922 resultados para POSTURAL ASYMMETRY


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Des anomalies dans la morphologie pelvienne, la posture du tronc et le contrôle de l’équilibre de jeunes filles atteintes de scoliose idiopathique de l’adolescence (SIA) ont souvent été l’objet d’études. Rares sont celles ayant distingué ces troubles en fonction de la sévérité de la déformation vertébrale. De plus, aucune n’a évalué à l’intérieur d’une même étude l’orientation et la distorsion pelvienne, l’asymétrie posturale et l’instabilité en position debout de sujets SIA. Une telle étude permettrait de comprendre le développement de la maladie et de mettre en évidence des facteurs de risque aidant au pronostic. L’objectif général de cette thèse est d’identifier des facteurs biomécaniques associés à la croissance osseuse, la posture et l’équilibre distinguant une SIA modérée d’une sévère. Les positions 3D de 14 repères prises sur 46 filles ayant une SIA droite (modérée et sévère) et 28 sujets témoins ont été captées pour quantifier la morphologie pelvienne et la posture. Un maintien en position debout de 64 s sur une plate-forme de force a aussi été enregistré afin d’évaluer leur équilibre. Les paramètres retenus sont les angles d’orientation pelvienne et du tronc; les distances entre la crête iliaque et S1 mesurant la distorsion pelvienne; la moyenne, l’amplitude et la vitesse du centre de pression (COP) en médiolatéral (ML) et antéropostérieur ainsi que la moyenne et l’amplitude du moment libre. Les différences entre les trois groupes (témoin, SIA modérée et SIA sévère) sont testées par des ANOVA et les relations entre l’angle de Cobb et les paramètres pelviens, posturaux ou d’équilibre, par des coefficients de corrélations. De plus, des régressions multiples exprimant l’angle de Cobb sont effectuées avec les paramètres pelviens, posturaux et d’équilibre afin de déterminer la classe de paramètres prédisant le mieux l’angle de Cobb. Aucune ANOVA n’est significative pour l’orientation pelvienne, bien que des différences de géométrie pelvienne soient notées entre les deux groupes de sujets SIA. Les SIA modérées ont un pelvis gauche moins profond que les SIA sévères et les sujets témoins, tandis que les SIA sévères ont un pelvis droit plus large d’environ 1,5 cm que celui des SIA modérées. Un coefficient de corrélation de -0,54 associe une rotation pelvienne droite à l’augmentation de la largeur de la crête iliaque. Au niveau postural, les SIA sévères démontrent des inclinaisons latérales et antérieures du tronc ainsi qu’une rotation axiale du haut du corps plus marquées que les SIA modérées. Les corrélations entre les paramètres posturaux, l’angle de Cobb et la morphologie pelvienne indiquent que l’attitude posturale est associée à la distorsion pelvienne dans tous les plans anatomiques, tandis qu’elle ne l’est que dans les plans sagittal et horizontal à l’angle de Cobb. Les différences retrouvées entre les deux groupes SIA concernant les troubles d’équilibre résultent en une augmentation de l’amplitude et de la vitesse du COPML. Une régression multiple de 0,896 est observée par l’emploi des paramètres pelviens, posturaux et d’équilibre, bien que ceux se rapportant à la distorsion pelvienne soient les mieux corrélés à l’angle de Cobb. Cette thèse permet de distinguer la morphologie pelvienne de sujets SIA sévères des modérées, soulignant la détection d’une anomalie de croissance avant que l’angle de Cobb ne soit élevé. Bien que les indices de croissance pelvienne soient davantage corrélés à ce dernier, c’est en considérant globalement la morphologie pelvienne, la posture et l’équilibre qu’une détermination précise de la sévérité d’une scoliose est réalisée. La mise en évidence de tels facteurs de prédiction de la SIA peut faciliter le pronostic d’une courbure.


