993 resultados para PREBISCH, RAUL


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Versión corregida y aumentada de la Bibliografía publicada por la Biblioteca de la CEPAL en 1986. (LC/G.1461).


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Prebisch pensaba que para comprender la evolución de las economías capitalistas en el tiempo y en diferentes contextos se requería una teoría general del ciclo que abarcara las diferentes áreas de la actividad económica, a la que denominó “dinámica económica”. Esta teoría, elaborada entre 1945 y 1949, surgió como crítica de las teorías neoclásica y keynestiana, que Prebisch consideraba representaciones estáticas del capitalismo. Se aplicó primero a una economía cerrada y luego a un contexto de centro-periferia. En ella se combinaba la noción de que los beneficios son la fuerza motriz de la actividad económica, con un proceso de ahorro forzado y la idea de que el desfase temporal entre la circulación de ingresos (y la consiguiente demanda) y la finalización del proceso productivo constituyen la principal fuente de fluctuaciones cíclicas. La teoría dinámica de Prebisch, que nunca llegó a completar, influyó en la elaboración del “Manifiesto” (Prebisch, 1949). PALABRAS


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This study aims to conduct an analysis on the social aspects present in the works of the Argentine economist Raúl Prebisch (1901-1986). Based on the author's research on the economic development of the peripheral countries, it will be demonstrated how the social and economic factors have interconnected in the developmental theory of the peripheral worldwide economy. To achieve this goal, the six works of Prebisch considered essentials by Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) were used as main bibliographic axis. Such texts are: Introduction to Keynes, The Economic Development of Latin America and Its Principal Problems, Economic development or monetary stability: the false dilemma, Towards a Dynamic Development Policy for Latin America, .Change and Development: Latin America's Great Task, Capitalismo periférico: crisis y transformación, Five stages in my thinking on development. Firstly the topics essential to economic development according to the author will be exposed, such as industrialization of peripheral countries as a means of raising the income of masses and the way it should be coordinated beyond the theoretical author's choice on historical events, the evolution of the deterioration of terms of trade between peripheral and central countries and the need for productivity gains to increase the income of the worker. Afterwards it will be exposed how such terms align with social inequalities and which definitions are incorporated by the author on the subject


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Número especial por los 40 años de la Revista CEPAL


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Special issue: 40 years of CEPAL Review


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Includes bibliography


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Incluye Bibliografía


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El estudio se realizó en la Estación experimental Raúl González del valle de Sébaco de Junio a Septiembre de 1994. Con el objetivo de determinar las características agronómicas de cada cultivar de repollo (Brasica olearacea L), para resolver algunos problemas de pequeños y medianos productores que demandan cultivares con buen rendimiento y resistente a plagas y enfermedades. Se evaluaron las variedades: Gluckstadter Mittelfrüher, Yeshen, Migthy YR, Copenhagen Market, Conquest, Izalco, Fortuna, Grenadier, Discovery, Giant, Superette YR y Glory of Enkhuizen. El diseño utilizado fue de Bloques Completos al Azar (B.C.A) con cuatro repeticiones, evaluándose las variables de crecimiento y desarrollo del cultivo, así como lo relacionado al rendimiento agronómico y la incidencia de Plutella xylostella L. Los datos obtenidos se sometieron al análisis de varianza y a la prueba de Tukey. Las variedades de mejor crecimiento y desarrollo fueron: Yeshen, Migthy YR, Superette YR, Fortuna e Izalco. En las variables de calidad no se obtuvo diferencia significativa., sin embargo, los cultivares Superette YR, Izalco y Fortuna resultaron con el mayor índice de compactación. Respecto al rendimiento los cultivares Grenadier, Izalco y Fortuna obtuvieron el mayor porcentaje de formación de cabezas así como, el mayor peso de cabeza por hectárea. Los insecticidas utilizados para el manejo de P xylostella no lograron reducir sus poblaciones durante las etapas de preformación y llenado de cabezas. Al finalizar el ciclo del cultivo se presentó Xanthomonas campestris p. y campestris resultando tolerantes los cultivares Grenadier, Discovery, Izalco, Migthy YR y Fortuna; perdiendo casi la totalidad de su población las variedades: Glory of Enkhuizen, Copenhagen Market y Conquest.


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This series will include all those people who, by means of their contributions, great and small, played a part in the consolidation of ichthyology in Argentina. The general plan of this work consists of individual factsheets containing a list of works by each author, along with reference bibliography and, whenever possible, personal pictures and additional material. The datasheets will be published primarily in chronological order, although this is subject to change by the availability of materials for successive editions. This work represents another approach for the recovery and revalorization of those who set the foundations of Argentine ichthyology while in diverse historical circumstances. I expect this to be the beginning of a major work that achieves the description of such a significant part of the history of natural sciences in Argentina.


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O artigo apresenta a dramaturgia de Raul Brandão tendo em conta as relações entre géneros na produção do autor.


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Most research on southern Africa focuses on the total dependency of the region's states--Angola, Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Swaziland, zambia and Zimbabwe--upon the dominant power, South Africa. This thesis examines the relationship between South Africa and Zimbabwe and argues that these two states are more interdependent than dependency scholars would acknowledge. Although a study of the historical period reveals that dependency theory, as defined by Raul Prebisch, Andre Gunder Frank and A. Valenzuela, is helpful for understanding the development of relations between the two states, it is unable to account for many of the characteristics of the relationship which are found in the contemporary context, especially since 1980. An examination of various economic areas of interaction, including investment, trade and transportation, as well as the political realm, indicates that each state exhibits a degree of dependence upon the other. Thus, it is possible to characterize the relationship as one of "mutual dependence," or interdependence as defined by Robert Keohane and Joseph S. Nye. Interdependence is further examined through the concepts of sensitivity and vulnerability. Sensitivity signifies the ability of a state to respond effectively to policy changes made by another state wi thin a given area of interaction without incurring large costs, while vulnerability denotes that an actor is unable to respond, or only at great cost. By applying these concepts to the relationship between Zimbabwe and South Africa, it is determined that although South Africa tends to be sensitive while Zimbabwe is generally vulnerable, the degrees to which these two states are sensi ti ve and vulnerable varies over time and issue area. As the changes wi thin South Africa start to affect relations wi th the rest of southern Africa, it wi 11 be necessary to understand the interaction between the states from an interdependency perspective if cooperation within the region wi 11 be successful. By appl ying an interdependence framework, this study aims at contributing to the understanding of relations among the countries of southern Africa in general, and between South Africa and Zimbabwe in particular.