990 resultados para PROBIOTIC BACTERIA


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Probiooteilla kantakohtaisia vaikutuksia ihmisen immuunijärjestelmään terveillä aikuisilla Probiooteilla on kantakohtaisia tulehduksen välittäjäaineita vähentäviä vaikutuksia ja probioottien yhdistelmien vaikutukset eroavat yksittäisten kantojen vaikutuksista selviää TtM Riina Kekkosen tuoreesta väitöstutkimuksesta. TtM Riina Kekkonen on selvittänyt väitöskirjassaan eri probioottikantojen vaikutuksia immuunivasteeseen valkosolumallissa sekä terveillä aikuisilla lumekontrolloiduissa kliinisissä tutkimuksissa. Aikaisemmin probioottien vaikutuksia on tutkittu lähinnä allergian ja erilaisten vatsavaivojen ehkäisyssä ja hoidossa. Probiootteja sisältäviä tuotteita käyttävät kuluttajat ovat kuitenkin useimmiten terveitä aikuisia, ja probioottien vaikutus terveiden aikuisten immuunijärjestelmään on ollut puutteellisesti selvitettyä. Valkosolumallissa probioottikantojen havaittiin poikkeavan toisistaan niiden kyvyssä aktivoida immuunivasteen välittäjäaineiden, sytokiinien, tuotantoa. Anti-inflammatorisia, eli tulehdusta lievittäviä vaikutuksia nähtiin lähinnä Bifidobacterium ja Propionibacterium sukuihin kuuluvilla kannoilla. Streptococcus ja Leuconostoc sukuihin kuuluvat kannat puolestaan aktivoivat Th1 tyyppistä, soluvälitteistä immuunivastetta. Eri probioottien kombinaatiot eivät saaneet aikaan voimakkaampaa aktivaatiota yksittäisiin kantoihin verrattuna, joka viittaa probioottien keskinäiseen kilpailuun niiden ollessa kontaktissa ihmisen solujen kanssa. Probioottikantojen valinta kliinisiin tutkimuksiin tehtiin niiden anti-inflammatoristen ominaisuuksien perusteella. Parhaita anti-inflammatorisia kantoja olivat B. lactis ssp. animalis Bb12 ja P. freudenreichii ssp. shermanii JS, joiden lisäksi tutkimuksiin valittiin myös L. rhamnosus GG (LGG) hyvin tutkittuna referenssikantana. Solutöiden tulokset eivät olleet täysin verrannollisia kliinisen työn tuloksiin, koska LGG näytti omaavan parhaat anti-inflammatoriset ominaisuudet kliinisissä tutkimuksissa vaikka solutyössä sen aikaansaamat vasteet olivat melko vaimeita. Kolmen viikon kliinisessä tutkimuksessa terveillä aikuisilla LGG alensi mm. tulehdusta kuvaavan C-reaktiivisen proteiinin ja inflammatoristen sytokiinien määrää. Pidemmässä kolmen kuukauden pituisessa kliinisessä tutkimuksessa LGG:llä ei ollut vaikutusta terveiden aikuisten infektiosairastavuuteen, mutta LGG lyhensi vatsavaivojen kestoa. Probioottien vaikutukset immuunijärjestelmään näyttävät olevan kantakohtaisia ja erityisesti Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG:llä havaittiin anti-inflammatorisia vaikutuksia. Valkosolumallia ei tulisi käyttää ainoana probioottikantojen skriinausmenetelmänä niiden immunologisia vaikutuksia selvitettäessä, koska solutöiden tulokset eivät olleet täysin verrannollisia kliinisten tutkimusten tuloksiin. Sen sijaan veren perifeeristen lymfosyyttien eristäminen ja niiden aktivoitumisen selvittäminen lyhytaikaisessa kliinisessä tutkimuksessa voisi toimia suhteellisen helppona skiinausmenetelmänä.