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Objective: To identify whether flight training activities cause postural changes in cadets and pilots of the Brazilian Air Force Academy (AFA). Methods: Eighty subjects were assessed through photographic images in anterior and right side views. Four groups of cadets (n=20 per group) divided according to the year since enlistment and a fifth group of fifteen pilots from the Air Demonstration Squadron (ADS) were included. Pictures were analyzed using the Postural Analysis Program (SAPO) and angles related to head vertical alignment (HVA), head horizontal alignment (HHA), acromion horizontal alignment (AHA) and anterior-superior iliac spine horizontal alignment (HAS) were plotted. Results: We did not find statistical significant differences in the angles: HVA, HHA and AHA. However, a significant difference was found for the HAS angle with pilots having lower values than cadets, suggesting greater postural stability for this variable in pilots. Conclusion: The horizontal alignment of the anterior-superior iliac spine was the only measure that showed significant difference in the comparison between pilots and cadets. The remaining alignments were not different, possibility because of the strict criteria used for admission of cadets at the AFA and the efficiency of the physical training that is performed periodically.


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OBJETIVO: Identificar se a atividade de treino de voo pode desencadear alterações posturais em cadetes e pilotos da Academia da Força Aérea Brasileira (AFA). MÉTODOS: Os sujeitos foram avaliados por meio de registro fotográfico em vista anterior e lateral direita, tendo como casuística 80 cadetes da AFA, divididos em quatro grupos, 20 em cada, e 15 pilotos do Esquadrão de Demonstração Aérea (EDA), formando o quinto grupo. As fotos foram transferidas para o Software de Avaliação Postural (SAPO), sendo traçados ângulos relacionados ao alinhamento vertical da cabeça (AVC), alinhamento horizontal da cabeça (AHC), alinhamento horizontal dos acrômios (AHA) e alinhamento horizontal das espinhas ilíacas ântero-superiores (AHE). RESULTADOS: Os resultados mostraram que, após comparação das médias das assimetrias posturais entre os grupos, não houve diferença estatisticamente significante em relação aos ângulos AVC, AHC e AHA. No entanto, na variável AHE, observou-se que o grupo de pilotos apresentou valores significativamente menores que os dos cadetes, sugerindo maior estabilidade postural em relação a essa variável. CONCLUSÃO: O AHE foi a única medida que apresentou diferença estatisticamente significate na comparação entre os pilotos e cadetes dos diferentes anos. Quanto aos demais alinhamentos, não houve diferença, podendo atribuir esse fato aos critérios exigentes de ingresso dos cadetes na AFA e a eficiência do treinamento físico realizado periodicamente.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Les adolescents-hockeyeurs peuvent être affligés de troubles musculosquelettiques (TMS) résultant d’un excès de tension musculaire lequel peut mener à des déformations ou déséquilibres musculaires ainsi qu’à une attitude posturale inadéquate. Les conséquences de ces changements mènent souvent à une surcharge inutile du système musculosquelettique (SMS), à la perturbation des mécanismes du contrôle postural et éventuellement à l’apparition de douleurs musculaires et articulaires. Les interventions qui s’attaquent aux TMS par une rééquilibration de la tension musculaire sont peu nombreuses. Les interventions qui s’attaquent aux TMS par une normalisation de la tension musculaire sont peu nombreuses. La Reconstruction Posturale® (RP), testée cliniquement, est l’une d’entre elles. Dans un premier temps, cette thèse visait à identifier les caractéristiques du contrôle postural chez les adolescents-hockeyeurs de niveau élite lorsque le système somatosensoriel est mis à l’épreuve en position debout quasi statique pieds nus et en patins. Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons évalué l’impact d’une intervention en RP sur des variables cliniques et biomécaniques, chez ces athlètes qui souffrent de TMS. Soixante-sept adolescents-hockeyeurs de niveau élite âgés de 15 à 18 ans ont participé à l’étude. Le contrôle postural de cinquante-sept joueurs a été évalué en position debout sur deux plateformes de force les yeux ouverts et les yeux fermés, pieds nus sur une surface dure et sur une mousse. De ce groupe, trente-cinq sujets ont également été évalués en patins, les yeux ouverts et les yeux fermés. Par la suite, neuf adolescents-hockeyeurs souffrant de TMS, ont été sélectionnés pour participer au protocole d’intervention thérapeutique en RP qui consistait en l’application de six séances de thérapie prodiguées sur une période de six semaines. Le déplacement du centre de pression (CP) sous les pieds a été calculé dans les directions antéro-postérieure (AP) et médio-latérale (ML). La vélocité moyenne du CP, le déplacement moyen du CP et l’étendue du CP ont été retenus pour rendre compte de la performance du contrôle posturale. D’autre part, l’asymétrie de mise en charge, la trajectoire du CP sous les pieds gauche et droit, le CPc pour rendre compte de la stratégie de chevilles et le CPv pour rendre compte de la stratégie de hanches ont été retenues pour identifier les stratégies utilisées pour maintenir l’équilibre. L’impact de l’intervention en RP a été évalué à l’aide de trois variables cliniques soit la douleur à l’aide de l’échelle visuelle analogue (ÉVA), la capacité fonctionnelle à l’aide d’un un questionnaire autoadministré et des photographies de la posture debout pour rendre compte des variables posturales biomécaniques. Nos résultats montrent que chez les adolescents-hockeyeurs la performance du contrôle postural en position debout statique est davantage perturbée par les changements somatosensoriels en direction ML alors qu’en AP, la perte d’informations visuelles ainsi que des changements somatosensoriels affectent la performance. Dans toutes les conditions expérimentales et dans les deux directions, nous avons observé une vélocité du CP remarquablement élevée, variant entre 18 et 22 mm/s. Au niveau des stratégies et indépendamment de la condition expérimentale, nous avons observé une dominance presque complète de la stratégie de cheville en AP alors qu’en ML, la stratégie de hanche dominait avec une contribution de la stratégie de cheville de plus de 20 %. En patins, en direction ML, aucun changement significatif de la performance n’a été observé. Toutefois en AP, nous avons observé une augmentation significative de la vélocité du CP, yeux ouverts et yeux fermés ainsi qu’une augmentation significative de l’étendue, yeux ouverts seulement. Au niveau des stratégies, la stratégie de cheville domine en AP et la stratégie de hanche domine en ML avec une contribution plus modeste de la stratégie de cheville qui était inférieure à 12 %. Chez les adolescents-hockeyeurs souffrant de TMS, post-intervention, nos résultats indiquent une diminution significative de la douleur et une amélioration des capacités fonctionnelles ainsi que de l’attitude posturale. Pré intervention en direction ML, nous avons observé une contribution significativement plus élevée de la stratégie de cheville au contrôle du CPnet et un retour vers des valeurs normales post-intervention. L’impact de l’intervention thérapeutique sur la performance du contrôle postural s’est avéré non significatif en ML et en AP.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar alterações posturais em pacientes com Doença Pulmonar Obstrutiva Crônica (DPOC), por meio do Software para Avaliação Postural (SAPO). Trinta indivíduos constituíram 2 grupos: 15 pacientes com DPOC e 15 idosos saudáveis (controle). Os grupos realizaram espirometria e foram fotografados para avaliação postural. As imagens obtidas foram digitalizadas e, posteriormente, avaliou-se dez alterações posturais com o SAPO [inclinação lateral da cabeça (ILC), desnivelamento dos ombros (DO), desnivelamento pélvico anterior (DPA), inclinação lateral do tronco (ILT), desnivelamento das escápulas (DE), desnivelamento pélvico posterior (DPP), protusão da cabeça (PC), protusão de ombro (PO), báscula anterior da pelve (BAP) e cifose torácica (CT)]. Essas alterações, obtidas no grupo controle, foram conferidas com o padrão de normalidade para adultos jovens, proposto em estudo prévio. Para a comparação das alterações posturais entre grupo controle e DPOC, foi utilizado o teste de Mann-Whitney em grupo controle, e em adultos jovens, o teste t de Student não pareado, ambos com nível de significância estatística de 5%. Dentre as dez alterações posturais, o grupo controle apresentou sete (ILC, DPA, DE, DPP, PC, PO, BAP) com valores angulares significativamente maiores em relação aos adultos jovens. Quando comparados a idosos saudáveis, indivíduos com DPOC apresentaram um aumento significante na angulação de BAP, DPP e CT. Pacientes com DPOC apresentam três alterações posturais que provavelmente estão relacionadas à doença.


