga and we investigated their transcript levels throughout critical stages of larval development. Amsima, Amtango and Amfatiga showed correlated transcriptional activity, with two peaks of occurring in both queens and workers, the first one shortly after the last larval molt and the second during the cocoon-spinning phase. Transcript levels for the three genes were consistently higher in workers. As there is no evidence for major microenvironmental differences in oxygen levels within the brood nest area, this appears to be an inherent caste character. Quantitative PCR analyses on worker brain, ovary, and leg imaginal discs showed that these tissues differ in transcript levels. Being a highly conserved pathway and linked to IIS/TOR, the hypoxia gene expression pattern seen in honey bee larvae denotes that the hypoxia pathway has undergone a transformation, at least during larval development, from a response to environmental oxygen concentrations to an endogenous regulatory factor in the diphenic development of honey bee larvae. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is a genetic disorder of connective tissue characterized by bone fragility and alteration in synthesis and posttranslational modification of type I collagen. Autosomal dominant OI is caused by mutations in the genes (COL1A1 or COL1A2) encoding the chains of type I collagen. Bruck syndrome is a recessive disorder featuring congenital contractures in addition to bone fragility; Bruck syndrome type 2 is caused by mutations in PLOD2 encoding collagen lysyl hydroxylase, whereas Bruck syndrome type 1 has been mapped to chromosome 17, with evidence suggesting region 17p12, but the gene has remained elusive so far. Recently, the molecular spectrum of OI has been expanded with the description of the basis of a unique posttranslational modification of type I procollagen, that is, 3-prolyl-hydroxylation. Three proteins, cartilage-associated protein (CRTAP), prolyl-3-hydroxylase-1 (P3H1, encoded by the LEPRE1 gene), and the prolyl cis-trans isomerase cyclophilin-B (PPIB), form a complex that is required for fibrillar collagen 3-prolyl-hydroxylation, and mutations in each gene have been shown to cause recessive forms of OI. Since then, an additional putative collagen chaperone complex, composed of FKBP10 (also known as FKBP65) and SERPINH1 (also known as HSP47), also has been shown to be mutated in recessive OI. Here we describe five families with OI-like bone fragility in association with congenital contractures who all had FKBP10 mutations. Therefore, we conclude that FKBP10 mutations are a cause of recessive osteogenesis imperfecta and Bruck syndrome, possibly Bruck syndrome Type 1 since the location on chromosome 17 has not been definitely localized.


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Inflammation is a key process in cardiovascular diseases. The extracellular matrix (ECM) of the vasculature is a major target of inflammatory cytokines, and TNFalpha regulates ECM metabolism by affecting collagen production. In this study, we have examined the pathways mediating TNFalpha-induced suppression of prolyl-4 hydroxylase alpha1 (P4Halpha1), the rate-limiting isoform of P4H responsible for procollagen hydroxylation, maturation, and organization. Using human aortic smooth muscle cells, we found that TNFalpha activated the MKK4-JNK1 pathway, which induced histone (H) 4 lysine 12 acetylation within the TNFalpha response element in the P4Halpha1 promoter. The acetylated-H4 then recruited a transcription factor, NonO, which, in turn, recruited HDACs and induced H3 lysine 9 deacetylation, thereby inhibiting transcription of the P4Halpha1 promoter. Furthermore, we found that TNFalpha oxidized DJ-1, which may be essential for the NonO-P4Halpha1 interaction because treatment with gene specific siRNA to knockout DJ-1 eliminated the TNFalpha-induced NonO-P4Halpha1 interaction and its suppression. Our findings may be relevant to aortic aneurysm and dissection and the stability of the fibrous cap of atherosclerotic plaque in which collagen metabolism is important in arterial remodeling. Defining this cytokine-mediated regulatory pathway may provide novel molecular targets for therapeutic intervention in preventing plaque rupture and acute coronary occlusion.


