325 resultados para POSTURES


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Blast mats that can be retrofitted to the floor of military vehicles are considered to reduce the risk of injury from under‐vehicle explosions. Anthropometric test devices (ATDs) are validated for use only in the seated position. The aim of this study was to use a traumatic injury simulator fitted with 3 different blast mats in order to assess the ability of 2 ATD designs to evaluate the protective capacity of the mats in 2 occupant postures under 2 severities. Tests were performed for each combination of mat design, ATD, severity and posture using an antivehicle under‐belly injury simulator. The differences between mitigation systems were larger under the H‐III compared to the MiL‐Lx. There was little difference in how the 2 ATDs and how posture ranked the mitigation systems. Results from this study suggest that conclusions obtained by testing in the seated position can be extrapolated to the standing. However, the different percentage reductions observed in the 2 ATDs suggests different levels of protection. It is therefore unclear which ATD should be used to assess such mitigation systems. A correlation between cadavers and ATDs on the protection offered by blast mats is required in order to elucidate this issue.


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Humans are a social species with the internal capability to process social information from other humans. To understand others behavior and to react accordingly, it is necessary to infer their internal states, emotions and aims, which are conveyed by subtle nonverbal bodily cues such as postures, gestures, and facial expressions. This thesis investigates the brain functions underlying the processing of such social information. Studies I and II of this thesis explore the neural basis of perceiving pain from another person s facial expressions by means of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and magnetoencephalography (MEG). In Study I, observing another s facial expression of pain activated the affective pain system (previously associated with self-experienced pain) in accordance with the intensity of the observed expression. The strength of the response in anterior insula was also linked to the observer s empathic abilities. The cortical processing of facial pain expressions advanced from the visual to temporal-lobe areas at similar latencies (around 300 500 ms) to those previously shown for emotional expressions such as fear or disgust. Study III shows that perceiving a yawning face is associated with middle and posterior STS activity, and the contagiousness of a yawn correlates negatively with amygdalar activity. Study IV explored the brain correlates of interpreting social interaction between two members of the same species, in this case human and canine. Observing interaction engaged brain activity in very similar manner for both species. Moreover, the body and object sensitive brain areas of dog experts differentiated interaction from noninteraction in both humans and dogs whereas in the control subjects, similar differentiation occurred only for humans. Finally, Study V shows the engagement of the brain area associated with biological motion when exposed to the sounds produced by a single human being walking. However, more complex pattern of activation, with the walking sounds of several persons, suggests that as the social situation becomes more complex so does the brain response. Taken together, these studies demonstrate the roles of distinct cortical and subcortical brain regions in the perception and sharing of others internal states via facial and bodily gestures, and the connection of brain responses to behavioral attributes.


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The objective of this work is to develop a systematic methodology for describing hand postures and grasps which is independent of the kinematics and geometry of the hand model which in turn can be used for developing a universal referencing scheme. It is therefore necessary that the scheme be general enough to describe the continuum of hand poses. Indian traditional classical dance form, “Bharathanatyam”, uses 28 single handed gestures, called “mudras”. A Mudra can be perceived as a hand posture with a specific pattern of finger configurations. Using modifiers, complex mudras could be constructed from relatively simple mudras. An adjacency matrix is constructed to describe the relationship among mudras. Various mudra transitions can be obtained from the graph associated with this matrix. Using this matrix, a hierarchy of the mudras is formed. A set of base mudras and modifiers are used for describing how one simple posture of hand can be transformed into another relatively complex one. A canonical set of predefined hand postures and modifiers can be used in digital human modeling to develop standard hand posture libraries.


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When learning a difficult motor task, we often decompose the task so that the control of individual body segments is practiced in isolation. But on re-composition, the combined movements can result in novel and possibly complex internal forces between the body segments that were not experienced (or did not need to be compensated for) during isolated practice. Here we investigate whether dynamics learned in isolation by one part of the body can be used by other parts of the body to immediately predict and compensate for novel forces between body segments. Subjects reached to targets while holding the handle of a robotic, force-generating manipulandum. One group of subjects was initially exposed to the novel robot dynamics while seated and was then tested in a standing position. A second group was tested in the reverse order: standing then sitting. Both groups adapted their arm dynamics to the novel environment, and this movement learning transferred between seated and standing postures and vice versa. Both groups also generated anticipatory postural adjustments when standing and exposed to the force field for several trials. In the group that had learned the dynamics while seated, the appropriate postural adjustments were observed on the very first reach on standing. These results suggest that the CNS can immediately anticipate the effect of learned movement dynamics on a novel whole-body posture. The results support the existence of separate mappings for posture and movement, which encode similar dynamics but can be adapted independently.