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Individuals with temporomandibular disorders (TMD) often have signs and symptoms such as intra-articular pain, muscle spasm, neck pain radiating from others who interfere with this balance. Over time can lead to postural changes and correction of the cervical spine, anterior head and shoulder asymmetry. The aim was to verify the effects of manual therapy on posture in subjects with TMD. Materials and methods: 30 volunteers (mean: 21.43± SD:1.43) of both sexes who had TMD classified according to axis I of the Research Diagnostic Criteria participated in this study. These were photographed in the anterior frontal and sagittal planes for analysis of the following angles (acromion clavicular joint, sternoclavicular joint, orbicular external, corners of the mouthand and protruding head). After, the volunteers were divided into groups ATM (manual therapy in the treatment of temporomandibular joint), Cervical (manual therapy in the treatment of cervical joint) and Control. The Kolmogokov-Smirnov test, followed by ANOVA, considering a significance level of 5% was used. Results: Groups ATM, Cervical and Control were considered homogeneous with respect to the values of the angles measured. These also showed no significant difference between the 1st, 5th and 10th sessions, so the manual therapy techniques applied to the TMJ and Cervical groups were not sufficient to change postural alignment. Conclusion: The postural alignment, the TMD patients evaluated in this study did not change after attending the sessions proposals with manual therapy techniques in the cervical and TMJ.


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Volleyball is a sport in which the laterality dominant limb shows superior strength and coordination because of its preferential use. Asymmetrical tendencies during the landing after the jump when striking or blocking actions are predominant for most part of game (ARRUDA; EDUARDO, 2008). Adaptations include imbalance of forces in static and dynamic motions at the knee joint, which increases risk for injury. Also, asymmetries in balance control during jumping and landing associate with a general postural instability that can be observed during static balance tasks. The purpose of this study was to investigate relationship between unequal lower limb strength (muscle imbalance) and postural stability levels in volleyball athletes and non-athletes. Nine female volleyball athletes and 10 active non-athletes participated in this study. Four encouters with participants were scheduled: three encounters in the bodybuilding gymnasium to collect anthropometric measures (weight, height for BMI, thigh circumference, which provided an initial diagnosis about asymmetry), and to perform the isometric strength test (i.e., leg press using a load cell and a force transducer to calculate uni an bilateral strength). The last encounter was in the laboratory where a balance test on a force platform was administered under five test conditions, with three repetitions each: baseline (natural standing position), one-leg standing, right side, with full vision (D_CV), and blindfolded (D_SV), one-leg standing, left side, with full vision (E_CV), and blindfolded (E_SV). The stability levels were evaluated using the path length parameters which was based on the total displacement of the center of pressure (DTCP). . Both groups shows asymmetric strength levels between legs, with better performance for the right leg. An ANOVA three way using the DTCP for the CV condition, legs (D x E), trials (3) with repeated measures for the first two factors and with a between (three)...