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Epidemiological and experimental studies suggest that changes in gut microbial balance are associated with increases in the prevalence of allergic diseases. Probiotics are proposed to provide beneficial immunoregulatory signals which aid in oral tolerance achievement and alleviation of symptoms of allergic diseases. The present study evaluates both the immunological mechanisms of probiotics in infants with allergic diseases and their preventive aspect among infants prone to allergy. Furthermore, the purpose of the study was to characterise the immunological features of cord blood mononuclear cells (CBMCs) in infants at high genetic risk for allergy. GATA-3 expression (p = 0.03), interleukin (IL) -2(p = 0.026), and IL-5 (p = 0.013) secretion of stimulated CBMCs were higher in IgE-sensitized infants at age 2 than in non-allergic, non-sensitized infants. Lactobacillus GG (LGG) treatment increased secretion of IFN-γ by PBMCs in vitro in infants with cow s milk allergy (CMA) (p = 0.006) and in infants with IgE-associated eczema (p = 0.017), when compared to levels in the placebo group. A probiotic mixture, increased secretion of IL-4 by PBMCs in vitro in infants with CMA (p = 0.028), when compared with placebo-group levels. The LGG treatment induced higher plasma C-reactive protein (CRP) (p = 0.021) and IL-6 (p = 0.036) levels in infants with IgE-associated eczema than in the placebo group. The probiotic mixture induced higher plasma IL-10 levels in infants with eczema (p = 0.016). In the prevention study of allergic dis-eases, the infants receiving the probiotic mixture had higher plasma levels of CRP (p = 0.008), total IgA (p = 0.016), total IgE (p = 0.047), and IL-10 (p = 0.002) than did infants in the placebo group. Increased CRP level at age 6 months was associated with a decreased risk for eczema at age 2 not only in the infants who received probiotics but also in the placebo group (p = 0.034). In conclusion, the priming of the GATA-3 and IL-5 pathway can occur in utero, and a primary feature of T-cells predisposing to IgE-sensitization seems to directly favour Th2 deviation. LGG treatment induced increased plasma levels of CRP and IL-6 in infants with IgE-associated eczema, suggesting an activation of innate immu-nity. The probiotic mixture, when given to allergy-prone infants, induced inflammation, detected as increased plasma CRP levels, which at age 6 months was associated with decreased risk for eczema at age 2.The probiotic-induced response in allergy prone infants was characterized by their higher plasma IL-10, total IgE, and CRP levels, without induction of an allergen-specific IgE response. In this respect, the probiotics in infancy appear to induce protective immune profiles that are characteristic for chronic low-grade inflammation, a response resembling that of helminth-like infections.


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The overall aims of this study were to investigate the differences between raw/farm milk and pasteurised milk with respect to potential immune modifying effects following consumption and investigate the bacterial composition of raw milk compared to pasteurised milk. Furthermore, in this thesis, panels of potential probiotic bacteria from the Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus genera were investigated. The overall bacterial composition of raw milk was compared with pasteurised milk using samples obtained from commercial milk producers around Ireland using next generation sequencing technology (454 pyrosequencing). Here the presence of previously unrecognised and diverse bacterial populations in unpasteurised cow’s milk was identified. Futhermore the bacterial content of pasteurised milk was found to be more diverse than previously thought. The global response of the adenocarcinoma cell line HT-29 to raw milk and pasteurised milk exposures were also characterised using whole genome microarray technology. Over one thousand differentially expressed genes were identified which were found to be involved in a plethora of cellular functions. Interestingly a reduction in immune related activity (e.g. Major histocompatability complex class II signalling and T and B cell proliferation) was identified in cells exposed to pasteurised milk compared with raw milk exposures. Further studies comparing human cell response to raw versus pasteurised milk was performed using peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from healthy donors. A reduction in CD14 was identified following raw milk exposures compared with pasteurised milk and the pattern of cytokine production may indicate that gram positive bacteria in the raw milk were contributing to the differences in the cellular response to raw versus pasteurised milk. Panels of potentially probiotic bacteria (comprising of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria) were further assessed for immunomodulatory capabilities using cell culture based models. Gene expression and cytokine production were used to evaluate stimulated and unstimulated (LPS) cellular responses as well as interaction mechanisms


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Background: Clinical and experimental studies suggest that the probiotic mixture VSL#3 has protective activities in the context of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). The aim of the study was to reveal bacterial strain-specific molecular mechanisms underlying the anti-inflammatory potential of VSL#3 in intestinal epithelial cells (IEC).

Methodology/Principal Findings: VSL#3 inhibited TNF-induced secretion of the T-cell chemokine interferon-inducible protein (IP-10) in Mode-K cells. Lactobacillus casei (L. casei) cell surface proteins were identified as active anti-inflammatory components of VSL#3. Interestingly, L. casei failed to block TNF-induced IP-10 promoter activity or IP-10 gene transcription at the mRNA expression level but completely inhibited IP-10 protein secretion as well as IP-10-mediated T-cell transmigration. Kinetic studies, pulse-chase experiments and the use of a pharmacological inhibitor for the export machinery (brefeldin A) showed that L. casei did not impair initial IP-10 production but decreased intracellular IP-10 protein stability as a result of blocked IP-10 secretion. Although L. casei induced IP-10 ubiquitination, the inhibition of proteasomal or lysosomal degradation did not prevent the loss of intracellular IP-10. Most important for the mechanistic understanding, the inhibition of vesicular trafficking by 3-methyladenine (3-MA) inhibited IP-10 but not IL-6 expression, mimicking the inhibitory effects of L. casei. These findings suggest that L. casei impairs vesicular pathways important for the secretion of IP-10, followed by subsequent degradation of the proinflammatory chemokine. Feeding studies in TNF Delta ARE and IL-10(-/-) mice revealed a compartimentalized protection of VSL#3 on the development of cecal but not on ileal or colonic inflammation. Consistent with reduced tissue pathology in IL-10(-/-) mice, IP-10 protein expression was reduced in primary epithelial cells.