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This study measured the postures of older people during cooking and laundry. A sample of men and women aged 75+ years (n=27) was recruited and observed in a home-like environment. Postures were recorded with a measurement system in an objective and detailed manner. The participants were videotaped to be able to see where 'critical' postures occurred, as defined by a trunk inclination of ≥60°. Analysis of data was facilitated by specially developed software. Critical postures accounted for 3% of cooking and 10% of laundry, occurring primarily during retrieving from and putting in lower cabinets, the refrigerator, laundry basket or washing machine as well as disposing into the waste bin. These tasks involve a great variation in postural changes and pose a particular risk to older people. The results suggest that the use of stressful postures may decrease efficiency and increase fatigue, eventually leading to difficulties with daily activities. The specific tasks identified during which critical postures occurred should be targeted by designers in order to improve the activities. A few examples are given of how better design can reduce or eliminate some of the postural constraints.


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The accuracy and speed with which emotional facial expressions are identified is influenced by body postures. Two influential models predict that these congruency effects will be largest when the emotion displayed in the face is similar to that displayed in the body: the emotional seed model and the dimensional model. These models differ in whether similarity is based on physical characteristics or underlying dimensions of valence and arousal. Using a 3- alternative forced-choice task in which stimuli were presented briefly (Exp 1a) or for an unlimited time (Exp 1b) we provide evidence that congruency effects are more complex than either model predicts; the effects are asymmetrical and cannot be accounted for by similarity alone. Fearful postures are especially influential when paired with facial expressions, but not when presented in a flanker task (Exp 2). We suggest refinements to each model that may account for our results and suggest that additional studies be conducted prior to drawing strong theoretical conclusions.


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Cette recherche a eu pour objectif d’explorer les postures d’animateurs et d’animatrices scientifiques quant au dialogue « sciences en/et société » et les moyens qu’ils utilisent pour assurer ce dialogue à travers leurs interventions pédagogiques dans le cadre d’ateliers scientifiques hors scolaires. Six animateurs scientifiques ont été interviewés. Ces entretiens ont permis de recueillir des données riches sur leur compréhension de la nature des sciences, leurs postures pédagogiques en tant que transmetteur, guide ou médiateur du développement de l’alphabétisation scientifique chez les jeunes dans les espaces hors scolaires, ainsi que sur la manière dont ils perçoivent le rôle de leurs interventions pédagogiques dans le cadre du développement de l’alphabétisation scientifique chez les jeunes et de la compréhension qu’ils ont des sciences comme outil d’action sociopolitique, tel qu’entendu dans le dialogue « sciences en/et société ». Les postures épistémologiques, pédagogiques et sociales identifiées sont d’une grande diversité et révèlent des tendances qui s’inscrivent dans des spectres allant de l’empirisme au constructivisme, du divertissement à l’empowerment et de la valorisation de la place des sciences en société à la critique de sa primauté. Plusieurs animateurs scientifiques de notre échantillon ont ainsi eu des postures hybrides et parfois conflictuelles, ce qui met en évidence la valeur potentielle d’interventions éducatives qui donnent aux animateurs scientifiques l’occasion de questionner et de réexaminer de manière critique leurs pratiques.


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Pour respecter les droits d'auteur, la version électronique de ce mémoire a été dépouillée de ses documents visuels. La version intégrale du mémoire a été déposée au Service de la gestion des documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.