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Individuals with Parkinson's disease (PD) seem to present asymmetric postural control, and the commitment to postural control that is a big factor of falls in this population. However, the asymmetry in the postural control of fallers and non fallers with PD and neurologically healthy elderly is not too much studied. The objective of the study is to analyze the asymmetry in postural control in different static positions of elderly patients with PD and healthy elderly fallers and non fallers. The study included 70 older adults with PD and 70 neurologically healthy (CG). The groups were matched for age, gender, height, weight and cognitive condition. It was evaluated the clinical, cognitive status and incidence of falls among its participants through weekly prospective follow-up of 4 months. Then, for each group, CG and PD, it was selected 12 elderly fallers and 12 elderly non fallers to evaluate postural control. Participants were evaluated through two force platforms in conditions of bipedal support, unipedal and tandem position. It was realized 3 attempts of 30s for each condition. For unipedal and tandem condition it was made 3 attempts for each lower limb. The parameters of interest of the center of pressure (CoP), were analyzed for each condition and compared by MANOVAs with factor group, fall and asymmetry. Post hoc Tukey tests were used to determine the relationships between them. The results show that CG individuals showed greater velocity and CoP area in relation to PD. It was verified that at the control group that non fallers individuals (CGN) had more displacement and RMS in the average lateral direction in the dominant limb when compared to the less affected limb of non fallers with PD (PDN). Faller individuals in the control group (CGF) had larger area in the non dominant limb when compared to the most affected leg of fallers individuals with PD (PDF). Still, the PDF individuals had higher RMS in anteroposterior feeling....


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The study of optic flow on postural control may explain how self-motion perception contributes to postural stability in young males and females and how such function changes in the old falls risk population. Study I: The aim was to examine the optic flow effect on postural control in young people (n=24), using stabilometry and surface-electromyography. Subjects viewed expansion and contraction optic flow stimuli which were presented full field, in the foveral or in the peripheral visual field. Results showed that optic flow stimulation causes an asymmetry in postural balance and a different lateralization of postural control in men and women. Gender differences evoked by optic flow were found both in the muscle activity and in the prevalent direction of oscillation. The COP spatial variability was reduced during the view of peripheral stimuli which evoked a clustered prevalent direction of oscillation, while foveal and random stimuli induced non-distributed directions. Study II was aimed at investigating the age-related mechanisms of postural stability during the view of optic flow stimuli in young (n=17) and old (n=19) people, using stabilometry and kinematic. Results showed that old people showed a greater effort to maintain posture during the view of optic flow stimuli than the young. Elderly seems to use the head stabilization on trunk strategy. Visual stimuli evoke an excitatory input on postural muscles, but the stimulus structure produces different postural effects. Peripheral optic flow stabilizes postural sway, while random and foveal stimuli provoke larger sway variability similar to those evoked in baseline. Postural control uses different mechanisms within each leg to produce the appropriate postural response to interact with extrapersonal environment. Ageing reduce the effortlessness to stabilize posture during optic flow, suggesting a neuronal processing decline associated with difficulty integrating multi-sensory information of self-motion perception and increasing risk of falls.


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Purpose: To investigate the impact of glaucomatous visual impairment on postural sway and falls among older adults.Methods: The sample comprised 72 community-dwelling older adults with open-angle glaucoma, aged 74.0 5.8 years (range 62 to 90 years). Measures of visual function included binocular visual acuity (high-contrast), binocular contrast sensitivity (Pelli- Robson) and binocular visual fields (merged monocular HFA 24-2 SITA-Std). Postural stability was assessed under four conditions: eyes open and closed, on a firm and on a foam surface. Falls were monitored for six months with prospective falls diaries. Regression models, adjusting for age and gender, examined the association between vision measures and postural stability (linear regression) and the number of falls (negative binomial regression). Results: Greater visual field loss was significantly associated with poorer postural stability with eyes open, both on firm (r = 0.34, p < 0.01) and foam (r = 0.45, p < 0.001) surfaces. Eighteen (25 per cent) participants experienced at least one fall: 12 (17 per cent) participants fell only once and six (eight per cent) participants fell two or more times (up to five falls). Visual field loss was significantly associated with falling; the rate of falls doubled for every 10 dB reduction in field sensitivity (rate ratio = 1.08, 95% CI = 1.02–1.13). Importantly, in a model comprising upper and lower field sensitivity, only lower field loss was significantly associated with the number of falls (rate ratio = 1.17, 95% CI = 1.04–1.33). Conclusions: Binocular visual field loss was significantly associated with postural instability and falls among older adults with glaucoma. These findings provide valuable directions for developing falls risk assessment and falls prevention strategies for this population.