Conclusions/Significance: We demonstrate segment specific effects of probiotic intervention that correlate with reduced IP-10 protein expression in the native epithelium. Furthermore, we revealed post-translational degradation of IP-10 protein in IEC to be the molecular mechanism underlying the anti-inflammatory effect.


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One hundred and nine lactic acid bacterial strains (56 bifidobacteria-like and 53 lactobacilli-like) were isolated from faecal samples donated by healthy elderly individuals (>65 years old). Isolates were identified to species level by phenotypic analysis (by API) and by 16S rDNA sequencing. Eleven species of Lactobacillus and six species of Bifidobacterium were identified. The most frequently isolated lactobacillus was L. fermentum and the most frequently isolated bifidobacterium was closely related to B. infantis by 16S rDNA sequence alignment. The isolates were characterized for their antimicrobial activity against Clostridium difficile, enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC), verocytotoxigenic E. coli (VTEC) and Campylobacter jejuni. The lactobacilli displayed variations in their antimicrobial activity with few strains showing inhibitory activity against all pathogens. The bifidobacteria displayed higher levels of inhibitory activity against C. jejuni and Cl. difficile than against the E. coli strains. Keywords: Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, elderly, gastrointestinal microbiota, inhibition, Clostridium difficile, enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC), verocytotoxigenic E. coli (VTEC), Campylobacter jejuni.


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This study investigates the production of alginate microcapsules, which have been coated with the polysaccharide chitosan, and evaluates some of their properties with the intention of improving the gastrointestinal viability of a probiotic (Bifidobacterium breve) by encapsulation in this system. The microcapsules were dried by a variety of methods, and the most suitable was chosen. The work described in this Article is the first report detailing the effects of drying on the properties of these microcapsules and the viability of the bacteria within relative to wet microcapsules. The pH range over which chitosan and alginate form polyelectrolyte complexes was explored by spectrophotometry, and this extended into swelling studies on the microcapsules over a range of pHs associated with the gastrointestinal tract. It was shown that chitosan stabilizes the alginate microcapsules at pHs above 3, extending the stability of the capsules under these conditions. The effect of chitosan exposure time on the coating thickness was investigated for the first time by confocal laser scanning microscopy, and its penetration into the alginate matrix was shown to be particularly slow. Coating with chitosan was found to increase the survival of B. breve in simulated gastric fluid as well as prolong its release upon exposure to intestinal pH.


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The oral administration of probiotic bacteria has shown potential in clinical trials for the alleviation of specific disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. However, cells must be alive in order to exert these benefits. The low pH of the stomach can greatly reduce the number of viable microorganisms that reach the intestine, thereby reducing the efficacy of the administration. Herein, a model probiotic, Bifidobacterium breve, has been encapsulated into an alginate matrix before coating in multilayers of alternating alginate and chitosan. The intention of this formulation was to improve the survival of B. breve during exposure to low pH and to target the delivery of the cells to the intestine. The material properties were first characterized before in vitro testing. Biacore™ experiments allowed for the polymer interactions to be confirmed; additionally, the stability of these multilayers to buffers simulating the pH of the gastrointestinal tract was demonstrated. Texture analysis was used to monitor changes in the gel strength during preparation, showing a weakening of the matrices during coating as a result of calcium ion sequestration. The build-up of multilayers was confirmed by confocal laser-scanning microscopy, which also showed the increase in the thickness of coat over time. During exposure to in vitro gastric conditions, an increase in viability from <3 log(CFU) per mL, seen in free cells, up to a maximum of 8.84 ± 0.17 log(CFU) per mL was noted in a 3-layer coated matrix. Multilayer-coated alginate matrices also showed a targeting of delivery to the intestine, with a gradual release of their loads over 240 min.