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Context: 21-Hydroxylase deficiency (21OHD) is caused by CYP21A2 gene mutations disrupting the adrenal 21-hydroxylase, P450c21. CYP21A2 mutations generally correlate well with the 21OHD phenotype, but some children with severe CYP21A2 mutations have residual 21-hydroxylase activity. Some hepatic P450 enzymes can 21-hydroxylate progesterone, but their physiological relevance in modifying 21OHD is not known. Objective: Wedetermined the ability of CYP2C19 and CYP3A4 to 21-hydroxylate progesterone and 17-hydroxyprogesterone (17OHP), determined the impact of the common P450 oxidoreductase (POR) variant A503V on these activities, and examined correlations between CYP2C19 variants and phenotype in patients with 21OHD. Methods: Bacterially expressed, N-terminally modified, C-His-tagged human P450c21, CYP2C19, and CYP3A4 were combined with bacterially expressed wild-type and A503V POR. The 21-hydroxylation of radiolabeled progesterone and 17OHP was assessed, and the Michaelis constant (Km) and maximum velocity (Vmax) of the reactions were measured. CYP2C19 was genotyped in 21OHD patients with genotypes predicting severe congenital adrenal hyperplasia. Results: Compared to P450c21, the Vmax/Km for 21-hydroxylation of progesterone by CYP2C19 and CYP3A4 were 17 and 10%, respectively. With both forms of POR, the Km for P450c21 was approximately 2.6 mu M, the Km for CYP2C19 was approximately 11 mu M, and the Km for CYP3A4 was approximately 110 mu M. Neither CYP2C19 nor CYP3A4 could 21-hydroxylate 17OHP. The CYP2C19 ultrametabolizer allele CYP2C19* 17 was homozygous in one of five patients with a 21OHD phenotype that was milder than predicted by the CYP21A2 genotype. Conclusions: CYP2C19 and CYP3A4 can 21-hydroxylate progesterone but not 17OHP, possibly ameliorating mineralocorticoid deficiency, but not glucocorticoid deficiency. Multiple enzymes probably contribute to extraadrenal 21-hydroxylation. (J Clin Endocrinol Metab 94: 89-95, 2009)


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[GRAPHICS] In a number of Bactrocera species the penultimate step in the biosynthesis of spiroacetals is shown to be the hydroxylation of an alkyltetrahydropyranol followed by cyclization, The monooxygenases that catalyze this side chain hydroxylation show a strong preference for oxidation four carbons from the hemiketal center, to produce the spiroacetal, The hydroxy spiroacetals observed in Bactrocera appear to derive from direct oxidation of the parent spiroacetals and not from alternate precursors.


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Prolyl-rich peptides derived from hydrolysates of bovine caseins have been previously shown to inhibit angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) activity, suggesting that they may also be able to inhibit the enzymatic activities of prolyl-specific peptidases. This study shows that peptides derived from α(S1)-casein and β-casein inhibited the enzymatic activities of purified recombinant matrix metalloprotease (MMP)-2, MMP-7, and MMP-9. The inhibitory efficacy was sequence-dependent. These peptides also selectively inhibited the enzymatic activities of prolyl-amino-peptidases, prolyl-amino-dipeptidases, and prolyl-endopeptidases in extracts of HT-29 and SW480 human colon carcinoma cells, but not in intact cells. They were not cytotoxic or growth inhibitory for these cells. Thus, the prolyl-rich selected peptides were good and selective inhibitors of MMPs and post-proline-cleaving proteases, demonstrating their potential to control inadequate proteolytic activity in the human digestive tract, without inducing cytotoxic effects.


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Our docking program, Fitted, implemented in our computational platform, Forecaster, has been modified to carry out automated virtual screening of covalent inhibitors. With this modified version of the program, virtual screening and further docking-based optimization of a selected hit led to the identification of potential covalent reversible inhibitors of prolyl oligopeptidase activity. After visual inspection, a virtual hit molecule together with four analogues were selected for synthesis and made in one-five chemical steps. Biological evaluations on recombinant POP and FAPα enzymes, cell extracts, and living cells demonstrated high potency and selectivity for POP over FAPα and DPPIV. Three compounds even exhibited high nanomolar inhibitory activities in intact living human cells and acceptable metabolic stability. This small set of molecules also demonstrated that covalent binding and/or geometrical constraints to the ligand/protein complex may lead to an increase in bioactivity.