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Purpose: First-eye cataract surgery can reduce the rate of falls among older adults, yet the effect of second-eye surgery on the rate of falling remains unclear. The present study investigated the effect of monocular and binocular simulated cataract blur on postural stability among older adults. Methods: Postural stability was assessed on 34 healthy older adults (mean 68.2 years, SD 3.5) with normal vision, using a portable force platform (BT4, HUR Labs, Finland) which collected data on centre of pressure (COP) displacement. Stability was assessed on firm and foam surfaces under four binocular viewing conditions using Vistech filters to simulate cataract blur: [1] best-corrected vision both eyes; [2] blur over non-dominant eye, [3] blur over dominant eye and [4] blur over both eyes. Binocular logMAR visual acuity, Pelli-Robson contrast sensitivity and stereoacuity were also measured under these viewing conditions and ocular dominance measured using the hole-in-card test. Generalized estimating equations with an exchangeable correlation structure examined the effect of the surface and vision conditions on postural stability. Results: Visual acuity and contrast sensitivity were significantly reduced under monocular and binocular cataract blur compared to normal viewing. All blur conditions resulted in loss of stereoacuity. Binocular cataract blur significantly reduced postural stability compared to normal vision on the firm (COP path length; p=0.013) and foam surface (anterior-posterior COP RMS, COP path length and COP area; p<0.01). However, no significant differences in postural stability were found between the monocular blur conditions compared to normal vision, or between the dominant and non-dominant monocular blur conditions on either the firm or foam surfaces. Conclusions: Findings indicate that binocular blur significantly impairs postural stability, and suggests that improvements in postural stability may justify first-eye cataract surgery, particularly during somatosensory disruption. Postural stability was not significantly impaired in the monocular cataract blur conditions compared to the normal vision condition, nor was there any effect of ocular dominance on postural stability in the presence of monocular cataract blur.


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Visual impairment is an important contributing factor in falls among older adults, which is one of the leading causes of injury and injury-related death in this population. Visual impairment is also associated with greater disability among older adults, including poorer health-related quality of life, increased frailty and reduced postural stability. The majority of this evidence, however, is based on measures of central visual function, rather than peripheral visual function. As such, there is comparatively limited research on the associations between peripheral visual function, disability and falls, and even fewer studies involving older adults with specific diseases which affect peripheral visual function, the most common of which is glaucoma. Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of irreversible vision loss among older adults, affecting around 3 per cent of adults aged over 60 years. The condition is characterised by retinal nerve fibre loss, primarily affecting peripheral visual function. Importantly, the number of older adults with glaucomatous visual impairment is projected to increase as the ageing population grows. The first component of the thesis examined the cross-sectional association between glaucomatous visual impairment and health-related quality of life (Study 1a), functional status (Study 1b) and postural stability (Study 1c) among older adults. A cohort of 74 community-dwelling adults with glaucoma (mean age 74.2 ± 5.9 years) was recruited and completed a baseline assessment. A number of visual function measures was assessed, including central visual function (visual acuity and contrast sensitivity), motion sensitivity, retinal nerve fibre analysis and monocular and binocular visual field measures (monocular 24-2 and binocular integrated visual fields (IVF): IVF-60 and IVF-120). The analyses focused on the associations between the outcomes measures and severity and location of visual field loss, as this is the primary visual function affected by glaucoma. In Study 1a, we examined the association between visual field loss and health-related quality of life, measured by the Short Form 36-item Health Survey (SF-36). Greater binocular visual field loss, on both IVF measures, was associated with lower SF-36 physical component scores, adjusted for age and gender (Pearson's r =|0.32| to |0.36|, p<0.001). Furthermore, inferior visual field loss was more strongly associated with the SF-36 physical component than superior field loss. No association was found between visual field loss and SF-36 mental component scores. The association between visual field loss and functional status was examined in Study 1b. Functional status outcomes measures included a physical activity questionnaire (Physical Activity Scale for the Elderly, PASE), performance tests (six-minute walk test, timed up and go test and lower leg strength) and an overall functional status score. Significant, but