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It is common practice to freeze dry probiotic bacteria to improve their shelf life. However, the freeze drying process itself can be detrimental to their viability. The viability of probiotics could be maintained if they are administered within a microbially produced biodegradable polymer - poly-γ-glutamic acid (γ-PGA) - matrix. Although the antifreeze activity of γ-PGA is well known, it has not been used for maintaining the viability of probiotic bacteria during freeze drying. The aim of this study was to test the effect of γ-PGA (produced by B. subtilis natto ATCC 15245) on the viability of probiotic bacteria during freeze drying and to test the toxigenic potential of B. subtilis natto. 10% γ-PGA was found to protect Lactobacillus paracasei significantly better than 10% sucrose, whereas it showed comparable cryoprotectant activity to sucrose when it was used to protect Bifidobacterium breve and Bifidobacterium longum. Although γ-PGA is known to be non-toxic, it is crucial to ascertain the toxigenic potential of its source, B. subtilis natto. Presence of six genes that are known to encode for toxins were investigated: three component hemolysin (hbl D/A), three component non-haemolytic enterotoxin (nheB), B. cereus enterotoxin T (bceT), enterotoxin FM (entFM), sphingomyelinase (sph) and phosphatidylcholine-specific phospholipase (piplc). From our investigations, none of these six genes were present in B. subtilis natto. Moreover, haemolytic and lecithinase activities were found to be absent. Our work contributes a biodegradable polymer from a non-toxic source for the cryoprotection of probiotic bacteria, thus improving their survival during the manufacturing process.


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Enteric coated oral tablets or capsules can deliver dried live cells directly into the intestine. Previously, we found that a live attenuated bacterial vaccine acquired sensitivity to intestinal bile when dried, raising the possibility that although gastric acid can be bypassed, significant loss of viability might occur on release from an enteric coated oral formulations. Here we demonstrate that some food-grade lyophilised preparations of Lactobacillus casei and Lactobacillus salivarius also show temporary bile sensitivity that can be rapidly reversed by rehydration. To protect dried bacterial cells from temporary bile sensitivity, we propose using bile acid adsorbing resins, such as cholestyramine, which are bile acid binding agents, historically used to lower cholesterol levels. Vcaps™ HPMC capsules alone provided up to 830-fold protection from bile. The inclusion of 50% w/w cholestyramine in Vcaps™ HPMC capsules resulted in release of up to 1700-fold more live Lactobacillus casei into simulated intestinal fluid containing 1% bile, when compared to dried cells added directly to bile. We conclude that delivery of dried live probiotic organisms to the intestine may be improved by providing protection from bile by addition of bile adsorbing resins and the use of HPMC capsules.


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Live bacterial cells (LBC) are administered orally as attenuated vaccines, to deliver biopharmaceutical agents, and as probiotics to improve gastrointestinal health. However, LBC present unique formulation challenges and must survive gastrointestinal antimicrobial defenses including gastric acid after administration. We present a simple new formulation concept, termed Polymer Film Laminate (PFL). LBC are ambient dried onto cast acid-resistant enteric polymer films that are then laminated together to produce a solid oral dosage form. LBC of a model live bacterial vaccine and a probiotic were dried directly onto a cast film of enteric polymer. The effectiveness at protecting dried cells in a simulated gastric fluid (pH 2.0) depended on the composition of enteric polymer film used, with a blend of ethylcellulose plus Eudragit L100 55 providing greater protection from acid than Eudragit alone. However, although PFL made from blended polymers films completely released low molecular weight dye into intestinal conditions (pH 7.0), they failed to release LBC. In contrast, PFL made from Eudragit alone successfully protected dried probiotic or vaccine LBC from simulated gastric fluid for 2h, and subsequently released all viable cells within 60min of transfer into simulated intestinal fluid. Release kinetics could be controlled by modifying the lamination method.


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A major hurdle in producing a useful probiotic food product is bacterial survival during storage and ingestion. The aim of this study was to test the effect of γ-PGA immobilisation on the survival of probiotic bacteria when stored in acidic fruit juice. Fruit juices provide an alternative means of probiotic delivery, especially to lactose intolerant individuals. In addition, the survival of γ-PGA-immobilised cells in simulated gastric juice was also assessed. Bifidobacteria strains (B. longum, B. breve), immobilised on 2.5 % γ-PGA, survived significantly better (P < 0.05) in orange and pomegranate juice for 39 and 11 days respectively, compared to free cells. However, cells survived significantly better (P < 0.05) when stored in orange juice compared to pomegranate juice. Moreover, both strains, when protected with 2.5 % γ-PGA, survived in simulated gastric juice (pH 2.0) with a marginal reduction (<0.47 log CFU/ml) or no significant reduction in viable cells after four hours, whereas free cells died within two hours. In conclusion, this research indicates that γ-PGA can be used to protect Bifidobacteria cells in fruit juice, and could also help improve the survival of cells as they pass through the harsh conditions of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT). Following our previous report on the use of γ-PGA as a cryoprotectant for probiotic bacteria, this research further suggests that γ-PGA could be used to improve probiotic survival during the various stages of preparation, storage and ingestion of probiotic cells.