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Many biologically active peptides are protected from general proteolytic degradation by evolutionary conserved prolines (Pro), due to conformational constraints imposed by the Pro residue. Thus the biological importance of prolyl-specific peptidases points to a high potential for drug discovery for this family of enzymes. Panels of inhibitors have been synthesized and their effects, determined in biological models, suggest the inhibition of families of enzymes with similar activities. Prolyl-specific aminodipeptidases include dipeptidyl-aminodipeptidase IV (DPP IV)/CD26, DPP8, DPP9 and fibroblast activation protease-alpha (FAP-alpha)/seprase, able to release X-Pro dipeptides from the N-terminus of peptides. DPP IV inhibitors are in clinical use for type 2 diabetes. In this review, the expression and the potential functions of prolyl-aminodipeptidases are reviewed in diseases, and the inhibitors developed for these enzymes are discussed, with a specific focus on inhibitors able to discriminate between DPP IV and fibroblast activation protease-alpha (FAPalpha)/seprase as potential leads for the treatment of fibrogenic diseases.


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Prolyl oligopeptidases cleave peptides on the carboxy side of internal proline residues and their inhibition has potential in the treatment of human brain disorders. Using our docking program fitted, we have designed a series of constrained covalent inhibitors, built from a series of bicyclic scaffolds, to study the optimal shape required for these small molecules. These structures bear nitrile functional groups that we predicted to covalently bind to the catalytic serine of the enzyme. Synthesis and biological assays using human brain-derived astrocytic cells and endothelial cells and human fibroblasts revealed that these compounds act as selective inhibitors of prolyl oligopeptidase activity compared to prolyl-dipeptidyl-aminopeptidase activity, are able to penetrate the cells and inhibit intracellular activities in intact living cells. This integrated computational and experimental study shed light on the binding mode of inhibitors in the enzyme active site and will guide the design of future drug-like molecules.


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Sfingomyeliner är viktiga sphingolipidmolekyler som finns i cellmembranets exoplastiska monolager. Sfingomyeliner är sällsynta i växter och mikroorganismer. Den enigmatiska sfingomelinmolekylen som Thudicum isolerade från hjärnvävnad i slutet på 1800-talet fick sitt namn på basen av det grekiska ordet”sfinx”. Sfingomyeliner återfinns speciallt rikligt i myelinskidorna i nervvävnad, var de sfingomyelinrika membranen bildar ett isolerande lager runt nervcellernas axoner. De polära sfingomyelinerna är viktiga beståndsdelar av ägg, mjölk och kött, och betraktas som viktiga näringsämnen speciellt för spädbarn. Det finns ett flertal sjukdomar uppstår på grund av defekter i sfingomyelinmetabolismen., t.ex. Niemann-Picks sjukdom, som är en obotlig ärftlig metabolisk sjukdom. Nyligen har det rapporterats att sfingomyelin tillsammans med kolesterol och specifika proteiner bildar funtionella domäner, s.k. membranflottar, i cellers membran. Membranflottar anses delta i många viktiga biologiska processer som t.ex. signalöverföring, lipid- och proteinsortering, apoptos, celladhesion, cellmigration och synapsers signalöverföring. Därför är det ytterst viktigt att förstå samverkan mellan sfingomyelin och kolesterol och hur denna samverkan påverkar bildandet membranflottar. I avhandlingen presenteras data från våra studier av sfingomyelin samverkan med kolesterol. För avhandlingen syntetiserade vi unika sfingomyelin molekyler genom att införa metyl- och hydroxylgrupper i olika positioner i sphingomyelinmolekylerna, med målet att lära oss mera om sphingomyelinets membranegenskaper och samverkan med kolesterol. Alla sfingomyelin molekyler som användes i avhandlingsarbetet är biologiskt relevanta. I studierna fann vi att hydroxyl- och amidgrupperna i sfingomyelin är viktiga i vätebindningar mellan sfingomyelinmolekyler samt mellan sfingomyelin och kolesterol. Vi upptäckte ytterligare att substition av metylgrupper i acylkedjan eller i interfasregionen hos sfingomyelinmolekyler signifikant destabiliserade sphingomyelin bilagret och försvagade/upphävde molekylernas samverkan med kolesterol. Hur sfingomyelinbilagrens stabilitet och sfingomyelinen-koleterol samverkan påverkades av hydroxylgrupper var beroende av hydrohygruppens position. Förekomst av en extra hydroxylgrupp i sfingomyelionmolekylens sfingoidbasen ökade stabilitetnen hos sfingomyelinbilagren samt stabiliserade sfingomyelinets samverkan med kolesterol.