weak, correlations were found between binocular visual field loss and PASE and overall functional status scores, adjusted for age and gender (Pearson's r =|0.24| to |0.33|, p<0.05). Greater inferior visual field loss, independent of superior visual field loss, was significantly associated with poorer physical performance results and lower overall functional status scores. In Study 1c, we examined the association between visual field loss and postural stability, using a swaymeter device which recorded body movement during four conditions: eyes open and closed, on a firm and foam surface. Greater binocular visual field loss was associated with increased postural sway, both on firm and foam surfaces, independent of age and gender (Pearson’s r =|0.44| to |0.46|, p <0.001). Furthermore, inferior visual field was a stronger contributor to postural stability, more so than the superior visual field, particularly on the foam condition with the eyes open. Greater visual field loss was associated with a reduction in the visual contribution to postural sway, which underlies the observed association with postural sway. The second component of the thesis examined the association between severity and location of visual field loss and falls during a 12-month longitudinal follow-up. The number of falls was assessed prospectively using monthly fall calendars. Of the 71 participants who successfully completed the follow up (mean age 73.9 ± 5.7 years), 44% reported one or more falls, and around 20% reported two or more falls. After adjusting for age and gender, every 10 points missed on the IVF-120 increased the rate of falls by 25% (rate ratio 1.25, 95% confidence interval 1.08 - 1.44) or every 5dB reduction in IVF-60 increased the rate of falls by 47% (rate ratio 1.47, 95% confidence interval 1.16 - 1.87). Inferior visual field loss was a significant predictor of falls, more so than superior field loss, highlighting the importance of the inferior visual field area in safe and efficient navigation. Further analyses indicated that postural stability, more so than functional status, may be a potential mediating factor in the relationship between visual field loss and falls. Future research is required to confirm this causal pathway. In addition, the use of topical beta-blocker medications was not associated with an increased rate of falls in this cohort, compared with the use of other topical anti-glaucoma medications. In summary, greater binocular visual field loss among older adults with glaucoma was associated with poorer health-related quality of life in the physical domain, reduced functional status, greater postural instability and higher rates of falling. When the location of visual field loss was examined, inferior visual field loss was consistently more strongly associated with these outcomes than superior visual field loss. Insights gained from this research improve our understanding of the association between glaucomatous visual field loss and disability, and its link with falls among older adults. The clinical implications of this research include the need to include visual field screening in falls risk assessments among older adults and to raise awareness of these findings to eye care practitioners and adults with glaucoma. The findings also assist in developing further research to examine strategies to reduce disability and prevent falls among older adults with glaucoma to promote healthy ageing and independence for these individuals.


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Background Little or no research has been done in the overweight child on the relative contribution of multisensory information to maintain postural stability. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate postural balance control under normal and experimentally altered sensory conditions in normal-weight versus overweight children. Methods Sixty children were stratified into a younger (7–9 yr) and an older age group (10–12 yr). Participants were also classified as normal-weight (n = 22) or overweight (n = 38), according to the international BMI cut-off points for children. Postural stability was assessed during quiet bilateral stance in four sensory conditions (eyes open or closed, normal or reduced plantar sensation), using a Kistler force plate to quantify COP dynamics. Coefficients of variation were calculated as well to describe intra-individual variability. Findings Removal of vision resulted in systematically higher amounts of postural sway, but no significant BMI group differences were demonstrated across sensory conditions. However, under normal conditions lower plantar cutaneous sensation was associated with higher COP velocities and maximal excursion of the COP in the medial-lateral direction for the overweight group. Regardless of condition, higher variability was shown in the overweight children within the 7–9 yr old subgroup for postural sway velocity, and more specifically medial–lateral velocity. Interpretation In spite of these subtle differences, results did not establish any clear underlying sensory organization impairments that may affect standing balance performance in overweight children compared to normal-weight peers. Consequently, it is believed that other factors account for overweight children's functional balance deficiencies.