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Le présent mémoire aborde les problématiques morales de la scission corps-esprit chez les soldats de la guerre du Việt Nam telles que représentées à travers certains films traitant de cette guerre. Notre démarche sera centrée sur le travail individuel que propose le film Apocalypse Now, plutôt que sur la representation de la guerre. Nous postulons que ce film met les individus devant les contradictions inhérentes d'une société qui prétend justement pacifier le monde en faisant la guerre, et qui plus est, comme ce fut le cas au Việt Nam, au moyen d’un déchainement de violence qui dépasse l'entendement (torture, massacre de masses, napalm et Agent Orange). Notre hypothèse est que le film, à travers son personnage central, nous propose une « voie » qui n’empêche pas la guerre, certes, mais permet du moins d'entreprendre une demarche de distanciation et de redefinition morale individuelle permettant de survivre au(x) temps de guerre(s). Cette mutation morale, chez le personnage principal, s'acquiert au bout d'un voyage réflexif à tout point de vue « au coeur des ténèbres » – de la jungle, tout autant que de son être.


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Dans notre étude, nous cherchons à démontrer qu'Arthur Buies se présente comme le témoin d'une forme de modernité dans ses chroniques sur les régions qui sont publiées dans les années 1870 dans divers journaux puis rassemblées en trois recueils. En effet, nous nous appuyons sur l'idée qu'il observerait sensiblement les mêmes traits dans ses chroniques rurales que dans ses chroniques urbaines. Nous pensons aussi que les postures littéraires (Jérôme Meizoz) qu'il adopte permettent à Buies de transmettre - de manière formelle - sa vision de la modernité. Au terme de la recherche, il ressort que Buies, conscient de ce qu'est la modernité, juge qu'elle ne se trouve pas inéluctablement dans les villes. Pour lui, Paris et San Francisco sont modernes, alors que Québec ne l'est pas. De plus, pour lui, il existe bel et bien une forme de modernité dans les chroniques rurales, puisqu'il y observe sensiblement les mêmes traits que ceux qu'il relevait dans ses chroniques sur Paris et San Francisco. Aussi, Buies est-il convaincu que la colonisation au Québec stagne. Il en vient à ce constat lorsqu'il la compare à celle se produisant simultanément aux États-Unis. Toutefois, il remarque un certain progrès au cours de la décennie, insuffisant, selon lui, pour compenser l'absence de chemin de fer sur la rive nord du Saint-Laurent. Nous concluons, à partir de nos analyses, que les postures littéraires que Buies choisit - particulièrement celle du flâneur et celle du géographe - lui permettent de véhiculer les traits de la modernité dans l'écriture même de ses chroniques.


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The objective of this study was to explore whether differences in standing and sitting postures of youth with idiopathic scoliosis could be detected from quantitative analysis of digital photographs. Standing and sitting postures of 50 participants aged 10–20-years-old with idiopathic scoliosis (Cobb angle: 15° to 60°) were assessed from digital photographs using a posture evaluation software program. Based on the XY coordinates of markers, 13 angular and linear posture indices were calculated in both positions. Paired t-tests were used to compare values of standing and sitting posture indices. Significant differences between standing and sitting positions (p < 0.05) were found for head protraction, shoulder elevation, scapula asymmetry, trunk list, scoliosis angle, waist angles, and frontal and sagittal plane pelvic tilt. Quantitative analysis of digital photographs is a clinically feasible method to measure standing and sitting postures among youth with scoliosis and to assist in decisions on therapeutic interventions.


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The central proposition of motivational posturing theory is that regulatees place social distance between themselves and authority, communicating the nature of that distance through a narrative that protects the self from negative appraisal by the authority. One of the key components of posturing is the coping sensibility that individuals adopt to manage the threat of authority. At a baseline level, authorities make demands on citizens and as such threaten individual freedom. At the highest level, authorities threaten through punishment for non-compliance. Data collected from 3,253 randomly selected Australian taxpayers and a special group of 2,292 taxpayers in conflict with the tax authority are used to show that in both groups, three coping sensibilities contribute to posturing ("thinking morally,""feeling oppressed," and "taking control"), and that all three sensibilities are significantly heightened in the group experiencing conflict with the authority. The article argues that the most effective regulatory outcome is achieved when the regulatory process can dampen the "taking control" and "feeling oppressed" sensibilities, and strengthen the "thinking morally" sensibility. Responsive regulation is an approach that encourages tax authorities to read motivational postures, understand the sensibilities that shape them, and tailor a regulatory intervention accordingly.