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Most advanced tumours face periods of reduced oxygen availability i.e. hypoxia. During these periods tumour cells undergo adaptive changes enabling their survival under adverse conditions. In cancer hypoxia-induced cellular changes cause tumour progression, hinder cancer treatment and are indicative of poor prognosis. Within cells the main regulator of hypoxic responses is the hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF). HIF governs the expression of over a hundred hypoxia-inducible genes that regulate a number of cellular functions such as angiogenesis, glucose metabolism and cell migration. Therefore the activity of HIF must be tightly governed. HIF is regulated by a family of prolyl hydroxylase enzymes, PHDs, which mark HIF for destruction in normoxia. Under hypoxic conditions PHDs lose much of their enzymatic activity as they need molecular oxygen as a cofactor. Out of the three PHDs (PHD1, 2 and 3) PHD2 has been considered to be the main HIF-1 regulator in normoxic conditions. PHD3 on the other hand shows the most robust induction in response to oxygen deprivation and it has been implied as the main HIF-1 regulator under prolonged hypoxia. SQSTM1/p62 (p62) is an adaptor protein that functions through its binding motifs to bring together proteins in order to regulate signal transduction. In non-stressed situations p62 levels are kept low but its expression has been reported to be upregulated in many cancers. It has a definitive role as an autophagy receptor and as such it serves a key function in cancer cell survival decisions. In my thesis work I evaluated the significance of PHD3 in cancer cell and tumour biology. My results revealed that PHD3 has a dual role in cancer cell fate. First, I demonstrated that PHD3 forms subcellular protein aggregates in oxygenated carcinoma cells and that this aggregation promotes apoptosis induction in a subset of cancer cells. In these aggregates an adaptor protein SQSTM1/p62 interacts with PHD3 and in so doing regulates PHD3 expression. SQSTM1/p62 expression is needed to keep PHD3 levels low in normoxic conditions. Its levels rapidly decrease in response to hypoxia allowing PHD3 protein levels to be upregulated and the protein to be diffusely expressed throughout the cell. The interaction between PHD3 and SQSTM1/p62 limits the ability of PHD3 to function on its hydroxylation target protein HIF-1alpha. Second, the results indicate that when PHD3 is upregulated under hypoxia it protects cancer cells by allowing cell cycle to proceed from G1 to S-phase. My data demonstrates that PHD3 may either cause cell death or protect the cells depending on its expression pattern and the oxygen availability of tumours.


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Two enzyme mechanisms were examined: the 21-dehydroxylation of corticosteroids by the anaerobe Eubacterium l en tum, and the hydroxylation of steroids by fungal cytochrome P450. Deuterium labelling techniques were used to study the enzymic dehydroxylation. Corticosteroids doubly labelled (2H) at the C-21 position were incubated with a culture of Eubacterium lentum. It was found that t he enzymic dehydroxylation proceeded with the loss of one 2H f rom C-21 per molecule of substrate. The kinetic isotope ef fect f or the reaction was found to be k~kD = 2. 28. These results suggest that enzyme/substr ate binding in this case may proceed via t he enol form of the substrate. Also , it appears that this binding is, at least in part, the rate determining step of t he reaction. The hydroxylation of steroids by fungal cytochrome P450 was examined by means of a product study. Steroids with a double bond at the A8 (9), ~( lO ), or ~ (ll) position were synthesized. These steroids were then incubated with fungal strains known to use a cytochrome P450 monooxygenase to hydroxylate at positions allylic to these doubl e bonds. The products formed in these incubations indicated that the double bonds had migrated during allylic hydroxylat ion. This suggests that a carbon centred radical or ion may be an intermediate i n the cytochrome P450 cat alytic cycle.


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La régulation de la transcription est un processus complexe qui a évolué pendant des millions d’années permettant ainsi aux cellules de s’adapter aux changements environnementaux. Notre laboratoire étudie le rôle de la rapamycine, un agent immunosuppresseur et anticancéreux, qui mime la carence nutritionelle. Afin de comprendre les mécanismes impliqués dans la réponse a la rapamycine, nous recherchons des mutants de la levure Saccaromyces cerevisiae qui ont un phenotype altérée envers cette drogue. Nous avons identifié le gène RRD1, qui encode une peptidyl prolyl isomérase et dont la mutation rend les levures très résistantes à la rapamycine et il semble que se soit associé à une réponse transcriptionelle alterée. Mon projet de recherche de doctorat est d’identifier le rôle de Rrd1 dans la réponse à la rapamycine. Tout d’abord nous avons trouvé que Rrd1 interagit avec l’ARN polymérase II (RNAPII), plus spécifiquement avec son domaine C-terminal. En réponse à la rapamycine, Rrd1 induit un changement dans la conformation du domaine C-terminal in vivo permettant la régulation de l’association de RNAPII avec certains gènes. Des analyses in vitro ont également montré que cette action est directe et probablement liée à l’activité isomérase de Rrd1 suggérant un rôle pour Rrd1 dans la régulation de la transcription. Nous avons utilisé la technologie de ChIP sur micropuce pour localiser Rrd1 sur la majorité des gènes transcrits par RNAPII et montre que Rrd1 agit en tant que facteur d’élongation de RNAPII. Pour finir, des résultats suggèrent que Rrd1 n’est pas seulement impliqué dans la réponse à la rapamycine mais aussi à differents stress environnementaux, nous permettant ainsi d’établir que Rrd1 est un facteur d’élongation de la transcription requis pour la régulation de la transcription via RNAPII en réponse au stress.


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L’attrait des compagnies pharmaceutiques pour des structures cycliques possédant des propriétés biologiques intéressantes par les compagnies pharmaceutiques a orienté les projets décrits dans ce mémoire. La synthèse rapide, efficace, verte et économique de ces structures suscite de plus en plus d’attention dans la littérature en raison des cibles biologiques visées qui deviennent de plus en plus complexes. Ce mémoire se divise en deux projets ciblant la synthèse de deux structures aromatiques importantes dans le monde de la chimie médicinale. Dans un premier temps, l’amélioration de la synthèse de dérivés phénoliques a été réalisée. L’apport de la chimie en flux continu dans le développement de voies synthétiques plus vertes et efficaces sera tout d’abord discuté. Ensuite, une revue des antécédents concernant l’hydroxylation d’halogénure d’aryle sera effectuée. Finalement, le développement d’une nouvelle approche rapide de synthèse des phénols utilisant la chimie en flux continu sera présenté, suivi d’un survol de ses avantages et ses limitations. Dans un deuxième temps, le développement d’une nouvelle méthodologie pour la formation de 3-aminoindazoles a été réalisé. Tout d’abord, un résumé de la littérature sur la synthèse de différents indazoles sera présenté. Ensuite, une présentation de deux méthodes efficaces d’activation de liens sera effectuée, soit l’activation d’amides par l’anhydride triflique et l’activation de liens C–H catalysée par des métaux de transition. Finalement, le développement d’une nouvelle méthodologie pour la synthèse de 3-aminoindazole utilisant ces deux approches sera discuté.